Divine Fire Peak.

There are many talented disciples and major elders of Lihuo Sect here.

In addition to being able to absorb the purest innate fire vein spiritual energy here, it can also protect the sect's most precious treasure, the Lihuo Divine Flame.

"Great Elder!"

Lin Changsheng landed on the Divine Fire Peak, and many disciples respected him after seeing it.

He already regards Lin Changsheng as a Taoist from Nanshan.

Lin Changsheng nodded and walked directly towards the ancestor's cave.

In the cave, there is the Lihuo Sect's most precious treasure, the Lihuo Divine Flame.

However, when Lin Changsheng arrived in front of the Ancestor Cave, he found that there were two elders sitting cross-legged, apparently guarding this place.

Both of these two men were in their fifties or sixties, and their bodies were full of vitality. They were late-stage Mahayana monks.

"The great elder wants to enter the ancestor's cave?"

After Lin Changsheng approached, the two elders opened their eyes.


Lin Changsheng nodded, which immediately put the two elders in a dilemma.

"Does the Great Elder have any instructions from the sect leader?"

The second elder asked.

This ancestor's cave is not something you can enter just by entering. You must ask the sect leader to enter, otherwise they will not be able to bear the responsibility if the treasure inside is lost.

"What do you think? Can you come without me?"

Lin Changsheng asked back, and the second elder immediately didn't know how to respond.

After all, Nanshan Taoist can be said to be inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people in Lihuo Sect.

"Great Elder, come in!"

The two elders had no choice but to make way and let Lin Changsheng enter.

"Go to the sect master quickly to confirm to avoid any accidents!"

The second elder spoke to the fifth elder beside him, who immediately nodded and left.

After Lin Changsheng entered the ancestor's cave, he felt bursts of heat coming from inside.

Fortunately, he controlled the four divine flames, so the heat was nothing to him.

Otherwise, if it were an ordinary monk, he might not be able to withstand the intense heat of the flames before he reaches the deepest part of the cave.

When Lin Changsheng arrived at the deepest part of the cave, he found that there was a stone chamber the size of two rooms. Right in front of the stone chamber was the body of a dead old man. Not far from the body, there was a fiery red feather.

Burning above the feathers are flames that can distort space.

"Is this Lihuo Divine Flame?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

After walking forward and sensing it, I confirmed that it was indeed the Lihuo Sect's most precious treasure, the Lihuo Divine Flame.

"It takes no effort at all!"

Lin Changsheng raised a smile on his lips, put the fire feather directly into the storage bag with a wave of his hand, and then his eyes fell on the old man's body.

This should be the body of the founder of Lihuo Sect.

Unexpectedly, after being dead for tens of thousands of years, his body has not decayed, which shows that his cultivation must be extraordinary while he was alive.

This body is perfect for refining corpse puppets!

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took away the corpse of the ancestor of the Lihuo Sect.

After all, if he takes someone else's Lihuo Divine Flame, the other party won't let him go, so he might as well take more.

After putting away both items, Lin Changsheng planned to form a space formation and prepare to escape.

However, what surprised Lin Changsheng was that the space formation could not be completed and collapsed halfway through the drawing.

"How is this going?"

This made Lin Changsheng a little puzzled. This had never happened before.

Since you can't teleport away, you can only escape through the air!

Lin Changsheng could only return the way he came. However, when Lin Changsheng reached the entrance of the cave, many strong Lihuo Sect men were standing outside. Among them, Wei Zhen, the leader of Lianlihuo Sect, was already waiting here.

Wei Zhen looks about forty-five or sixty-six, dressed in a red robe, with a red beard and red hair, which makes him look particularly eye-catching.

This person's cultivation is in the middle stage of transcending tribulation.

At this moment, pairs of eyes fell on Lin Changsheng, which made Lin Changsheng feel a little embarrassed.

I was stealing something and was caught by the other party!

Just now the fifth elder went to look for the sect master and learned that the sect master had no verbal instructions to let the first elder enter the ancestor's cave. Everyone realized that something was wrong.

So he immediately summoned everyone to surround Lin Changsheng.

"No wonder I can't teleport away, even the sect's formation is activated!"

After Lin Changsheng came out, he saw the flames burning in the sky outside, covering the entire Lihuo Sect, and knew that the Lihuo Sect had activated the sect-protecting formation, so the teleportation formation was disabled.

"You are not the Great Elder, who are you? How dare you trespass into our Lihuo Sect without permission?"

The second elder scolded angrily, how dare someone pretend to be a Taoist from Nanshan and come to Lihuo Sect?

Could it be that the goal is to escape the flames of the God of Fire?

"Don't you understand that a man is innocent and carries a treasure? It's a waste to keep the Lihuo Divine Flame here. Why don't you lend it to me?"

Lin Changsheng said with a smile.

In this world, where the jungle prevails, there is no fairness and justice.

Resources are limited. If you want to be strong, you need to grab many resources.

Even if Lin Changsheng doesn't take this Lihuo Shenyan, another strong person will take it in the future.

