The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 387 The black and white demons arrive at the Immortal Palace, things without eyes

Tianming Sword Sect.

There is a group of black mist surrounding a cliff.

Many powerful men from the Tianming Sword Sect are squatting here, absorbing the energy emitted from the black mist.

"Huh? That kid is not dead yet?"

A white-haired old man suddenly opened his eyes. He had sensed that the blood evil mark was constantly moving.

I originally thought that Lin Changsheng died in the secret realm, but I didn't expect that he was still alive?

"Great Elder, are you saying that Lin Changsheng is still alive?"

Beside him, Liu Jianhui asked in surprise.

Didn't it mean that Lin Changsheng died, why was he resurrected?

"You can't be wrong. This kid has been in the secret realm for more than a year. Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he also made many breakthroughs in his cultivation!"

The great elder said slowly, with a cold light in his eyes that seemed to be capable of dripping ice.

"This son has enmity with our Tianming Sword Sect. We must not let him grow up, otherwise he will definitely become our sect's great enemy in the future! I will destroy him now!"

Liu Jianhui responded, wishing to kill Lin Changsheng immediately.

I originally wanted to wait for him to arrive in the Immortal Palace and let his disciples destroy him, but now it seems that I can no longer wait.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level was indeed not something that ordinary disciples could kill.

"You can't do it. He can kill Elder Luo. You are definitely no match for him. Let the two elders, Black and White, go and strangle this boy in the cradle!"

The white-haired old man ordered.

Upon hearing this, Liu Jianhui left immediately and came to a mountain mansion through the air.

This mountain is as dark as ink, which makes people feel very weird.

And there is not a single building on the mountain, there is just a paradise in the cave.

This heavenly paradise is like the mouth of a giant beast, capable of swallowing everything in the world.

call out--

As soon as Liu Jianhui approached this place, a powerful sword energy came to kill him.

This shocked Liu Jianhui. The other party had already discovered him before he even got close?

Liu Jianhui did not have time to think too much and immediately dodged in a flash.


The tyrannical sword energy directly shattered the boulder behind Liu Jianhui, and countless rubbles flew away in the explosion.


A man's scolding sound came from the cave.

"Elder Black and White, it's me, Liu Jianhui!"

Liu Jianhui responded.

Although Liu Jianhui is the third elder in Tianming Sword Sect, his status is not as high as the two elders Black and White.

Because the strength of the two elders, black and white, is extremely terrifying, especially the magic they can perform together, which is not something that ordinary people can resist.

Therefore, letting him kill Lin Changsheng with two strikes was absolutely certain.

"It turns out to be the Third Elder, please come in!"

The next moment, a woman's charming voice came from the cave.

These words made Liu Jianhui feel dizzy for a while, and then he used his Yuan Power to resist and stabilize his body, otherwise he would surely fall into her illusion.

"What a powerful charm!"

Liu Jianhui secretly thought, and then slowly walked into the cave.

When Liu Jianhui entered the cave, he found a man and a woman lying on a stone platform practicing meditation.

As for how to practice, there is no need to say more.

The man looks handsome, with a straight nose, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He looks about twenty-four or five years old, and his face is as sharp and handsome as a knife.

The woman is even more charming in appearance. She is about twenty-one or twelve years old, with an extremely delicate face, plump and charming eyes, like a pair of seductive fox eyes.

The woman's figure is also exquisite, graceful and well-proportioned.

At this moment, the two of them were wearing only a few clothes, which made people excited and can't help but imagine.

"Why did Elder Liu come here?"

Heiyu looked at Liu Jianhui with a somewhat unhappy look on his face, as if he was secretly thinking that this kid was a little ignorant and was here to ruin their good deeds.

"The Great Elder has ordered the two elders, Black and White, to go and kill someone!"

Liu Jianhui said bluntly.

This actually surprised Kuroyu. It took two of their elders to kill a person. It seemed like this person was extraordinary!


Bai Feng asked curiously,

"This man's name is Lin Changsheng. He comes from the Abandoned Land! Now he is a disciple of Immortal Palace!"

Liu Jianhui told what he knew.

However, his words caused the two elders, black and white, to laugh.

"A mere ant from the lower realm is worth the two of us taking action? Is it possible that the Tianming Sword Sect has no one left to use it?"

Black Feather was obviously a little angry.

Is an ant from the lower realm worth the two of them taking action? It’s simply a compliment to the other party!

And he was still a junior. Even if he died in their hands, it would be a shame.

"Elder Luo has died in his hands. This man has two blood seals in his hands! He has extraordinary talent in cultivation. If he is allowed to grow up, he will probably be the formidable enemy of our Tianming Sword Sect."

Liu Jianhui continued.

Only then did the two elders, Black and White, pay attention.

