The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 360 Just you? Are you worthy enough to test my cultivation?

As Lin Changsheng won again, Yang Huaizhen was left alone without an opponent.

Directly qualified for promotion.

Counting this way, there are a total of 8 disciples who have been promoted.

At this point, the top eight were born.

They are Yang Huaizhen and Liu Qi of Xianwu Palace.

Li Hu and Yang Ao of Zhentian Sect.

The king of Immortal Palace will be born.

Piaomiao Zong Zhou Qibai.

Zhang Jinzhong of the Five Mountains Sect.

And Lin Changsheng, who did not have any sect in the end.

From these eight people, the number one genius in the Immortal Realm will be chased.

"I think the first place should appear in Xianwu Hall and Zhentian Sect. After all, these two sects have two Tianjiao disciples!"

"Yes! Other sects only have one disciple, so it would be difficult to win the top spot!"

"I really don't know what the limit of Lin Changsheng's cultivation is. He only needs one move to fight an opponent of the same level!"

"Yes! I'm very optimistic about him too. I wonder how strong he can be?"

Many elders and disciples around him were talking about it.

Some people were looking forward to Lin Changsheng's performance, while others were filled with hatred for him.

Among them were the two elders of Tianming Sword Sect. They wished that Lin Changsheng died on the fighting platform.

However, with Lin Changsheng's cultivation, even if he is not hostile to the opponent, he will not fall.

Their ideas may be in vain.

"The challenge continues!"

With a shout from the elder of the Lian Shen Sect, the break ended and the game continued.

The six geniuses all quickly recovered from the consumption of energy in their bodies while taking the elixir.

Only Lin Changsheng and Yang Huaizhen looked calm. They seemed to have consumed nothing at all and had not taken any pills.

Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry to take the stage.

The first one to take the stage was Zhou Qibai from the Piaomiao Sect.

This guy seemed to have a goal in mind and looked directly at Zhang Jinzhong of Wuyue Sect.

"Piaomiao Sect Zhou Qibai challenges Wuyue Sect Zhang Jinzhong!"

Zhou Qibai stood on the fighting platform and said with defiant contempt.

Zhang Jinzhong was furious when he heard this.

This kid's arrogance was so arrogant that he would definitely be stopped under his own hands. Then Zhang Jinzhong jumped onto the fighting platform.

"Please advise!"

After Zhang Jinzhong came to power, he summoned the powerful Haotian double-edged axe, vowing to take down Zhou Qibai.

Zhou Qibai did not dare to be careless. As soon as the competition started, he immediately used his physical skills to fight with Zhang Jinzhong.

He knew that the Wuyue Sect was famous for its strength, and if he faced it head-on, he might fall behind, so he decided to wander around, perhaps finding a way to fight Zhang Jinzhong.

Zhang Jinzhong's many attacks failed, and none of them touched the corner of Zhou Qibai's clothes, which made Zhang Jinzhong a little angry.

"Your kid is a monkey, right? How can you jump up and down?"

Zhang Jinzhong cursed.

However, Zhou Qibai didn't care at all. As long as he could win, so what if he was ridiculed?

While Zhang Jinzhong was taunting him, Zhou Qibai found a flaw and immediately swung his sword to kill Zhang Jinzhong at his weak point.

Zhang Jinzhong also sensed the approaching danger and took advantage of the situation to avoid it.


A violent collision and roar came out, the powerful ax blade collided with the sword light, and the sword light was shattered one by one in an instant.

Even Zhou Qibai was shaken back.

This made Zhou Qibai frown.

"Am I, Zhou Qibai, going to stop at the top eight?"

Zhou Qibai felt a little unwilling. This golden bell was indeed difficult to deal with.

In desperation, Zhou Qibai could only use the Piaomiao Sword Technique to fight. Whether he wins or loses depends on God's will!

"Piaomiao Sword Technique!"

Zhou Qibai scolded, and the sword light bloomed all over his body, making it difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake.

Boo hoo hoo——

Countless sword rays headed towards Zhang Jinzhong to kill him.

Facing the sword light charging forward, Zhang Jinzhong not only showed no fear, but instead raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Zhou Qibai must have nothing to do with him, so he used his strongest magic to fight him.

Then I want him to see what kind of attack is the strongest.

"Open the sky with a strike!"

Zhang Jinzhong shouted loudly, raised his two axes and violently dropped them in the direction of Zhou Qibai.

The giant ax evolved into a giant shadow dozens of feet long in mid-air, and slashed down countless sword lights in front of it.

If it weren't for space constraints, this giant ax would definitely be more than a few dozen feet long and wide.

When Zhou Qibai saw Zhang Jinzhong unleashing a full blow, not only was he not afraid, but he raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

When Lin Changsheng saw this sneer, he knew that Bai must be up to something up to this point this week.

This guy is very smart. He knows that he is no match for Zhang Jinzhong, so he still wants to confront him. It is obviously an irrational decision.


