The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 366 Coffin Valley, three-headed demonic snakes, a large formation trapping the enemy

After many teleportations, Lin Changsheng's Yuan Power had been consumed by more than half.

However, the dozen or so strong men in the Fusion Stage behind him were still chasing after him.

The range of the spiritual consciousness of a strong man in the integration stage has reached 20,000 miles.

Lin Changsheng can only teleport a thousand miles at a time, so it is not easy to escape from the pursuit of these strong men in the integration stage.

"There seems to be a coffin valley ahead, maybe we can avoid it!"

Wang Huisheng looked at the rolling mountains ahead and said.

Now they have no other options. If they continue to run away aimlessly, they will probably die. They might as well try their luck in the Coffin Valley.

It is said that a large number of powerful men who had overcome tribulations died here and were buried underground here in a spiritual wood coffin.

In order to find the coffin of the powerful man who had overcome the tribulation, many monks searched through the valley, but still could not find it.

And on the way to find the coffin, many monks were killed by a powerful spiritual beast.

This spiritual beast is said to be a contracted beast tamed by the fallen monk.

Before the monk fell, he was not afraid of the pain of backlash and resolutely cut off the bond with the spiritual beast.

After the monk dies, the spirit beast can continue to survive.

This spiritual beast seems to have also opened up its spiritual intelligence and has a strong relationship with its owner.

Even if the monk dies, the spirit beast still guards the mountain and watches over his coffin.

Therefore, this place was later named Lingchen Mountain Range.

Because of the existence of powerful spiritual beasts, many monks did not dare to get involved easily, and the number of monster beasts here multiplied more and more.

Some monks in the Divine Transformation Stage and Void Refining Stage only dare to hunt monsters outside and do not dare to go too deep.

Otherwise, once they encounter the spirit beast guarding the coffin, they may only die.

"Going to the Coffin Mountain Range? This is undoubtedly not going to die?"

Zhang Haoran was shocked when he heard Wang Huisheng's words.

He had also heard of the Coffin Mountain Range.

The ferocious beasts inside are extremely powerful, and there are also terrifying spiritual beasts. This is not something they can easily get involved with.

"Otherwise, do you have other options?"

Wang Huisheng responded.

These words made Zhang Haoran speechless. At this moment, they really had no better way.

When Wang Huisheng told Lin Changsheng his idea, Lin Changsheng decisively agreed.

Although the Coffin Mountain Range is extremely dangerous, if they stay or continue to run aimlessly for their lives, they will only die in the end.

A dozen strong men in the integration stage would not be merciful to them.


Lin Changsheng took the lead and rushed towards the Coffin Mountain Range.

The rest of the crew could only follow quickly.

If they left Lin Changsheng, they would probably die faster.

Lin Changsheng and his party had just left this place not long ago.

More than ten strong men in the combined stage rushed here.

"They are heading towards the Coffin Mountain Range. What should we do?"

A strong man in the Fusion Stage was shocked when he saw the direction in which Lin Changsheng and others were escaping.

There may be an extremely powerful spiritual beast hidden in this coffin mountain range. Without the cultivation level of the Mahayana stage, once they encounter it, even they will definitely die.

"What else can we do? If we can't kill this kid, we may be dead if we go back! Keep chasing!"

A strong man with a dark face ordered.

This person seems to have the highest status among these strong men.

The other combined strong men did not dare to object when they heard the black-faced man's words.

The group of people could only bite the bullet and quickly chase towards the Coffin Mountain Range.

I hope to catch Lin Changsheng and others before entering the depths of the Coffin Mountain Range.

Otherwise, once they enter the depths of the Coffin Mountain Range, their lives will be in danger.



There are indeed many monsters in the Coffin Mountain Range. As soon as Lin Changsheng and others entered, they heard the roars of many monsters in the mountains.

Some raptors even attacked them, but unfortunately these raptors were not very strong, and they were all killed by the sword light and sword energy of Lin Changsheng and Wang Huisheng.

"We're going deep into the Lingcheng Mountains ahead, so we'd better not go through the air!"

Wang Huisheng suggested.

Because it is easy to be spotted by monsters on the ground in the air.

When the time comes, they will not only have to evade the pursuit of the strong men in the integration stage behind them, but also deal with the monsters in the mountains, and they will be very passive.

Lin Changsheng also agreed, and then the group landed on the ground and quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests.


In a moment, more than ten powerful warriors followed.

"These little bastards are really jumping up and down! Do you think you can escape by escaping to the Coffin Mountain Range?"

The strong man in the Fusion Stage with a dark face let out an angry sound, and then he did not dare to continue walking through the air, following the footsteps of Lin Changsheng and others.

Coffin Mountain Range.

