The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 372 Dugu Yifang’s murderous thoughts and fusion of immortality

Moon Worship Villa.

A place of cultivation, where many disciples gathered to learn the immortal skills taught by the elders.

However, a female disciple below was a little absent-minded.

This woman has a pretty appearance and a well-proportioned figure, which attracted the attention of many male disciples.

However, her mind was not here, and seemed to be drifting into the distance.

"Purple Moon!"

I saw the elder who was teaching the magic from above let out a soft drink, with some displeasure in his eyes.

Only then did Gao Ziyue come back to her senses.

"Elder Fang!"

Gao Ziyue responded respectfully.

Elder Fang slowly stood up and walked to Gao Ziyue.

"You have a good talent, how can you be distracted while practicing? I know you yearn for the outside world, but you must at least have a certain level of strength before you can go out and practice!"

Elder Fang said seriously.

This group of monks from the Abandoned Land are all very talented.

In particular, Gao Ziyue and Yu Lingfei were extremely talented. In just one month, they mastered the Moon Worshiping Sword Technique to the beginning.

Moreover, he has made breakthroughs in cultivation one after another, and he will definitely have some achievements in the future.

"Yes, my disciple will obey Master's teachings!"

Gao Ziyue responded.

My mind is not here.

"Brother Lin, I heard that you won the first place on the list of geniuses, showed your skills in the fairyland and won the favor of the fairy palace. When I succeed in my studies, I will definitely go back to find you!"

Gao Ziyue thought secretly in her heart.

But she also knew that the gap between her and Lin Changsheng was getting wider and wider.

In the Immortal Realm, there are so many talented people that her talent is not worth mentioning at all.

However, Lin Changsheng was able to show his prowess in the Immortal Realm, which shows the huge gap between the two.

However, Gao Ziyue didn't expect too much, she just hoped to be able to look at Brother Lin often.

Tianming Sword Sect.

After Luo Shang returned to the sect, he had a bad breath in his heart that was difficult to break out.

He didn't feel happy about this.

Originally, he had nothing to do with Lin Changsheng.

But Lin Changsheng killed his two beloved disciples, leaving him with a knife in his throat.

But now, the sect actually banned taking action against Lin Changsheng, which made him even more angry.

"This kid is so talented. If we don't kill him before he has fully grown up, he will definitely be a disaster for our Tianming Sword Sect in the future!"

Luo Shang clenched his fists and said angrily.

Naturally, the Tianming Sword Sect would not let Lin Changsheng go easily, but now the Immortal Palace has issued an order from the Immortal Palace.

To attack Lin Changsheng at this time would be to break up with Immortal Palace.

It was obviously inappropriate to put the entire sect in danger just to kill a young boy.

"Master! The third elder is here!"

Just when Luo Shang was angry, a disciple walked into the hall to report.

"Third Elder?"

Luo Shang whispered. He didn't seem to have a deep relationship with the third elder. Why did he come to find him at this time?

"Let him in!"

Although Luo Shang was a little confused, he also wanted to see what these three elders had to say.

After a while, a middle-aged man in red clothes slowly walked in.

This man is different from Luo Shang. Luo Shang has a ghost face and has a strong evil spirit.

And this man in red, even without a mask, gives off a strong evil aura.

One is because his face is not complete. There are some sword marks and scars, and he looks murderous.

Second, the aura around him is like a sharp sword out of the body, with its edge clearly visible, giving people a very sharp feeling.

"Elder Liu, please speak up if you have anything to say!"

Luo Shang asked directly without beating around the bush.

Liu Jianhui saw that Luo Shang was a little unhappy, so he naturally knew what he was thinking.

Because Liu Jianhui is one of the people who agrees not to take action against Lin Changsheng now, and is opposed to Luo Shang's idea.

"I know Elder Luo is angry with me, but Elder Luo please rest assured. If you don't take action against Lin Changsheng now, it doesn't mean that he can live in peace and sound!"

Liu Jianhui said slowly.


This attracted Luo Shang's interest, "Does Elder Liu have any clever ideas?"

"There is no clever plan, but there is a trick! I wonder if Elder Luo is willing to listen?"

Liu Jianhui said with a smile on his lips.

"As long as I can kill Lin Changsheng and eliminate this potential threat to the Tianming Sword Sect, I will naturally listen to you!"

Luo Shang's attitude suddenly changed drastically.

"There is something that Elder Luo may not know. I have a nephew who is practicing in the Immortal Palace. Except for a few people, even everyone in the Immortal Palace doesn't know. As long as Lin Changsheng arrives in the Immortal Palace, I am afraid that he will not be safe, but will seek death!"

Liu Jianhui said with confidence.