Sure enough, at the moment when the giant ax collided with countless sword lights.

Zhou Qibai quickly approached Zhang Jinzhong from the side.

This made Zhang Jinzhong a little surprised. Did he not expect that the frontal attack was just a feint?

The main attack is now?

Fortunately, Zhang Jinzhong's cultivation level was also extraordinary. He immediately pulled out a hand and crawled out with a palm. The powerful palm print turned into the peak of the Five Mountains and moved towards Zhou Qibai to suppress it.

When Zhou Qibai saw this, he didn't retreat or avoid it, and immediately faced him.

Bang bang bang——

The palm prints of the five mountains were instantly broken by Zhou Qibai's sword light.

The sword light was killing Zhang Jinzhong with an unstoppable force.


Zhang Jinzhong was shocked, this kid was so scheming?

At this moment, he had already swung his giant ax and could no longer attack.

He could only watch helplessly as the sword light got closer and closer to him.


The sword light penetrated Zhang Jinzhong's heart, causing a splash of blood.

In order not to cause trouble, Zhou Qibai knocked Zhang Jinzhong away with a palm.

He rolled on the ground several times and finally fell onto the platform.

"Zhou Qibai won again?"

"Yes! I really didn't expect that even Zhang Jinzhong of the Five Mountains Sect was not his opponent!"

"Even if this guy wins, he won't win with force. He only knows how to sneak attack!"

"This is called resourcefulness, otherwise wouldn't fighting only use brute force?"

"Anyway, I look down on a villain like him, so cunning and cunning!"

Many defeated disciples around him pointed at Zhou Qibai, thinking that he would lose at the hands of Zhang Jinzhong. In the end, he did not expect that he would win again and successfully advance to the semi-finals.

"Junior Brother Liu, go and try Lin Changsheng's cultivation!"

Yang Huaizhen of the Immortal Martial Palace did not put Zhou Qibai in his eyes at all. He only had Lin Changsheng in his eyes now.

He wanted Liu Qi to test how strong Lin Changsheng's cultivation was? .

Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle. If you can't even find out the depth of the opponent's cultivation, then the battle will have to be carried out step by step.

After all, you don’t know what the other party will do. If you don’t pay attention, you will fail miserably.

Yang Huaizhen came here this time, but he came here to compete for the first place on the Tianjiao list, and naturally he didn't want to capsize in the gutter.


Liu Qi also decisively agreed. After all, he was satisfied to be able to enter the top eight this time. If he could help Senior Brother Huaizhen explore Lin Changsheng's cultivation, it would be considered a contribution to him.

Then Liu Qi jumped onto the platform and his eyes fell on Lin Changsheng.

"Xianwu Palace Liu Qi, challenge brother Lin Changsheng, please come to the stage to teach me!"

Liu Qi said confidently that in his opinion, even if he couldn't defeat Lin Changsheng, he could still let the opponent use many unique skills.

This makes Senior Brother Yang Huaizhen feel more confident in fighting.

Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all when he heard Liu Qi challenging him.

He also guessed that Liu Qi was probably here to test his own cultivation, so that Yang Huaizhen could feel more confident.

The more the other party behaves like this, then Lin Changsheng will not be exposed too much.

Then he exerted force with his feet and jumped directly onto the platform.


Lin Changsheng made a gesture of invitation, intending to let the other party make the first move.

This made Liu Qi very unhappy. Although he was not the most talented person in the Xianwu Palace, his cultivation should not be underestimated. How could the other party despise him so much?

It's simply too arrogant.

"Isn't Lin Changsheng too trusting? Facing the wizards of Xianwu Palace, he still treats them like this?"

"That's right! The talent of the Immortal Martial Palace is much better than that of the Immortal Palace. If you are careless, you may capsize in the gutter!"

"I think even if he is not careless, he will probably not be able to pass Liu Qi's level. He is lucky to be able to enter the quarterfinals!"

"You relied on luck to get into the top eight? Let me see if you got into the top eight based on luck?"

There are constant controversies among the surrounding disciples. Some people are optimistic about Lin Changsheng, while others think that he only relied on luck to reach the top eight.

After all, until now, they have not seen Lin Changsheng show too much strength.

Almost all of them were defeated with one punch.

"Brother Lin, be careful! Fists and feet have no eyes, and swords are ruthless!"

Liu Qi frowned and reminded Lin Changsheng that he was so arrogant.

"You can't hurt me!"

Lin Changsheng simply responded!

But Liu Qi was angry and his heart was burning with anger.

Then the energy in his palm gathered and he punched out, forcing Lin Changsheng away.


The fist light came fiercely, and several tiger phantoms had evolved and charged towards him halfway, as if they wanted to tear Lin Changsheng into pieces.

Lin Changsheng did not retreat at all, and punched out with the same punch, bursting out the Four Elephants Divine Fist again.

This Four Elephant Divine Venerable Fist is much more powerful than the opponent's Tiger Fist.


