The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 456 The shocking secret, breaking out of the Fire Sect [Please subscribe! 】


Zhang Wenliang and Huang Yuesheng were wailing on the ground in pain.

Being too physically strong sometimes is not a good thing.

If their bodies were not so strong, their instant death might not be so painful.

But now they can only feel their bodies being corroded by the Green Lotus True Fire, and their vitality is constantly losing crazily.

"You beast, if you kill Taoist Nanshan, the Lihuo Sect will not let you go!"

Zhang Wenliang shouted, with a ferocious look on his face.

He knew that he could no longer survive and begging was useless, he could only roar.

"They dare to attack me, I will kill them too!"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully.

Then he took action instantly, killing Zhang Wenliang and Huang Yuesheng with two palms.

The souls of the two were also put into the Holy Soul Flag by Lin Changsheng, even the physical bodies and storage bags were not spared.

"Senior, you have conquered the Ice Jade Toad. Do you think you can spare my life? My life is not worth anything!"

Qin Yuan swallowed and said, his eyes full of desire for survival.

"No problem at all!"

Lin Changsheng responded simply.

Upon hearing this, Qin Yuan immediately turned around and ran away as if he had been forgiven.

call out--

However, the next moment, a lightning arrow shot out of the air.


It struck Qin Yuan on the back in an instant, severely injuring him in an instant.

Lin Changsheng's shocking killing of Taoist Nanshan naturally cannot be spread, so Qin Yuan must not let it go.

"No, didn't you agree to let me live?"

Qin Yuan's mouth was filled with blood and his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"Let you live? What a joke!"

Gu Shan stepped forward and punched out instantly, sending Qin Yuan directly on his way.

If Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan weren't powerful, they might have been killed by Qin Yuan. How could the other party let them go?

In this world of immortality where the weak eat the strong, being kind to others is cruel to oneself.

After Lin Changsheng put Qin Yuan's soul and body into the soul flag, he continued on his way with Gu Shan.

The movement here might attract the attention of some powerful people, so it would be better to leave as soon as possible.

However, this time Lin Changsheng did not summon the Lightning and Thunder Eagle on the way.

Because flying through the air can increase the proficiency of Jiutian Fengming Bu.

Once your proficiency level is reached, you can continue riding the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

So Lin Changsheng flew through the air while rotating the flames.

Divine flame field experience value +1!

Jiutian Fengming Steps experience value +1!

The proficiency of the two major magic arts continues to increase crazily.

"Where did you get the power of the divine flame?"

Gu Shan looked at the powerful fireworks in Lin Changsheng's hand and asked curiously.

The power of the divine flame controlled by Lin Changsheng's palm is so powerful that it cannot be extinguished even by a strong person in the Tribulation Stage.

Even if he uses all his strength, he is probably no longer a match for Lin Changsheng.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to tell Gushan everything. Could it be that he merged many kinds of divine flames to create the Qinglian True Fire?

He's not that stupid.

He and Gu Shan just have a cooperative relationship now, and they may fall out at any time, so there is no need to tell him too much.

After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Gu Shan stopped asking any more questions.

[The realm of divine flames is complete! 】

[Nine Heavenly Phoenix Crying Steps to Perfection! 】

Five or six hours later, after Lin Changsheng continued to operate fireworks and fly through the sky, his proficiency in the two major immortal arts finally reached the perfect state.


After achieving perfect proficiency in the two magical arts, Lin Changsheng summoned the Lightning and Thunder Eagle, and then rode on it.

This way Lin Changsheng would have time to do other things.

In his storage bag, there are three people, Nanshan Taoist and Zhang Wenliang and Huang Yuesheng, who have not yet looked through the storage bags. He wonders what kind of treasures these three people will leave him?

However, the Lihuo Sect can only be considered a second-rate force in the Immortal Realm.

The treasure is certainly incomparable to He Jie, Gao Yao, etc.

So Lin Changsheng didn't hold out much hope.

However, when Lin Changsheng opened Taoist Nanshan's storage bag, he was a little surprised.

This old Taoist actually has 70,000 to 80,000 crystals, and there are countless spiritual treasures, magical arts, and medicinal materials in them.

"I guess this veteran often helps other forces to do things and gets a lot of benefits!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

It was as if the Black Tiger Clan and the White Snake Gang had invited him to take care of the Ice Jade Toad. They must have given them a lot of benefits, otherwise he would never take action easily.

It is not so easy to recruit strong people in the Tribulation Stage.

Without a few heaven-reaching spiritual treasures and tens of thousands of fairy crystals, a strong person in the Tribulation Stage will not bother to work for you.

"Why don't you have the training technique of Lihuo Shenyan?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised. What he wanted most was the Lihuo Sect's secret method. If he could suddenly comprehend the Lihuo Divine Flame, he could fuse it with the Green Lotus True Fire, making its power even greater.

However, after rummaging through Taoist Nanshan's storage bag, he couldn't find anything related to Lihuo Shenyan.

