The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 362 The battle for the top spot, the Blood Demon’s God-Eating Technique versus the Martial G

Yang Huaizhen originally thought that he could suppress Lin Changsheng with the momentum of his late-stage cultivation.

But in the end, he found that his own momentum was unable to shake the other party, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Brother Lin, be careful!"

Yang Huaizhen scolded, and then his figure shook, turning into phantoms and attacking Lin Changsheng from left to right.

Faced with the full strength of these geniuses, Lin Changsheng naturally did not dare to underestimate it and immediately exploded the force field.


Lin Changsheng stepped on the ground, and ten times the gravity spread.

Yang Huaizhen, who was originally as fast as a phantom, suddenly slowed down a lot.

Lin Changsheng instantly captured the location of his true body, and then punched out, heading straight for his true body.


This punch is fierce and powerful, and the force of the punch is accompanied by the roar of the beast.

This boxing is none other than the Four Elephant Divine Lord Boxing.

Above the fist light, there is the combined power of the four beasts: Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu, which is extremely domineering.

With one punch, the air was shaken.


Yang Huaizhen saw Lin Changsheng's punch. Although it was extremely powerful, he had no intention of retreating and punched out with the same punch.

The flames burned on the fist, and then countless flaming tigers evolved.

This fist is called the Fiery Tiger Fist.


The next moment, the two fist lights collided violently, causing a huge explosion.

Everyone thought that Lin Changsheng would be knocked back by Yang Huaizhen's punch.

After all, he only has the cultivation level of the middle stage of cultivation, while Yang Huaizhen has the cultivation level of the late stage of cultivation.

In terms of Yuanli, Yang Huaizhen has a certain advantage.

However, everyone ignored the power of immortal magic.

Lin Changsheng's Four Elephants Divine Master Fist is a fusion of various immortal arts and magic techniques, and he has also realized the realm of perfection, which is astonishingly powerful.

Although Yang Huaizhen's Fierce Tiger Fist has also achieved great success, it is still far behind compared to the Four Elephant Divine Master Fist.

So under the violent roar, the two punches were evenly matched.

Both of them were shocked and fell back as the Yuan Power spread out.

"Lin Changsheng is actually on par with Yang Huaizhen? This boy's strength looks not simple!"

"Yes! I thought Yang Huaizhen could win for sure, but it seems that the outcome may not be certain!"

"If that's the case, wouldn't the thousand immortal crystals I held on Yang Huaizhen's body be suspended?"

"Let's watch! It's hard to say who will lose and who will win!"

The people around him commented one after another, feeling that Lin Changsheng was not so unbearable, and that he might actually be sure of winning.

This also made many people who won over Yang Huaizhen feel uneasy.

After the collision, Yang Huaizhen did not dare to underestimate Lin Changsheng's strength. He immediately gathered his Yuan Power on his palms and shot out with both palms.

Two huge golden palm prints were seen, charging towards Lin Changsheng like mountains.

"The gods will destroy the world!"

Lin Changsheng saw that the other party did not use the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, so he did not need to use it. He also clapped his palm and used the Gods' World-Destroying Palm.

As soon as this palm was released, the platform was covered with countless palm prints.

Like a meteor streaking through the sky, it crashed into the palm prints of the two giant mountains ahead.

Bang bang bang——

The palm prints on both sides collided again, and a series of roars continued.

When two huge palm prints reached three feet in front of Lin Changsheng, they were shattered by Lin Changsheng's palm.

Couldn't hurt him a single point.

Seeing that neither of the two moves could hurt Lin Changsheng, Yang Huaizhen directly unleashed the Martial God Suppressing Heaven Technique.

I saw a huge phantom of the Martial God rising up behind Yang Huaizhen. This phantom of the Martial God was dozens of feet tall and possessed extraordinary martial prowess.

If it weren't for the small size of the fighting platform, this Martial God's shadow would definitely be bigger.

Lin Changsheng saw that the other party had used the amplification method, and he did not dare to overdo it.


In an instant, the power of the divine dragon burst out, and a roar of dragons was heard. Then, it circled in the sky and punched directly into Lin Changsheng's body.

As the divine dragon entered his body, Lin Changsheng's physical strength increased crazily.

The muscles all over his body kept making "clicking" sounds and became extremely knotted, and the whole person became three points taller.

With the changes in his physical body, Lin Changsheng's physical body was directly promoted to the late stage of virtual refining.

"Strengthening method?"

Yang Huaizhen was a little surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect Lin Changsheng to know such a way to strengthen his body?

No wonder his physical strength is so strong, he can fight across levels and remain undefeated at the same level!

But before everyone's shock could fade away, Lin Changsheng unleashed the Blood Demon Devouring God Skill again.

Burn a drop of his own blood to increase his cultivation level.

In just a few breaths, he had suddenly reached the advanced stage of void refining.


When Yang Huaizhen saw this scene, he was immediately shocked and grinning from ear to ear.

