The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 373 Two-headed Demon Frog, Immortal Corpse Sect, really heavy taste

“Good harvest!”

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with Teng Yun's step by step.

In addition to the considerable improvement in his immortal skills, Lin Changsheng also possesses the perfect level of secret method of controlling beasts.

It turns out that the Ten Thousand Beast Sect can control all beasts by using this secret method to establish a communication bridge with the monsters.

Only then can you command monsters, like an arm wielder.

With these secret techniques, Lin Changsheng can operate freely when encountering monsters whose cultivation level is lower than his own.

"It's just that the Holy King Taixu will never reach Consummation!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, and then left the place.

I plan to find a city to see if there is a place for hooking bars, and to see if there are beautiful women who can practice this method to perfection.

Time flies and three days have passed.

I have to say that the Immortal Realm is vast.

In these three days, Lin Changsheng really didn't encounter the city again.

However, they encountered a few sect disciples who were out for training fighting a powerful two-headed demon frog.

There are six disciples in this group, four men and two women.

The cultivation level is around the middle stage of becoming a god.

This devil frog is not that easy to deal with. Not only is it covered with indestructible thick leather armor, it also contains a large amount of venom. If it is accidentally contaminated, it may lead to death.

And from time to time, it would spit out a large amount of corrosive saliva, forcing several disciples to retreat.

Lin Changsheng happened to have nothing to do, so he planned to rest on a rock on a mountain not far from here.

The most important thing was that Lin Changsheng saw that one of the women was quite pretty, and maybe he could brush up on his proficiency in the Taixu Holy King Art by watching her from a distance.

Taixu Holy King Jue experience value +1!

Taixu Holy King Jue experience value +1!

Sure enough, as Lin Changsheng watched the woman in the distance, his proficiency in the Taixu Holy King Art continued to increase crazily.

It just pauses sometimes.

It would be abnormal to look at other people all the time and feel nothing.

After all, this woman has good looks and a graceful figure, and Lin Changsheng is really full of blood.

"Senior Brother Wei, the cultivation level of this two-headed devil frog is beyond our expectations. We should evacuate quickly!"

A disciple shouted anxiously. They were obviously unable to withstand the attack of the demon frog and were showing signs of defeat.


The man called Senior Brother Wei seemed to know that they couldn't deal with this devil frog, and immediately planned to withdraw.

Although killing this devil frog can obtain the sect's reward of 80 fairy crystals.

But life is still at stake now.

Everyone evacuated in an instant!

However, as they turned around and fled, the devil frog attacked even more crazily.

He stretched out his tongue and directly trapped a disciple, quickly sucking him into his belly.

There is an extremely powerful corrosive liquid in the belly of this two-headed demon frog. Once a human body enters it, it can instantly turn into bones.


Following the scream, the disciple was instantly swallowed by the demon frog and lost all movement.

The man called Senior Brother Wei saw this and ran away even faster.

He completely ignored the other junior brothers and sisters. At such a critical moment, the most important thing was to save his own life.

"Senior Brother Wei, save me——"

A junior sister shouted anxiously, because the magic frog had already jumped up and quickly landed towards her location.

However, Senior Brother Wei, who was escaping in front, had no intention of looking back.

Seeing this situation, Lin Changsheng was about to take action. After all, this woman was the female disciple Lin Changsheng was watching to improve his proficiency.

However, before Lin Changsheng could take action, a black fist blasted out from the forest not far away.

Above the fist light, there were terrifying and grumbling sounds like ghosts crying and wolves howling.


This punch landed right on the belly of the two-headed demon frog, sending it flying away.

This shows how powerful this fist is.

The two-headed devil frog was injured and ran away quickly after knowing that he was outnumbered.

Everyone thought they had met a kind person, but when the people who drove away the two-headed demon frog came out of the forest, the disciples felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

I saw a young man in black clothes slowly walking out from the front, with a thick black mist emitting from his body.

The young man's face was surrounded by black mist, making him look extremely strange. At first glance, this man was not an orthodox monk.

"Hurry up, they are from the Immortal Corpse Sect!"

Wei Yan was frightened and ran away immediately.

However, this person from the Immortal Corpse Sect was not going to let him go just like that.

The mid-term cultivation of the Void Refining Stage was directly spread out from the body, making it difficult for the five suppressed people to move.

"It's so beautiful to find five perfect flesh-refined corpses as soon as we get off the mountain!"

I saw a cruel sneer rising from the corner of the man's mouth wrapped in the black mist in front of him.

It seems that the plan is to refine these five disciples into corpse puppets.

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

I thought that the Immortal Realm was full of Immortal Sects, but I didn’t expect that there were also evil cultivators.

