The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 390: Fame and strength, ranking first on the Prodigy List [Please subscribe! 】

"Who else wants to challenge?"

Elder Fang, who was wearing long sleeves, looked at the shocked look on the face of the newly promoted Tianjiao disciple and said impatiently.

There is also a big gap between Tianjiao and Tianjiao.

Even with the same cultivation level, different levels of magic and combat experience can change the outcome of a battle.

The newly promoted Tianjiao disciples all looked around, and for a moment no one was willing to take action again. They were all waiting for others to take the lead.

After all, the person who goes first can test out more of the opponent's moves, so their chance of winning will be higher.

Lin Changsheng is not in a hurry anyway, his target is not these disciples in the Void Refining Stage.

No matter how powerful these disciples are, they are no match for him. Their cultivation is overwhelming.

"I'll try!"

After a while, Zhang Shisong said.

Since no one is willing to take action, he plans to test how overbearing Senior Brother Liu Hao's spear is?

After finishing his words, Zhang Shisong jumped in front of Liu Hao.

"Junior brother, be careful!"

Liu Hao didn't talk nonsense. He dropped his words and swung the spear in his hand, piercing Zhang Shisong's chest.

Seeing the domineering spear light coming, Zhang Shisong naturally couldn't collide with it, so he immediately dodged to avoid it, then summoned two giant hammers with flashing thunder and lightning from his storage bag, then charged up and jumped, directly towards Liu Hao in mid-air. Hit the top of the head.

"Thunder clouds cover!!"

Following Zhang Shisong's scolding, bursts of lightning and thunder suddenly erupted from the double hammers in his hands, and the sky became dense with dark clouds.

At this moment, the double hammers in Zhang Shisong's hands were like Thor's hammers, extremely domineering and full of lightning.

"Mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao?"

Liu Hao was shocked when he saw the double-hammer Tongtian Lingbao in Zhang Shisong's hand.

It looks like there will be a fierce battle.

Because crushing on the Tongtian Lingbao can also determine the victory of a battle.

Looking at the two giant hammers coming with powerful thunder and lightning, Liu Hao did not choose to retreat. Instead, he waved the spear in his hand and stabbed straight out.

It seems that he wants to defeat the opponent with his domineering spear light like in the last game.

But this time, Liu Hao's choice was not correct.

Because the power of the double hammers in Zhang Shisong's hands was much more powerful than Jiang Tian's attacks.


The next moment, the two attacks suddenly collided in mid-air, causing a huge explosion.

Under the sound of collision, the silver thunder spread out like dense silver snakes, and the surrounding ground was burnt black.

The spear in Liu Hao's hand failed to break the double hammer attack this time, but was repelled by the tyrannical power of thunder and lightning and the double hammer.

Even his body was hit by three lightning bolts, and his clothes were torn into pieces.

If he hadn't had the energy shield to protect his body, he would have been seriously injured.

This shocked Liu Hao. He didn't expect that this fat junior brother who seemed harmless to humans and animals could have such tyrannical strength?

"That's enough! The new disciple wins!"

Just when Liu Hao was about to take action again, Elder Fang scolded him.

The elders could tell who was stronger and weaker at a glance, so there was no point in continuing the fight.

"Senior brother accepted!"

Zhang Shisong said with a smile, and looked back at Lin Changsheng, as if to say, I am not weak either!

This indeed made Lin Changsheng a little surprised. He thought that this kid had gained weight in vain, but he didn't expect that his strength was not simple.

"Zhang Shisong has been given the opportunity to practice in this cave for seven days! The other disciples will follow me to the next cave!"

Elder Fang said.

Then he continued to lead the remaining disciples to the cave where the 64th disciple of Tongtian Peak was located.

This made many new disciples never expect that they wanted to take advantage later, but they did not expect that Zhang Shisong actually took over the cave.

Then the cultivation of the 64th Tianjiao disciple of Tongtian Peak must be stronger than that of the 65th disciple. What chance do they have of winning?

But now that the matter was over, they had to bite the bullet and rush towards the cave of 64 disciples.

After walking up about two hundred meters, a cave appeared here again. There was a bamboo forest outside the cave, and a thicker pool of heaven and earth spiritual spring flowed past the bamboo forest.

I saw a man about fifty years old practicing cross-legged in the bamboo forest.

The aura emanating from this person was very sharp, and Lin Changsheng knew that this person must be an expert with swords or knives.

But if you take action yourself, you can defeat the opponent with one move.

He hopes these people can challenge and win, and he also wants to challenge higher opponents.

Unfortunately, to Lin Changsheng's disappointment, none of the disciples who challenged him could defeat the opponent.

"Lin Changsheng, it's your turn!"

