The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 389: The World-Destroying God Fist, the Heavenly God-Killing Slash, and the Breakthrough to

Although Yu Qianxue said that she could ask for anything at any time.

But Lin Changsheng is not stupid. These are just polite words, and when you open your mouth, you owe others a favor, and you will have to pay it back in the future.

Moreover, even if Lin Changsheng asked for some powerful magical skills, Yu Qianxue might not be able to give them to him.

Intermediate magical skills were not worthy of Lin Changsheng's words.

I still have to practice well, so it would be more practical to take on sect missions and gain experience points to exchange for magic.

"Brother Lin, look at that girl in front of you. She looks really good! Is she also a newly promoted disciple?"

Just when Lin Changsheng and Zhang Shisong returned to the wooden house at the foot of Tongtian Peak, Zhang Shisong saw a man and a woman waiting in front of the wooden house.

These two people were Zhao Shuang'er and Hou Shaojie who came to look for Lin Changsheng.

After Zhang Shisong saw Zhao Shuang'er's well-proportioned figure, his eyes suddenly lit up.


Lin Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little excited when he saw Zhao Shuang'er. After learning that she had returned to the Immortal Palace, this little girl actually came to see him immediately?

"What Shuang'er? Do you know each other?"

This made Zhang Shisong a little surprised. He was still thinking about it at first, but it turned out that he had just met Lin Changsheng?

It seemed like I was out of luck again.

"Brother Changsheng!"

As soon as Lin Changsheng and the two arrived here, Zhao Shuang'er saw Lin Changsheng and immediately ran over and threw himself into Lin Changsheng's arms.

This made Lin Changsheng somewhat unexpected.

Is this girl so direct?

A faint fragrance hit Lin Changsheng's nose and made his heart beat faster.


Hou Shaojie coughed twice to relieve his embarrassment.

"Brother Lin, you guys chat, I'll leave now without disturbing you! See you tomorrow!"

Seeing Lin Changsheng's beauty in his arms, Zhang Shisong knew that he might be ignorant if he stayed, so he immediately said hello and left.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Lin Changsheng immediately separated from Zhao Shuang'er.

"I know that big brother Jiren has his own destiny, and nothing will happen to him!"

Hou Shaojie said with a smile and hugged Lin Changsheng.

"You two didn't encounter any trouble while practicing in the Immortal Palace, right?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

"Trouble? What trouble? Who doesn't know the relationship between me and my eldest brother? Offending us will definitely not offend the entire Immortal Palace! Haha——"

Hou Shaojie smiled.

The Immortal Palace disciples were very polite to them. After all, Hou Shaojie and Lin Changsheng had an unusual relationship.

Moreover, their own talents are also extraordinary. Although they cannot win the favor of the sect master, they can still get the attention of some deacons and elders.

Although they are now unable to compare with the cultivation level of the Tianjiao disciples in Tongtian Peak.

But they are better because they are young! There are endless possibilities.

"That's good! I've been practicing hard in the Immortal Palace recently, and I also plan to try my hand at Tongtian Peak!"

Lin Changsheng responded that the higher you go up Tongtian Peak, the better the resources for cultivation, so Lin Changsheng naturally does not want to practice at the foot of the mountain.

"Breaking through Tiantong Peak? Isn't it dangerous?"

Zhao Shuang'er felt nervous, fearing that Lin Changsheng was in danger.

"Shuang'er, just be more careful! The boss will not do anything that you are not sure of, and there are probably not many disciples on Tongtian Peak who can rival the boss!"

Hou Shaojie had full confidence in Lin Changsheng and felt that there were only a few people who could defeat Lin Changsheng.

"Brother Changsheng, you must pay attention to safety!"

Zhao Shuang'er said with concern.

"Boss, when you complete Tongtian Peak, take us out to do missions! My experience points are always in the single digits, and even if I want to change a book of more powerful magic, it's not enough!"

Hou Shaojie said with a smile that he had been coveting the fairy books in the library for a long time.

"That's easy to say! I also plan to take on sect missions to gain experience points in a while. Let's get together then!"

Lin Changsheng responded that he coincided with Hou Shaojie on this point.

In practicing in the Immortal Palace, it seems that experience points are indispensable. Without them, there will be no exchange of resources.

"Okay, boss, practice well, Xiaoshuang and I will leave first!"

Hou Shaojie smiled and then pulled Zhao Shuang'er away.

Although Zhao Shuang'er still wanted to stay and chat with Lin Changsheng more.

But Hou Shaojie said that the boss should practice hard and prepare to break into Tongtian Peak, and not to disturb him too much.

Zhao Shuang'er had no choice but to leave with Hou Shaojie.

Lin Changsheng looked at Hou Shaojie and Zhao Shuang'er's attentive looks, and seemed to understand Hou Shaojie's purpose.

But not much to say.

After shaking his head, Lin Changsheng stopped thinking about it and planned to go back and practice the two major immortal arts so that after fusion, he could challenge the disciples of Tongtian Peak tomorrow.

