The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 367: Thousands of deaths, thousands of blades, and a chance to survive

The combined powerhouse's full blow wasn't enough to break through this formation?

It seems that the big formation this guy has set up still has some ability.


The black-faced man no longer waited and rushed forward, intending to tear Lin Changsheng into pieces with his physical strength.

After all, the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in his hand can only absorb Yuanli attacks, and his physical strength is not affected in any way.

Lin Changsheng knows how tyrannical the physical strength of the combined powerhouse is, and it is almost impossible to compete with him in the Void Refining Stage.

He immediately mobilized a large array of divine power and punched out.

Too late——

The powerful dragon of thunder and lightning pierced the sky and blasted towards the black-faced man.

"Seek death!"

The black-faced man is full of confidence. Although they cannot break this formation now, it is definitely not easy to hurt them.


However, when the black-faced man's fist collided with the power of lightning, the black-faced man was suddenly shocked.

Because he was directly impacted by the power of lightning and flew backwards.

The power of this formation was far stronger than he imagined.

"What a domineering formation!"

The dark-faced man couldn't help but secretly thought, his pupils contracting.

Lin Changsheng was only in the middle stage of Void Refining, but he could actually use the power of the formation to fight against him?

It seems that if this kid is not killed today, he will indeed be a big disaster for their Tianming Sword Sect in the future.

"You play slowly, or I won't accompany you!"

Lin Changsheng exerted force on his feet and ran away.

If he were a powerful fusion warrior, Lin Changsheng might be able to kill the opponent if he stayed.

But there were more than ten people on the other side, and he didn't dare to delay them too much, otherwise he might die if he was not careful.

Thirty-six strategies are still the best strategy.

Even if this formation is not enough to kill them, it is definitely no problem to trap them for a period of time.

Lin Changsheng is still confident in his formation.

This is indeed the case.

This formation combines the power of many great formations, and its power is extremely domineering.

The thunder and lightning are the power of heavenly thunder, and the flames are the immortal dragon flames.

It is also mixed with the impact of the souls that are constantly erupting from the power of the stars, causing the monks' spiritual consciousness to be constantly attacked.

Although the opponents are all strong in the integration stage, if they cannot break the formation, they will all die sooner or later.

"Deacon Shen, what should we do now? If we continue to be trapped by the formation, I'm afraid—"

A strong man in the Fusion Stage couldn't help but feel a little panicked. This was the first time they had seen such a large formation.

Among them, the power of thunder and lightning and flames are extremely domineering. If it were not for their tyrannical cultivation, ordinary Void Refining monks would have perished long ago.

"There is no other way but to use Thousand Netherworld Blades!"

At this moment, Shen Chi could only think of using brute force to break the formation, otherwise if they continued to stay in the formation, they would all fall into it in less than half an hour.

This Qianming Blade Slash is a powerful combined immortal technique specially developed by the founder of Tianming Sword Blade.

It can bring together the monk's energy to explode, and the attacks it can unleash can far exceed this level.

But if you want to use such powerful magic, there are certain restrictions.

That is, the person who practices must be someone from the Tianming Sword Sect who has practiced the Tianming Sword Technique.

In this way, the energy within the monk's body can be integrated with it and run.

If you use it with people from other sects, not only will you not be able to perform this magic, but you will also be in danger of dying suddenly.

"Once this method is used, it will cause the cultivation level to regress!"

A strong fusion man was a little reluctant.

Their cultivation level has been achieved with great difficulty. Each small realm requires a thousand years or hundreds of years to achieve.

"We are at this critical juncture, and you are still reluctant to give up a little bit of cultivation? If we continue to consume it, I am afraid that we will all have a dead end!"

Shen Chi scolded angrily.

He also didn't expect that the power of the array arranged by Lin Changsheng would be so terrifying.

"That's fine!"

Many powerful fusion men around him could only reluctantly agree.

It is better to fall down than to die!

Then everyone stood together immediately, everyone put their arms on the shoulders of the person in front, and then transmitted their energy forward.

The person at the front is Shenchi.

With the execution of the sword technique, a group of more than ten people turned into a huge sword blade, shining brightly.

The sword was so sharp that it seemed to be able to split everything in the world.

In just three breaths, the huge sword formed by the energy of more than a dozen strong warriors in the integration stage has already revealed its sharp edge.


When everyone's energy gathered at its peak, Shen Chi shouted angrily.

This huge sword slashed out and blasted towards the formation.


The powerful sword light fell on the shield barrier and erupted with a violent roar.

I saw the formation shaking violently, and a huge gap was opened.

"The formation is broken?"