"Are you here for Lihuo Shenyan?"

Directly in front of him, Wei Zhen's eyes turned cold. Since the other party dared to reveal their sect's most precious treasure, they must not keep it.

Otherwise, there will definitely be trouble again in the future.

"Otherwise, I can still come to your Lihuo Sect as a guest?"

Lin Changsheng smiled and said, "It's not easy for you to keep me. There is no need to lose your life for the divine flame!"

Lin Changsheng reminded him that it was impossible for these people to keep him.

As long as he is not in the late stage of transcending the tribulation and is a powerful person in the fairyland, Lin Changsheng will not take him seriously.

"That's such a big tone. I want to see how you escape from my Lihuo Sect. The sect-protecting formation has been activated. Let alone a human being, not even a fly can escape!"

The second elder scolded angrily.

Upon hearing this, Lin Changsheng knew that there was going to be a bloody battle.

But it was definitely not him who was bleeding.

Since the other party would not let Lin Changsheng leave, Lin Changsheng had no intention of showing mercy.

Facing a strong person in the middle stage of transcending the tribulation, Lin Changsheng did not dare to be careless and prepared to strike first.

The divine flame field burst out in an instant.


I saw Lin Changsheng stepping on the ground, and flame cracks spread out on the ground, spreading in all directions, covering everyone in an instant.

The weaker monks suppressed by the powerful force field were unable to move, and even Wei Zhen felt a little pressure.

Fortunately, he can still move, although his speed is slightly affected.

"The power of the field?"

Wei Zhen's pupils opened. It seemed that the opponent was not weak at all. He had suddenly understood the power of the domain. No wonder he dared to break into his Lihuo Sect alone.

After bursting out with domain power, Lin Changsheng retreated.

It is not suitable for close combat to attack more with less, otherwise one will be injured if not careful. It is better to keep a distance and attack from a distance.

After the explosion, Lin Changsheng immediately summoned the divine thunder bow.

Too late——

Thunderous sounds resounded in the sky, and the place was instantly covered in flames and thunder.

Boo hoo hoo——

After summoning the divine thunder bow, Lin Changsheng immediately pulled the bowstring and unleashed the Netherworld Thunder Flame Archery.

I saw a mass of black thunder and lightning arrows densely covering it.

The arrow was extremely fast, just like a ghost, it just crossed a black shadow in the sky, and instantly killed the elders and disciples of Lihuo Sect.

This arrow is extremely powerful. It is not only activated by Lin Changsheng's mid-level Mahayana cultivation and the Tongtian Immortal Treasure, but also has the power of heavenly thunder and green lotus true fire attached to it.

It is difficult for monks in the Mahayana stage to resist, let alone disciples with lower cultivation levels.

Bang bang bang——

In an instant, the sound of explosions from the Lihuo Sect in front undulated with each other.

Except for the sect leader Wei Zhen, who did not suffer any substantial injuries, the rest of the personnel were more or less injured, and more than 70% of the personnel were directly killed by Lin Changsheng's wave of arrows.

"Tongtian Immortal Treasure? Divine Thunder Bow? Are you Lin Changsheng?"

Wei Zhen recognized Lin Changsheng instantly.

Wei Zhen never expected that Lin Changsheng would come to seize their sect's treasure, but since he is here, let's stay!

After all, in Lin Changsheng's hands, there is a fairy treasure that reaches the sky.

If you can capture the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in his hand, it will definitely greatly enhance his strength.

"Now that you're here, I'll let you die here!"

Wei Zhen scolded angrily, and instantly burst out the rich Yuan Power in his body, and a powerful wave of air rushed out, knocking Lin Changsheng upside down several feet.

The strength of this strong man in the middle stage of the Tribulation is indeed much stronger than that in the early stage.

Lin Changsheng wanted to kill him, but it would be very difficult based on his own cultivation.

It seems that the only option is to use the Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation.

"It's hard to say who will die!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out the Holy Soul Flag, intending to put Wei Zhen into it and kill him.

This Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation does not require the opponent to enter the formation, but can directly pull the opponent into the formation.


Wei Zhen struck out with a palm, intending to kill Lin Changsheng on the spot.

The flames of the palm print spread and distorted the space. One can imagine how overbearing the power of the palm print was.

However, the moment Wei Zhen made his palm print, Lin Changsheng waved the Holy Soul Flag.

Wei Zhen only felt a sudden change in the surrounding space, and everyone around him disappeared, leaving only the fiery red earth.

"Where are the people?"

Wei Zhen was shocked. They were fighting just now, why did everyone suddenly disappear?

Tata Tower——

The next moment, countless monster souls and many monk souls quickly came towards Wei Zhen.

Only then did Wei Zhen realize that he had actually entered the illusion formation.

"You little beast, do you think a mere magic array can trap me?"

Wei Zhen scolded angrily and planned to kill all the monster souls and monk souls to break the formation.

