The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 498 The Demon Emperor breaks through the forbidden area and Yan Zhen is captured

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and called out the leader of the wolf clan at the Sanxian level, wanting him to try to get the Frost Scepter.

However, after the wolf leader came out, he only advanced two feet and could no longer move forward.

There is still more than ten feet away from the Frost Scepter before it can be obtained.

It seems that obtaining the Frost Scepter requires at least fairyland strength.


At the critical moment, Lin Changsheng could only ask Xiaobai to get it.

After all, Xiaobai was a fairyland-level empress at her peak.

It would be a good choice if she could obtain the Frost Scepter, which would be better than falling into the hands of the Frost Clan.

Xiaobai immediately got out of the spirit beast bag when he heard Lin Changsheng's call.

When she saw the leader of the wolf tribe, she thought that Lin Changsheng had encountered the leader of the wolf tribe and was in dire straits and asked her for help.

It was later discovered that she had overthought, and Lin Changsheng subdued all the wolf leaders and became his contracted beasts.

"Did you see the Frost Scepter in front of you? This is a great treasure, let's see if we can get it!"

Lin Changsheng shouted.

He is not in a realm enough to get close to the Frost Scepter. The power of this treasure is simply terrifying.

Lin Changsheng felt that this treasure was at least the level of a top-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasure, maybe even higher.

Otherwise, it would never have such terrifying power.

Seeing such a treasure, Xiaobai naturally would not miss it and stretched out his hand towards the Frost Scepter.

I saw Xiaobai's slender jade fingers getting closer to the frost scepter, and thick black ice slowly condensed on the fingers.

Even Xiaobai's face showed a solemn look, which showed that this frost scepter was not so easy to obtain.

Fortunately, the next moment, Xiaobai touched the Frost Scepter and held it in his hand.

As Xiao Bai exerted his strength, the Frost Scepter left the ground instantly.


The entire ground shook violently, as if the surrounding area was about to collapse at any time.

Xiaobai's magical power circulated in his palm, directly shattering the black ice in his hand.


Seeing Xiaobai obtain the Frost Scepter, Lin Changsheng called out, took the wolf leader back, and then quickly rushed upward.

The ancient mountains outside looked anxiously, and the extremely cold Tianshan Mountains ahead were constantly collapsing.

Fortunately, before everything collapsed, Lin Changsheng and Xiaobai rushed out from the ground.

"Is this the Frost Scepter?"

Gushan couldn't help but ask as he looked at the dark blue scepter in Xiaobai's hand.

He felt an extremely cold breath from the scepter, and he couldn't resist this power.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Most people can't get close at all. If Xiaobai hadn't been so powerful, we would have all made this trip in vain."

Lin Changsheng responded.

"I have to study this thing carefully!"

Xiaobai finished speaking and got into the spirit beast bag again.

Even a novice cannot use this kind of treasure to exert its full power immediately.

You need to unlock the restrictions therein.

Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan then rushed back to Ice and Snow City, hoping that the Frost Clan had not yet broken through the formation.

In the forbidden area underground in Ice and Snow City.

After the Frost Scepter was obtained by Xiao Bai, the Frost Demon Emperor seemed to sense something and immediately noticed the existence of the Frost Scepter.

"The scepter is actually outside?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Frost Demon Emperor's mouth. If this was the case, then she didn't have to wait any longer.

"Gather all clan members and prepare to break through the formation!"

Luo Shuang ordered the demon king in white behind him.


The demon king in white was very excited when he heard this. They were finally able to leave this place.

With the summons of the demon king in white, all the demon beasts of the Frost clan gathered together in an instant. The scene was very magnificent, like a wave that kept rising and falling against each other.

"The human race has sealed us for many years. Today is the time to repay them!"

The Frost Demon Emperor stood among the beasts and shouted loudly, causing countless demon beasts to boil.

"Break the formation and destroy the human race!"

"Break the formation and destroy the human race!"

The surrounding demon kings also shouted loudly.


Then, under the roar of the Frost Demon Emperor, she directly transformed into her true body.

His body is much larger than the Demon King, and his whole body is shimmering with crystal clear black ice. This kind of black ice seems transparent, but it is indestructible.

Except for the immortal power attack, ordinary attacks can't do anything to her at all.

After evolving into his true form, the Frost Demon Emperor soared directly into the sky, and when approaching the formation, he spat out a mouthful of ice breath, freezing the formation instantly.

A thick layer of black ice condensed on it.

Then, under the command of the Frost Demon Emperor, all demon kings and frost outposts began to continuously attack the formation.

Bang bang bang——

Under the roar, the formation began to vibrate violently.

Outside the formation.

The five powerful men of Ice and Snow City guarding this place suddenly felt something bad.

"No, the Frost Clan is frantically attacking the formation. It is estimated that the formation will not last long before it is broken through!"