Tongtian Peak is a back mountain cliff near the top of the mountain.

There is a spiritual spring here that continuously pours out a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth. It is a treasured place for practice.

At this moment, when a man with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes learned that Lin Changsheng had returned to the Immortal Palace, he suddenly frowned and felt quite surprised.

"I didn't expect this kid to return to the Immortal Palace safely. It's really not easy!"

Shen Yu murmured to himself, thinking that Lin Changsheng would have died on the way without him taking action.

It seems that I have to take action in the end.

"It is your honor to die in my hands!"

Shen Yu slashed out with his sword, and the sword light seemed to be invisible and could not be seen in the void.


The next moment, the sharp sword light struck the stone not far away, directly splitting it into two.

It can be seen that this man's swordsmanship is extraordinary.

At the foot of Tongtian Peak.

[Introduction to the World-Destroying Nebula Fist! 】

[Introduction to the Nine-Star Heavenly Sword Jue! 】

After Lin Changsheng studied the two immortal arts for an hour, he finally mastered the two immortal arts to the beginning.

[The World-Destroying Nebula Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Nine-Star Heavenly Sword Art has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the World-Destroying Nebula Fist begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The World-Destroying Nebula Fist == punching the sky! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine-Star Heavenly Sword Jue begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Nine-Star Heavenly Sword Jue == swinging the sword against the sky! 】

"Swinging your fist at the sky? Swinging your sword at the sky?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, these two don't seem to be difficult, and they can improve their proficiency together.

So Lin Changsheng left the wooden house, came to an open space far outside the door, and began to swing his fist and sword at the sky.

World-destroying Nebula Fist experience value +1!

Nine-star Heavenly Sword Jue experience value +1!

The experience points of the two major magic arts are constantly increasing crazily.

[The World-Destroying Nebula Fist is complete! 】

[The Nine-Star Heavenly Sword Jue is complete! 】

Three hours later, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the two major immortal arts.

[The World-Destroying Nebula Fist (Perfection) and the Four-Elephant Divine Master Fist (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new boxing technique? 】

[The Nine-Star Heavenly Sword Jue (Perfection) and the Wushuang God-Destroying Slash (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new immortal technique? 】

The next moment the prompt pops up again on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

[World-Destroying Nebula Fist (Perfection), Four-Elephant Divine Fist (Perfection), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, get the new immortal technique World-Destroying Divine Fist! 】

[Nine-Star Heavenly Sword Jue (Perfect), Unparalleled God-Destroying Slash (Perfect), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, you will get the new immortal technique Sky-Destroying God-killing Slash! 】

"World-Destroying God Fist? Heavenly Vault God-Killing Slash?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, wondering how powerful these two immortal arts are?

[The World-Destroying God Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 9,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Sky God Killing Slash has been detected. Do you want to spend 9000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, the panel prompted again.


Lin Changsheng saw that the number of fairy crystals in the storage bag was missing by another 30,000, and his heart suddenly began to bleed.

Most people can’t afford this panel!

Fortunately, the feedback is also huge.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the World-Destroying God’s Fist begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The World-Destroying God’s Fist == punching the god! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Heavenly Vault God-killing Slash begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Heavenly Vault God-killing Slash == killing the gods with a swing of the sword! 】

"Hit a god with a fist? Kill a god with a sword? Isn't this just a test of the coordination of my hands?"

Lin Changsheng was a little puzzled when he saw the simplified results.

Fortunately, it is not difficult for Lin Changsheng to do two things at once.

Lin Changsheng immediately carved a large word "god" on the stone wall in the distance, and then waved his fist with his left hand and his knife with his right hand, attacking continuously.

World Destroying God Fist experience value +1!

Sky Sky God Killing Slash experience value +1!

With Lin Changsheng's actions, the experience points of the two major immortal arts continued to increase crazily.


In the distance, Zhang Shisong yawned and opened the door to go out for convenience.

However, he didn't expect to see Lin Changsheng slashing and punching a huge boulder in the distance.

Suddenly, he was shocked and lost all sleep.

"Let me go, isn't this Lin Changsheng? Are you still practicing so hard in the middle of the night?"

Zhang Shisong rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe it. Do all geniuses work so hard? Then what reason does he have for not working hard?

A night of silence.

When a flash of white fish belly appeared in the sky, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the two great immortal arts to perfection.

[World-Destroying God Fist (Perfection)]

[Tianqiong God Killing (Perfection)]

Seeing the completion of the two immortal arts, Lin Changsheng felt satisfied.

This night of hard work was not in vain.

"Brother Lin, what kind of magic are you practicing?"

In the distance, Zhang Shisong saw Lin Changsheng finally stopped, walked over quickly and asked.

Because he didn't even know what secret method Lin Changsheng practiced? Very curious.

Is there any way to practice that involves hitting stones all night long?

"This practice is about will, not just magic!"

Lin Changsheng said perfunctorily, then turned and left.

This made Zhang Shisong even more confused.

