The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 499 The Three Evil Forbidden Lands, the Mist Forbidden Land [Seeking for subscription]

Lin Changsheng used the soul contract technique on Luo Na, but because the opponent's realm was too high, he hit a wall at first.

It was not until Lin Changsheng activated the Divine Blood Transformation Art and his strength surged to the early stage of transcending the tribulation that the signing became smoother.

But even so, the gap between the two realms is too big, and it is not that easy.

Lin Changsheng was seen frowning, constantly consuming the power of his soul to build a bridge with Lorna's soul.

After trying again and again, Lorna, who was already weak, became even weaker.

I almost fell into coma several times.

Fortunately, Huang Tian paid off. After using the soul contract for the ninth time, a white light spread out from the two people's bodies, and the contract bridge between the two was successfully built.

The next moment, the double dragon soul buttons that imprisoned Lorna were miraculously opened.

After the shackles that had imprisoned Lorna for many years were gone, Lorna felt extremely comfortable all over.

The body that was originally extremely thin also regained its vitality after absorbing a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

She, who was originally thin, slowly became plump after absorbing the spiritual energy.

The dry and messy hair also became soft and smooth, and the whole person seemed to be rejuvenated and reborn.

Lin Changsheng also received many benefits.

Every time he signs a contract, Lin Changsheng will increase his lifespan and energy.

This time is no exception. His lifespan has increased dramatically by three thousand years, and his Yuanli has directly reached the peak of the late Mahayana period, just shy of a breakthrough.

Even the power of the soul has been greatly enhanced.


Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied.

Then he looked at Lorna. It didn't matter what he saw. Lin Changsheng was stunned.

I saw that Lorna had changed drastically at this moment, which was in sharp contrast to the thin and weak woman just now, and she was incredibly beautiful.

"Is this your true face?"

Lin Changsheng exclaimed.

"This is just my appearance as a human being, not my real appearance."

Rona responded, being watched by a human man like this made her feel a little uncomfortable and her face turned slightly red.

"Your true appearance should be similar to that of the Frost Demon Emperor, right?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

In the future, with Lorna, there will be no need for the Lightning and Thunder Eagle to rush on the road.

In the later stages of the Tribulation, monsters can be used as mounts, which will definitely move much faster and have full cards.

If Lorna breaks through the fairyland in the future, she will own a fairyland mount, and she will be excited just thinking about it.


Lorna responded.

"Xiaoshuang and I are half-sisters. Her mother is also from the Frost Clan, and my mother is Tianshan Xuanniao!"

Lorna responded.

"Tianshan Black Bird? Is it a monster from the extremely cold Tianshan Mountains?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

Rona nodded.

"Why didn't I see it when I went to the Extremely Cold Tianshan Mountains this time?"

Lin Changsheng was a little confused.

"My mother died after giving birth to me!"

Lorna said simply, her eyes full of sadness.

"Then are you considered a member of the Frost Clan or a Tianshan Black Bird?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

"You'll know just by looking at my body!"

After Lorna finished speaking, a long cry like a phoenix sounded, and Lorna directly evolved into her true body.

I saw that the size of Lorna's body was the same as that of the Frost Demon Emperor.

The wings spread out to a length of more than ten feet, and the overall appearance is the blue color of black ice. She does not look like a demon emperor, but more like a black bird from the Tianshan Mountains.

"You are much prettier than the Demon Emperor!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied. The Frost Black Bird was much more handsome than the Western Lizard Dragon.

Then Lin Changsheng jumped up and landed on Lorna's back. Lorna flew into the sky and flew directly out of the ground. In just a few breaths, she rushed out of the ground and soared above the nine heavens.

"This is?"

When Gushan saw Lin Changsheng flying in the sky on an ice bird in the sky, his eyes suddenly widened. Where did Lin Changsheng get this new mount?

Not only is this mount extremely powerful, it is also so fast, much faster than the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

The Lightning and Thunder Eagle can travel 20,000 miles in a day.

This ice bird is estimated to be able to travel fifty thousand miles a day.

By then it will probably be easy to cross the entire Demonic Sea.

Such a scene also attracted the attention of many powerful people in Ice and Snow City.

They couldn't help but marvel.

Lin Changsheng was quite pleasantly surprised after feeling the speed of the Frost Black Bird.

This speed is more than twice as fast as the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

Then commanded Lorna to fall into the ice and snow city.

I saw Lorna rushing down towards the city.

The moment he was about to land, he transformed into a human body and landed safely. Lin Changsheng almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he reacted in time, slapped a palm on the ground, and then turned over and landed on the ground.

"It's a monster from the Frost Clan!"

A strong man from Ice and Snow City immediately felt the monster aura on Lorna's body and planned to attack.