A woman in white exclaimed, and then immediately sent someone to find the empress.

After a while, Yan Zhen arrived here with a very solemn expression.

Fortunately, most of the residents in the city have been sent away, otherwise if the Demon Emperor breaks through the formation, there will definitely be a bloody battle here.

"Everyone, we shoulder the mission of sealing the Frost Clan, and we must coexist and die with the Ice and Snow City!"

Yan Zhen said with firm eyes.

"I swear to live and die with the Ice and Snow City!"

The other strong men agreed.

From the moment they guarded this place, they put their lives at risk.

Then many strong men worked together to use their elemental energy to strengthen the formation.


However, even so, cracks continued to appear in the formation.

When the Frost Demon Emperor saw cracks appearing in the formation, a sneer appeared on his lips.

Then the huge body rose into the sky.


Under a violent roar, the formation was instantly broken through by the Demon Emperor.

The Frost Demon Emperor rushed out with countless Frost Demon Clan.

Frost outposts filled every corner of the city, like a gushing flood, submerging the entire ice and snow city.

Fortunately, the people staying in Ice and Snow City at this moment are all strong men above the integration stage.

He won't be killed by Frost Sentinel.

"Are you the ones who have been sealing this Demon Emperor?"

Frost Demon Emperor looked at Yan Zhen and others with disdain in his eyes.

Although these humans have some strength, they are not enough for her to see.

I saw the Frost Demon Emperor wave his hand, and the five demon kings and many frost demon beasts instantly killed Yan Zhen and others.

Yan Zhen waved her hand and summoned the ice and snow sword to slash out the sword light.

Every ray of sword light that flies out is enough to kill all the Frost Clan monsters below the Demon King.

Even if the Demon King doesn't dodge, he will be hit hard.

The power of this Tongtian Immortal Treasure is very extraordinary. Although it is not as domineering as the Frost Scepter, it is still a mid-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasure level treasure.


In an instant, the Frost Clan and the strong human race guarding the Ice and Snow City were fighting together, and the sounds of fighting continued to sound.

Lin Changsheng, who was thousands of miles away, had already sensed the changes in Ice and Snow City, and immediately created a teleportation formation and teleported over instantly.

Although carving the teleportation formation consumes a lot of energy, it can no longer be estimated that much.

"Sister Zhen!"

Lin Changsheng shouted immediately when he saw Yan Zhen and the other strong human beings being surrounded and attacked by the Frost Demon King.

"Changsheng, don't come here, leave quickly!"

Yan Zhen knew that they were no match for the Frost Demon Emperor and hoped that Lin Changsheng could escape as far as he could.

Otherwise, they might all die here.

However, how could Lin Changsheng abandon Yanzhen and ignore her?

He immediately summoned the Longyuan Sword and joined the battlefield, and activated the Divine Blood Transformation Art, and his strength directly climbed to the early stage of transcending the tribulation.

Lin Changsheng knew that the divine thunder bow could not severely damage a strong person at the level of the Frost Demon King.

But Long Yuan Sword can.

After all, there is a being with immortal power in the Longyuan Sword, who can explode with immortal power attacks.

The immortal power attack may not be able to severely damage the Frost Demon King, but it is enough to severely damage the Frost Demon King.


Lin Changsheng waved his sword light and slashed out.

Too late——

Suddenly the entire sky became filled with thunder, and the thunder was also mixed with the power of fireworks.

This move is the Thunder Flame God-killing Slash, which is extremely powerful and combines the power of thunder and fireworks into one.

I saw this terrifying sword light falling towards the two frost demon kings in front.

One Frost Demon King noticed that the situation was not good and immediately dodged over, but the other one was not so lucky and was directly killed by the sword light.


There was a violent roar, and the frost demon king had one arm cut off by the tyrannical sword light. He instantly fell into the sky and was seriously injured after landing.

Lin Changsheng in the Mahayana stage would never be able to seriously injure the Frost Demon King in the later stage of Tribulation.

But he was able to do it in the early stages of transcending the tribulation.

In addition, the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in his hand triggers the immortal power attack. Although it cannot compete with the Frost Demon King, it is enough to deal with the Frost Demon King.

"The scepter is in your hand?"

Luo Shuang looked at Lin Changsheng because she felt the breath of the Frost Scepter on Lin Changsheng's body.

"Your nose is pretty good, isn't it? You can smell this!"

Lin Changsheng sneered.

"Hand over the Frost Scepter obediently, and I can leave a way for you to survive. Otherwise, no one can save you today!"

The Frost Demon Emperor threatened.

If it weren't for the existence of the formation in Lin Changsheng's hands, she would have gone to fight for the Ice Scepter.

"Can you come and try?"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out the Holy Soul Flag again.

He wanted to see if the Frost Demon Emperor dared to step forward?

If he stepped forward, he would include the other party.