Elder Fang looked at Lin Changsheng, his face was calm and there seemed to be no joy.

Now only Lin Changsheng is left to challenge, and all the other disciples have been defeated by this disciple.

The sharp knife used by the opponent was extremely powerful, its light was like the wind, and no grass grew where it passed.

"Elder Fang, I have something to do!"

Lin Changsheng said.

"Say it!"

Elder Fang responded simply and clearly.

"I have the cultivation level of the Fusion Stage. Isn't it unfair to them to fight against the disciples of the Void Refining Stage? Can I challenge the disciples of the Fusion Stage?"

Lin Changsheng expressed his thoughts.

Those at the foot of the mountain are basically disciples in the late stage of refining the void, while the caves of the disciples in the integration stage are closer to the mountainside, so the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be stronger.

The speed of practice will naturally be faster!

Elder Fang frowned slightly when he heard Lin Changsheng's words. The rule of Tongtian Peak was to challenge one cave after another.

If you agree to Lin Changsheng's request, wouldn't you break the rules?

But Lin Changsheng's cultivation is indeed much stronger than that in the Void Refining Stage. How can the disciples in the Void Refining Stage resist it?

"No, even if you are a combined practitioner, you still have to follow the rules, but -"

At this point, Elder Fang paused and said, "I can give you a privilege, that is, you can practice in as many caves as you can challenge!"

Due to Lin Changsheng's talent and cultivation, Elder Fang had to come up with a compromise.

Even the sect leader attached great importance to such prodigies, and he issued an order to search for them in the Immortal Realm.

If he acted according to the rule that he could only challenge once in seven days, he might delay his cultivation speed.

But he couldn't be allowed to directly challenge the disciples in the integration stage, as this would break the rules even more.

Therefore, we can only let him challenge continuously, so that the rules are not broken, and he can win step by step based on his strength.


Lin Changsheng decisively agreed, because it would be difficult for these disciples in the Void Refining Stage to accept his move.

"Are you Lin Changsheng?"

Han Yang looked at Lin Changsheng with curiosity.

Lin Changsheng's name is probably unknown to everyone in the entire Immortal Palace.

Because the honor of being number one on the list of geniuses is well known to everyone.

"Exactly, please give me some advice, Senior Brother Han!"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and said politely.

"Don't take it seriously. With your cultivation in the integration stage, how can I be your opponent? But even so, I want to test Junior Brother Lin's strength!"

Han Yang became even more excited as he spoke. Being able to compete with a genius like Lin Changsheng seemed like an honor for him to lose.


Lin Changsheng stood on the spot and seemed to have no intention of summoning the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure.

But Han Yang clenched the long sword in his hand, acting as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Qianye Zhan!"

In the end, Han Yang was the first to attack, waving the blade in his hand, and then swept it out, shooting thousands of dense blades towards Lin Changsheng.

The sword light continued to magnify in Lin Changsheng's eyes until it reached in front of him.


Lin Changsheng punched out, and the powerful energy from the body's integration stage burst out, and a powerful punch rushed out instantly.

Bang bang bang——

The sword gleams struck the fist awns one after another, and bursts of roaring sounds erupted.

However, no matter how dense the sword light is, it cannot shake the fist light even one bit.

The powerful fist light directly broke through countless sword lights, and was instantly killed in front of Han Yang, which shocked Han Yang.

Is this the strength of the integration stage?

With no time to dodge, Han Yang could only wrap his hands in front of him and mobilize all his energy to form a shield in front of him.


With the explosion, Han Yang was directly blasted away by the fist light, and hit the ground heavily in the distance. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth without holding back.


This made the new disciples around them widen their eyes when they saw it.

They used all their strength to defeat the disciple, but Lin Changsheng actually defeated him with one punch?

Is this the strength of the Tianjiao disciple who ranks first on the Tianjiao list?

This was even when Lin Changsheng didn't use all his strength.

If he used all his strength, Han Yang probably wouldn't even have a chance to survive.

"Lin Changsheng wins!"

Elder Fang spoke when he saw this, but did not let Han Yang give up his position in the cave.

Because Lin Changsheng will continue to challenge Tongtian Peak.

"As expected of the genius ranked number one on the genius list, his strength is so amazing!"

Han Yang sat cross-legged and muttered, suddenly feeling the huge gap between himself and Tianjiao.

Then he stopped talking, swallowed a pill and began to heal his wounds.

While the other newly promoted Tianjiao disciples looked at Changsheng's leaving figure, they felt that Lin Changsheng's back was as insurmountable as a mountain.

These talented disciples are a mountain that they will never be able to climb in their lifetime.

Lin Changsheng continued to move forward with Elder Fang, constantly challenging the talented disciples of Tongtian Peak.