Thousands of miles deep underground, a huge ancient spiritual wood coffin was placed safely in a stone hall.

The construction in the main hall is very grand. Not only are there huge dragon stone pillars supporting it, but there are also hundreds of luminous pearls above that illuminate the stone room like daylight.

Thick spiritual energy is constantly emanating from the ancient coffin, which shows that this spiritual tree is extraordinary.

Not far from the coffin, there is a huge deep pool. Perhaps because of the rich spiritual energy in this place, this spring has turned into a spiritual spring.

On the shore of Lingquan, a huge creature lay quietly.

The armor all over this monster beast is extremely hard, as thick as dragon scales.

This is clearly a giant monster that is about to transform into a dragon python.

I saw that this giant python had three heads, and the colors of the three heads were actually different, which looked extremely weird.

One head was fiery red and seemed to be able to spit out flames, while the other head was dark blue and exuded bursts of ice.

The other head was gray, as deep as stone.

Suddenly, the three-headed demon snake opened its eyes, revealing its vertical pupils, which looked very scary.


The demonic snake spit out the message, as if it felt the human monk stepping in, and its eyes showed the intention of killing.


Then the three-headed demon snake suddenly plunged into the deep pool, and its huge figure disappeared.

Like a swimming dragon, it shuttles through the underground of the Lingzhao Mountains.

In the Coffin Mountain Range, Lin Changsheng sensed that the strong man behind him was getting closer and closer.

If they are caught up, they will definitely die.

"There is a cave ahead. You go in first, and I will set up the formation!"

When Lin Changsheng spoke, it was too late to explain to Wang Huisheng and others, and then his figure immediately disappeared from the spot.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng took out all the formation bases outside the Refining Sect.

It will be much easier to set up the formation now.

The Thunder Flame God Refining Heavenly Formation originally uses the stars in the sky as the formation disk, and only needs to arrange the formation base and formation eyes.

After half a stick of incense, Lin Changsheng completed the arrangement of the formation.

And behind him, more than ten powerful warriors had already arrived.

"Come out!"

A strong man in the Fusion Stage smashed the cave in front with one punch, leaving Wang Huisheng and others with nowhere to hide and had no choice but to fly out.

The spiritual consciousness of the powerful fusion is so overbearing, it is impossible to hide within the scope of their spiritual consciousness.

"You Tianming Sword Sect are so brave, you dare to intercept and kill my Immortal Palace disciples! If this matter reaches the ears of the sect master, you Tianming Sword Sect will not be able to bear the consequences!"

Wang Huisheng scolded angrily.

However, the other party didn't even bother to pay attention to him. He looked around a few people and seemed to find the person they were looking for.

"What about the boy?"

The black-faced man yelled angrily. They mainly wanted to kill Lin Changsheng. If Lin Changsheng ran away, it would be useless for them to kill these people. They would definitely be severely punished if they returned.

"Junior Brother Lin has escaped a long time ago. Do you want to catch him? Stop wishing!"

Zhang Haoran said mockingly, seemingly not afraid of facing powerful enemies.

"If he escapes, I will kill you first!"

A powerful fusion man was too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhang Haoran and others, and planned to kill a few people directly.

After all, chasing them is not an easy journey.

Many monsters died in their hands.


However, just when the other party was about to take action, Lin Changsheng's figure appeared not far away.

Immediately, the eyes of more than ten powerful combined men fell on Lin Changsheng.

"It's not impossible to take my life, it depends on whether you have the ability to take it!"

Lin Changsheng said with a smile on his lips.

At this moment, the formation of the formation has been completed. Even if these strong combined men cannot be killed, it should not be a problem to trap them for a period of time.

With confidence, Lin Changsheng gained more confidence.

However, in the eyes of the other party, these arrogant words made Lin Changsheng feel desperate.

How dare a little Void Refining cultivator dare to challenge more than ten of them?


A strong fusion man scolded angrily, stamped his foot on the ground, and released the pressure of his consciousness during the fusion stage. He wanted to suppress Lin Changsheng, lest he jump up and down like a monkey, causing them to chase him everywhere. .

However, when the power of the consciousness of this strong man in the integration stage fell on Lin Changsheng, it had no suppressive effect at all.

The strong man in the body was instantly shocked.

"How, how is it possible?"

This powerful fusion man was extremely shocked.

Lin Changsheng is only in the middle stage of Void Refining. Could it be that his consciousness has already reached the integration stage?

Otherwise, why couldn't the coercion of his own consciousness have any effect on him?

"This kid is not simple, we must not let him escape! Come on!"

The strong man with a dark face ordered.

Then a dozen strong combined men did not dare to hesitate and launched attacks one after another towards Lin Changsheng, hoping to kill him directly.

Among these attacks, there are palm techniques, boxing techniques, sword light, sword energy, etc.

