The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 369: Supreme Sword Gate, Hidden Soldier Cave, Seeking Death

At this moment, Lin Changsheng had fled thirty thousand miles away.

A city called Xianjun City appeared ahead.

Lin Changsheng used the disguise technique to change his appearance, transforming into a middle-aged man and entering the city.

This makes it less likely to be noticed.

After all, his performance on the Prodigy List was too impressive.

"Fortunately, these three ice and fire pythons are evolving, otherwise there is really no hope of winning this coffin!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, now planning to find an inn to rest.

After all, he ran away for tens of thousands of miles and consumed a lot of energy.

By the way, let's see if there are any treasures in this coffin?

If there was no treasure, then he would lose more than he gained.

Maybe the three ice and fire pythons remembered his scent and would hunt him down.

"It's incredible! The top spot on this year's list of geniuses was actually taken by a young man named Lin Changsheng!"

"Who is this Lin Changsheng? He is actually capable of defeating the three top sect geniuses. It is incredible!"

"Yes! It is said that this young man has amazing talent in cultivation. Not only does he know how to strengthen his body, but he also knows formations. Finally, he relied on the power of formations to defeat the genius of the Xianwu Palace in the body of the Fusion Stage!"

"When this child grows up in the future, his achievements will definitely be limitless!"

Lin Changsheng had just entered an inn called Xianju, and there were many monks nearby drinking and chatting.

There were many people nearby who were listening with great interest.

The words discussed were basically related to the list of geniuses.

This year's Talent List is really a big shock to them.

After all, no one expected that the person at the top of the list was not the top three sects, but a dark horse.

After Lin Changsheng asked for a room, he went upstairs directly.

Didn't attract anyone's attention.

"Restore your energy first!"

Lin Changsheng sat cross-legged on the bed and took three Wuji Saint Yuan Pills to restore his energy.

The efficacy of three Saint Yuan Pills was enough to restore half of Lin Changsheng's energy consumption.

The elixir entered his abdomen, and the effects of the medicine were released in his body. Lin Changsheng used the Taixu God King Art to continuously refine it.

In just one stick of incense, all the medicinal effects are absorbed.

Lin Changsheng had already recovered more than half of the energy he had consumed.

"See what treasures are in this coffin?"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took the coffin out of the storage space.

As soon as the coffin came out, strong spiritual energy spread out.

I don’t know what kind of spiritual wood this coffin is made of, but it is actually made into a coffin and can emit such rich spiritual energy.


Lin Changsheng pushed open the coffin board and found a middle-aged man lying safely inside.

The man has a beard at the corner of his mouth and looks quite elegant.

However, it is not known whether the coffin came into contact with the air or whether the spiritual energy was lost due to the opening of the coffin. The man's face suddenly became corrupted.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a pile of bones.

“Senior, don’t blame me, senior, don’t blame me!”

Lin Changsheng apologized, and then turned his attention to the ring in Bai Gu's hand.

Because apart from this ring, there is nothing else.

Maybe this ring has the same function as a storage bag and can store things.

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Lin Changsheng took off the ring and then put his spiritual consciousness into it.

After his spiritual consciousness entered the ring, Lin Changsheng discovered that it turned out to be a vast bamboo forest space.

The bamboo forest inside is as long as the sea, and it seems that there is no end in sight.


The next moment, the originally clear sky suddenly became filled with thunder and lightning.

A human face appeared and disappeared under the flash of thunder and lightning.

"I never expected that the person who could obtain my coffin would be a young man!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was wondering, a sound like thunder came from the sky.

"Can the strong man who has overcome the tribulation have any thoughts?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

"Yes, I am Can Nian, the owner of the coffin. Since you have obtained my coffin, it means that you have extraordinary talent. Now I will give you two choices. One is to obtain my inheritance and become a disciple of my Supreme Sword Sect. The other is to have divine consciousness. Stay in this space and sleep with me forever!"

Thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, and a human face spoke. This face was the same as the face of the man Lin Changsheng had just seen in the coffin.

It is conceivable that these lingering thoughts must be those of the owner of the coffin.

"A disciple of the Supreme Sword Sect?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised. It seemed that he had never heard of this large sect?

"Yes, are you willing? Become a disciple of my Supreme Sword Sect, which is what many wizards dream of. You are lucky!"

Cannian said slowly.

"But I have already chosen to join the Immortal Palace. Is it inappropriate to be your disciple of the Supreme Sword Sect again?"

Lin Changsheng responded, if he could join the Supreme Sword Sect and gain inheritance, that would naturally be good.


Cannian hesitated for a moment, although he wanted Lin Changsheng to be a disciple of the Supreme Sword Sect, but Lin Changsheng had already joined the Immortal Palace, so he could only be considered half of it.