"Cultivation of will?"

Zhang Shisong was puzzled when he looked at the illegible word "神" on the boulder that had been hacked with fists and knives.

"Could it be said that Brother Lin's goal is to destroy God?"

The idea just came into Zhang Shisong's mind, and he shook his head in denial.

Gods are not easy to destroy, even immortals are an existence that is beyond their reach.

"No wonder you practice willpower. I finally understand! No matter how powerful the enemy is, you can't be timid!"

Zhang Shisong seemed to have a sudden realization.

However, Lin Changsheng didn't know that Zhang Shisong was thinking so far. He was just trying to improve his proficiency in the magic of immortality.

Back at the wooden house, Lin Changsheng tidied up his things, and the sky lit up.

I saw a middle-aged and senior elder rushing outside the wooden house of the newly promoted Tianjiao disciple.

"Get ready to climb!"

The elder scolded, and all the disciples went out and followed the elder towards Tongtian Peak.

There are seven newly promoted Tianjiao disciples this time.

In addition to Lin Changsheng and Zhang Shisong, there are four male disciples and one female disciple.

The cultivation of these people is all extraordinary, and they are all in the late stage of cultivating the void. However, they are a little older, they are all in their early thirties, and some are even in their fifties.

But this is all normal. For monks who can live for thousands of years, even a hundred years old is not considered old.

A group of people followed the long-sleeved elder, and the long-sleeved elder also continued to explain the challenge rules.

There are a total of sixty-five cave heaven paradises in Tongtian Peak.

The challenge can only be one level at a time, and cannot be skipped.

For example, they are newly promoted Tianjiao disciples and can only challenge the cave where the 65th disciple at the bottom of Tongtian Peak is.

The winner will have the authority to practice in the cave for seven days. After seven days, he will face the challenges of new disciples again. Only by constantly climbing up can the challenges be reduced.

Moreover, in the challenge, if the new disciple wins, the following talents can challenge the 64th ranked disciple.

Even the Tianjiao disciples ranked at the bottom of Tongtian Peak have advanced levels of cultivation. It is not easy to defeat disciples with this level of cultivation.

However, the newly promoted Tianjiao disciples showed no signs of timidity, and all of them had high morale.

After a while, Elder Changxiu led Lin Changsheng and others to the cave of disciple No. 65.

This cave is located at the foot of the mountain, and a spiritual spring river with rich spiritual energy flows down from above.

Although most of the spiritual energy in this spiritual spring has been absorbed by the Tianjiao disciples above, the spiritual energy in it is still strong.

And there is also the blessing of formations here, which can make practice more effective with half the effort.

If you practice here for one day, you can at least practice outside for two or three days.

At this moment, I saw only one disciple practicing cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the spiritual spring river.

When the group arrived, the disciple stood up and removed the surrounding barriers.

"Disciple Liu Hao, I have met Elder Fang!"

The disciples who were practicing politely greeted Elder Changxiu.

"The seven days of practice have come. This is a new disciple. Which one of you wants to challenge him?"

The long-sleeved elder didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

Lin Changsheng naturally did not want to challenge the disciples ranked at the bottom of Tongtian Peak. Even if he won, he would not be very satisfied with the training resources here.

"I come!"

Among the new disciples, a burly-looking man walked out directly.

"Junior Brother Jiang Tian, ​​please give me some advice from Senior Brother Liu!"

The disciple said politely.

"Junior brother, you're welcome, please!"

Liu Hao directly brought this disciple in, and then opened the formation barrier.

In this way, the two people are fighting fiercely in the formation, and it will not affect the onlookers.

Jiang Tian is about forty years old, with muscles all over his body, and he looks like a strength athlete at first glance.

As he waved his hand, a giant ax appeared in his hand.

Liu Hao, on the other hand, looks more delicate and uses a red tassel spear.

The spiritual treasures in their hands are all low-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

"Creation of heaven and earth!"

"The gun breaks the sky!"

As soon as the two met, they immediately used their strongest magical skills to defeat each other with one move.

I saw the giant ax in Jiang Tian's hand turned into a hundred-foot-long axe, falling towards Liu Hao.

Not to be outdone, Liu Hao waved the spear in his hand and struck the giant ax falling from the sky.

The powerful gun light seemed to shatter the sky.


The next moment, the two attacks collided violently, causing a huge explosion.

The spear light instantly shattered the giant axe, and continued to kill Jiang Tian with its powerful penetrating power.


This surprised Jiang Tiandu. He did not expect that such a powerful blow could be broken so easily by the opponent.

How else can I defeat the opponent?

"I surrender!"

Jiang Tian immediately admitted defeat and the gun light stopped three feet away from him.

"Junior brother accepts the offer!"

Liu Hao withdrew his spear light.


This made the new disciples around him take a breath of cold air.

The cultivation of the disciples at the bottom of Tongtian Peak is so good. If they can defeat these new disciples with one move, how powerful must the disciples at the top be? (End of chapter)

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