The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 371 Killing the strong man in the body, the secret method of controlling beasts

After severely injuring Ma Huo's men, Lin Changsheng's cultivation and physical body had reached an early stage of integration before stopping.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng and Ma Huo were already standing on the same starting point.

"It seems I'm looking down on you!"

Ma Huo said coldly, he really underestimated this kid, he didn't expect him to have such a powerful secret method.

It can improve one's cultivation to a great level in a short period of time.

However, this kind of secret method has a time limit. As long as you fight until the opponent's secret method disappears, the opponent will definitely die.

After the words fell, Ma Huo no longer waited and directly waved his hand to summon his Heavenly Spirit Treasure.

This is a flaming long sword with many Vatican patterns on the blade. It should belong to the middle-grade Heavenly Spiritual Treasure level.

"You came here when you came, and you brought me a gift? I reluctantly accepted it after you died!"

Lin Changsheng saw the Tongtian Lingbao in Ma Huo's hand, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Isn’t this a gift for yourself?


Ma Huo yelled angrily, and the energy in his body gathered on the long knife, and he slashed out with one swift stroke.

I saw the long sword evolving into a huge sky sword in mid-air.

Flames were billowing from the blade, as if half the sky was burning red.

Seeing such a powerful sword light approaching, Lin Changsheng naturally would not fight with it head-on.

After all, there is not much difference in cultivation between the two of them now, so it is not that easy to defeat each other head-on.

Lin Changsheng dodged away from the place and quickly took out the Divine Thunder Bow again.

As soon as the divine thunder bow came out, the entire space became thunderous and flashing.

Lin Changsheng drew his bow over the full moon, and with the sound of thunder, nine thunder arrows shot directly through the sky towards Ma Huo.


The next moment, Ma Huo's blazing flaming sword suddenly fell on the ground, directly cutting a huge ravine ten feet long and wide where Lin Changsheng had just stood.

Even the mountains behind were not spared and were directly struck and collapsed.

At the same time, Lin Changsheng's lightning arrows had pierced the sky and arrived in front of Ma Huo.

"Is it really a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao?"

Ma Huo's pupils opened and he was a little scared.

The power of this top-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure is much stronger than the flaming mad sword in his hand.

However, Ma Huo, who had just slashed out the sword light at this moment, had no time to dodge, and could only swing the sword light again to sweep out, trying to block the thunder and lightning arrows that penetrated the sky.


The sword light and the thunder and lightning arrows collided suddenly, causing explosions.

How could the sword light that Ma Huo slashed out in a hurry be the opponent of the divine thunder arrow?

The sword light was instantly defeated by the thunder arrows and was killed in front of him.


Ma Huo was shocked. He didn't expect the power of this thunder and lightning arrow to be so terrifying.

In shock, Ma Huo could only use his energy to form a shield in front of him.

Bang bang bang——

However, this shield was somewhat vulnerable to the power of lightning arrows.

He was instantly blasted away by divine thunder arrows.

Arrows landed on Ma Huo's body one after another, killing him and sending him flying backwards.

Several blood holes had appeared on the chest.

If he hadn't been in the Fusion stage, he would have been killed by Lin Changsheng's arrow.

"You still want to hunt me down with your strength?"

Lin Changsheng felt great after feeling the increase in his strength.

Although he did not improve to a large realm, his Yuan Power was five times as high as before.

And after using the power of the dragon and the secret method, it can be promoted to the combined stage, and its strength has simply undergone earth-shaking changes.

Now, even against the strong ones in the early stages of integration, he is still invincible.

"Little beast, let's wait and see!"

Ma Huo was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Changsheng's cultivation to be so terrifying.

I had just fought with him, and I was seriously injured.

Now it seems that only Thirty-Six Stratagems are the best strategy, and I will think about how to deal with Lin Changsheng in the future.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Huo turned around and ran away.

However, Ma Huo wanted to leave, so how could Lin Changsheng let him go?

"Is it too late to leave now?"

When Lin Changsheng saw Ma Huo turning around and running away, he immediately stepped on the ground and directly exploded the force field.

Ma Huo, who originally ran away at lightning speed, suddenly slowed down a lot.

If it weren't for Lin Changsheng's force field, Ma Huo would really have escaped.

This guy didn't know what magic he was using, but he was so fast.

In the blink of an eye, he had escaped three miles away.

"Force field?"

Ma Huo was shocked. If he was not suppressed by the force field, he would definitely be able to escape.

Could it be that I am going to die here today?

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Ma Huo could only wave and release the three monsters he had subdued in the spirit beast bag, hoping to buy some time for his escape.

These three monsters are all beasts he carefully selected.

