The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 375: Through coaxing and deceiving, three ice and fire pythons were subdued and intercepted.

While Lin Changsheng was refining the corpse.

A pretty figure whizzed past Qingyun Gate.

This figure has concave and convex shapes, and its skin is as beautiful as snow. It is incredibly beautiful.

However, there was a strong murderous intent in this woman's eyes.

This woman was none other than the three-headed ice and fire python that came out to look for Lin Changsheng in human form.

"Master, I can already feel your breath!"

The little girl spoke slowly.

She knew that Lin Changsheng was not far away, and as long as he found him, he would be cut into pieces.

If he hadn't stolen the coffin, he wouldn't have risked being discovered by humans.


After Xiaonan left, the ancient mountain also fell on the mountain not far from Qingyun Gate.

"You'd better run away, kid. If she catches you, I may not even be able to save you!"

Gu Shan secretly said.

Along the way, he felt more and more terrifying about these three ice and fire pythons.

If she encounters some monks who covet her women, they will be eaten alive.

Among them are monks from the combined period and the Mahayana period.

Even when passing by a city called Immortal Lord City, three ice and fire pythons entered the city in order to find the whereabouts of Lin Changsheng, and were spotted by several monks.

Because they provoked three ice and fire pythons, in their rage, the three ice and fire pythons swallowed up all the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Xianjun City.

This kind of strength can only be matched by those who have reached the Tribulation Stage.

So at this moment, Gushan hoped that Lin Changsheng would not be found by the three ice and fire pythons. Otherwise, once found, the fate could be imagined.

Time flies, three days have passed.

The Gate of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"What? Lin Changsheng passed by Qingyun Gate? So, he is heading towards the Immortal Palace. In this case, we can intercept and kill him on his way!"

When Dugu Yifang learned that Lin Changsheng passed by Qingyun Gate, he immediately made up his mind.

Thirty thousand miles away from Qingyun Gate is Snake Valley.

There is a large force in the Snake Valley called the Nine Poison Sect.

The Nine Poison Sect has a good relationship with their Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, and as long as they are given certain benefits, there is nothing the Nine Poison Sect does not dare to do.

So Dugu Yifang planned to go to Snake Valley to intercept and kill Lin Changsheng with the Nine Poison Sect.

As long as Lin Changsheng was confused about his life and death, who would know that it was their Ten Thousand Beasts Sect that did it?

And even if the Immortal Palace knew about it, he would not be afraid of Dugu Yifang. He had a mortal hatred for killing his son, and even if his sect was destroyed, Dugu Fang would not hesitate. .

"Zongmen, if we really kill Lin Changsheng, how should we explain it to the Immortal Palace?"

One of the elders was still feeling slightly uneasy.

After all, the Immortal Palace issued the Immortal Palace Order.

The major forces were not allowed to touch Lin Changsheng at all.

And since they learned about Lin Changsheng's whereabouts, they must also know about it in the Immortal Palace.

If the Immortal Palace knew about it, they would do harm to Lin Changsheng.

I'm afraid things won't end well for them.

"So what about the Immortal Palace? How can I be afraid of him? Elder Hua, if you are afraid of death, just leave the sect as soon as possible!"

Dugu Fang said coldly, not seeing the Immortal Palace in his eyes at all.


This made Elder Hua suddenly confused as to what to do.

If he continues to stay at Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, he will definitely not end well, but if he leaves like this, it will appear that he is timid.

"Sect Master, I have worked for the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect for most of my life, and I don't want to see the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect fall into the abyss! Sect Master, please think twice!"

Elder Hua continued to persuade.

"What if I don't think twice?"

How can Dugu Fang listen to persuasion at this moment?

"If the sect master insists on doing this, I can only take the disciples and leave the sect, and I will no longer be involved with the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect!"

Elder Hua also made his position clear!

However, after hearing this, Dugu Fang's eyes turned cold.

Even if Hua Changxing wants to leave, he actually wants to leave with his sect disciples? Doesn’t this mean that he, the sect leader, is not taken seriously?

"Hua Changxing, you are so brave. Even if you want to leave the sect, you actually want to leave with the disciples of our sect? What are your intentions?"

Before Dugu Yifang could speak, the third elder scolded.

The third elder is very supportive of Dugu Yifang, and he was promoted by Dugu Yifang single-handedly.

"I just don't want all the disciples of our sect to die, and I just want to leave some roots for the sect. If the sect leader insists on targeting Lin Changsheng, our sect will surely perish soon."

Hua Changxing said angrily.

Five hundred years ago, the Immortal Palace issued an order to find a spiritual beast that had escaped from the sect.

Anyone who dares to kill the spirit beast and hide it privately will be suppressed by the Immortal Palace.

However, some sects became greedy, because the hunted spiritual beast had been severely injured, and a strong man in the Mahayana stage could kill it at will.

