The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 368 Mother-child blood jade fruit, coffin obtained [Please order! 】

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Lin Changsheng immediately lowered his cultivation level to avoid attracting the attention of the three ice and fire pythons.

After the three ice and fire pythons absorbed the cultivation of more than ten combined monks, their bodies suddenly became a little bigger, and there was a lot of horniness all over their bodies, as if there were signs of shedding and evolution.


The three ice and fire pythons roared loudly, then plunged into the cliff and disappeared.

Lin Changsheng immediately followed and found that the cliff was bottomless.

"There must be a treasure in this place where the spiritual beast lives. Why don't you go down and look for it?"

Seeing Lin Changsheng standing on the edge of the cliff, Jian Lao immediately urged.

Lin Changsheng hesitated for a moment, then plunged in.

According to Lin Changsheng's character, he would not do such an uncertain thing.

After all, we don’t know anything about what’s going on under the cliff. Maybe there are many powerful spiritual beasts down there. So entering it is surely not a way to die?

But seeing how confident Jian Lao was, Lin Changsheng was willing to take the risk.

This cliff is indeed bottomless.

Lin Changsheng was free-falling for more than ten breaths, but he still couldn't see the bottom.

But on the contrary, I feel that the aura of heaven and earth under the cliff is getting stronger and stronger.

Maybe there really is a treasure here.

Finally, after falling for about a minute, Lin Changsheng saw a river appearing below.


Lin Changsheng fell directly into the river.

The river was quite fast and it was unknown where it led. Lin Changsheng did not dare to use his spiritual consciousness to explore, lest he be discovered by the three ice and fire pythons.

Once you are noticed, it will be difficult to leave.

Lin Changsheng could only pursue the place with rich spiritual energy and keep getting closer.

"The aura in this river is actually so strong?"

Lin Changsheng was quite surprised. This place seemed indeed unusual.

After following the river for a certain distance, Lin Changsheng discovered that there were plants growing on the wall in front of him. These plants had thumb-sized red fruits connected to one large and one small.

"What kind of fruit is this?"

Lin Changsheng asked Jian Lao.

"This is called the Zimu Blood Jade Fruit, why don't you put it away quickly? After taking this fruit, it can not only temper the blood and warm the consciousness, but also improve the cultivation level!"

Jian Lao reminded, this is a good thing!

Lin Changsheng was also lucky to come across such a good thing.

This thing cannot grow in ordinary places.

When Lin Changsheng heard this, he immediately jumped up and pocketed all the Blood Jade Fruits on the wall, probably more than thirty pieces.

As the river moved forward, Lin Changsheng also discovered that there were many traces of sharp weapons blasting on the walls of the river. There were even many sharp weapons stuck on some solid walls. This showed that violent attacks had also occurred here. fighting.

This mother-blood jade fruit may be formed from the blood of a strong man condensed and nourished by spiritual energy.

In addition to many sharp weapons and marks on the wall, there are also traces of being rubbed by three ice and fire pythons.

It can be seen that three ice and fire pythons will come in and out from here from time to time.

Lin Changsheng did not follow this spiritual beast.

Lin Changsheng did not let go of the sharp weapons on the wall and put them all away.

Among these sharp weapons, there are actually several low-grade Tongtian spirit treasures.

It's perfect for fusion.

As the river continued to move forward, the cave in front became narrower, and Lin Changsheng felt that three ice and fire pythons were not far ahead.

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but his heart beat a little faster, and he held his breath for a moment.

If this was discovered by the three ice and fire pythons, it would be troublesome.

This powerful spiritual beast can kill strong men in the combined stage as easily as eating and drinking.

Fortunately, the three ice and fire pythons seemed to be refining after absorbing the cultivation abilities of more than a dozen strong combined men, and did not sense Lin Changsheng's entry.

As he approached, Lin Changsheng passed through the narrow passage, and a huge stone chamber appeared in front of him.

This stone chamber is as bright as day, and the top is filled with luminous pearls. It cannot be described as a stone chamber, it can be said to be an underground palace.

In this underground palace, there are several huge stone pillars supported by some Vatican runes and patterns carved on them.

In the center of the palace, there is a stone platform, and a coffin made of spiritual wood is placed above it. Bursts of rich spiritual energy are constantly coming from it.

There is a spiritual pool on the side. Three ice and fire pythons are lying quietly beside the spiritual pool. It seems that after absorbing the energy of more than ten combined monks, it needs to be slowly refined and absorbed, even with their eyes closed.

"Could it be that the coffin is the coffin of a fallen strong man?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, it seems that it is not that no one can find it, but that no one can take it away.

This spiritual beast is not something ordinary people can deal with.