Just when this person was about to attack, he was stopped by another strong man.

He could tell that this monster had been subdued by Lin Changsheng.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, congratulations on taming this monster, but now that the empress has been kidnapped by the Frost Demon Emperor, what should we do?"

This strong man's name is Han Tian, ​​and his strength is in the middle stage of transcending the tribulation.

He believed that Lin Changsheng would never care about Yan Zhen's safety. After all, their relationship was extraordinary.

"I heard that there are many forbidden areas in the Ice and Snow State. I wonder which forbidden area is closer to the Extremely Cold Tianshan Mountains?"

Lin Changsheng did not answer the other party's words, but asked a question.

Lin Changsheng knew that he was definitely no match for the Frost Demon Emperor.

Unless Xiaobai studies and understands the Frost Scepter and unleashes its power, he will have a chance of winning.

Otherwise, you can only fight to the death.

Lin Changsheng planned to take the Frost Demon Emperor into the formation of the Holy Soul Flag, and then take her directly into another forbidden area, maybe in this way he could trap the Frost Demon Emperor.

"The closest forbidden area to the extremely cold Tianshan Mountains?"

Han Tian thought for a while, and then seemed to remember something, "There is really a forbidden place that is relatively close. This place is one of the three most dangerous forbidden places in the Immortal Domain. It is called the Mist Forbidden Place. Even if an immortal enters it, it will be difficult to come out alive, so No one has ever come close!”

"In which direction? How far away?"

When Lin Changsheng heard this, he suddenly seemed to see hope.

The forbidden area is difficult to break, and it is definitely blessed by formations.

Lin Changsheng knew the formation very well. As long as he took the time to study it, he would definitely be able to find a flaw in the formation and get out of it.

But that may not be the case with the Frost Demon Emperor.

"Three thousand miles east of the Extremely Cold Tianshan Mountains! There is ice and fog there. If you get close to it for a hundred meters, you will be sucked into the forbidden land by a force!"

Han Tian said.

"Three thousand miles east!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, then no longer waited, and immediately left through the air.

Lorna also immediately transformed into a frost black bird to follow.

"I haven't gone up yet!"

Gushan shouted, it seemed that Lin Changsheng did not intend to take him with him this time.

But has Lin Changsheng forgotten that among his disciples, there is also Guo Yunchu!

Guo Yunchu may not even realize what is happening outside yet.

"You stay here!"

Lin Changsheng's voice came from the sky, and then the figure disappeared without a trace.

Gushan originally wanted to say that Guo Yunchu was among his followers, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

Maybe they would be better together.

After Lin Changsheng left, he did not rush to the extremely cold Tianshan Mountains, but went to find the forbidden land three thousand miles to the east.

"Could this be it?"

Half an hour later, Lin Changsheng traveled five thousand miles through the air and arrived at a place filled with ice and fog.

This should be the forbidden area Han Tian mentioned.

After recording the location of this place, Lin Changsheng left quickly and headed straight to the extremely cold Tianshan Mountains.

In case the Frost Demon Emperor is included in the formation, she cannot find the forbidden area quickly and allows her to break through the formation and escape, which will be troublesome.

Extremely cold Tianshan.

The Frost Clan has been entrenched here waiting for Lin Changsheng for a long time.

I thought that Lin Changsheng would come with many powerful people.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng came alone.

This made even the Frost Demon Emperor have to admire Lin Changsheng's courage.

"You are so courageous! You dare to come alone!"

The Frost Demon Emperor said coldly, since the other party came alone, it seemed that he was planning to hand over the frost scepter in his hand.

"Do you think I'm like you? In need of protection from countless people?"

Lin Changsheng made a disdainful sound, and then waved his hand to call out the Frost Scepter. As soon as the treasure came out, the temperature of the surrounding space dropped sharply.

After seeing this treasure, Frost Demon Emperor's eyes suddenly enlarged a lot.

"It really is a frost scepter!"

Frost Demon Emperor's face showed joy.

As long as she wins this treasure, her strength will definitely increase greatly. Who in the fairyland can stop her then?

The Frost Demon Emperor waved his hand, and Yan Zhen was brought out.

At this moment, Yan Zhen was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

It can be seen that when Lin Changsheng comes here in the future, the Hanshuang clan will definitely force a confession from her words and deeds.

"If something happens to her, you will never get this Frost Scepter!"

Lin Chang said angrily.

"Don't worry, she won't die!"

The Frost Demon Emperor breathed out a breath of ice on Yan Zhen's face, and Yan Zhen slowly woke up.

When Yan Zhen saw Lin Changsheng coming, her eyes suddenly showed eagerness.