One of them, the Blood Sword Sect, thought that the Immortal Palace didn't know about it, and finally killed the spirit beast and hid it secretly.

In the end, the Immortal Palace used some secret technique to find out, and in the end no one in the entire sect was left alive.

Therefore, Hua Changxing knew that Dugu Yifang insisted on doing this, and there would be absolutely no way for the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to survive in the future.

"Ridiculous, I think you are just afraid of death! You still want to leave with the disciples of the sect. Do you want to establish your own sect?"

The angry scolding came from the third elder's mouth again.

If the Immortal Palace was really that powerful, it would not be possible for it to only rank third among the Immortal Realms.

"I have everything to say. If you don't listen, then there is no need to say more!"

Hua Changxing didn't want to talk to everyone anymore, so he turned and left.

But how could Dugu Fang let him leave safely?

If he is allowed to leave safely, people who do this will continue to appear and be sentenced to leave the sect in the future.

"Since Elder Hua is leaving, this sect leader will personally see you off!"

The tyrannical energy fluctuations gathered in Dugu Yifang's palm, and then he shot it out with one palm.

Everyone in the hall felt Dugu Fang's fierce killing intent.

Hua Changxing reacted quickly and immediately turned around and struck out with the same palm.


The moment their palm prints touched, a violent roar erupted.

The next moment, Hua Changxing was seen flying upside down, a mouthful of blood spurting out in mid-air, and he was obviously seriously injured.

How could he be Dugu Yifang's opponent in the middle stage of Mahayana with his cultivation in the late stage of integration?

There is a clear gap between the two people's cultivation.

"If you want to leave, how can I keep you? I'll send you on your way right now!"

Dugu Yifang spread a powerful momentum around him, and many of the surrounding elders who suppressed him couldn't even lift their heads.

Then step by step towards Hua Changxing.

At this moment, Hua Changxing was suppressed by Dugu Fang's powerful momentum and could not even move for half a minute, let alone fight back.

Then his head was smashed by Dugu Fang's punch.


The next moment, a divine soul left Hua Changxing's body, but Dugu Fang took out a golden alms bowl and put it in it.

If Hua Changxing's soul was allowed to escape and he went to the Immortal Palace to inform, then Lin Changsheng might be able to escape.

"Who else has an opinion?"

Dugu Fang took a look at the people in the hall.

Suddenly everyone did not dare to say anything more and bowed their heads in silence.

"good very good!"

Dugu Fang was quite satisfied, and then led the elders and many disciples to leave the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and go to the Nine Poison Sect.

Only the third elder was left in charge of the sect here, and he felt relieved only if the third elder was in charge of the sect.

Otherwise, if it were anyone else, he would be worried that he might not be able to find a position in the sect after coming back.

The team dispatched by Immortal Palace to search for Lin Changsheng this time was extremely large.

Not only the major elders were dispatched, but the disciples also came out in full force.

In the team of disciples looking for Lin Changsheng.

Wang Huisheng and Hou Shaojie were among them.

Wang Huisheng is a grateful person, but Lin Changsheng's whereabouts are unknown because he saved them. How could he not go out and look for them?

Needless to say, Hou Shaojie would not be able to join the Immortal Palace without Lin Changsheng.

"Senior Brother Wang, I heard that Junior Brother Lin went to Xianjun City after disappearing, and then passed Qingyun Gate. Where will he appear next?"

Hou Shaojie said suspiciously.

"If there is no mistake, it may be the Nine Poison Sect. According to the route that Junior Brother Lin is walking, he will be heading towards the Immortal Palace. Why don't we go to the Nine Poison Sect and wait?"

Wang Huisheng suddenly had an idea.

Then everyone immediately rushed towards the Nine Poison Sect.

Of course, it’s not just Ten Thousand Beast Sect and Immortal Palace that have this idea.

After receiving the news, even Luo Shang of the Tianming Sword Sect and the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect saw Lin Changsheng's route and rushed to the Nine Poison Sect.

If Lin Changsheng dares to pass by this place, he will definitely be allowed to sleep here.

Needless to say, the grudge between Luo Shang and Lin Changsheng has reached an irresolvable point.

And Lin Changsheng killed the masters and talented disciples of the Blood Clothes Sect, so the Blood Clothes Sect will naturally not let go of this debt.

Lin Changsheng, who was still refining the corpse at this moment, naturally didn't know about the changes in the outside world.

After three days of refining day and night, Lin Changsheng finally refined Ma Huo's body into a corpse puppet in the early stages of integration.

[Two early-stage fusion zombies were detected. Are they fused into one mid-stage fusion corpse? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng was waiting for this moment and decisively chose to merge.

The brilliance instantly enveloped the two corpse puppets in the early stages of integration, and then merged with each other.

After the light faded, a tall and burly corpse appeared in front of Lin Changsheng.