The two blood evil seals indicate that two powerful men from the Tianming Sword Sect died in this person's hands.

Because only after the death of a strong man from the Tianming Sword Sect, there will be a traceable blood mark.

"Feng'er, what do you think?"

Black Feather looked at Bai Feng behind him, his eyes as tender as water.

"Elder Liu said so, so I am quite curious about this person, so why not go take a look. If this person is really so talented and absorbs his energy and blood to help us practice, our trip will not be in vain. "

Bai Feng raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

This smile was so captivating that Liu Jianhui didn't dare to look at it for fear of being deceived.

"Go back and tell the Great Elder that Lin Changsheng will die within three months!"

Black Feather didn't even look at Liu Jianhui and got entangled with Bai Feng.

Upon seeing this, Liu Jianhui could only leave, hoping that they could kill Lin Changsheng as soon as possible.

Time flies, half a month has passed.

After Lin Changsheng left the secret space, he rushed all the way to the Immortal Palace. The journey was uneventful and he did not encounter any more trouble.

Even if there is trouble, it will be easily solved by Gu Shan.

Now that Lin Changsheng has two big guards around him, they are not something that ordinary people can resist.

If you rely on your own strength to reach the Immortal Palace, it will take at least a month.

But Lin Changsheng and others were lucky enough to meet Zhang Jinzhong from the Wuyue Sect on the road.

This person's performance in the Talent List was also very impressive, although he did not win the top three rankings.

But Lin Changsheng was also very impressed by him.

Zhang Jinzhong was also surprised when he discovered that Lin Changsheng was still alive.

Then he was invited to the Five Mountains Sect.

Because there are transmission formations between the major sects, which can directly reach the vicinity of the Immortal Palace, so after asking the sect master for instructions.

The sect leader also agreed to teleport Lin Changsheng near the Immortal Palace, which would save them a month.

Lin Changsheng naturally agreed with this.

I originally planned to give some fairy crystals as reward, but the other party insisted on not accepting it.

After all, the Immortal Palace issued the Immortal Palace Order some time ago, which made the Wuyue Sect know how important Lin Changsheng was to the Immortal Palace.

No matter how big the reward from the other party is, it is very good to be able to win Lin Changsheng's favor.

After all, when a genius like Lin Changsheng grows up in the future, his achievements are simply limitless.

There was a flash of light, and when Lin Changsheng appeared again, he was already in a mountain.

"The Immortal Palace is fifty miles ahead!"

Gushan looked into the distance and said.

After passing the teleportation formation, they had entered Xianhai Continent.

Once Lin Changsheng is escorted to the Immortal Palace, Gushan will be free from worries.

Just wait for Lin Changsheng to break through to the Mahayana stage.

This made Lin Changsheng sigh at the vastness of the Immortal Realm!

Without the teleportation formation, it would be extremely tiring to travel with just two legs.

Then a group of three people rushed to the fairy palace.

For Lin Changsheng now, the distance of dozens of miles is just a blink of an eye.

I saw a stretch of mountains standing in mid-air in front of me, one after another, rolling up and down, with no end in sight.

It was as if I had really arrived in the fairyland.

There were many disciples inside, walking with swords and leaving gracefully.

There are also disciples who ride on birds and beasts soaring into the sky, creating a spectacular scene.

"As expected of the third force in the Immortal Realm!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but secretly thought, and then planned to enter the Immortal Palace.

However, as soon as they reached the foot of the Immortal Palace, they were blocked by a group of disciples wearing white clothes.

"Don't come near the Immortal Palace station!"

A disciple of Immortal Palace said with an indifferent expression.

"My name is Lin Changsheng, and I am a disciple of the Immortal Palace. I was only intercepted and killed by the Tianming Sword Sect when I returned, so I came late. I hope you can inform me."

Lin Changsheng said politely, after all, they are all disciples of the same sect, and it would not be good if there was a quarrel.

However, after hearing Lin Changsheng's words, the other party became even more disdainful.

"I don't know how many people claiming to be Lin Changsheng have come to pretend to be theirs this year. If you know who they are, leave as soon as possible! Don't force us to take action!"

The Immortal Palace disciples had no intention of giving way to Lin Changsheng, because they had already encountered countless people who claimed to be Lin Changsheng.

And all of them are fake, not only their cultivation level is different, but also their age is not up to par.

Some went even further. A middle-aged man, who claimed to be the number one genius on the list, couldn't catch any of their moves.

This is 80% fake, and it will be a waste of time for them to make the trip.

So they are now numb, and when they meet Lin Changsheng who comes to the sect, they are beaten with sticks.

After the words fell, the disciple in front was already in a posture to draw his sword.

This made Lin Changsheng quite unhappy.