Every blow was very domineering. If it landed on Lin Changsheng, it would definitely injure him severely, or even kill him with one move.

However, when all the attacks hit Lin Changsheng, Lin Changsheng had no intention of evading. He only saw him taking out an ancient bronze mirror.

Then the Yuan Power circulated, and the ancient mirror instantly evolved into a dark abyss that could swallow everything.

All direct attacks from the opponent are swallowed up.


This shocked the black-faced man.

What kind of treasure is this that can actually swallow the attacks of strong men in the integration stage?

Boo hoo hoo——

However, the next moment, the attack that was sucked into the ancient bronze mirror turned back again.

And the attack was several times more powerful than at the beginning.

"Get out of the way!"


As soon as the black-faced man finished speaking, countless feelings exploded in front of them, erupting with fierce roars.

There were several powerful warriors who were accidentally injured and were instantly injured.

Lin Changsheng's attacks would naturally not be able to harm these powerful warriors.

But the attack at this moment was made by them, and was turned back by the ancient bronze mirror. The power was not weak, and it was normal to injure it.

"High-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure? No, this treasure is actually at the level of Tongtian Immortal Treasure?"

The black-faced man's pupils were wide open and his eyes were filled with incredulity.

This kid actually has a treasure at the level of the Heavenly Immortal Treasure in his hand. Once he is killed, this treasure will belong to him, and it can enhance his strength a lot.

"It seems that you are not blind yet. Do you know that this is the Immortal Treasure of Heaven?"

Lin Changsheng sneered.

During the Tianjiao Ranking competition, Lin Changsheng was absolutely certain that he would win the first place, so he did not use too many treasures.

If the Tongtian Immortal Treasure is used, I am afraid that all the sects will not be calm, and may have the idea of ​​​​killing people and stealing goods.

But now, when life and death are at stake, I don't have to worry about so much.

At this moment, Wang Huisheng, Zhang Haoran and others not far away were also shocked.

Only the great elders and sect masters of the Immortal Palace possess this heaven-reaching fairy treasure level treasure. It would be great if they can see it, let alone own it.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng had such a treasure.

"Junior Brother Hou, are you sure that Lin Changsheng came from the Abandoned Land?"

Wang Huisheng was shocked when he saw that Lin Changsheng had the Heavenly Immortal Treasure in his hand.

None of the talented disciples of the Immortal Realm have such treasures!

Why does Lin Changsheng, a person from an abandoned land, have a fairy treasure that reaches heaven?

"Yes, there shouldn't be any lies!"

Hou Shaojie couldn't help but swallow his saliva. This boss didn't scream in vain! It seems that as long as the relationship is good, it is not impossible for Lin Changsheng to give him the Heavenly Immortal Treasure in the future.

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you leave quickly?"

Seeing that all the people from the Tianming Sword Sect had gone to deal with Lin Changsheng, Liu Yaoyue immediately gave a warning.

Escape now is probably their best chance to leave.

"I won't leave, I want to stay with Brother Changsheng!"

Zhao Shuang'er said with firm eyes.

"Not only will you not be able to help if you stay, you will also be a burden to Lin Changsheng. What if the other party uses you to blackmail Lin Changsheng?"

Liu Yaoyue persuaded.

When Zhao Shuang'er heard this, it seemed to make sense, and in the end he could only reluctantly follow the others and escape.

"Don't be arrogant. You will definitely die today. After you die, all the treasures in your hands will be enjoyed by me!"

The dark-faced man said with a smile on his lips.

Although Lin Changsheng has the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in his hand.

But if the cultivation level is not enough, it will definitely not be able to exert its full power, and it will definitely not cause fatal harm to them.

"You can't enjoy the treasure now, but the formation can let you enjoy it!"

It is not easy to obtain the treasure in Lin Changsheng's hands.

The Thunder Flame God Refining Heavenly Array deployed by Lin Changsheng at this moment is extremely powerful, trapping and killing those who have cultivated in the Void Refining Stage with ease.

As for whether it can trap and kill the strong body, it is unknown.

Even if you can't kill the opponent, you can definitely injure the opponent severely or trap the opponent for a certain period of time.

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng stepped on the ground and immediately activated the Thunder Flame Divine Refining Formation.

The great formation rose into the air and instantly enveloped a ten-mile radius of the Coffin Mountain Range, turning the place into a purgatory of thunder, lightning and flames.

"It's just a small formation, but you still want to trap us? Let me break it with my sword!"

A powerful fusion man gave a disdainful sound, and then slashed out with his sword, intending to use his strength to break the formation.


The powerful sword light fell on the barrier of the formation, and there was a violent roar, but it had no impact on the formation.

This scene made the black-faced man feel bad. (End of chapter)

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