The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 361 Nine-Star Sky Sword, the battle for the top spot, huge stakes [Please subscribe! 】

"Brother Lin, I didn't expect your strength to be so unfathomable. It seems that you didn't hold back when you fought me!"

Hou Shaojie saw Lin Changsheng fight against the genius of Xianwu Palace, and he only used two moves to severely injure him and defeat him.

With such a level of cultivation, he might not be able to resist even one move against him.

Back then, he and Lin Changsheng were fighting back and forth, so it seemed that Lin Changsheng must have lowered his strength and did not use his full strength.

"Brother Hou deserves the prize! There is no need to decide who will win or lose when we compete with each other. It is a helpless move now!"

Lin Changsheng said modestly.

If he didn't injure the other party severely, he might be the one who got hurt.

In contrast, Lin Changsheng could only choose the other party to suffer.

"Brother Changsheng, have you already been promoted to the top eight? No, you are now the top four!"

Zhao Shuang'er immediately beamed when he saw Lin Changsheng winning another match.

With the help of the Wuji Holy Pill, she had just broken through to the middle stage of divine transformation, and she was immediately in a good mood.

All the injuries sustained on his body have been completely healed.

"The top four is not my goal!"

A smile appeared on Lin Changsheng's lips. The first reason was Lin Changsheng's purpose of coming here this time.

As Lin Changsheng jumped off the platform, a disciple immediately flew up.

This person is Li Hu of Zhentian Sect.

Li Hu has a long back and strong waist, a huge figure, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

After Li Hu jumped onto the fighting platform, his eyes fell on the Immortal Palace King Huisheng.

At this moment, he had only two choices, either to challenge Yang Huaizhen of the Immortal Martial Palace, or to challenge the King of the Immortal Palace, Huisheng.

In contrast, the odds of defeating the King of Asgard are higher.

After all, both of them were geniuses in the middle stage of Xu-refining, while Yang Huaizhen was in the late-stage of Xu-refining.

If Li Hu faced Yang Huaizhen, his chances of winning would probably be less than 10%.

"Junior Brother Wang, can you come on stage and have a battle?"

Li Hu said to Wang Huisheng.

Wang Huisheng naturally did not retreat and jumped directly onto the fighting platform.

"I've long heard that the Tianzhen Sect's hammering skills are amazing, and I'm going to learn a lesson today!"

Wang Huisheng was dressed in white, with starry eyes and sharp eyebrows, and a proud attitude. He was not afraid at all even when faced with the genius of the Shangzhentian Sect.

"That's just a false name. The Celestial Star Fist and Nine-Star Sky Sword of your Immortal Palace are astonishingly powerful!"

Li Hu smiled and started to compliment each other.

"Brother Li, thank you very much, please!"

Wang Huisheng summoned the Tongtian Lingbao and was already in a fighting posture.

And Li Hu also took out his double hammers and smashed them heavily on the ground.

Then the two stopped talking and the atmosphere became tense.


In the end, Li Hu was the first to attack. With his scolding, he used his legs to leap ten feet, swinging his hammers in mid-air and slamming them down at Wang Huisheng.

The double hammers evolved into two huge mountain forms in mid-air, and suppressed them with majestic momentum.

Most people would be frightened when they saw this kind of aura, but Wang Huisheng did not take a step back when he saw it.


Immediately waving the sword light in his hand, he condensed a huge sword and rushed towards the giant hammer mountain that was smashed down from the sky.


The two hammers and the giant sword collided violently in mid-air, and they were evenly matched.

No one took a step back, and the two attacks in mid-air were just deadlocked.

As the saying goes, the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. If anyone shows the slightest flaw or weakness at this moment, he will definitely be attacked by the other party, and his final defeat will be a foregone conclusion.

So neither of them wanted to stop at this moment.

They are all running wildly to increase the intensity of their attacks.


This made the two attacks in mid-air become more violent, even causing a roar.

"Is this a competition of strength?"

"Yes! Neither of them wants to stop. They are probably afraid of being attacked by the other side after they stop! It will be even more dangerous then!"

"Then there's no way to continue competing like this! After all, Li Hu strikes first and has a certain positional advantage. If Wang Huisheng doesn't change his style of play, he may lose when his energy is exhausted!"

"The situation seems to be unfavorable to Wang Huisheng. I wonder if he can turn the tide of the battle?"

The elders of the major sects in the surrounding areas below all discussed that it seemed that it was not a wise choice to compete with the disciples of the Zhentian Sect for strength and Yuanli.

After all, Zhentian Sect is famous for its strength.

Wang Huisheng seemed to be aware of this. He instantly released a hand and punched Li Hu.

I saw the fist light evolving into seven groups of radiance in mid-air.

This fist is the Celestial Star Fist. Each punch is very powerful and contains the power of the stars.

If Li Hu was hit by this punch, he would be seriously injured.

When Li Hu saw the fist coming, he knew he couldn't ignore it and immediately swung one of his two hammers to block it.