One is an ice crack-toothed tiger, one is a two-headed silver-armored wolf, and the other is a white-feathered flying eagle.

The cultivation levels of these three ferocious beasts are all in the early stage of void refining.

It can be considered a relatively powerful existence among monsters.

However, compared to the monsters that Lin Changsheng had conquered, they were still somewhat insignificant.

"Kill me!"

Ma Huo commanded three monsters to surround and kill Lin Changsheng in order to buy time for himself.

As long as he leaves Lin Changsheng's domain, he can escape and ascend to heaven.

"Let me show you what a contracted beast is!"

Lin Changsheng summoned the Fire Qilin and the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

It was not easy for Lin Changsheng to conquer these two ferocious beasts.

The Lightning and Thunder Eagle is the overlord of the sky. When Lin Changsheng subdued him, he had reached the middle stage of the cultivation of the void, and now he has grown to the late stage of the cultivation of the void.

The Fire Qilin is a descendant of the dragon clan. It is extremely powerful and possesses the Qilin Divine Fire. If its cultivation had not been suppressed in the formation, it would have been impossible for Lin Changsheng to conquer it.

When it was conquered, Huo Qilin had the cultivation level of the late stage of virtual refining. After signing a contract with Lin Changsheng, he was directly promoted to the early stage of integration.

As soon as these two ferocious beasts appeared, the three monster beasts charging ahead immediately showed timidity.


The Lightning and Thunder Eagle roared loudly, and the power of thunder and lightning spread out from its body, directly blasting towards the white-feathered flying eagle in the sky.

The density of thunder and lightning made it impossible for Bai Yu to avoid it, and he was instantly hit by lightning and fell from the sky.

After landing on the ground, it was already reduced to charcoal and could no longer die.


The fire unicorn spurted out a burst of flames, directly melting the ice-cracked tooth tiger at the front into a pile of white bones.

Although the Ice Crack Tooth Tiger is wrapped in a layer of black ice, this black ice is far different from the Qilin Divine Fire and is not on the same level at all.

In almost a face-to-face encounter, two of the three-headed monsters summoned by Ma Huo had already died.

The remaining two-headed silver-armored wolf was torn to pieces by the two ferocious beasts and died in a miserable state.

Maho, who was running away, was shocked when he saw this scene.

What kind of monster is this Lin Changsheng? Even if he is powerful, he is accompanied by a monster with such terrifying cultivation?

The monsters he controlled as an elder of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect were not as strong as him?

The position of elder is for him.

However, before he had time to think too much, Lin Changsheng had already leaped in front of him.


Lin Changsheng punched out, and the beast roared above the fist.

This boxing is none other than the Four Elephant Divine Lord Boxing.

The fist light is accompanied by the power of the four sacred beasts.

Under the suppression of the force field, Ma Huo could only barely wave the sword in his hand to resist, unable to exert his full strength at all.


This punch struck the sword light in front of Ma Huo and directly knocked him away again.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out in mid-air.

After landing, Ma Huo no longer had the tyrannical aura he had at the beginning, and his internal organs had been severely damaged.

If he hadn't been in the Fusion stage, he would have died long ago.

"Around, around life——"

Ma Huo immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. He really didn't expect that he would capsize in this gutter.

If he had known that this would be the case, he would not have traveled thousands of miles to pursue Lin Changsheng.

In the end, not only did he not kill the other party, but he also took his own life.

"If I'm going to lose at your hands, will you risk my life?"

Lin Changsheng said with disdain, in this world where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the strong, being kind and soft-hearted is a big taboo.

"I, I will give you all the treasures I have on my body. As long as you take care of my life, I am blind and you, sir, will treat me like a fart, right?"

Maho continued to plead.

Now besides begging, he could think of no other way.

"If I kill you, will the treasure in your hand belong to me?"

Lin Changsheng smiled, and then he didn't bother to talk nonsense with Ma Huo, so he directly called out the Evil-Breaking Sword and slashed it out.

Ma Huo still wanted to resist, but how could his middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao be the opponent of a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao?


With blood splattering, a human head rolled directly to the ground.

After Ma Huo died, Lin Changsheng looked through his storage bag.

This place is remote and few people visit, so Lin Changsheng is not afraid of being discovered.

"It's really shabby, only 20,000 fairy crystals and two secret books!"

After Lin Changsheng looked through Ma Huo's storage bag, he found that this guy was not very wealthy.

However, Lin Changsheng really liked the flame sword in his hand and could fuse it with it.

"The secret method of controlling beasts? Soaring Cloud Immortal Steps?"

Lin Changsheng was quite interested in looking at the two books of immortal arts.