However, Luo Shang frowned, "Lin Changsheng is so powerful that even a monk in the combined stage would have a hard time killing him. Your nephew—"

"Elder Luo, don't worry, my nephew is in the late stage of integration and can handle Lin Changsheng! I will send a message to him right now. Elder Luo just needs to wait for the good news!"

Liu Jianhui has full confidence in his nephew.

If a monk in the late stage of integration can't deal with a monk in the virtual refining stage, then don't practice anymore.

"Okay! Then I'll wait for the good news from Elder Liu!"

Although Luo Shang was a little worried, he had no other choice but to wait for good news from the other party.

Immortal King City.

"What? The second master is dead? Where did you get the news?"

"You don't know this yet! Someone discovered a fierce battle in the mountains 30,000 miles away from here. The ground was full of blood, and many of the men who followed the second master were dead! Do you think the second master is still alive? Can you live?"

"Did this also happen to Lin Changsheng? I heard that he is only in the middle stage of Void Refining? How could he kill a strong person in the Fusion Stage?"

"That's right, don't spread rumors casually. If someone from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect hears it, your life may be in danger!"

"Everything is true. If he hadn't died? I'm afraid the second master would have come back long ago!"

These words were constantly heard in the city and in the restaurants of various inns.

Some are happy, some are sad.

Those who are happy are naturally those who have been suppressed by Ma Huo, and those who are worried are naturally those around Ma Huo.

Now that Ma Huo is dead, who will support them?

The Gate of Ten Thousand Beasts.

A disciple who learned the news immediately brought the news back to the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

Although the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is an inconspicuous force in the Immortal Realm, the leader of the sect, Du Gufang, has the cultivation level of the Mahayana stage.

In this area, no one dares to provoke their Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

Although there are many powerful people in the Immortal Realm, not everyone has the cultivation level of the Mahayana stage.

Most of them still stay between the transformation stage and the void refining stage.

Those who are able to enter the integration stage also have elders in each major sect.

"What? The second elder also died in the hands of Lin Changsheng?"

Dugu Yifang said angrily after hearing the news.

Suddenly, he stood up suddenly with a slap on the seat.

The wooden chair beneath him was directly shattered by the powerful Yuan force, with a "whooshing" sound of wind flying everywhere.

The disciple who was reporting below immediately fell to his knees, fearing that Dugu Fang's anger would be affected.

This Dugu Fang often kills people to vent his anger when he is angry. He is not a reasonable person.

This Lin Changsheng first killed his children, and now he also killed his sect elders.

This hatred can be described as irreconcilable.

"The news is absolutely true. It is said that the second elder discovered Lin Changsheng's footprints in Xianjun City, and then traced them to the Liangyi Mountains. After finally finding Lin Changsheng, a fierce battle broke out. In the end, the second elder was defeated and fell in the Liangyi Mountains."

The disciple below truthfully reported everything he knew.

"This beast is so brave. I sent all my disciples to search for Lin Changsheng's whereabouts. Once you find Lin Changsheng, report it to me immediately. I have to kill him with my own hands!"

Dugu Fang was furious and immediately ordered.

However, the elders were worried.

An elder stood up uneasily, "Sect Master, the Immortal Palace has already issued the Immortal Palace Order. Now, if you surround and kill Lin Changsheng, wouldn't you be an enemy of the Immortal Palace? If you offend the Immortal Palace, I'm afraid-"

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that the Immortal Palace will take revenge on us?"

Before the elder finished speaking, Dugu Yiyi shouted angrily.

"If the people from the Immortal Palace dare to come, I will destroy them too!"

Dugu Fang said angrily.


When the elder heard this, he didn't know how to answer.

They knew that no matter how much persuasion they tried, it was useless. Dugu Fang was furious and had no choice but to give up.

If they offend him, I am afraid that all the elders will not get good results.

They can only make other plans.

Subsequently, many disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and major deacons and elders were sent out by Dugu Fang to find Lin Changsheng's whereabouts.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng was practicing immortality in a hidden cave.

Lin Changsheng first brought the skills and swordsmanship of the Supreme Sword Sect to the perfect level.

Memories kept pouring into his mind. At this moment, he was like an old man who had been studying swordsmanship for thousands of years. He was extremely familiar with the swordsmanship.

From the heart of the sword, to the intention of the sword, and then to the power of the sword, everything is clear in the mind.

A single slash of the sword can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, doubling its power.

After practicing the two great magic arts to perfection.

Lin Changsheng also practiced the secret method of controlling beasts and the Soaring Cloud Immortal Steps.

Hard work paid off, and in just one day, Lin Changsheng mastered all four immortal arts to perfection.