Bang bang bang——

The fist light kept hitting the double hammers in front of Li Hu, and actually sent him flying backwards.

This made no one expect that the power of this punch was so terrifying.

Seeing that Li Hu was repelled, Wang Huisheng immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued the attack. He waved his sword repeatedly and unleashed the most powerful magic, the Nine-Star Sky Sword.

I saw that the power of the stars in the sky seemed to be concentrated on the sword body, and then the sword light turned into countless light spots and fell towards Li Hu.

It was like a meteor streaking across the sky.

"Nine-Star Sky Sword?"

Li Hu seemed to be very familiar with the magic of the Immortal Palace. When he saw the magic performed by Wang Huisheng, he suddenly felt bad.

The power of this move is much stronger than the Tianxian Xingxu Fist that just broke out.

"Thunder and hurricane hammer!"

Li Hu also shouted angrily, and directly burst out the strongest magic of the Suppressing Heaven Sect. Following Li Hu's swing of the hammers, he formed several huge thunder and lightning hurricanes with Li Hu's swings of the hammers. , Thunder and lightning hurricanes rushed towards the sword light falling from the sky.


In an instant, the strongest magical arts of the two giant sects collided together, causing a huge explosion.

Countless disciples with weaker cultivation levels were immediately deafened by the shock.

An extremely bright light emitted from the platform, making many people unable to see clearly what was going on inside.

After the violent roar subsided, there was only one person left on the platform.

This man is fair-skinned and his clothes are a bit messy.

But it has to be said that he won this game.

This person is the king of immortal palace.

However, Li Hu of the Suppressing Heaven Sect was knocked off the platform.

There was blood all over his body, and although the sword light did not hurt any vital parts, it was injured in many places.

"I really didn't expect the power of the Nine-Star Sky Sword to be so terrifying?"

Li Hu said unconvinced.

He even wanted to fight again.

But if he loses, he loses. He can only stop in the quarterfinals.

"Admitted it!"

Wang Huisheng dropped a word and returned to his seat again.

In the last match, there were only Yang Huaizhen from Xianwu Palace and Yang Ao from Zhentian Sect.

So the two had no choice at all and went directly to the fighting platform to start fighting.

Due to the suppression of cultivation, Yang Huaizhen was in the late stage of cultivation, while Yang Ao was in the middle stage of cultivation. In just three moves, Yang Huaizhen was knocked off the platform and defeated.

Yang Huaizhen won easily.

This Tianzhen Sect was also unlucky, and they thought they could compete for the top spot.

No matter how bad it is, it’s okay to be ranked second!

In the end, I didn't expect that I didn't even make it to the semi-finals, which made people sigh.

But the elder of the Zhentian Sect didn't look discouraged at all. It was enough for the disciples to have no major problems.

What you achieve now does not mean what you will achieve in the future.

You must know that starting with a gun, if the talent is too high, it may not be a good thing, and it may lead to vendetta.

As the game continues, it has entered the semi-finals.

The four of them are Yang Huaizhen from Xianwu Palace.

The king of Immortal Palace will be born.

Zhou Qibai of Piaomiao Sect.

and Lin Changsheng, who has no family or sect.

Perhaps Wu Kui, the elder of the Piaomiao Sect, did not expect that his sect disciples would be able to enter the semi-finals in this competition.

Even if they were defeated at this moment, their sect was already famous all over the world.

After all, even the Tianzhen Sect, the second giant sect in the Immortal Realm, has no disciples who have reached the top four.

This time, Lin Changsheng was the first to jump onto the stage without waiting for Zhou Qibai to come on stage.

In case Zhou Qibai chose Wang Huisheng, Lin Changsheng would have to fight against Yang Huaizhen.

Lin Changsheng didn't want to face Yang Huaizhen right now, not because he was afraid of the opponent, but because the finale of the game must be left to the end.

"Brother Zhou, can you go on stage to discuss things?"

After Lin Changsheng came on stage, his eyes fell on Zhou Qibai.

Zhou Qibai knew that he was no match for Lin Changsheng. After all, Lin Changsheng could defeat even the genius of Xianwu Palace with two moves. How could he resist?

When you go on stage, you get beaten!

"I surrender!"

Zhou Qibai realized that those who understand current affairs are heroes, so he directly chose to admit defeat.

This left Lin Changsheng with no way to deal with him.

"This week Qi Bai has been really shameless. He only looks for soft persimmons and will admit defeat when he encounters a stronger opponent. I'm still waiting to see him defeated and beaten!"

"Do you think he is stupid? Lin Changsheng is more than a little stronger than him. Once he confronts him, he will probably be killed or crippled!"

"Despicable people like Zhou Qibai can only bully those who are weaker than him, how can they dare to fight with the stronger ones?"

"This Piaomiao Sect is really shameful. It taught such a scum!"

Many disciples around him became furious after seeing Zhou Qibai admit defeat.

Many people were waiting to see him being beaten violently, but they didn't expect him to admit defeat directly, which made everyone have nowhere to vent their anger.

