The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 388: Yu Qianxue, Lord of the Immortal Palace, Tongtian Peak, Library

"Follow me to the main hall quickly, the sect master has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Liu Feng said with a smile, and then took Lin Changsheng to the main hall of the Immortal Palace.

Gushan and Xiaonan followed closely behind.

Xiaonan didn't seem to like so many people watching, so she went directly into Lin Changsheng's spirit beast bag to accompany Xiaobai.

Now Xiaobai is not alone anymore, there are many monsters in the spirit beast bag.

In addition to Xiaobai and the three-headed ice and fire pythons, there are also fire unicorns, two-headed fire phoenixes, lightning and thunder eagles, etc.

These monster beasts have opened their spiritual intelligence and can speak human words.

However, no matter how many monsters there are, no one here dares to provoke Xiao Bai.

Keep a certain distance from Xiaobai.

Following Liu Feng's guidance, Lin Changsheng passed through the mountains suspended in mid-air and arrived in front of a huge mountain.

This mountain seems to be bathed in golden light, blooming with brilliant light, making this mountain as awe-inspiring as a sacred mountain.

With Elder Liu Feng leading the way, Lin Changsheng arrived directly outside the main hall on the top of the mountain without any hindrance.

"Sect Master, Lin Changsheng is back!"

Before reaching the main hall, Elder Liu Feng shouted anxiously, as if he wanted to tell everyone the good news as soon as possible.

Lin Changsheng followed Elder Liu Feng's footsteps into the main hall.

I saw the magnificent hall, just like a royal palace, full of luxury.

At the top of the hall, there is not a luxurious high chair, but a golden bed with curtains. On the bed, reclining is a man whose appearance cannot be seen clearly and who is wearing golden clothes.

In a blur, he could vaguely see that this was a woman.

This actually surprised Lin Changsheng. The leader of the Immortal Palace was actually a woman?

After hearing Elder Liu Feng's words, the woman immediately stood up and her eyes fell on Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt a strong coercion coming over him, making him feel as if the entire mountain was pressing down on him.

It made it difficult for him to move.

"Are you Lin Changsheng?"

A low, soft, mature female voice came from behind the golden curtain.

This voice is somewhat similar to Xiaobai's, completely like a royal sister's voice, but it is more majestic.


Lin Changsheng responded, appearing neither humble nor arrogant.

If the other party is not kind to him, he will leave. There are many sects who want to keep him.

Therefore, there is no need for Lin Changsheng to be too humble.

"My sect has heard about you from Elder Liu. After you disappeared, our sect issued an order to the Immortal Palace, asking everyone in the sect to go out to find your whereabouts. The fact that you survived the catastrophe is enough to show how high your talent is. , you are a genius who is rare in a thousand years, if you need anything, just ask, Immortal Palace will try its best to assist you in your cultivation!"

Yu Qianxue said slowly, and then removed the pressure on Lin Changsheng.

She had already sensed from Lin Changsheng that this son was extremely talented and would surely achieve limitless achievements in the future.

However, she would not really do what she said and immediately devote all her efforts to assist Lin Changsheng in his cultivation.

It must go through some tests.

Because the Immortal Palace had tried its best to cultivate a great genius before.

But after this genius grew up, his desires became even greater, and he even dreamed of unifying the Immortal Palace.

"Thank you, Master!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

"Elder Liu, take Lin Changsheng to Tongtian Peak to practice!"

Yu Qianxue's dignified words sounded again.


Elder Liu Feng responded and immediately took Lin Changsheng to Tongtian Peak.

This Tongtian Peak is the place where Tianjiao disciples of Immortal Palace practice. Only Tianjiao disciples are qualified to practice here.

Moreover, the place to practice is obtained according to one's own cultivation strength. The stronger the cultivation base, the closer to the top of the mountain.

Because the aura of heaven and earth is the strongest at the top of the mountain every morning.

"This Tongtian Peak is the place where Tianjiao disciples practice. There are now a total of sixty-five disciples practicing here. Each one has his own mansion. They will not be disturbed while practicing, so they can practice with peace of mind, but -"

At the end of the sentence, Elder Liu Feng paused.

"But what?"

Lin Changsheng asked curiously.

"However, you need to accept the challenge of a disciple every seven days. If you win, you can continue to practice. If you fail, the practice cave will be given to the other party!"

Elder Liu Feng explained, "According to your current cultivation talent, you could have been arranged to live in a cave on the top of the mountain to practice. However, due to the sect's rules, we can only arrange for you to practice in a wooden house at the foot of the mountain. If you want to enter Tongtian Cultivation in Fengdong Mansion requires you to continue to challenge!"


Lin Changsheng expressed his understanding.

Competing with these geniuses is undoubtedly not an experience.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that he had entered the Fusion Stage, and there would not be many Fusion Stage disciples in Tongtian Peak.