Lin Changsheng, who had just escaped not far away, frowned when he heard the movement behind him.

Didn't expect that the other party would launch a large formation so quickly?

Lin Changsheng also never expected that the Tianming Sword Sect would have the magical power to burst out from the combined body.

When this method is at its most powerful, it can be used by thousands of people, and its power can be described as groundbreaking. It is no exaggeration to describe it.

At this moment, more than a dozen powerful warriors burst out, and their tyrannical sword energy was absolutely comparable to a Mahayana strike.

Lin Changsheng was only in the Void Refining Stage, so the large formation he set up to trap and kill the Void Refining Stage and Fusion Stage could be said to be a piece of cake, but facing the Mahayana Stage, it was difficult to stop him.

"Let's go!"

Lin Changsheng urged, if they were caught up, they would be in a desperate situation.

However, a huge scourge cliff appeared not far ahead.

The closer he got to the cliff, Lin Changsheng felt his body getting more and more exhausted.

It seemed that it was becoming difficult to move my legs.

And there are many human-shaped stone sculptures on the edge of the cliff.

These stone sculptures seem to have stood here all year round, and many of the stone sculptures are covered with weeds.

"Force field?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but secretly wonder, couldn't this cliff be the center of the Lingchen Mountain Range?

I originally wanted to jump directly over the cliff, but now it seems almost impossible.

There is no way to escape here.


The next moment, Shen Chi and others flew down not far in front of Lin Changsheng and others, with a fierce look on their faces.

At this moment, although Shen Chi and others had broken through the large formation set up by Lin Changsheng, they were still in a state of disarray.

Many corners of his clothes were scorched black by the flames and divine thunder.

Even his hair and face looked embarrassed.

"Your boy's cultivation talent is indeed extraordinary. If you are allowed to practice for another thousand years, you will become the formidable enemy of our Tianming Sword Sect. You will die today!"

Shen Chi gave a sharp shout and planned to send Lin Changsheng on his way.


Just when Shen Chi was about to take action, Lin Changsheng shouted.

"What? Do you want to beg for mercy?"

Chen Chi looked at Lin Changsheng. Now that the formation was gone, what other tricks could this kid come up with?

Facing the attack of a powerful enemy, Lin Changsheng felt a little at his wits' end at this moment.

We can only hope that Jian Lao and Xiao Bai can come up with some clever ideas.

However, upon questioning, both of them pretended not to hear, which made Lin Changsheng very angry.

This is not raising two vampires, they only know how to eat and drink together, and act stupid and dumbfounded at critical moments.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng discovered that there seemed to be some kind of powerful creature under the cliff, and it was heading here quickly.

"Do you know why the Tianming Sword Sect wants to kill me? Is it just because I have the Heaven-reaching Immortal Treasure in my hand?

Lin Chang asked angrily and calmly.

This made Shen Chi surprised, "Isn't it?"

"Let me tell you the truth! I am the rebirth of Elder Situ. The sect master is worried that after my return, I will surpass him in cultivation and pose a threat to his position as sect master, so he asked you to silence me before I have grown up! Otherwise, how do you think I got the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in my hand?"

Lin Changsheng continued to fool around.

If Gu Shan were here at this moment, he would probably be so angry that he would spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard this.

When he met them, he said that he was the Taixu Immortal King who had taken over his body and was reborn. Now that he was being pursued by the Tianming Sword Sect, he also said that he was their elder Situ Wu who had taken over his body and been reborn.

I don’t even know which of this kid’s words is true?

At this moment, Hou Shaojie and others on the side were all confused. Could it be that Lin Changsheng was really a strong man who took over his body and was reborn?

If so, it seems to make sense.

After all, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level has grown beyond heaven.

Even the wizards from their fairyland are no match for him.

Does this look like a monk from an abandoned place?

"Elder Situ?"

Hearing this, several strong fusion men around him began to hesitate.

Situ Wu was a very prestigious deacon in their Tianming Sword Sect, and almost all the elders knew about Situ Wu.

No wonder this kid is so strong in cultivation. It turned out to be Elder Situ who took over his body and was reborn?

However, most people are easy to deceive, but Shenchi is not so easily deceived.

"Since you said you are Elder Situ, will you be able to perform the Underworld Sword Jue that day? If you can perform it, I will believe you!"

Shen Chi said with evil intentions.

He didn't believe that Lin Changsheng was Situ Wu.

I just hope that I can find out who the other person is before he dies.

And even if the opponent is Situ Wu, Shen Chi has to kill him now, because if he fails to fulfill the orders given to him by his superiors, he may be the one who dies in the end.

"Then you should keep an eye on it!"