However, the souls killed by Wei Zhen turned into wisps of smoke and then condensed together again. This made Wei Zhen feel that something was wrong.

Because the souls of these monster beasts and monks are endless, they can be killed endlessly.

I'm afraid that in the end, even if he uses up all his energy, he won't be able to kill them all.

We can only resist while looking for a way to crack it.

After Wei Zhen was taken into the Holy Soul Flag space by Lin Changsheng, Lin Changsheng had already killed all the elders of Lihuo Sect outside.

These elders were only at the Mahayana stage and were vulnerable in Lin Changsheng's eyes.


Lin Changsheng struck the ground with his sword, splitting the earth directly, revealing the innate fire veins burning with high temperature below.

This innate fire vein is bred by absorbing the fire energy and spiritual energy from the five elements of heaven and earth.

After absorption, it can not only increase the cultivation level, but also increase the power of fire magic.

This innate fire vein had some considerable effects on Lin Changsheng, so Lin Changsheng directly put it into his storage bag.

After the innate fire veins were captured by Lin Changsheng, the Lihuo Sect's protective formation suddenly collapsed.

The array plate of this sect-protecting formation is this innate fire vein.

At this moment, the innate fire veins were taken away by Lin Changsheng, and the formation naturally collapsed.

Originally, Lin Changsheng wanted to seize the Lihuo Divine Flame, but he did not expect that in the end he was given an Innate Fire Vein, which surprised Lin Changsheng.

After Lin Changsheng put the physical body and soul of the Mahayana monk into the Holy Soul Flag space, he then summoned the lightning and thunder eagle and left this place.

As for Wei Zhen in the Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation, he was absolutely dead, so Lin Changsheng didn't need to watch too much.

In less than three days, he will be exhausted and die.

The power of this Nine Heavens Soul-eating Immortal Formation cannot be underestimated.

"Have you won the divine flame?"

Gushan was a little surprised when he saw Lin Changsheng coming back safe and sound. How long had he been gone? Came back unexpectedly?

Did the other party not notice it at all?


Lin Changsheng nodded, took the ancient mountain and disappeared into the sky.

This shocked Gushan.

How could it be said that the Lihuo Sect had a strong man in the middle stage of transcending the tribulation? How could Lin Changsheng take away someone else's sect-suppressing treasure from the Lihuo Sect so easily?

If Lin Changsheng told Gushan that he would not only seize the Lihuo Sect's treasure, but also destroy the Lihuo Sect, I don't know what Gushan would think.

This place is only two days away from Jianxian Temple, and Lin Changsheng plans to absorb the Lihuo Divine Flame within these two days.

See if it can be fused with the Green Lotus True Fire after absorption. If it can be fused, a stronger divine flame will be born.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and replaced the fire feather.

The flame burning on the fire feather is the Lihuo Divine Flame.

Lin Changsheng turned his palms into claws and burst out a suction force, intending to directly absorb the Lihuo Divine Flame.

Most people would never dare to absorb the divine flames so recklessly.

After all, the power of the divine flame is very overbearing, and it is easy to burn Mahayana monks.

However, Lin Changsheng already had the Green Lotus True Fire formed by the fusion of the four divine flames in his body, so he was not afraid at all when absorbing the Lihuo Divine Flame.

However, the moment Lihuo Divine Flame entered Lin Changsheng's body.

Lin Changsheng still felt an extremely hot feeling, and his whole body began to sweat and slowly turned red.

"Give it to me!"

Lin Changsheng used the Taixu Holy Yuan Art to start refining this domineering flame, and the extremely strong devouring power crazily swallowed up the Lihuo Divine Flame.

The originally overbearing Shen Yan instantly became much gentler.

"How domineering!"

When Gushan saw Lin Changsheng swallowing the divine flame directly, he was shocked and speechless.

This is no ordinary fire! But the divine flame!

Even ancient mountains dare not be touched easily.

This refining process took half a day.

Only then did Lin Changsheng completely adopt Lihuo Divine Flame for his own use.

[The Lihuo Divine Flame was detected. Is it fused with the Qinglian True Fire? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng directly clicked fusion.

After merging with Lihuo Divine Flame, the power of Qinglian True Fire will definitely be stronger.

[Lihuo Divine Flame, Qinglian True Fire, fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, get the Five Flame Holy Fire! 】

"Five Flame Holy Fire?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, "The transformation from real fire to holy fire must have greatly increased its power!"

Lin Changsheng opened his palms and saw a purple flame appear in his palms.

In order to test the power of the five-flame holy fire, Lin Changsheng used the power of his palm seals and blasted it out with one palm.


The flaming palm print fell in the distant valley, and a huge explosion was heard instantly.

The ground instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the tyrannical power of the flames continued to spread to the surrounding areas.

All the mountains within five miles were razed to the ground.

The flames burned in the pit for a long time.

"What a powerful power of divine flame!"

Seeing such a situation, Gushan swallowed hard and spit.

Fortunately, it didn't hit me, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to resist it! (End of chapter)

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