After all, when Lin Changsheng was in the middle stage of Void Refining, he could no longer do anything to Lin Changsheng with his fists and kicks.

But now that Lin Changsheng has broken through to the late stage of void refining by relying on body strengthening methods and secret methods, it is even more difficult for him to do anything to Lin Changsheng.

"What kind of monster is this Lin Changsheng? His body and cultivation level can increase by a small level?"

"Yes! I have never seen such a talented person, but I don't know if there will be any backlash after he bursts out with the secret technique?"

"There will definitely be backlash. Lin Changsheng fought hard to be number one on the list of geniuses!"

"If Lin Changsheng doesn't use the secret method, it will not be easy for Lin Changsheng to defeat Yang Huaizhen!"

Many elders and disciples around him were talking endlessly, and most of them were shocked that Lin Changsheng's secret method was so overbearing.

"True Martial God Fist!"

Yang Huaizhen no longer waited, and immediately punched out after bursting out with the Martial God Suppressing Heaven Technique.

Following Yang Huaizhen's movements, the huge phantom Martial God behind him also punched Lin Changsheng.

This punch came with great force, distorting the space.


Facing Yang Huaizhen's killing punch, Lin Changsheng not only did not retreat, but also greeted it with a punch.

Although his fist light is not as powerful as the Martial God's Shadow, the power of his fist light cannot be underestimated.


The two collided again, and this time they were no longer in a neck-and-neck fight. Instead, Yang Huaizhen's huge Martial God figure was staggered by Lin Changsheng's punch and took several steps backward.

Lin Changsheng seized the opportunity, directly summoned the divine thunder bow, and directly pulled it into a full moon.

Boo hoo hoo——

Nine thunder rocket arrows penetrated the long bow and struck at Yang Huaizhen's nine vital points.

As long as Yang Huaizhen is hit by an arrow, it will be enough to hurt him.

In Yang Huaizhen's pupils, nine lightning arrows shot through the sky rapidly, making him unable to avoid them.

With no other choice, Yang Huaizhen had no choice but to summon his own Tongtian Lingbao Sky Shield to resist.

This is a blue shield with a large pattern of stars on it, with divine patterns traveling among the stars.

At first glance, this treasure is extraordinary.

Bang bang bang——

Thunder and lightning arrows landed on the shield, bursting out with roars. Yang Huaizhen was knocked back to the edge of the fighting platform and almost fell.

"Fortunately, Yang Huaizhen has the middle-grade Heavenly Spiritual Treasure Sky Shield in his hand, otherwise it would be difficult to withstand Lin Changsheng's charged attack!"

"Yes! I really didn't expect Lin Changsheng to be able to unleash such a powerful attack!"

"The divine bow in his hand is a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao level treasure. Is the attack strong?"

"But as long as Yang Huaizhen delays Lin Changsheng's secret technique until it dissipates, Yang Huaizhen will definitely win in the end!"

The onlookers around were talking constantly, and some disciples and elders still believed that Yang Huaizhen was the winner in the end.

"Brother Lin's strength is really extraordinary, it really opened my eyes!"

Not only did Yang Huaizhen not show any signs of decadence, there was even a hint of a smile on his lips.

This battle is the most enjoyable he has fought in these years, so let this fun continue to the end.

After finishing his words, Yang Huaizhen waved his hand again and took out a flame spear.

This spear is about ten feet long, with flames burning on it, and red lines running on it, making this spear look extremely bloodthirsty.

"Another middle-grade Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure?"

This surprised Lin Changsheng. It seemed that the Xianwu Palace had indeed tried its best to cultivate Yang Huaizhen!

Otherwise, how could a monk in the Void Refining Stage possess two middle-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasures?

"This shield is called the Sky Shield, and this spear is called the Purgatory Divine Spear. Brother Lin, you have to be careful!"

Yang Huaizhen introduced his Tongtian Lingbao Dao.

Lin Changsheng had never lost to anyone compared to the Tongtian Lingbao. He summoned the Evil-Breaking Blade.


The blade was swung, and the sharp sound of the blade was heard, and divine patterns flashed on the blade.

"Is this another high-grade spiritual treasure that reaches heaven?"

Everyone below was shocked.

A high-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure is already very rare, but Lin Changsheng actually has two in his hands?

What kind of monster is this?

"This bow is called the Divine Thunder Bow, and this sword is called the Evil-Breaking Sword. They are both top-grade spiritual treasures that reach the sky. Brother Yang should also pay attention!"

Lin Changsheng said slowly.

However, every word seemed to hit Yang Huaizhen's heart.

He was the number one genius of the Immortal Martial Palace, but he only had two middle-grade Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasures in his possession.

And Lin Changsheng was just a casual cultivator with no family or sect, but he actually had two top-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasures with him?

What is the origin of this kid?

Or what kind of chance did it take to obtain such a treasure?

"Okay! Please enlighten me!"

When Yang Huaizhen saw that he had not suppressed Lin Changsheng on top of the Tongtian Lingbao, he immediately stopped talking.