However, when Lin Changsheng arrived at Tongtian Peak, he realized that his idea was a bit ridiculous.

The disciples who practice in Tongtian Peak are not limited to those under thirty years old, but within one hundred years old.

These include the older generation of talented disciples and so on.

Therefore, the overall strength is much stronger than the Tianjiao List.

Only twelve of them were in the late stage of cultivation, and the rest of the disciples were actually in the integration stage, and there were even people in the middle and late stages of integration.

This surprised Lin Changsheng.

It seems that if you want to obtain better cultivation resources, you can only move up step by step.

Soon Liu Feng took Lin Changsheng to the foot of Tongtian Peak, where there were rows of wooden houses.

This is the temporary residence of the newly promoted Tianjiao disciples.

In other words, these people can challenge the disciples in Tongtian Peak, and if they win, they will have the right to use the cave for seven days. After seven days, they can continue to challenge the talented disciples above, or they may be challenged by the new talented disciples.

Liu Feng arranged Lin Changsheng in a wooden house. Several newly promoted Tianjiao disciples were already living in the surrounding wooden houses.

Elder Liu Feng handed a disciple token to Lin Changsheng.

Only with this token can you walk in the Immortal Palace disciple activity area.

"This is a temporary training place. If you want to enter the Cave Heaven Paradise of Tongtian Peak to practice, you need to challenge it yourself!"

Liu Feng patted Lin Changsheng on the shoulder, "I believe you. The Cave Heaven Paradise at the highest point of Tongtian Peak belongs to you!"

"The Sixth Elder has received a prize. How can I obtain the Immortal Technique?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

Naturally, he came to the Immortal Palace to obtain the method of cultivation.

"The immortal arts are all in the Book Collection Peak. Low-level immortal arts can be borrowed at will, but advanced ones need to be redeemed with experience points. Experience points need to be completed by completing tasks assigned by the sect. The experience points are different for different tasks!"

Elder Liu Feng explained.


Lin Changsheng responded.

"Practice well and I'll come see you again in a while!"

After Elder Liu Feng said a word, he turned and left.

Seeing that Lin Changsheng had made arrangements, Gushan immediately planned to leave.

"Find me in Asgard in two years!"

Lin Changsheng said to the ancient mountain.

This ancient mountain road has made a lot of contributions to Lin Changsheng. When the time comes to find the Immortal Cave Mansion, he will naturally not be forgotten.


Gu Shan responded, then turned and left.

"Brother, are you also a newly promoted Tianjiao disciple?"

Just after Elder Liu Feng and Gu Shan left, a fat-headed disciple looked at Lin Changsheng and asked.

Lin Changsheng looked at the other person and couldn't help but be a little surprised. It was unique for a cultivator to be so fat.


Lin Changsheng responded.

Then I plan to go into the house to practice. Tomorrow, I can challenge the talented disciples in Tongtian Peak to get a better place to practice.

However, this fat-headed and big-eared disciple had no intention of leaving at all, and continued, "My name is Zhang Shisong, why have I never seen you before? Your cultivation is actually in the integration stage, which is amazing!"

"Lin Changsheng, just arrived at the sect today!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

When Zhang Shisong heard the words Lin Changsheng, he was immediately surprised.

"You, are you Lin Changsheng?"

He had heard of Lin Changsheng's name a long time ago. He was number one on the list of geniuses, and he had gained a lot of reputation in their Immortal Palace.

I didn't expect to see this person today.

"Exactly! Is there anything else? If nothing happens, I'll be ready to practice!"

Lin Changsheng asked, sitting cross-legged.

He feels that this guy shouldn't have any Longyang skills, right? Keep staring at yourself!

It made Lin Changsheng feel a little unhappy.

He still prefers beautiful women and is not interested in men.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just bored and wandering around! Then I won't disturb you while you practice!"

Zhang Shisong said with a smile, and then planned to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Just when Zhang Shisong was about to leave, Lin Changsheng suddenly shouted, "Is Book Collection Peak far from here?"

Since you can't obtain powerful magic, it's not a bad idea to practice some magic that doesn't require experience points.

So Lin Changsheng planned to go to Book Collection Peak for a walk.

"It's not far, not far. If you want to go, I will take you there!"

Zhang Shisong turned around and said with a smile.

Lin Changsheng's name is like thunder, and his future achievements are even more limitless.

If we can establish a good relationship with Lin Changsheng now, it will definitely bring a lot of benefits in the future.

"That'll be troublesome!"

Lin Changsheng and Zhang Shisong then rushed towards the Book Collection Peak.

Jiuhua mountain.

"What? Brother Changsheng is not dead and has returned to the sect?"

Zhao Shuang'er was shocked after hearing the news.