The two fist lights collided in mid-air, and a huge explosion broke out. The Tiger Fist was directly shattered by the Four Elephants Divine Fist.

Moreover, the force of his fist continued unabated, and he continued to kill Liu Qi after smashing the Tiger Fist.

This made Liu Qi's pupils widen.

I thought that the opponent Lin Changsheng defeated was too weak, so he defeated the enemy with one punch.

Now it seems that he thought simply. It was not that Lin Changsheng's opponent was too weak, but that his fist light was too overbearing.


Seeing that the fist light was already blasting in front of him, Liu Qi summoned the Tongtian Lingbao long sword from his storage bag and slashed it out.


The powerful sword light slashed at the fist light, and it almost took all of his strength to smash the fist light into pieces.

Even so, Liu Qi flew backwards more than ten feet, and still drew a distance above the ground before he stabilized his body.

This shows Lin Changsheng's domineering fist power.

"What a strong fist!"

Even Yang Huaizhen, who was under the fighting platform, couldn't help but feel shocked. He knew the strength of Junior Brother Liu Qi.

Among his fellow practitioners, Liu Qi was considered the strongest. Unexpectedly, after meeting Lin Changsheng, he was still beaten and unable to resist.

In this way, Lin Changsheng's strength is estimated to be in the late stage of refining the void, and is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface.

"It's my turn!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to continue to waste time with Liu Qi. The longer it took, the more tricks he would expose.

This made Yang Huaizhen feel defensive.

So Lin Changsheng directly summoned the divine thunder bow, and instantly stretched it into a full moon.

Too late——

Thunder and lightning flashed on the divine thunder bow, and nine thunder and lightning arrows slowly condensed.

"Oh my god! Could this be a high-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure? It has such a powerful power?"

"I can't be wrong. Only high-grade Tongtian Lingbao can have such strong power!"

"Where did this kid get the top-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure? Could it be that he is the queen of a powerful sect in the hidden world? Otherwise, how could he obtain such a treasure?"

"Lin Changsheng's identity is so mysterious and unpredictable!"

Boo hoo hoo——

Just as the people in the audience were shocked, Lin Changsheng had already released the bow of the divine thunder bow, and nine thunder and lightning arrows went straight towards Liu Qi.

Liu Qi also knew that the power of this top-grade Tongtian Lingbao was extremely overbearing, but it was far beyond what the Lingbao in his hand could withstand.

He immediately planned to dodge sideways.

However, as soon as he started to move, the force field in the surrounding space instantly increased several times, making his movements slow down.


Liu Qi was shocked. Could this be the force field that Lin Changsheng exploded?

How could he defeat an opponent with a force field and a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao?

I'm afraid I can't even try out too many moves.

Under Lin Changsheng's force field, Liu Qi's speed dropped sharply, and it was impossible to avoid these nine lightning arrows.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Liu Qi could only wave the long knife in his hand to resist, hoping to block it.

However, he was still too optimistic.

Is it so easy to resist the attack of a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao?

Bang bang bang——

A series of explosions were heard, and all nine arrows were seen landing on Liu Qi's body, instantly blowing him out of the fighting platform.

After landing, Liu Qi fainted and the Tongtian Lingbao in his hand was shocked and fell to the ground.

In front of Liu Qi's chest, there was a bloody mess, showing that the injury was serious.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't only unleashed 50% of the power of the divine thunder bow, he wouldn't have been killed.

Otherwise, if he explodes with all his strength, Liu Qi will have no choice but to die.

"Force field field? High-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure? Can it be comparable to the cultivation level in the late stage of refining the void?"

This made Yang Huaizhen on the side frown suddenly.

At first, he thought he was 70% sure of winning.

Now it seems that it is only 50% at most.

And on this basis, it is not ruled out that Lin Changsheng may have other powerful magical arts and treasures.

If there are still trump cards that have not been revealed, his winning rate will be even lower.

"Huaizhen, keep this thing away. It may come in handy at a critical moment!"

The elder of Xianwu Hall took something out of his arms and mysteriously handed it to Yang Huaizhen.

Yang Huaizhen didn't dare to hesitate and immediately stepped forward to take it.

When he touched the object, Yang Huaizhen's pupils opened.

"This disciple must go all out and win the first place on the list of geniuses!"

Yang Huaizhen said respectfully, and his confidence suddenly increased a bit.

As Lin Changsheng won again, he suddenly became the admiration of many young talents.

How could this young man, less than thirty, be able to burst out with such terrifying strength?

Defeat the genius of Xianwu Palace in two moves?

It seems that it is not difficult to defeat Yang Huaizhen and win the first place.

"Not bad!"

Not far away, Gu Shan was also very surprised when he saw Lin Changsheng's performance.

From this point of view, it seems that Lin Changsheng is the reincarnation of Immortal King Taixu.

Otherwise, who could possess such cultivation and treasure at such an age? (End of chapter)

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