We can only decide the outcome in one battle.

Yang Huaizhen wanted to see which one was more powerful, the opponent's sword and bow, or the shield and spear in his hand?

As soon as Yang Huaizhen finished speaking, his feet suddenly exerted force, he jumped dozens of feet, and stabbed down with a spear in mid-air.

When the spear was thrust out, countless skeleton soldiers holding flaming spears evolved around Yang Huaizhen.

They all held the spears in their hands and charged downwards.

In an instant, the fighting platform seemed to turn into purgatory, with flames billowing and wailing.

Facing the powerful blow falling from the sky.

Lin Changsheng showed no fear at all and waved the Evil-Breaking Sword in his hand. Yuan energy gathered on it and slashed out with one swift stroke.

As soon as the sword light came out, the space seemed to be torn apart, and there was a burst of distortion, and a bright light was seen heading straight towards Yang Huaizhen in the air.

This sword was the Sky-Splitting Moon Slash.

Although the attack range is small, the lethality is amazing.

Bang bang bang——

When the skeleton holding the spear collided with the sword light, it was instantly torn apart by the sword light.

The sword's power remained unabated and headed straight for Yang Huaizhen.


Yang Huaizhen was shocked when he saw this. He didn't expect Lin Changsheng's attack to be so inconspicuous, but yet so powerful.

Immediately put the Sky Shield in front of you.

Otherwise, if you are careless, you may be torn to pieces by the sword.


The next moment, Yang Huaizhen's explosive spear light hit the ground, blasting the entire fighting platform and shaking violently.

And the sword light that Lin Changsheng shot out also hit the sky shield in front of Yang Huaizhen.

After another collision, Yang Huaizhen flew out again, but Lin Changsheng still stood on the spot, not even moving his body.


This made many people under the platform take a breath of cold air. They didn't expect that Lin Changsheng's cultivation level was so terrifying?

Is this still the middle stage of cultivation?

How come it is as easy as eating and drinking to defeat the prodigy in the late stage of Lianxu?

He hasn't moved a single step since the beating.

But Yang Huaizhen was repelled by him one after another.


As Yang Huaizhen was flying backwards, he felt a sweetness in his throat and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

If he hadn't forcefully swallowed it, he would have been extremely embarrassed.

But even so, there was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

This shows how terrifying the power of Lin Changsheng's sword is.

After several turns, Yang Huaizhen narrowly slipped to the edge of the fighting platform again.

If it hadn't been for the gift given to him by the elder of Xianwu Palace in the end, Yang Huaizhen would really have no way to deal with Lin Changsheng now.

After all, in terms of cultivation, Lin Changsheng is no longer weak to him.

Moreover, the Heavenly Spiritual Treasures and Immortal Techniques were all overwhelming him, and the hope of victory was already very slim.

Fortunately, when he was in the audience just now, the elder of Xianwu Palace handed Yang Huaizhen something, which was the Divine Bone Pill.

After taking this elixir, your physical body will improve a lot.

After the effect of this elixir ends, it will only weaken the body for a while and will not affect anything else, so the elder can safely give it to Yang Huaizhen and let him take it after the critical moment.

The use of secret techniques for blessing is allowed in the competition on the fighting platform, but the use of elixirs for blessing is not allowed.

So Yang Huaizhen could only pretend to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth and take the elixir at the same time.

As the elixir entered his abdomen, Yang Huaizhen's body suddenly made a crackling sound, and his muscles suddenly became extremely tight.

The physical body has been greatly strengthened, and Yang Huaizhen's entire body seems to be much taller.

"Combined period?"

Lin Changsheng frowned slightly when he saw that Yang Huaizhen's physical body continued to expand, and finally broke through to the integration stage.

The physical body in the Fusion Stage is much stronger than that in the Void Refining Stage, and is basically not on the same level.

Even if Lin Changsheng uses high-grade Tongtian Lingbao to attack, he may not be able to break through the opponent's defense.

"This Yang Huaizhen also used secret methods?"

"I don't know. Why don't I remember that Xianwu Palace has a secret method for strengthening the body?"

"If I let you know everything, the Immortal Martial Palace is no longer the number one force in the Immortal Realm. Others must have many unknown secrets!"

"Lin Changsheng is probably going to get beaten now. The physical body in the integration stage is not comparable to that in the late stage of virtual refining!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes shifted to Yang Huaizhen.

The title of the number one force in the Immortal Domain of the Immortal Martial Palace was not obtained casually.

It must have a certain background.

It's good for Lin Changsheng, a dark horse, to reach the second place on the list of geniuses. If he wants to compete for the first place, don't even think about it.

However, even if Yang Huaizhen's physical body breaks through to the integration stage, Lin Changsheng is not without his own trump card.

Lin Changsheng's last trump card was the powerful formation of the Shen Lian Sect.

If he is not hostile to the opponent, he can activate the power of the great formation to help. (End of chapter)

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