However, his coffin has been opened, and it is impossible for Can Nian to wait for the second person.

"That's fine, as long as you remember that you are a disciple of the Supreme Sword Sect! Are you willing to worship me as your teacher and join my Supreme Sword Sect?"

Can Nian stepped back and said.

"Disciple Lin Changsheng is willing!"

Lin Changsheng decisively agreed.

Let’s not talk about whether there is still a sect called Supreme Sword Sect. Even if there is, he can only be considered as half a disciple at most.

In the future, if the Supreme Sword Sect is in trouble, you can just do your best.

Why not pick up a big inheritance for nothing?

"Okay, I will teach you the Supreme Sword Sect technique and swordsmanship right now!"

After saying that, the residual thoughts turned into a ray of light and penetrated into Lin Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Changsheng could only feel a stream of information pouring into his mind.

This information is the mentality and swordsmanship of the Supreme Sword Sect.

The mental technique is not very complicated, but the swordsmanship is quite complicated.

Swordsmanship is divided into seven styles.

Every move is extremely lethal.

When you reach the seventh form of practice, you can mobilize the power of heaven and earth to unleash a powerful sword attack.

[Introduction to the Supreme Sword Technique and the Heart Technique! 】

[Introduction to Supreme Sword Technique Swordsmanship! 】

After about a stick of incense, Lin Changsheng finally mastered all the martial arts and swordsmanship to the basics.

"Yes, you can get started in just one stick of incense. It is only a matter of time before you reach perfection in practice!"

Cannian left Lin Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness and returned to the sky. He seemed very satisfied with Lin Changsheng's talent and smiled.

However, at this moment, the regret has become much weaker than at the beginning, and it seems that it consumes a lot of money.

In addition to inheriting the two major immortal arts, Lin Changsheng felt that his spiritual consciousness had been greatly improved.

It is vaster and more powerful than at the beginning.

"Thank you, senior!"

Lin Changsheng thanked him. When his skills and swordsmanship are perfected, Lin Changsheng can fuse them together, which will definitely greatly increase or decrease his own strength.

"You still call me senior?"

Cannian was a little displeased. He had taught the other party both the mental skills and swordsmanship of the Supreme Sword Sect, yet he still called him senior?

"Thank you, master!"

Lin Changsheng didn't care about having one more master and immediately changed his tune.


Cannian seemed very satisfied and continued, "Thirty miles away from here, to the south, there is a place called the Hidden Sword Cave. There are the sharp swords I have collected throughout my life. I hope they will be useful to you, as the supreme sword. Disciples, please do not humiliate the sect! Remember! Remember—"

As the words slowly fell, the residual thoughts turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

"Well done, master!"

Lin Changsheng bowed forward.

As the residual thoughts disappeared, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated, giving way to clear skies.

"Thirty miles south?"

Lin Changsheng stopped waiting and hurried towards the cave where Can Nian said the sword was hidden.

After a while, Lin Changsheng arrived thirty miles away, but he couldn't find the sword cave for a long time.

This made Lin Changsheng feel that he had been deceived by Cannian?

But the other party has no reason to lie to him!

After searching this place countless times, Lin Changsheng finally found a cave in a hidden corner.

Three words are engraved on the cave with Vatican's runes.

Lin Changsheng didn't know if these three words were a hidden sword cave, so he immediately got into it.

After entering this cave, Lin Changsheng was dazzled by the dazzling array of weapons placed inside.

After roughly counting, there are one hundred and twenty-three low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, sixteen mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and three high-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

It's a pity that there is no immortal treasure that reaches heaven.

He is worthy of being a strong man with a sword. Apart from the sword, he has no other weapons.

Lin Changsheng pocketed them all.

Then he left this space.

[The Supreme Sword Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Supreme Sword Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

Just as Lin Changsheng asked to exit this space, he saw a prompt popping up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Supreme Sword Technique's mental method begins. The simplification is completed in the simplification. The Supreme Sword Technique's mental method == Thinking Sword! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Supreme Sword Technique begins. The simplification is completed. The Supreme Sword Technique == swinging the sword! 】

"Want a sword? Swing a sword?"

This doesn't seem difficult.

When the two immortal skills are perfected, they can be merged with Taixu God King Jue and Tianqiong Splitting Moon Slash.


Just when Lin Changsheng was about to improve his proficiency in the two major immortal arts, a group of people kicked open the door and walked in.

When they saw the coffins placed in the house, exuding bursts of spiritual energy, their eyes were filled with greed.

This coffin is not simple at first glance, with a steady stream of spiritual energy spreading out from above.