[Supreme Sword Sect Technique (Perfection) and Taixu Shenwang Jue (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new technique? 】

[The Supreme Sword Sect Sword Technique (Perfection) and the Moon-Splitting Sky Slash (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new immortal technique? 】

[Teng Yun Immortal Step (Perfection) and Ghost Shadow Sky Step (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new Immortal Technique? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to fuse them all.

Because the magic and skills will be more powerful after the fusion.

[Supreme Sword Sect Technique (Perfection), Taixu Divine King Jue (Perfection), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, new technique Taixu Holy King Jue obtained! 】

[Supreme Sword Sect Sword Technique (Perfection), Moon-Splitting Sky Slash (Perfection), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, obtain the Unparalleled God-Destroying Slash! 】

[Teng Yun Immortal Step (Perfect), Ghost Shadow Sky Step (Perfect), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, get the new Immortal Technique Teng Yun Zhuri Step! 】

"Taixu Holy King Jue? Unparalleled God-Destroying Slash? Tengyun Zhuribu?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, feeling quite happy.

The names are so domineering, and their power must be extraordinary.

[The Taixu Holy King Art has been detected. Do you want to spend 10,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[Unparalleled God-Destroying Slash has been detected. Do you want to spend 8,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[Tengyun Zhuribu has been detected. Do you want to spend 8,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, the panel prompted again.

It is indeed a powerful immortal technique, and the amount of immortal crystals consumed is more than normal.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng now has no shortage of immortal crystals, otherwise ordinary monks would not be able to afford this panel.


Lin Changsheng once again chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The Taixu Holy King begins to simplify. The simplification within the simplification is completed. The Taixu Holy King is determined not to be tempted by beautiful women! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Unparalleled God-Destroying Slash begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Unparalleled God-Destroying Slash == killing the gods with a swing of the sword! 】

[The road to simplicity: Tengyun Zhuribu begins to simplify. The simplification is completed during simplification. Tengyun Zhuribu == basking in the sun! 】

"Isn't it tempting to look at beautiful women? Kill a god with a sword? Bask in the sun?"

These three seem to be very simple. You can just bask in the sun outside, or you can kill the gods with a sword and carve a divine word yourself.

As for not being tempted by beautiful women, this is a bit difficult. After all, Lin Changsheng is alone now, and there is no beautiful woman by his side.

Isn't it possible to go to Goukan again to find one?

I just don’t know if there is a hook in this fairyland!

If not, I'm afraid he would have to go back to the sect and ask Zhao Shuang'er to help him.

"First practice the Unparalleled God-Destroying Slash and Tengyun Zhuribu!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought to himself, then left the cave and began to bathe in the sunshine outside and slash the divine characters carved on the stones on the ground with his sword.

Unparalleled God-Destroying Slash experience value +1!

Tengyun Zhuribu’s experience value +1!

As Lin Changsheng continued to bask in the sun and slay gods with his sword, his proficiency in the two immortal arts continued to increase crazily.

[The unparalleled God-Destroying Kill is complete! 】

【Teng Yun is reaching perfection day by day! 】

In just three hours, Lin Changsheng had mastered the two major immortal arts to perfection.


Lin Changsheng took out the Evil-Breaking Sword and swung it, slashing it out immediately.

In an instant, the entire space was distorted, as if the sky was suppressing it. The earth was suppressed by this powerful momentum, sinking three feet, and all vegetation was broken.


I saw two huge celestial sword lights piercing the sky and falling on the mountains in the distance with a powerful and devastating momentum.


Under the huge explosion, countless mountains in front were instantly flattened.

"What a domineering power!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

This attack was more than five times more powerful than the Heavenly Vault Splitting Moon Slash.

"I wonder how effective this movement is?"

Lin Changsheng took back the Evil-Breaking Sword and planned to test the speed of Teng Yun's daily steps.


Lin Changsheng's internal energy circulated, and then the entire figure disappeared directly from the spot.

There was only an invisible shadow left in the sky passing by.

Lin Changsheng only felt that the scenery on the ground was regressing crazily.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a sweep of several miles of land.

Lin Changsheng felt that if he kept using Tengyun to travel step by step, he could travel at least thirty thousand miles a day.

It's even more terrifying than the speed of lightning and thunder eagles.

Of course, this requires strong Yuan Power as support, and it is simply impossible for ordinary people to continue to run Yuan Power at full speed.

I'm afraid the energy will be exhausted in three to five hours.

Therefore, powerful monks usually ride mounts to travel.

Saving one's own energy has been needed for emergencies.

Otherwise, if you keep using your Yuan Power to rush forward, when your Yuan Power is almost exhausted and you encounter a powerful enemy, you may just have to wait for death.

However, the speed of this movement still surprised Lin Changsheng.

In the future, whether you are chasing someone or running away, you will have one more choice. (End of chapter)

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