Lin Changsheng called out the evil-breaker and began to wave.

However, Shen Chi took a quick look and realized that this was not the Tianming Sword Technique at all.

"How dare you kid fool me?"

Shen Chi scolded angrily and planned to kill Lin Changsheng.


However, just when Shen Chi was about to take out his hand, there was a sound of gravel rolling down behind him.

Behind Shen Chi and others, a huge three-headed python was seen standing upright, and snake messages the size of arms were constantly pouring out from its mouth.

This demonic snake is extremely huge, with a body as large as three people hugging each other. The armor around it is extremely strong, as if it is made of the extremely strong Xuantian meteorite, and is full of metallic luster.

What's even more strange is that the three heads of this three-headed demon snake also show three different colors.

One is extremely red, one is as dark blue as ice, and the other is as gray as stone.



As soon as the three-headed demonic snake appeared, it spit out fire and ice, instantly killing the two strong men in front of them.

The flames controlled by these three-headed demonic snakes are extremely domineering.

The fused monks who were contaminated were directly turned into a ball of ashes.

The strong man who was frozen in the ice was swept out by the tail of the giant snake and was directly crushed into countless pieces of ice.

"Three, three ice and fire pythons?"

Shen Chi was shocked when he saw these three-headed demonic snakes.

These three ice and fire pythons are not something he can match with his level of cultivation.

The monks in the Mahayana stage can only turn around and run away when they see it. Only the strong ones in the Tribulation stage can win.

Some strong men who had never seen the three-headed ice and fire python suddenly attacked it.

Various sword lights, sword energy, and palm prints continued to attack the three fire pythons.

Bang bang bang——

A series of explosions were heard, but they did not cause any substantial damage to the three ice and fire pythons.

Two monks even looked at the third head of the three-headed ice and fire python, and were instantly petrified on the spot, and finally turned into a stone sculpture.

Only then did Lin Changsheng understand why there were so many stone sculptures here.

It turns out that these stone sculptures were not carved by humans, but were petrified by the third head of the three-headed ice and fire python.

"You'd be petrified if you look at each other? So perverted?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, it was better to run away.

These three ice and fire pythons can even kill the strong men in the combined stage as easily as eating and drinking. If they stay, they will probably die.


Seeing the chaos on the other side, Lin Changsheng planned to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

"Wait a minute, with such a powerful spiritual beast here, there must be an opportunity under the cliff!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to escape, Jian Lao's voice slowly came out.

However, upon hearing this, Lin Changsheng was instantly shocked.

Can this powerful spirit beast complex be easily killed? Does he still dare to look for opportunities here?

Once discovered by the three ice and fire pythons, they will definitely die.

"Old man, are you kidding me?"

Lin Chang said angrily that when he was looking for him just now, Jian Lao pretended not to hear.

And now you actually ask him to stay, are you trying to harm him intentionally?

If this spiritual beast's guess is correct, I'm afraid it's not far away from stepping into the fairy beast. How can I still snatch food from its nose?

"Wealth is gained in danger, what are you afraid of?"

Jian Lao's voice came again.

Based on Jian Lao's knowledge, there must be treasures under the cliff with such powerful monsters guarding this place.

Maybe it's the place where the fallen strong men are buried.

Once found, it will definitely be of great benefit to Lin Changsheng, and it will even be of great benefit to him.

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger. If you leave now, you may miss a big opportunity.

Hearing what Mr. Jian said, Lin Changsheng chose to stay and observe first.

You may not be able to wait until you get the chance.

Lin Changsheng then asked Hou Shaojie, Wang Huisheng and others to leave first and stayed alone.

These three ice and fire pythons seemed to know that the people of the Tianming Sword Sect were stronger in cultivation, so they ignored Lin Changsheng and others at all and continued to launch a fierce offensive against the people of the Tianming Sword Sect.

After a while, more than ten strong men from the Tianming Sword Sect in the integration stage were killed by the three-headed Ice and Fire Man, leaving only the last five people.


Shen Chi didn't even have time to look for Lin Changsheng's footsteps after saying a word, so he immediately turned around and ran away.

This spiritual beast is too powerful and they cannot deal with it at all.

Once the leader Chen Chi left, the other monks in the early stages of integration would no longer be able to match the three-headed ice and fire pythons.

Being bombarded constantly.

In the end, only Shen Chi escaped from this place.


The three ice and fire pythons opened their blood basins and took a big gulp, sucking all the fallen monk's Yuan Power into their bodies.

Lin Changsheng was shocked when he saw this scene.

He has heard that monks absorb the inner elixir of monsters to enhance their cultivation. This is the first time (End of Chapter)

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