The whole body of the corpse puppet is extremely dark, as if it is made of black iron, and the whole body is solid and thick.


Lin Changsheng controlled the corpse puppet in the middle stage of integration, jumped up, broke through the cave, and flew into the sky.


At this moment, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and bursts of roaring sounds continued to be heard.

It seemed that Tiandu couldn't tolerate the existence of this corpse puppet, and roared.

This product that goes against the heavens is naturally an existence that cannot be tolerated by heaven. Thunder and lightning blasted on the corpse puppet, but it failed to shake it even one bit.

It can be seen how powerful the defense ability of this corpse puppet is.

After killing dozens of sky thunders, it seemed that the sky thunders also knew that there was nothing they could do about it, so they slowly retreated.

"What a strong defense!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but sigh.

Then he controlled the corpse puppet to leap between mountains and rivers at an extremely fast speed, comparable to Lin Changsheng's Teng Yun Bu Ribu.


Lin Changsheng commanded the corpse puppet and punched the mountain in the distance, instantly turning the mountain into powder.

"That's right! With this corpse puppet, the monks in the integration stage can't do anything to me!"

Lin Changsheng said confidently.

However, the movement on his side was extremely loud, with lightning and thunder, and mountains collapsing.

Instantly attracted the attention of a pretty woman.

"You are really here. It's easy for me to find you!"

A cold and biting female voice came from the sky, making Lin Changsheng feel a huge pressure.

"not good!"

Lin Changsheng was shocked after feeling this aura.

This person was obviously no longer something he could deal with, so he immediately put away the corpse puppet and moved Teng Yun to escape from this place step by step.

However, the opponent's speed was extremely fast. No matter how Lin Changsheng tried to escape, he could not get away from the opponent even half an inch.

And the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

Seeing that he could not escape, Lin Changsheng could only stop and see who this person was.

"Run? Why don't you run?"

Behind him, a woman about 20 years old appeared behind Lin Changsheng.

The woman looks extremely pretty, has an extremely pure face, and has skin that can be broken by blows.

However, this does not mean that this woman is harmless to humans and animals. On the contrary, there is an unconcealable murderous intention in her eyes.

"Even if you are going to die, you must let me die, right? Is there any grudge between us?"

Lin Changsheng felt as if he didn't know the other person.

However, these words made the other party sneer.

But the other party took off the black cloth on his head, and tiny long snakes suddenly emerged struggling.

This woman's hair is actually made up of countless little snakes?

Seeing this scene, Lin Changsheng's hair stood on end, and he suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Are you a three-headed ice and fire python?"

Lin Changsheng frowned. Apart from it, Lin Changsheng could not think of anyone else.

Unexpectedly, this spiritual beast transformed into a human form, which shows how tyrannical its cultivation level has become.

"Now that you recognize him, please hand over my master's coffin to me, and I will let you die happily!"

The little girl said impatiently.

This actually made Lin Changsheng a little embarrassed.

Because after the coffin was opened, the people inside had turned into a pile of bones.

"Isn't it just a coffin? I'll give it to you!"

Lin Changsheng took the coffin out of the storage bag and then placed it on the ground.

In order to make sure that there was still the owner's body inside, the little girl immediately opened the coffin and took a look, but the next moment she was dumbfounded.

There was only a pile of bones inside, without any trace of her master.

Although she could feel the master's breath from this skeleton.

But the owner became like this, which made the little girl very angry.

"Did you do it? I killed you——"

The little girl was inexplicably angry.

"When the coffin was opened, your master became like this. I didn't mean it! But fortunately, before your master left, he used his mind to teach me the swordsmanship he had learned all his life. Now I am considered half of your master's apprentice. , if you kill me, you will be treasonous and go against your master's wishes!"

Lin Changsheng immediately stopped him.

The strength of these three ice and fire pythons is not something he can fight against. Since force is not enough, he can only convince the other party.

"That's nonsense!"

Xiaonan obviously didn't believe Lin Changsheng's remarks and felt that he was just greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Is your master from the Supreme Sword Sect?"

Lin Changsheng said immediately.

"Huh? How do you know?"

The little girl was obviously a little surprised.

Not many people know that his master is the Supreme Sword Sect.

After all, the Supreme Sword Sect is a hidden sect with not many disciples. It only accepts people who are obsessed with swordsmanship, and their cultivation talents are extremely high.

Therefore, there are no more than a hundred brothers in the entire sect.

However, everyone's cultivation level is extremely extraordinary, and the worst ones are in the Mahayana stage.

"Your master taught me the mental skills and swordsmanship of the Supreme Sword Sect. If you don't believe me, I'll show you!"

Lin Changsheng saw the opponent hesitate and immediately took out a sword and started to use it.

After a set of swordsmanship was performed, Xiaonan had no choice but to believe that the master had indeed accepted Lin Changsheng as his disciple, and had also taught him all his life-long insights. (End of chapter)

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