Even if he found the coffin not far away, Lin Changsheng did not dare to act rashly.

After all, the three-headed demon snake on the side is not easy to mess with.

Lin Changsheng originally wanted to create a teleportation formation, then obtain the coffin and escape.

But it also takes time to carve out the teleportation formation.

Once discovered by the three ice and fire pythons, it is estimated that they will die before they can describe it.

We can only wait for the opportunity.


Sure enough, the hard work paid off. After waiting for two hours, the three ice and fire pythons began to swing their whole bodies with a long cry.

The extremely hard scales all over his body began to loosen slowly.

"These three ice and fire pythons are actually going to shed their skin and evolve?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked. No wonder these three ice and fire pythons remained motionless after absorbing more than ten years of combined energy. So they were making a breakthrough?

However, when the three ice and fire pythons broke through, they were weak, and it was also the best time for him to take action.


The three ice and fire pythons once again let out a long and painful cry, and the unicorn armor and snake skin on their bodies began to fall off.


Lin Changsheng saw the opportunity, jumped up, and rushed directly to the coffin in front.

The three ice and fire pythons also reacted quickly. They discovered Lin Changsheng immediately and immediately launched an attack.

A head spewed out extremely domineering flames, but Lin Changsheng easily dodged it.

At the same time, Lin Changsheng also used two clones to attract the attention of the three ice and fire pythons.

The three ice and fire pythons couldn't tell the real thing from the fake one for a while.

Lin Changsheng's body went straight to the coffin.

At this moment, the three ice and fire pythons also discovered that Lin Changsheng's target was the coffin. They were immediately furious and spit out another mouthful of ice.

Lin Changsheng did not want the coffin to be frozen by ice, which would make it difficult to obtain it.

"Immortal Dragon Flame!"

Lin Changsheng struck out with a palm, and the fireworks turned into dragons and rushed out.


The ice and flames collided instantly, erupting with a violent roar.

I don't know whether this immortal dragon flame has a restraining effect on the ice power of the three ice and fire pythons, or whether the three ice and fire pythons were a little weak when they broke through.

The two forces were evenly matched.

After resisting the attack of the three ice and fire pythons, Lin Changsheng instantly put the coffin into the storage bag and recalled the two clones.


Lin Changsheng shouted.

This time Xiaobai was obedient and rushed out of the spirit beast bag in an instant.

However, after coming out, Xiaobai did not immediately use the secret method of space to escape with Lin Changsheng.

Instead, he came to the Lingtan, opened his mouth and inhaled, directly absorbing all the spiritual energy in the Lingtan instantly.

This made the three ice and fire pythons very angry.

This guy just stole his master's coffin, but actually released a fox to absorb all the spiritual energy in his spiritual pool.

I was so full that I overturned the table. I didn’t even plan to leave a bite for it!


The three ice and fire pythons roared again, expressing the anger in their hearts.

Then the third head stared at Lin Changsheng. As long as Lin Changsheng looked at it, he would be instantly petrified.

However, Lin Changsheng had known this trick for a long time and immediately closed his eyes.

After Xiaobai absorbed the spiritual energy in the pond, he jumped into Lin Changsheng's arms, exhaled a light ball and directly enveloped Lin Changsheng, and then the light ball compressed and disappeared.

Lin Changsheng and Xiaobai disappeared directly into the stone chamber, and when they reappeared, they were already above the ground.

The three-headed ice and fire python wanted to chase, but found that its physical strength was a little weak. It was at the critical moment of breaking through.

I can only give up here and start to break through with all my strength.

As the snake skin and armor continued to fall off, the brand new armor of the three ice and fire pythons was revealed.

This Linjia turned out to be pink in color, which looked very strange.

And as the snake skin and unicorn armor continued to fall off, the three ice and fire pythons slowly grew a fourth head.

The head was silvery white in color, and there were flashes of lightning on it.

In the painful struggle, the entire stone room became filled with lightning and thunder.

This transformation took three or four hours before the three ice and fire pythons finally transformed successfully.

In these three or four hours, Lin Changsheng had escaped thousands of miles away.

After the three ice and fire pythons successfully broke through, the four heads gathered together and slowly evolved into a woman with an exquisite face.

It's just that the hair is so weird that it is actually made of countless small snakes.

As the head evolved into a human form, then came the neck, arms, abdomen, and legs.

A moment later, a naked woman lay weakly on the ground.

"Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will find you, Master, and my little girl will not be separated from you——"

The woman said weakly, her eyes filled with murderous thoughts towards Lin Changsheng and longing for her master.

On the flying boat in the fairy palace.


Gu Shan and Liu Feng fought against the three elders of the Tianming Sword Sect, and they were evenly matched.