"It seems I have to prove it to you before you can let me in?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Changsheng's mouth.

These disciples cannot reach the stage of transformation into gods. It is simply wishful thinking to stop him from reaching the stage of integration!

"Still want to force your way in? Then I want to see how capable you are?"


After the words fell, the disciple in front directly pulled out the sword blade and stabbed Lin Changsheng in the chest.

This sword came with a fierce force. If Lin Changsheng was not prepared, he would be pierced through the chest and killed with one sword.


However, what everyone didn't expect was that Lin Changsheng stretched out his two fingers to easily clamp the tip of the local sword.

This surprised many disciples in the Immortal Palace.

The opponent actually used his physical body to receive the Lingbao attack. What kind of cultivation is this?

Clearly crushing them too much.


However, the disciple who drew the sword didn't think much about it at all. He just felt that Lin Changsheng was lucky.

Immediately, the sword edge turned, opened Lin Changsheng's fingers, and swung the sword straight to Lin Changsheng's neck.

This made Chang Lin very angry. Both of these moves were deadly moves.

If his cultivation level was inferior, he would probably be dead.

"Get away!"

Lin Changsheng immediately scolded him, saying that he had given him some bad treatment. Did he really think he could beat him?

In the midst of the scolding, Lin Changsheng directly exploded his cultivation level in the integration stage, and the powerful energy fluctuations directly knocked the opponent away.


In mid-air, the disciple who drew the sword spurted out a mouthful of blood, which showed that his internal organs had been severely damaged by the impact of Lin Changsheng's Yuan Power.

Lin Changsheng didn't kill him directly because it was for the sake of the Immortal Palace. Otherwise, how could he survive?


Such a scene immediately shocked the surrounding disciples. This person actually has the cultivation level of the Fusion Stage?

Seeing that the other party is only thirty years old, his cultivation is so domineering?

"It's hard, is he really Lin Changsheng?"

One disciple guessed dubiously.

"No, it might be true. Hurry, go and inform Elder Liu!"

A disciple said immediately, and then left the place to find Elder Liu Feng.

Elder Liu Feng was the one who brought Lin Changsheng and others back to the sect.

However, when he came back, he was intercepted by the Tianming Sword Sect, causing Lin Changsheng to disappear.

After a while, Elder Liu Feng, dressed in white clothes and white hair, came quickly through the air.

When he saw Lin Changsheng, he was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

"You, you are still alive, I thought you -"

Liu Feng was also shocked after seeing Lin Changsheng. He was so surprised that he couldn't even explain.

When the surrounding disciples heard this, they suddenly realized that this person was indeed Lin Changsheng.

If the other party hadn't held back, I'm afraid they would have died long ago.

"It is disciple Lin Changsheng who worries Elder Liu!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

"Just return to the sect safely! You, you actually broke through to the integration stage, you are simply formidable!"

Liu Feng was even more shocked when he saw that Lin Changsheng had broken through to the integration stage.

With Lin Changsheng's talent and cultivation, he would probably receive excellent treatment from any major sect.

Unexpectedly, he took the long journey and came to the Immortal Palace, which shows his firmness in Taoism.

"Elder Liu is so grateful! I just encountered some opportunities!"

Lin Changsheng shouted.

Although he has won over many powerful men in the Mahayana stage in the secret realm, he is currently unable to compete with the Tianming Sword Sect.

Still need to be protected by the fairy palace.

Only when you have enough cultivation can you confront the Tianming Sword Sect head-on.

Lin Changsheng planned to return to the Immortal Palace and practice cultivation in the Immortal Palace for a while, practicing elixirs and practicing magic.

Unless there are special circumstances, he will never leave the sect. In this way, even if the sect leader comes, the Tianming Sword Sect will not be able to do anything to him.

Unless the other party breaks up with Immortal Palace.

Following the commotion here, many disciples gathered around and began to observe Lin Changsheng, the number one prodigy on the list of geniuses.

After all, before seeing him in person, it was rumored that Lin Changsheng had been given to Shinhwa.

They all thought it was an exaggeration.

However, when he saw him in person, he was equally shocked.

"Is this person Lin Changsheng? At such an age, he has already reached the integration stage, and his talent in cultivation is so terrifying. He deserves to be number one on the list of geniuses!"

"Yes! It's incredible. If I could break through to the Void Refining Stage at his age, I would be satisfied!"

"Otherwise, how can others call him a genius? Let the sect even issue an order to the Immortal Palace to find him!"

"With his joining, Zhuo Mubai, Gao Yumin and other talented people will be eclipsed!"

The surrounding disciples commented one after another.

They kept looking up and down at Lin Changsheng. Lin Changsheng's talent made them envious.

If they had such talent, they would definitely be ten times more arrogant than Lin Changsheng. (End of chapter)

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