In Tongtian Peak, there are twelve disciples in the late stage of Lianxu, and the rest are all disciples in the integration stage.

The disciples in this Void Refining Stage were naturally no match for Lin Changsheng, so Lin Changsheng rushed directly to the entrance of the cave with 53 disciples.

The news of Lin Changsheng's unstoppable journey to Tongtian Peak quickly spread throughout the Immortal Palace, and many disciples came to watch Lin Changsheng's battle.

Even the geniuses on Tongtian Peak heard some news and went to watch outside the cave of the 53 disciples one by one.

I want to see how strong Lin Changsheng is.

The 53rd ranked disciple in Tongtian Peak did not expect that in addition to accepting the challenge from 54 disciples, he would also accept the challenge from the new disciples.

However, when he learned that it was Lin Changsheng who challenged him, he was immediately surprised.

The 53rd ranked disciple is a man in his mid-thirties, he looks very gentle, but the energy in his body is very violent.

It is estimated that he has just entered the integration stage and is still unable to fully control the powerful Yuan Power.

"Lin Changsheng, I have met senior brother!"

Lin Changsheng was the first to say hello.

"Junior Brother Lin is so humble. Your name is already well known to us. It is an honor for me to be able to fight with you today!"

Gao Wei was also very excited to be able to fight against Lin Changsheng, the genius who ranked first on the genius list. He wanted to see how strong Lin Changsheng was.

Moreover, there were more and more disciples surrounding him at this moment. Even if he lost at the hands of Lin Changsheng, it would not be a shameful thing.

After all, Lin Changsheng's cultivation and talent are on display here.

"Lin Changsheng's strength is really extraordinary. He actually broke into the cave of 53 disciples. I wonder if he can win and continue?"

"In my opinion, none of the disciples at the early stage of integration are his opponents. After all, in the competition on the Talent Ranking, Lin Changsheng of the same level was defeated with one move!"

"So awesome? It's such a pity that I was only focusing on my cultivation and didn't go to watch the competition on the Talent Ranking!"

"How can you get the first place on the list of geniuses without being very powerful?"

"Yes, I'm really looking forward to it! I wonder how high he can get to Tongtian Peak?"

"Wow, Lin Changsheng is so young and handsome. I wonder if he has a Taoist companion?"

"If you don't have a Taoist companion, I won't look down on you. Only Xu Jing, Zhang Shihua, Gao Yumin and other talented people are worthy of you!"

After the surrounding disciples saw Lin Changsheng, they immediately started talking.

The male disciples were all speculating on how many places Lin Changsheng could reach Tongtian Peak, but the female disciples were obsessed with it.

After all, geniuses like Lin Changsheng are not common. If you can get his favor, your cultivation path will be smooth sailing.


Just as many disciples were talking about it, the battle below suddenly started.

Gao Wei called out his long sword and slashed it out with an aura that seemed to open up the world.

Lin Changsheng, on the other hand, punched out directly without even using the Tongtian Lingbao.

Lin Changsheng's punch was no small matter.

It was the World-Destroying Nebula Fist that had just been practiced to perfection last night.

With one punch, the entire space was distorted, as if the entire world was suppressed.

Under the violent explosion, Gao Wei's sword light was no match for Lin Changsheng's fist light, and was directly shattered. Countless sword lights flew away, and Gao Wei was also thrown away by Lin Changsheng's punch, and then hit him in the distance. on the boulder.

After landing, Gao Wei coughed heavily and was unable to fight. He couldn't even straighten his waist.

It can be seen that his inner palace has been damaged.

"Defeat him with one punch? Lin Changsheng's cultivation is so incredible?"

"Does this need to be said? There is basically no one at the same level who can be Lin Changsheng's opponent!"

"Then I think Lin Changsheng can get to at least thirty!"

"Only thirty or so? I can't help but look at them!"

"Yes! There are currently fifteen late-stage fusion disciples in Tongtian Peak. Except for the late-stage fusion disciples, Lin Changsheng probably doesn't take them seriously!"

Seeing Lin Changsheng defeating Gao Wei with one punch, the surrounding male disciples immediately exploded, all shocked by Lin Changsheng's strength.

The female disciples were even more excited, and their eyes lit up when they looked at Lin Changsheng.

"I haven't seen you for a year, but Junior Brother Lin is already so powerful?"

In the distance, Wang Huisheng had just arrived and saw Lin Changsheng defeating the 53rd ranked Tianjiao disciple of Tongtian Peak with one punch.

Immediately shocked.

You must know that he can't defeat even the lowest ranked disciple of Tiantian Peak.

And Lin Changsheng is a talented disciple who can defeat the combined stage disciples with one punch, which shows how huge the gap between him and Lin Changsheng is. (End of chapter)

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