Especially this secret technique of controlling beasts, which is probably a secret technique that is not taught outside the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

And this Tengyun Immortal Step was probably the magic that Ma Huo used when he just escaped. It was so fast that Lin Changsheng was speechless.

If it weren't for his force field, he would definitely let the other party escape.

After putting away Ma Huo's body, Lin Changsheng put the Lightning and Thunder Eagle and Fire Qilin into the spirit beast bag, and then left the place.

I plan to find a quiet place to practice two magical arts.

After all, this place is not close to the Immortal Palace, and it cannot be reached overnight.

It is better to improve your own strength, so that you will be safer on the road.

Just when Lin Changsheng found a secret place to practice cultivation.

Coffin Mountain Range.

A woman with a stunning appearance jumped up from the bottomless abyss and stood among the mountains and rivers.

"Master, I feel your breath, and I'm coming to find you right now!"

As soon as the words fell, the woman with peerless appearance chased through the air in the direction of Lin Changsheng.

This woman is none other than the three-headed ice and fire python that has just completed its transformation.

After completing the transformation, the three-headed ice and fire pythons have greatly increased their cultivation and can now transform into human forms and speak human words.

"Xiaonan will never let go of anyone who disturbs your sleep!"

Thinking of Lin Changsheng taking advantage of her to break through her weakness and steal the master's coffin, Xiaonan became extremely angry.

If this person is caught, he will definitely be unable to survive or die.

"This is?"

Just as the three ice and fire pythons cut through the sky and left, the eyes of the ancient mountain not far away widened a bit when they saw this scene.

No wonder the rumors about the death of a powerful person who lived in the Mahayana period here seem to be true.

Even if he faced this woman, he probably wouldn't have any chance of winning.

"The spirit beast has transformed, at least it is in the Tribulation Stage! Seeing how anxious it is, maybe she can help me find Lin Changsheng's whereabouts!"

Gu Shan secretly thought, and then followed the three ice and fire pythons from a distance.

If Lin Changsheng died here, this woman would never come out easily.

Then there is only one possibility: Lin Changsheng takes away its very important treasure, and then it will go out.

"Lin Changsheng, you must not die!"

Gushan secretly thought that he did not want Lin Changsheng to die like this.

It wasn't that he had a deep friendship with Lin Changsheng.

But Lin Changsheng knew a large immortal cave, which was the only chance for him to break through Haojue and even set foot in the realm of immortals.

He didn't want to miss it.

The north of Kyushu is a land of ice.

There are very few human beings living here, and it is called the Ice and Snow State.

But those who can live here are definitely the best among the monks.

In a group of undulating mountains in the Ice and Snow State, there is a huge city.

In the center of the city, there is a huge statue carved.

This statue is of a goddess holding a sword.

Many devout believers were prostrate below, kneeling and worshiping him.

If Lin Changsheng were here, he would definitely find that this statue bears some resemblance to Yan Zhen.

Three hundred miles east of the city, there is a towering snow-capped mountain.

The snow here has not melted all year round and has formed thousands of years of black ice, which is a hundred times stronger than stone.


However, as a violent roar sounded, the thousand-year-old black ice that was several feet thick was easily destroyed by a force.

I saw a woman wearing ordinary clothes walking out of the ice and snow cave.

The woman held an ice and snow sword tightly in her hand, and the extremely cold air continued to spread from the blade. The powerful ice breath froze the thousand-year-old black ice on the ground.

It can be seen that the power of this ice blade is extremely extraordinary.

This sword is definitely a treasure at the level of an immortal treasure.

I just didn't expect that such a treasure would fall into the hands of such an ordinary woman.

"I didn't expect that it was you who summoned me!"

The woman spoke slowly.

This woman is Yan Zhen, who was separated from Lin Changsheng not long ago.

It was this ice and snow sword that had been calling her in her mind and guiding her.

That's why she came all the way here.

Only now did Yan Zhen realize that the soul that entered her sea of ​​consciousness was the empress of this ice and snow world.

Only the Frost Empress can afford this ice and snow sword.

"Since you have fulfilled me, I will definitely fulfill your long-cherished wish!"

Yan Zhen waved her hand and hit the Ice and Snow Divine Sword, and a blast of ice sword energy shot out of the air.


The tyrannical sword energy of ice and snow fell on a towering mountain in front. With the roar, the mountain was easily torn apart by the sword energy.

"As expected of the Heavenly Immortal Treasure!"

Yan Zhen was quite satisfied with the power of this sword, and a beautiful smile appeared on her lips.


Then Yan Zhen exerted force on her feet, rose into the air, and rushed towards the ice and snow city in the distance.

Their empress is back! (End of chapter)

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