But it's normal to think about it. There are demon cultivators in the abandoned land, let alone the fairyland.

When the demon cultivators ascended from the lower world come to the fairyland, they will naturally establish a demon cultivator sect.

And this Immortal Corpse Sect is probably a major demon sect force.

"You, if you kill us, Qingyun Sect will not let you go!"

A disciple quickly moved the sect out, hoping to scare the other party away.

But how could this person be so intimidated?

"Oh, I'm so scared! If I remember correctly, the leader of the Qingyun Sect is just an ant in the Mahayana stage! He's nothing like that in front of my Immortal Corpse Sect!"

The man walked towards the people in front step by step.

"You, the Immortal Corpse Sect, are nothing but bullshit. In the eyes of many sects, you are just like rat excrement, which is despicable—"

"Dry tongue!"

Before this disciple could finish his words, he was interrupted by the man in black. He grabbed his palm and powerful Yuan Power exploded, instantly sucking out strings of red blood beads from the Qingyun Sect disciples. .

Under the painful struggle of this Qingyun Sect disciple, he was sucked into a mummy in just three breaths.

And all the blood in his body was absorbed by the man in black.

When the other disciples saw such a tragic situation, their scalps were numb with fear. This scene was simply too shocking.

"This girl is pretty! Don't worry, I won't let you become like him. I will make you into a corpse puppet, follow me, nourish you with my pure Yang energy, and make you comfortable. !”

The man in black looked at the female disciple in front of him with a strange smile on his face.

This frightened the two women. They would rather die than be tortured by this man.

But at this moment, the other party's cultivation level was obviously much higher than theirs, and they couldn't deal with it at all. They couldn't even escape, let alone kill the other party.

"You, you are shameless-"

A female disciple cursed angrily.

However, the next moment, he was slapped hard by the man in black, and five bloody handprints were drawn out from his face.

It can be seen that the man in black is not a person who knows how to show mercy to women.

"Since you are so anxious, I will help you first!"

After saying this, the man in black planned to refine the woman into a corpse puppet.


However, a cough in the distance interrupted the movement of the man in black, instantly making him alert.

He looked up and saw someone sitting on a rock in the distance?

"Fellow Taoist, I can't praise your hobby! It's a bit too heavy to refine it into a corpse and then enjoy it!"

Lin Changsheng sneered, and then in a flash, he was in front of the man in black. The speed was so fast that the man in black was speechless.

It can be seen that the other party's cultivation is extraordinary.

"Later stage of virtual refining?"

The man in black frowned after feeling Lin Changsheng's cultivation level.

Because he was only in the middle stage of Xu Cultivation, he didn't expect Lin Changsheng to be a late stage cultivator at such an age?

Why does this kid practice so fast? Could it be that he is a disciple of the top Immortal Sect?

"Are you trying to ruin my good deeds?"

The man in black asked, glaring at Lin Changsheng.

"I ruined your good deeds? I think it was you who ruined my good deeds. I just admired this beauty for a long time, but you came out to disturb my enjoyment, and you even said that I ruined your good deeds?"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly, but the face of the female disciple he was talking about turned red.

Could it be that this person had discovered them here a long time ago?

And he kept looking at her?

"Oh? It turns out we are kindred spirits. In that case, how about the two of us, one person at a time?"

The man in black smiled and said, "I didn't expect the other party to have this hobby?"

"One for each person? Sorry, I want them all!"

Lin Changsheng stretched out his five fingers and pinched it, and said with a sneer.

This made the man in black very unhappy. He was obviously looking for trouble.

"It's a joke. It depends on whether you have the ability. Tell me your name. I won't kill unknown people!"

The man in black yelled angrily.

Since we can no longer be kind, we can only fight.

"Lin Changsheng!"

Lin Changsheng was not afraid that the other party would know his name, so he reported his name directly.

However, when the other party heard Lin Changsheng's name, he was stunned.

"Are you Lin Changsheng, who topped the list of geniuses?"

The other party was obviously a little shocked. Did he not expect that he would meet the top of the list of geniuses?

"Now that you know my name, why don't you run for your life?"

Lin Changsheng was disdainful.

"I think you are the one who is running for your life. After you die, it will be your honor to refine you into a corpse!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in black waved his hand and struck out two corpse puppets, then suddenly attacked Lin Changsheng.

These two corpse puppets were just refined by him. How about testing their power?

However, facing two corpse puppets that were only in the early stage of void refining, Lin Changsheng didn't pay attention at all, and punched them to pieces one by one.


Just when Lin Changsheng was smashing the two corpses, the man in black suddenly punched and killed Lin Changsheng by surprise.

