The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 376: Ancient Divine Fist, defeated and fled, Poison Valley Secret Realm

The swordsman girl of Wushang Sword Sect has also seen her master perform it many times.

So she could tell at a glance that the swordsmanship Lin Changsheng was performing was indeed the same as his master's moves.

"Did the master really accept him as his disciple?"

The little girl still didn't want to believe it. After all, this guy stole the owner's coffin. He was not a good person at first glance.

Why would the master accept him as his disciple?

"I didn't lie to you, did I? Your master also asked me to take care of you in the future, saying that you are the one who worries the most, so you should get along well with me!"

Lin Changsheng saw the hesitation of the three ice and fire pythons and immediately coaxed and deceived them.

The owner of the little girl never said this, it was purely made up by Lin Changsheng.

After all, if these three ice and fire pythons could be used for their own purposes, they would definitely greatly increase Lin Changsheng's combat power.

"Master really said that?"

Xiaonan's eyes suddenly softened, and the murderous thoughts at the beginning disappeared.

After all, she will comply with all the master's arrangements.

"Of course, I also ask you to put down your previous obsessions and live a good life with me!"

Lin Changsheng continued to fool around.

Hearing this, tears welled up in the little girl's eyes, which made her miss her master even more.


The little girl's body softened and she slowly knelt down on the ground.

Since Lin Changsheng is the master's apprentice, she will naturally not harm him again, and will do her best to help him grow.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely live a good life in accordance with your last wishes!"

The little girl thought leisurely.

Lin Changsheng didn't know what to say when he saw his little girl was so uncomfortable, so he could only wait quietly aside.


At this moment, a figure flickered and appeared not far away.


Lin Changsheng gave a light drink.

I saw the ancient mountain coming slowly from not far away.

"It seems that my worries were unnecessary. I was worried that you would die inexplicably! I didn't expect that you would be a blessing in disguise!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Gushan's mouth.

Although he didn't know how Lin Changsheng obtained the coffin and became the heir of the coffin owner.

But I have to say that Lin Changsheng is truly blessed with great fortune.


However, before Lin Changsheng could say anything, Xiaonan had already taken the initiative to attack Gushan.

Immediately, a palm was shot out, and the power of flames surrounded the palm.

This made Gu Shan feel like he was falling into an ice cellar, and he immediately retreated to dodge.


The palm print landed on a distant mountain, instantly blasting the mountain into powder and sending countless gravel flying around.

Countless rocks and ancient trees were burned away by the flames.

Fortunately, Gushan evaded in time, otherwise he would have been hit by this palm and his fate could be imagined.

"Don't hurt him, he's one of our own!"

Lin Changsheng saw Xiaonan taking action against Gushan and immediately persuaded her.

Only then did Xiaonan stop. She thought the other party was coming to hunt her and Lin Changsheng.

"What a risk! Fortunately, I dodge quickly enough!"

There is lingering fear in Gushan's heart.

However, the little girl didn't give him a good look, "You are the one who follows me all the way, right?"

Gushan was a little surprised when he heard Xiaonan's words. He didn't expect that she knew that he had been following him?

But then I thought it was normal. These three ice and fire pythons were much more powerful than him, so it was normal for them to be able to sense his presence.

"Exactly! But I don't have any ill intentions towards you. I just want to find out the whereabouts of Lin Changsheng!"

Furuyama said truthfully.

If the three-headed ice and fire python keeps holding a grudge, it will probably not end well in the future, so it would be better to explain clearly.

"I hope you are telling the truth! If I find out that you have any other ideas, I will definitely kill you without any trace of your body!"

Xiao Nan said coldly, then looked at the coffin and slowly closed the coffin board.

"Please keep the master's corpse. In the future, my little girl is willing to follow you and assist you in your practice!"

Xiaonan immediately let down her guard against Lin Changsheng and said sincerely.

Hearing this, Lin Changsheng was overjoyed.

Although he wished he could sign a contract with these three ice and fire pythons now, so that he could gain part of their abilities and longevity.

But they had just met, and the three ice and fire pythons were obviously much stronger than Lin Changsheng, so there was no rush.

If you force it, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive.

"That's great!"

Lin Changsheng was very satisfied.

There is a powerful spiritual beast beside him that is comparable to the Tribulation Stage. How can ordinary monks do anything to him?

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng took out a spirit beast bag and said, "If you are tired, you can rest in the spirit beast bag. We still have a long way to go!"

However, Xiaonan had no intention of entering the spirit beast bag. Instead, she wrapped the countless little snakes on her head with black gauze and planned to move forward with Lin Changsheng.

She hasn't left the Lingchen Mountain Range for many years. Want to see what the outside world looks like?


Lin Changsheng glanced at Gushan, then summoned the Lightning and Thunder Eagle, and the three of them rushed towards the Snake Valley.