"Yes, I just heard the news. I heard that the disciples guarding the mountain were not discerning and made things difficult for Lin Changsheng. They were eventually dismissed. Now Lin Changsheng has been taken to Jinyan Peak by Elder Liu to meet the sect master!"

Hou Shaojie was also very excited.

For a whole year, there was no news about Lin Changsheng, but now there is finally news about him.

"Brother Changsheng is fine! It's great!"

The stone hanging in Zhao Shuang'er's heart could finally be put down.

During this period of time, Zhao Shuang'er was often distracted in his practice.

Every time she thought of Lin Changsheng, she couldn't practice with peace of mind, causing her practice to slow down.

"You said Brother Changsheng will be arranged to practice on that mountain?"

Zhao Shuang'er asked.

"It's unclear, but according to Lin Changsheng's talent, he will definitely be placed at Tongtian Peak!"

Hou Shaojie said firmly.

If Lin Changsheng couldn't go to Tongtian Peak to practice, then no one would be qualified.

"Tongtian Peak?"

Zhao Shuang'er thought to himself, as if he wanted to write it down.

Hou Shaojie felt a little lonely when he saw Zhao Shuang'er being so attentive to Lin Changsheng.

During Lin Changsheng's absence, Hou Shaojie also took great care of Zhao Shuang'er, hoping that she could feel his presence.

However, it seemed that Lin Changsheng was the only one in Zhao Shuang'er's heart.

"I heard that there are many cave heaven paradises in Tongtian Peak, and the cultivation speed is several times faster than outside. The higher the cave heaven paradise, the better! But it requires constant challenges. I don't know how high Lin Changsheng can challenge!"

Hou Shaojie guessed.

"I'm going to find Brother Changsheng right now!"

With that said, Zhao Shuang'er left Jiuhua Mountain and rushed towards Tongtian Peak.

Seeing this, Hou Shaojie could only follow.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng and Zhang Shisong had arrived at the Book Collection Peak.

There is only one huge tall building on this mountain, called the Library, which stands out like a lighthouse.

Lin Changsheng and Zhang Shisong came to the library and entered after showing their disciple tokens.

"Brother Lin, this first level is all the basic magic of the Immortal Palace. You can borrow it without experience points. You can only borrow two books at a time! The magic skills above require experience points before you can redeem them!"

Zhang Shisong said.

Lin Changsheng then started checking on the first floor.

Lin Changsheng discovered that the books on the first floor were indeed relatively ordinary, and they were all entry-level magical arts.

But Lin Changsheng was able to integrate immortal arts, which became extraordinary.

"If you don't want to borrow books on the second floor, can you go up and have a look?"

Lin Changsheng was still very curious about the magic above and didn't know what the difference was between the magic above and the magic below.


Zhang Shisong responded.

Lin Changsheng and Zhang Shisong then went to the second floor of the library.

There are obviously fewer books on the second floor than on the first floor, and they are imprisoned in light groups.

It is estimated that it requires experience points to obtain.

These magical skills are obviously much stronger than those on the first level.

"Celestial Star Fist? Nine-Star Sky Sword?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the two books of immortal arts and suddenly thought to himself.

In the list of geniuses, he seemed to have seen Wang Huisheng use these two magical arts with extraordinary power.

If you can integrate it into your own magic, you can definitely greatly increase its power.

It's a pity that Lin Changsheng doesn't have any experience points now, so he can only take a look.

"You can't go up there. Only disciples in the integration stage can enter!"

Zhang Shisong seemed to notice that Lin Changsheng still wanted to continue going up, so he reminded him.

If there were no restrictions at all, then the library would probably be in chaos.

"Then I will choose two books of immortal arts on the first floor to practice first!"

Lin Changsheng responded, then went down to the first floor and began to choose immortal skills.

"Tiger Earth-Splitting Fist, King Kong's Immortal Body, World-Destroying Nebula Fist, Nine-turn Dragon-Snake Step..."

Lin Changsheng looked at the immortal arts on the first floor and kept sifting through them.

In the end, I selected a book called World Destroying Nebula Fist and a book called Nine Stars Heavenly Sword Jue.

Now that you're here, you can't go back empty-handed, right?

Although the magic of this level is not as strong as that of the second level, as long as it is integrated into Lin Changsheng's magic, it can explode with stronger power.

After showing his disciple token to register, Lin Changsheng and Zhang Shisong left the library.

This borrowed magic can only be used for one month. If it is damaged or lost, you will be punished.

"It seems that we can't stay in the sect all the time. We have to go out and complete tasks to gain experience points!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that he wanted to hide in the sect and practice all the time, so that the Tianming Sword Sect would be unable to do anything to him.

But if you want to gain stronger magical skills, you need to exchange experience points.

Without experience points, you cannot exchange for any resources in the sect. (End of chapter)

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