Bursts of explosions continued to be heard.

"Elder Liu, it's really unfortunate that the genius you just won over dies today. It's such a pity!"

Luo Shang mocked.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng and others were hunted down by more than a dozen powerful fusions, and they were absolutely dead.

At this moment, Elder Liu Feng's face was full of sadness.

He also knew that the situation of Lin Changsheng and others was not optimistic.

Lin Changsheng and others cannot deal with even one powerful fusion warrior, let alone more than ten.

I am so envious of talents!

"Our Immortal Palace has recorded this grudge. Sooner or later we will settle old and new grudges together!"

Liu Feng said angrily.

"Hahaha——, then I can wait!"

Luo Shang laughed and said, not afraid at all!

In the distance, Shen Chi was seen galloping towards him with a embarrassed look on his face.

Soon he stood in front of Luo Shang.

When Luo Shang saw Shen Chi's embarrassed appearance, he suddenly felt bad.

"Is Lin Changsheng dead?"

Luo Shang asked.

"Hui, Hui, Elder Luo, Lin Changsheng and others fled into the depths of the Coffin Mountain Range. We chased after them and encountered three ice and fire pythons. The rest of the people were all dead. I was the only one who escaped by chance!"

Shen Chi said fearfully.

I hope Luo Shang can be given a lighter punishment.

"Let me ask you, is Lin Changsheng dead?"

Luo Shang's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Luo Shang didn't care about the lives of other people. What he cared about was whether Lin Changsheng died.

"Return, return to Elder Luo, not yet!"

Shen Chi said tremblingly.

Because he clearly felt the murderous aura in Luo Shang.

"Trash, a dozen Fusion Stage monks can't kill a child in the Void Refining Stage, what's the use of keeping you?"

After saying that, Luo Shang raised his hand and planned to kill Shen Chi to vent his anger.

"Elder Luo, please spare your life! Those three ice and fire pythons are really too strong. I'll wait--"


Before Chen Chi finished speaking, he was killed by Luo Shang's palm.

"Elder Luo even killed his own people. The Tianming Sword Sect really deserves its reputation!"

When Liu Feng saw the black-faced man come back in disgrace and was finally killed by Luo Shang, he knew that their pursuit of Lin Changsheng and others was not going well.

Maybe Lin Changsheng and others were still alive, and hope suddenly reignited in his heart.

"We'll see!"

Since these losers failed to kill Lin Changsheng, there was no point in them continuing to fight here.

Luo Shang immediately left with the other two elders.

It seems that this matter needs to be considered in the long run. Lin Changsheng is a thorn in the side and must be eradicated.

"Let's go to Lingchen Mountain Range!"

As soon as Liu Feng spoke, he rushed towards the Coffin Mountain Range.

On the way, Liu Feng and Gu Shan met Wang Huisheng, Hou Shaojie and others who were returning.

But he didn't see Lin Changsheng, and he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Why are you alone, where is Lin Changsheng?"

Gu Shan said displeasedly.

Lin Changsheng's life was much more valuable than theirs.

"We encountered three ice and fire pythons. Junior Brother Lin asked us to leave first. Now it is estimated that the danger is far worse! Elder Liu, please go and have a look!"

Wang Huisheng said anxiously.

Thinking that Lin Changsheng stayed behind just to give them a break.

However, when everyone came to the cliff again.

Everything here has returned to peace.

Except for the corpses on the ground that proved that a fight had just occurred here, everything else was as if it had never happened.

"Why is there no body of Lin Changsheng?"

Liu Feng said in surprise, but this also proved that Lin Changsheng might not be dead after all.

"That kid won't die that easily. Maybe he's a blessing in disguise!"

Gu Shan looked at the bottomless abyss and thought to himself.

Lin Changsheng is not stupid. If he encounters danger, he will definitely be the first to escape.

If he stayed, it meant that he had other plans.

"Since he is not dead, then I will go back to the sect to report to the sect master and ask all the disciples in the sect to go out and search for Lin Changsheng's whereabouts. He must not fall into the hands of the Tianming Sword Sect!"

Liu Feng said anxiously, he did not dare to enter the depths of the cliff rashly.

It is said that a strong man from the Mahayana stage once went there, but never came back. It is probably more bad than good.

Now Liu Feng can only report back to the sect and let the sect leader make a decision.

Liu Feng then left with his disciples and rushed back to the Immortal Palace.

Zhao Shuang'er wanted to stay and continue looking for Lin Changsheng, but after the persuasion of Hou Shaojie and Wang Huisheng, he could only follow him back to the sect first.

If Lin Changsheng had not died, he would definitely go to the Immortal Palace to fight with them. (End of chapter)

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