When the Frost Demon Emperor saw the Holy Soul Flag in Lin Changsheng's hand, he was so angry that he could not speak.

Although this Holy Soul Flag was not enough to pose much of a threat to her, it could trap her.

Therefore, the Frost Demon Emperor did not dare to act rashly.

Seeing that the Frost Demon Emperor did not dare to mess around, Lin Changsheng sneered.

Then with a wave of his hand, he summoned the three corpse puppets and the powerful wolf clan.

With the addition of corpse puppets and strong men from the wolf clan in the later stages of the Tribulation, the pressure on Yan Zhen and others has been greatly reduced.

Several demon kings were also beaten to the point of retreating.

The Frost Demon Emperor gradually realized that Lin Changsheng valued Yan Zhen. As long as she controlled Yan Zhen, how could Lin Changsheng not hand over the Frost Scepter?

"Block him!"

Frost Demon Emperor gave an order, and all the demon kings immediately rushed towards Lin Changsheng.

Although Lin Changsheng had the Longyuan Sword in his hand, he was immediately forced to retreat when faced with the siege of several demon kings.

Just as Lin Changsheng retreated, the Frost Demon Emperor rushed towards Yan Zhen.

The tyrannical ice power in his hand exploded, and Yan Zhen's attack speed suddenly dropped sharply. Even the sword energy seemed to be frozen in mid-air, and was easily dodged by the Frost Demon Emperor.


The next moment, the Frost Demon Emperor struck Yan Zhen in front of her heart with a palm, knocking her away. The whole body was instantly covered with a thick layer of black ice, and she was frozen to the point of being unable to move.

The next moment, the Frost Demon Emperor appeared directly, grabbed Yan Zhen and left.

"If you want to save her, bring back the Frost Scepter! If I don't see the Frost Scepter in three days, that will be the day she dies!"

The words of the Frost Demon Emperor floated in the air, and disappeared into the sky in the next moment.

With the departure of the Frost Demon Emperor, countless surrounding Frost clans also followed.

The ice and snow city suddenly fell into ruins.

"This is how to do?"

Gu Shan watched the Frost Demon Emperor leave, and he suddenly became anxious.

Is it really necessary to exchange it for the Frost Scepter?

If the Frost Demon Emperor obtains the scepter, I am afraid that her strength will increase dramatically, which will bring disaster to the entire fairyland.

But based on his understanding of Lin Changsheng, it was impossible for him to watch Yan Zhen being killed and remain indifferent.

However, Lin Changsheng did not answer. Instead, he came to the entrance of the formation that sealed the Frost Clan and got in directly.

Now that the formation was broken, he no longer had to enter through the teleportation formation, he could just enter directly through the gap in the formation they broke through.

This passage was more than ten miles long, spreading downwards. It took half a stick of incense to wait for Lin Changsheng to fall to the ground.

When I came to this place again, it was extremely empty.

All the Frost Clan inside have fled this place.

But Lin Changsheng felt that they would always forget something.

For example, the person who conveyed the news to him must still be here.

Sure enough, Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness found this woman in a dungeon not long after searching.

This woman's hands and feet were imprisoned by the double buckles of the dragon soul, and she could not fight for it.

He was already skinny and skinny from torture.

"Have you found the Frost Scepter?"

Rona asked anxiously when she saw Lin Changsheng coming back again.

"found it!"

Lin Changsheng nodded, "Are you the one who told me where the Frost Scepter is?"

"Exactly, Xiao Shuang's mind has been swallowed up by desire, and we must not let this treasure fall into her hands!"

Lorna responded weakly, feeling relieved after hearing that Lin Changsheng had obtained the Frost Scepter.

"Don't move, I'll help you open this shackles!"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward to check the double dragon soul clasps and found that the shackles were very strong and it was not easy to open them.

In the end, the only option is to destroy it forcefully.

Lin Changsheng summoned the Long Yuan Sword and struck the shackles with one strike. However, not only did it fail to break the shackles, but it caused Lorna, who was in pain, to almost pass out.

"No, it's useless. This shackle has penetrated deep into my bones and become one with my soul. I want to break free unless my soul can be liberated!"

Lorna didn't have any hope anymore. If she could break free easily, she wouldn't have been imprisoned for so many years.

"If you sign a contract with me, will your soul be freed?"

Lin Changsheng suggested.

After hearing this, Lorna's extinguished flame of hope burned again.

There is no guarantee that this method will actually work.

"You can give it a try!"

Lorna responded.

If you can survive, that is naturally the best.

Although Lorna's strength is not as strong as the Frost Demon Emperor, she is still at the peak of her strength in the late stages of the Tribulation, and is just a little short of being able to step into the realm of an immortal.

If Lin Changsheng can subdue her and treat her as a contract beast, then Lin Changsheng will have a lot of helpers. (End of chapter)

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