I only found a book called Lihuo Fentianjue, a sword art.

"Could it be that by practicing this magic, you can mobilize the divine flames of Lihuo?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, thinking it was unlikely!

Lin Changsheng then looked through Taoist Nanshan's storage bag again, and found that except for fairy crystals, Tongtian Lingbao and various medicinal materials, there were indeed no clues.

"Ask this old guy!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Then Lin Changsheng withdrew from the storage space and summoned Taoist Nanshan's soul from the Holy Soul Flag space with a wave of his hand.

"Little beast, if you kill me, I, the Lihuo Sect, will never let you go!"

As soon as Nanshan Taoist came out, he uttered wild threats.

However, Lin Changsheng was not scared. How could he be afraid of a small Lihuo Sect like him?

"Do you know He Jie of Xianwu Palace? Do you know Gao Yao of Lingshan? I don't even pay attention to the powerful elders of the Immortal Domain. How can I be afraid of you, the Lihuo Sect? If you answer me a few questions obediently, Maybe I can save you from the pain of your skin!"

Lin Changsheng smiled.

However, as soon as these words came out, Taoist Nanshan was very disdainful, "I want to see what you can do to me? At worst, I will die and my soul will be gone!"

It seemed that no matter what torture Lin Changsheng used on him, he would not compromise.

Lin Lin Changsheng has seen a lot about such people. Many people who have just been included in the soul flag by him have said this, but there are really not many people who can persist to the end.

"You have the backbone, I hope you can hold on!"

Lin Changsheng raised his hand, and a flame appeared in his palm, which was the Qinglian True Fire.

This flame can burn even the soul.

Seeing the appearance of Qinglian True Fire, Taoist Nanshan's eyes were obviously shocked.

He had already understood the power of these divine flames, and couldn't help but feel frightened.

But even so, Taoist Nanshan did not admit defeat.

Lin Changsheng flicked his fingers and directly hit the Qinglian True Fire on Nanshan Taoist's soul.

His soul was instantly ignited, and the fierce fire swallowed him up instantly.

At first, Taoist Nanshan could grit his teeth and persevere, but it didn't take long for heart-rending screams to be heard.

Taoist Nanshan thought that if he died, everything would be liberated.

However, after his soul collapsed, Lin Changsheng waved the Holy Soul Flag and condensed his soul again.

"I, this is?"

Taoist Nanshan was a little confused. He had been burned to death by the flames, so how could he condense it again?

"If you are included in the soul flag by me, you will not be able to escape in all your life. Even if you die, I can condense it again. Here, it will be difficult for you to die!"

Lin Changsheng sneered, and then the flames in his hands burned again.


Just when Lin Changsheng was about to set Taoist Nanshan on fire again, Taoist Nanshan finally compromised.

He couldn't escape Hun Ban's control and was tortured again and again, so he might as well take the initiative to admit his mistakes and tell the other party everything he knew.

He has no masochistic tendencies.

"What do you want to know?"

Taoist Nanshan suddenly changed his tough attitude.

Lin Changsheng thought he would be honest after torturing her four or five times, but he didn't expect that he couldn't bear it even after one torture.

"You, the Lihuo Sect, practice Nanming Lihuo? Are you inheriting the lineage of the Phoenix Clan?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

This Nanming Lihuo is quite powerful.

"It's true, the founder of the sect indeed suddenly realized this divine flame in a divine phoenix fire feather!"

Taoist Nanshan answered truthfully.

"How can I obtain this flame?"

Lin Changsheng continued to ask, this was what he wanted to know most.

Hearing this, Taoist Nanshan hesitated obviously.


However, Lin Changsheng stared at him, and Taoist Nanshan's heart trembled.

"You need to suddenly understand the Lihuo God's Art to control the art of fireworks. Finally, under the guidance of the sect master, you can obtain the Lihuo inheritance before you can possess it!"

Taoist Nanshan told Lin Changsheng everything he knew about his psychology, hoping that he would let him go after getting a satisfactory answer and stop torturing him.

"Do you still need to pass it on?"

This surprised Lin Changsheng, but it was normal.

Lihuo Divine Flame is extremely powerful. If no one directs it, ordinary people would be instantly burned to dregs by the Divine Flame after absorbing it.

It seems that if you want to obtain the Lihuo Divine Flame, you have to go to the Lihuo Sect.

"Do you know where the fire feather is?"

Lin Changsheng continued to ask.

"Are you planning to go to Li Huo Sect to seize Fire Feather?"

Taoist Nanshan was surprised and said, this guy is very courageous!

If he told it, Lin Changsheng might really go to the sect to obtain the divine feather.

However, even if Lin Changsheng is strong, he can only compete with him in the early stages of the Tribulation, and he will definitely not be the opponent of the sect master in the middle stage of the Tribulation.

Maybe Lin Changsheng was just seeking death by going there, so there was no harm in telling him.