If you want to go to the Immortal Palace, you must pass through this place.

One day later, Snake Valley.

In the past, few people visited this place, but today it miraculously became lively.

In just one day, all major sects arrived here through formations.

These include the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the Tianming Sword Sect, the Blood Clothes Sect and other forces.

All the major forces knew that Lin Changsheng would definitely pass through this place on his way to the Immortal Palace, and they all planned to intercept Lin Changsheng here.

Under the temptation of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect's hundred thousand immortal crystals, the leader of the Nine Poison Sect was naturally willing to help everyone with this favor.

In order to prevent accidents, the leader of the Nine Poison Sect set up a large formation in the Snake Valley and waited for Lin Changsheng to come and die.

"This time, as long as Lin Changsheng dares to come, he will not be able to escape!"

Luo Shang, who had a ghostly face, curled up into a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

It's time to end this feud.

"That's inevitable. With Elder Luo here, even if Lin Changsheng has ten lives, it won't be enough for him to die!"

On the side, Du Gufang, the leader of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, greeted him.

Although Dugu Yifang is the leader of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Luo Shang is an elder of the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm, so he has to be given a bit of a thumbs-down.

Otherwise, if you offend the Tianming Sword Sect and the Wanshou Sect, you will definitely not get any good results.

Besides, Luo Shang's goal is the same as Dugu's, so Dugu's naturally treats Luo Shang as a friend and treats him with courtesy.

"This Lin Changsheng just came from the Abandoned Land. He didn't expect that his growth rate would be so terrifying. It would be an honor for him to have the masters and elders of the two major sects personally come to kill him. Even if he dies here, it would be an honor for him!"

An elder of the blood-clothed sect wearing red clothes had a well-thought-out approach.

I thought it would be difficult to intercept and kill Lin Changsheng with my own strength.

Unexpectedly, after arriving here, I would meet the master of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and the elder of the Tianming Sword Sect.

With these two powerful men taking action, Lin Changsheng would definitely die.

Lin Changsheng, who was on the way to Snake Valley at this moment, didn't know that there were already many strong men waiting in front of him.

Along the way, I kept chatting with my little girl, and laughed from time to time. It seemed that the two of them had a good chat.

This made the ancient mountain standing above the Lightning and Thunder Eagle a little embarrassed.

Lin Changsheng learned from Xiaonan that his master was chased and killed by his enemies.

The enemy who can kill the strong man who has overcome the tribulation is naturally extraordinary in strength.

He also said that his master did not have any deep grudge against the other party. It was just because the other party saw her master using the sword technique of the Supreme Sword Sect that he became murderous.

"As long as the other party sees that they are using the swordsmanship of the Supreme Sword Sect, they will all be killed?"

Lin Changsheng was a little puzzled. This seemed to be a feud!

In this way, Lin Changsheng cannot easily display the sword skills of the Supreme Sword Sect.

If he was discovered by this enemy, he would probably die.

But fortunately, this supreme swordsmanship is integrated with other immortal arts to form a more powerful immortal arts, which will never be easily detected.


Standing on the ancient mountain above the Lightning and Thunder Eagle, looking at the Snake and Scorpion Valley ahead, I suddenly realized something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Changsheng asked after seeing Gu Shan's strange expression.

"In front of you is the Snake Valley. There was a force in the past. If I remember correctly, it should be the Nine Poison Sect. This Nine Poison Sect is just a third-rate force. I didn't expect that there are many powerful people in the Mahayana period in the sect!"

Gushan said everything he felt.

Even though the other party lowered his cultivation level to cover up, he couldn't escape Gu Shan's perception.

"It's just the Mahayana period, how can I do anything to you?"

Lin Changsheng also knew that the front might not be easy, but now that he had two masters as guards, he was not afraid at all.

In order not to alert the snake, Lin Changsheng put the little girl into the spirit beast bag.

Without the existence of Xiaonan, the other party might take action if they have malicious intentions.

Otherwise, if there was a powerful spiritual beast like Xiaonan, they would probably be scared away.

After all, Xiaonan's cultivation level is comparable to that of the Tribulation Stage.

Most people would definitely be put off.

After entering the Snake and Scorpion Valley, it was extremely quiet inside, with not even a bird in sight.

"There really is an ambush!"

Not long after Lin Changsheng entered the Snake and Scorpion Valley, a large red formation rose up, directly covering Lin Changsheng and the ancient mountain.


The next moment, countless figures rose from the mountains in the distance, approaching Lin Changsheng.

Among these people, Lin Changsheng saw a familiar figure.

That is Luo Shang.

Unexpectedly, Luo Shang was already waiting here?

"Lin Changsheng, where are you going to escape this time?"

Luo Shang said coldly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Lin Changsheng killed his beloved disciple, and Lin Changsheng must die here today.

"Little beast, today I want to use your blood to pay homage to my son's spirit in heaven!"