"Changsheng, you are no match for her. Go quickly. You must not let the Frost Scepter fall into her hands. Otherwise, the fairyland will be in chaos!"

Yanzhen shouted, she had guarded Ice and Snow City for many years, so she naturally knew how powerful the Frost Scepter was.

"Sister Zhen, this frost scepter is not as important as your life!"

Lin Changsheng responded, then looked at the Frost Demon Emperor, "The scepter is in my hand, just come and get it and let her go!"

"What a joke! If I let her go, you will probably run away with her immediately! As long as I get the Frost Scepter, I will naturally let her go!"

The Frost Demon Emperor was also wary of Lin Changsheng. This was of course not because Lin Changsheng was strong, but because Lin Changsheng had a large array of formations in his hands.

This formation can trap her for a short time.

"Then don't even think about getting this thing! Today may be the last time you see it!"

Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all.

The other party has longed for this frost scepter for many years and will definitely not give up like this.

After finishing speaking, Lin Changsheng began to carve out the teleportation formation, "When I finish carving out the teleportation formation, it's useless for you to regret it!"


Frost Demon Emperor was very angry at Lin Changsheng's move.

So he had no choice but to hold Yan Zhen with one hand and walk towards Lin Changsheng step by step.

As long as Lin Changsheng dares to act recklessly, she will be the first to kill Yan Zhen.

Seeing the vigilant look on the Frost Demon Emperor's face, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but want to laugh.

It seems that she has suffered a lot in her own formation, so she is so vigilant.

When Lin Changsheng saw the Frost Demon Emperor approaching a certain distance, he directly threw the Frost Scepter into the air.

When the Frost Demon Emperor saw the scepter flying out, he immediately left Yan Zhen and went to get it.

Lin Changsheng saw the opportunity and immediately took Yan Zhen into the Najie.

This will protect Yan Zhen's safety.


Lin Changsheng shouted to Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai waved his hand and took back the thrown Frost Scepter.

Because Xiao Bai has refined the first layer of the Frost Scepter, this object now belongs to Xiao Bai.

So it can be summoned back.

The Frost Demon Emperor was about to obtain the scepter, but the scepter disappeared in mid-air, and he became extremely angry.

"You dare to play tricks on me?"

The Frost Demon Emperor was extremely angry, but Lin Changsheng would not give her a chance to react and took out the Holy Soul Flag with a wave of his hand.

The moment he saw the Holy Soul Flag, the Frost Demon Emperor was shocked.

He immediately wanted to turn around and escape, but his speed was still too slow, and Lin Changsheng was directly included in the Holy Soul Flag.

"you wanna die!"

The demon king in white was furious when he saw that Lin Changsheng was cheating. Not only did the demon emperor not get the Frost Scepter, but he was also included in the formation by Lin Changsheng.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Lin Changsheng.

However, Lin Changsheng did not want to waste time with them.

Leave directly from the teleportation formation you just carved.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng teleported back to Ice and Snow City.

Lin Changsheng placed Yanzhen in the city and handed it over to the strong guard.

"The Empress is back?"

Han Tian was shocked when he saw Lin Changsheng coming back with the empress.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng would bring the empress back not long after he left.

"You leave first, the Frost Clan will definitely come back!"

Lin Changsheng ordered.


Han Tian knew that they were definitely no match for the Frost Demon Clan now, so it would be wise to leave this place.

In the future, many powerful people from the Immortal Realm can be called upon to suppress the Frost Demon Clan.

"And me?"

Gushan said.

"You leave with them! I still have things to do!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he once again drew up the teleportation formation. This time, the place he wanted to teleport to was the misty illusion, one of the three forbidden areas.

He plans to put the Frost Empress in it and seal it.

Gushan also knew that he might not be able to help now, so he immediately stopped saying anything.

Too late——

The next moment, in a flash of sparks, the teleportation formation was completed. Lin Changsheng walked into it and disappeared in an instant.

When Lin Changsheng appeared again, he had arrived at the entrance to the forbidden area.


Lin Changsheng could clearly feel that the Holy Soul Flag was constantly trembling.

It is estimated that the Frost Demon Emperor is constantly attacking inside.

"Leave it to fate!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, and then rushed into the fog.

After walking about a hundred meters, Lin Changsheng felt a huge suction force, which instantly sucked Lin Changsheng into the forbidden area.

Lin Changsheng felt his eyes go dark and he was falling rapidly.

There was a strong feeling of weightlessness, which lasted for about ten breaths before Lin Changsheng fell to the ground.

When he opened his eyes again, Lin Changsheng found that he was in a dense mountain forest, and the surrounding area was filled with smoke, making it difficult to distinguish his direction. (End of chapter)

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