The fist light formed a series of ferocious faces in mid-air, which looked very terrifying.

If the person facing him was an ordinary disciple, he would probably be scared out of his wits.

However, it was Lin Changsheng who had experienced hundreds of battles. How could he be afraid of this little skill?

"court death!"

Lin Changsheng also punched out, it was the Four Elephant Divine Venerable Fist.


The fists of the two collided instantly, causing a huge explosion.

The man in black's cultivation was obviously not as strong as Lin Changsheng's, and the black shadow fist was instantly defeated.


The man in black's eyes widened when he saw this. He didn't expect Lin Changsheng's fist light to be so terrifying.

Before he could think about it, the Four Elephants Divine Venerable Fist had already struck his chest with a devastating and powerful momentum.


Under the roar, the man in black vomited blood and flew out.

"Protective Spirit Armor?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised when he saw that the man in black was not dead.

It seemed that this person was protected by a powerful Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, so he was not killed by a single punch.

Otherwise, with his cultivation in the middle stage of Void Refining, he would definitely be killed by Lin Changsheng with one punch.

"Boy, you have the guts, I, the Immortal Corpse Sect, have taken note of you!"

The man in black seemed to know that he was no match for Lin Changsheng and planned to withdraw.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will lose my life here today.

Lin Changsheng's strength far exceeded his expectations, and he was no longer able to fight against it.

However, the man in black wanted to leave, and Lin Changsheng was not going to let him go.

Now that they have become enemies, the other party has only one way to go, and that is death.


Lin Changsheng waved his hand to summon the Evil-Breaking Sword, looked at the direction in which the man in black was escaping, and slashed out with the sword.


Two sword lights shot out of the air, causing the space to distort.

The surrounding trees and grass were obviously suppressed and broken.

It's like the sky is collapsing and suppressing the sky, giving people an extremely powerful aura to suppress.

Facing such a powerful attack, the man in black was trembling in his heart.

If he had known that Lin Changsheng was so tyrannical, he should have escaped long ago.

However, it was too late to say anything now. He could only summon the Soul-Seducing Halberd and hold it in front of him, hoping to withstand Lin Changsheng's domineering blow.


When the sword fell to the ground, the whole earth trembled violently, dust and sand flew on the ground, and rocks rolled down.

After everything settled, a huge ravine more than ten feet wide and bottomless appeared on the ground.

The sword light spread directly a hundred feet away, splitting the mountains in the distance into two.

This shows how overbearing the power of this sword is.

At this moment, the man in black had been split into two by Lin Changsheng's sword.

The low-grade Tongtian Lingbao Soul-Seducing Halberd in his hand was split into pieces.

He might not be able to figure out until his death why Lin Changsheng had such a powerful attack.

It gave him the feeling that he was facing a strong person in the integration stage, leaving him completely powerless to resist.


The next moment, a divine soul flew out of the man in black and disappeared directly into the sky.

Lin Changsheng couldn't collect the opponent's soul at this moment. After all, the power of the soul was much stronger than the soul.

You must wait for the Ten Thousand Souls Banner to be strengthened and upgraded before you can include it in it.

"Are you Lin Changsheng who won the first place on the list of geniuses?"

After the man in black died, the remaining disciples of the Qingyun Sect looked at Lin Changsheng in disbelief.

They have long heard that the number one on this year's list of geniuses is a dark horse.

I didn't expect to actually meet him at this moment.

And I was lucky enough to see Lin Changsheng perform an attack, the power was simply too terrifying.

"Junior Sister Yang, Junior Sister Xia, let's go back to the sect quickly, shall we?"

When Wei Yan saw that the crisis was resolved, he immediately came over and said to the two junior sisters that he did not want the two junior sisters to be fascinated by Lin Changsheng.

However, now the two junior sisters have clearly seen what kind of face Wei Yan is, and they will not look good on him.

At the critical moment just now, Wei Yan was the fastest one to escape, and he didn't care about their life or death at all.

Now they are pretending to be good people again, they are not stupid.

"Senior Brother Wei, you should go out alone to practice in the future! We will not follow you, lest you become a victim!"

The pretty junior sister Yang said with a cold face.

"Even so, it's shameful for senior brother to treat you like this!"

The other disciples catered to Dao.

This made Wei Yan look a little embarrassed.

"The situation was critical just now, so——"

"Senior Brother Wei, please don't explain, everyone is not a fool!"

Junior sister Xia, who still had five fingerprints on her face, said angrily.

This made Wei Yan lose his face immediately. In the end, he could only look at Lin Changsheng and left the place. (End of chapter)

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