And it was precisely because they felt the change in spiritual energy that they tracked down this place.

When Lin Changsheng saw this, he immediately waved his hand and put the coffin away.

"Fellow Taoist, why are you so stingy? Since it is a treasure, everyone should appreciate it together!"

Among the six people, an ugly-looking man in front said with his yellow teeth.

There were pits on his face and a sword wound, which showed that this man had fought hard.

"Are you worthy?"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

He knows that these people come with bad intentions, so he won't give them a good look.

"You bitch, don't be shameless. Hand over the treasure obediently. Brothers, please consider trying to get around you!"

The ugly man also tore off his disguise and said angrily.

In their opinion, Lin Changsheng was just one person, and he was still in the early stage of Void Refining. How could he be their opponent?

They want to settle this treasure.

In order not to attract attention, Lin Changsheng lowered his cultivation level.

"You leave now, I will pretend that you never showed up. If you want to seize the treasure, I am afraid that not only will the treasure not be taken away, but your life will also be lost!"

Lin Changsheng was not afraid of these people at all.

Because he took a look at these people and found that their cultivation levels were not very tyrannical.

The strongest person was just an ugly man, and he was only in the middle stage of Xuzhou Refinement. The other two were in the early stage of Xuzhou Refinement, and the four were in the late stage of Divine Transformation.

If Lin Changsheng wanted to kill these people, he could kill them all instantly.

It's just that this will attract other people's attention. Lin Changsheng chose not to take action if he could.

However, these people seemed to be very disrespectful. Lin Changsheng wanted to save their lives, but the other party insisted on hitting the knife edge.

"It's a joke, don't you understand the principle that a man is innocent but possesses a treasure? If you don't hand it over, don't blame the brothers for being rude!"

The ugly man directly waved his hand and summoned a big sword, with great intention of taking action.

"So, you are bent on seeking death?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes turned cold.

Since they were bent on seeking death, Lin Changsheng naturally chose to help them.

Since he was going to take action, Lin Changsheng would definitely choose the fastest way to end the battle.

That is to use the divine thunder bow to burst out multiple attacks in an instant, killing six people instantly.

"Seeking death? Hahaha - I want to see who is seeking death? Come on, brothers!"

The ugly man yelled angrily, and the blade in his hand was already slashing towards Lin Changsheng.

The other five people were also unequivocal and launched various attacks one after another.

Some broke out with punches and kicks, some broke out with sword and spear lights, and all attacked Lin Changsheng one after another. All kinds of attacks came fiercely.

However, Lin Changsheng was not timid at all.

"court death!"

Lin Changsheng instantly summoned the divine thunder bow, pulled his arms, and the sound of thunder echoed everywhere.

Too late——

The tyrannical thunder arrows flew out, carrying the tyrannical power of the sky thunder, turning the entire space into bursts of thunder.


The moment the ugly man saw Lin Changsheng taking out the divine thunder bow, he immediately turned to stone.

Because when he was just listening to the chats of the passing monks downstairs, he heard that in the Tianjiao Ranking competition, Lin Changsheng used a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, which was invincible, and he passed all the way to the top of the list.

And now, isn't the person in front using a divine bow with thunder and lightning?

Could it be that this person is Lin Changsheng?


Before the ugly man could react.

The tyrannical thunder and lightning arrows had already collided with his sword light.

The powerful thunder and lightning arrows instantly knocked everyone away.

The remaining five people were killed by lightning arrows on the spot and died of anger.

The ugly man was also vomiting blood at the moment. He was obviously seriously injured and fell to the ground unable to move.

His heart and abdomen were already covered in blood from the thunder and lightning arrows.

"You, are you Lin Changsheng?"

The ugly man looked at Lin Changsheng in disbelief.

It's really unfortunate for him that he offended someone he couldn't afford to offend.

Not to mention that Lin Changsheng had a strong backing when he joined Immortal Palace.

Lin Changsheng's cultivation level alone was beyond what he could resist.

"You know it's too late!"

Lin Changsheng walked towards the ugly man step by step, intending to kill him.

The fighting here must have attracted the attention of other strong men, so it would be best to leave immediately.

"Don't, don't kill me. You have a lot of them. I don't dare to do it anymore-"

The ugly man desperately supported his body and stepped back.

However, Lin Changsheng did not intend to let him go. He had already given them a chance, but they did not cherish it.


Lin Changsheng stepped on the ugly man's heart and killed him directly.

Then the bodies of the six people were put into the storage bag by Lin Changsheng. He exerted force under his feet and rose into the air. Lin Changsheng left the place instantly.

When the people who heard the noise rushed here, there was only a pool of blood left on the ground. (End of chapter)

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