Dugu Yifang was also burning with anger, he said.

Lin Changsheng had never seen this man before, so he didn't know who he was.

But judging from the other party's clothes and aura, he should be the master of a large sect.

"Even the people from the Blood Clothes Sect are here? How rare! It seems that you are fully prepared to kill me today! But before you die, you must let me know who you are, right?"

Lin Changsheng had a sneer on his lips.

He is not afraid of the other party, he just wants to know who these people are, so as not to kill them and let others escape.

After knowing the origin, his sect must be destroyed in the future, leaving no one behind.

"Seeing that you are about to die, I will tell you that I am Zhu Tianzhi, the leader of the Nine Poison Sect. This is Feng Qing, the elder of the Blood Clothes Sect. The person next to me is Dugu Fang, the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. The one on the far right is -"

"Okay, I understand, the one on the far right is Luo Shang, the elder of the Tianming Sword Sect, right?"

Before the last person could finish speaking, Lin Changsheng interrupted.

As he expected, almost all of his enemies had gathered here.

Now that they are all here, let’s catch them all in one go.

"Now that you know it, get ready to hit the road!"

Zhu Tianzhi was extremely thin, and there seemed to be little flesh and blood on his face, like a piece of skin glued to a skull.

However, this person should not be underestimated, as he has early Mahayana cultivation.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Tianzhi summoned a halberd and planned to kill Lin Changsheng.

After all, the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect has given a lot of benefits. What if they didn't do anything to kill Lin Changsheng?

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng was only at the late stage of Xu Lianxu, and he could easily crush him to death with one hand.

Summoning a weapon to attack is a sign of respect for the ancient mountain.

Because Gushan is a strong man in the Mahayana stage, if he is careless, he may be seriously injured.

"Kill Lin Changsheng and leave this person to me!"

Luo Shang looked at Gu Shan and said slowly.

Lin Changsheng escaped last time, but this time there is a large formation, where else can he escape?

As long as he holds Gu Shan back, Lin Changsheng will undoubtedly die.

"Go! Kill him!"

Dugu Fang waved his hand, signaling the elders behind him to take action.

Boo hoo hoo——

In an instant, the elders who followed Dugu Fang launched various attacks at Lin Changsheng.

Among them are knife light, sword light, fist light and so on!

Even Zhu Tianzhi and the elders of the Blood Clothes Sect fought out together.

However, Lin Changsheng had no intention of evading. He waved his hand and summoned the little girl.

As soon as the little girl came out, she directly evolved into her true form. This was a giant python that was more than twenty feet long and could be hugged by three people.

Moreover, this giant python also has four heads, and each head has a different color.

Too late——

Thunder and lightning flashed on one of the heads of the three ice and fire pythons, and a thunder and lightning attack broke out directly.

Thunder beams blasted out, instantly repelling Zhu Tianzhi and others.

Their attacks were vulnerable to the three ice and fire pythons.

There were even some weaker people who were directly bombarded by lightning and turned into charcoal, dying instantly.

"This, this is?"

Zhu Tianzhi was shocked when he saw the three ice and fire pythons.

Judging from the powerful demonic energy in the opponent's body, he could tell that this was no ordinary demonic beast at all, it had reached the level of a spiritual beast.

"Three-headed ice and fire pythons? No, they have advanced to four-headed pythons. Their cultivation level is even better than that of those who have overcome the tribulation. It's not good -"

In the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, an elder was well-informed and immediately saw the difference in this spiritual beast. This spiritual beast was not something they could easily fight against.

I wonder how Lin Changsheng subdued such a powerful spiritual beast?

With the arrival of three ice and fire pythons here, everyone who was originally extremely arrogant was shocked and turned around and ran away.

However, they were unable to outrun the three ice and fire pythons at their speed, and were devoured one after another.

"I think it would be a good idea to use this formation as your tomb!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the people around him fleeing, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly.

This place is surrounded by a large formation, making it difficult for them to leave.

"Bitch, I'll kill you!"

When an elder of the Nine Poison Sect saw three ice and fire pythons chasing others, he immediately planned to capture the thief first and the king first, and wanted to kill Lin Changsheng.

I saw him waving the sword in his hand and stabbing Lin Changsheng away.

Lin Changsheng didn't panic at all. He waved his hand again and directly knocked out the corpse puppet in the middle stage of integration.


As soon as the corpse puppet came out in the middle of the integration stage, he roared and directly punched the opponent's sword.


There was a sound of metal collision, and the opponent's sword failed to penetrate the body of the corpse puppet. Instead, it was shattered by the corpse puppet's punch.

Although this corpse puppet does not know magic, his physical body is extremely powerful.

"Evil, evil cultivator, he is an evil cultivator——"

The moment the people of the Nine Poison Sect saw the appearance of the corpse puppet, they were immediately frightened and ran away. (End of chapter)

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