"Speak quickly! My patience is limited!"

Lin Changsheng was a little impatient.

"Inside the ancestor's cave!"

Taoist Nanshan said.

"very good!"

Lin Changsheng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then used the Taixu Holy Yuan Art to erupt an extremely terrifying suction force, intending to refine the soul of Taoist Nanshan.

There is no value in keeping his soul, so it is better to help him practice.

"This, is this the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique? Are you an evil cultivator?"

Taoist Nanshan was immediately shocked. He did not expect Lin Changsheng to know such evil spells and wanted to devour the power of his soul.

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique he mentioned was indeed so effective, and was even much more powerful than the Heavenly Ghost Soul-Eating Technique practiced by Lin Changsheng.

But what Lin Changsheng was operating at the moment was not the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art.


Under the screams of Taoist Nanshan, his soul was instantly sucked into Lin Changsheng's body and continued to be refined.

This scene made Gu Shan on the side dumbfounded.

Lin Changsheng actually practices evil techniques? This means injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging yourself by eight hundred!

Isn't he afraid of backlash?

Three hours had passed since Lin Changsheng's absorption. When he opened his eyes again, not only had his cultivation improved, but he had also traced the location of Shen Yu from the memory of Taoist Nanshan.

It is indeed in the cave of the ancestor of the Lihuo Sect.

And unfortunately, this is not very far from the Fire Sect.

So Lin Changsheng commanded the Lightning and Thunder Eagle to rush towards Lihuo Sect.

On the way, Lin Changsheng also used the art of disguise to change his appearance into a Taoist from Nanshan.

Gushan was shocked to see such a scene.

"You, are you going to seize Fire Feather?"

Gushan said in surprise.

Lin Changsheng nodded, "Wait for me here! There are so many people that it's difficult to move!"

Gushan also obeyed, jumped off the back of the Lightning and Thunder Eagle, and waited here.

Just when Lin Changsheng rushed to the Lihuo Sect, where he had just killed the Taoist Nanshan, two figures fell down.

One male and one female respectively.

The man was about mid-year-old and had a long beard on his chin. After seeing the scene here, he looked shocked.

The young one was a pretty woman, with a rather shocked look on her face.

"Elder Xu, there was a fierce fight here. It is estimated that someone must have cultivated in the Tribulation Stage!"

Guo Yunchu looked at the flaming sword marks on the ground and was quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, on the edge of Xianhai Continent, there are actually strong men in the Tribulation Stage fighting.

These two people were Xu Tiancang and Guo Yunchu who had been following Lin Changsheng for a while.

"It's incredible!"

Xu Tiancang exclaimed, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Maybe Guo Yunchu couldn't feel what was happening here, but Xu Tiancang knew something about it.

Because they have been following Lin Changsheng's footsteps.

This place looks like this, but Lin Changsheng is unscathed and continues to move forward, which shows that he has not suffered any mistakes.

Being able to survive the struggle of the strong men in the Tribulation Stage either shows that he has the strength to resist the cultivation of the Tribulation Stage, or that even the strong men in the Tribulation Stage have been killed by him.

Compared with the former, Xu Tiancang feels that the latter is more likely.

Because if a strong person in the Tribulation Stage takes action, it will definitely be impossible for Lin Changsheng to survive.

After Lin Changsheng left, he didn't even want to run away.

"What's unbelievable? Could it be that Lin Changsheng is dead?"

Guo Yunchu looked at Xu Tiancang with wide eyes. She really hoped that Lin Changsheng would die.

This kid was simply arrogant and didn't take her seriously at all. Even if he died, he deserved it.

"Not only did he not die, he probably even killed this strong man who was in the tribulation stage!"

Xu Tiancang expressed what he was thinking.

As soon as these words came out, Guo Yunchu's pupils widened.

"You, what did you say? Lin Changsheng shocked and killed a strong man in the tribulation stage? How is this possible?"

Guo Yunchu looked shocked.

In the Tribulation Stage, he was a strong man second only to the Immortal. How could he be killed by a young boy like Lin Changsheng?

He is not in the Mahayana stage, how can he reach the Tribulation Stage?

This is something that has never happened in the Immortal Realm.

Xu Tiancang didn't want to believe it, but the facts were before his eyes, so he couldn't help but not believe it.

"I guess the palace master has already anticipated this boy's talent, so he asked us to come and invite him!"

Xu Tiancang said slowly.

When he was three thousand miles away from Li Huo Zong, Lin Changsheng put away the Lightning Thunder Eagle and then fled towards Li Huo Zong.

The Lihuo Sect is located in a fiery red mountain range. This mountain range is extremely hot all year round. Lin Changsheng feels that there may be innate fire veins under the ground, which is why it is so hot, causing no grass to grow on the ground.

Among the rolling mountains, Lin Changsheng found the main peak of Lihuo Sect and immediately broke through the air. (End of chapter)

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