As Zhou Qibai surrendered, Lin Changsheng was directly promoted and qualified to compete for the top spot.

The only ones left were Yang Huaizhen of Xianwu Palace and Wang Hui of Xiangong.

Wang Huisheng is more courageous than Zhou Qibai. Although he knows that he may not be Yang Huai's opponent in Xianwu Palace, he is still willing to go on stage to compete.

It's a pity that in the end, even the Tianxian Xingxu Fist and the Nine-Star Sky Sword were used, but they couldn't hurt Yang Huaizhen even a single point.

Yang Huaizhen didn't even use the Tongtian Lingbao, he just knocked Wang Huisheng out of the fighting platform with three moves, and was defeated miserably.

However, after the two of them fought, Lin Changsheng learned more and more about Yang Huaizhen.

This person is not only powerful with his fists and kicks, but he is also very skilled in movement. His speed is so fast that he can easily dodge even the dense sword light.

Definitely a strong opponent.

With Wang Huisheng's defeat, he went directly to the finals of the Talent List.

He fought against Lin Changsheng for Yang Huaizhen of the Immortal Martial Palace.

This makes many disciples and elders below look forward to it. Who can win?

"I don't know who will win this battle. Does anyone place a bet? I bet that Yang Huai will win with a thousand immortal crystals!"

"I also bet a thousand immortal crystals that Yang Huai will win!"

"I bet five hundred immortal crystals on Lin Changsheng's victory."

"Are you stupid? Although Lin Changsheng's strength is extraordinary, they are still a little behind. I think Yang Huaizhen has a higher chance of winning. I will win with 800 Immortal Crystals!"

"I pressed Yang Huaizhen for three hundred immortal crystals——"

The game hasn't even started yet, but a huge betting field has formed below.

Even the elders of various major sects have placed bets.

Lin Changsheng saw a smile rising from the corner of his mouth. This was not a gift of immortal crystals to him for free.

"Shuang'er, give me 10,000 fairy crystals!"

Lin Changsheng handed a storage bag to Zhao Shuang'er.

This storage bag was obtained from the Hou family, and he has not used a single immortal crystal yet.

"Huh? Ten thousand fairy crystals?"

This surprised Zhao Shuang'er.

This is not a small amount!

Is Brother Changsheng completely sure of winning?

After seeing Lin Changsheng nodded, Zhao Shuang'er went to place his bet.

"What? Ten thousand immortal crystals can defeat Lin Changsheng? Isn't it because there are so many immortal crystals that there is no place to use them?"

"That's right, ten thousand immortal crystals beat Lin Changsheng to win. Isn't this a gift of immortal crystals to everyone?"

"You are not happy when others give you immortal crystals! The more you give, the better!"

Many disciples around him were shocked when they heard that someone was pressing 10,000 immortal crystals on Lin Changsheng.

Is this girl stupid? Do you really think Lin Changsheng can win?

But now the bet is ten to one. Once Lin Changsheng really wins, the ten thousand immortal crystals can win one hundred thousand.

The benefits are also huge.

"It's so exciting, why don't I press down on it a little bit?"

Not far away, Gu Shan saw that the bets were getting higher and higher. He couldn't help but planned to go up and join in the excitement, so he directly placed 20,000 fairy crystals on Lin Changsheng's head.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng's victory was a sure thing.

If you don't earn this fairy crystal, you won't earn it in vain.

This kid is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor. If he can't handle these disciples, he can crash to death here.

Many disciples and elders in the surrounding area saw that Gu Shandu defeated Lin Changsheng and won. Many people immediately hesitated, and then they also placed bets on Lin Changsheng.

After resting for a while.

The battle for the top spot has officially begun.

I saw Lin Changsheng and Yang Huaizhen jumping onto the platform together.

"Brother Lin, have you thought clearly? As long as you agree to join our Xianwu Palace, our elders promise to give you the best training resources, and we, the Xianwu Palace, can provide you with everything you need!"

Before the competition, Yang Huaizhen tried to win over him again.

I hope Lin Changsheng can join the Xianwu Palace. If such talents go to other sects, it will indeed be a big loss for their Xianwu Palace.

"I accept the kindness of Xianwu Palace, but I already have a favorite sect in my heart!"

Lin Changsheng responded.


This actually surprised Yang Huaizhen. Could it be that Lin Changsheng chose the Immortal Palace?

Because when Zhentian Sect invited Lin Changsheng, Lin Changsheng also refused.

Then there is only Asgard.

Otherwise, is it difficult to choose the forces below the top three in the Immortal Realm?

He believed that Lin Changsheng was not that stupid.

"In that case, I won't force you, please!"

Seeing this, Yang Huaizhen stopped persuading him. Perhaps only with real strength can he change his mind.


Lin Changsheng was also prepared to resist.

On the fighting platform, before either of them took action, hurricanes were already hanging around them.

The momentum of the two people has already begun to fight. (End of chapter)

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