The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 996: Dou Sujia

"Hmph, I think you are just making excuses!"

Su Yan didn't believe his words at all. At this time, she snorted coldly and gritted her teeth and said, "The thief took my chance and put me to shame. This time I dare to come to the Senluo Covenant! I will do it anyway. Caught it, then cramped and peeled the skin, thwarted the bones and turned ashes, so that I can vent the hatred in my heart!"

   These remarks were extremely bitter, but the few people present were not surprised, Su Yan, as a younger generation valued by the ancestors of the Su family, no one would dare to offend her on weekdays.

   This person named Liang Yan dared to take the opportunity away from her, it was simply tired of life.

   "In spite of this, we still have a task on our side, so don't make a big mistake because of a small mistake." The old crane on the side suddenly said at this time.

   "Yes, we have spent too much time on this matter, the original plan may be affected." Elder Snake also nodded and said.

   "You are teaching me to do things?"

Su Yan snorted coldly, and said sharply: "The last time I let him go, this lady hasn't bothered you. This time I don't want to make up for it, but she still persuades me to let this person go? Humph! Su Lang, let me continue searching. , I will definitely catch this kid!"

   Snake and Crane knew her temper, and at the moment they sighed softly and stopped talking.


   Daozao boy seemed to want to say something more, but before he finished speaking, the compass in his hand suddenly shook........

"what happened?"

   The five people present turned their heads at the same time, and they all cast their eyes on the compass in the boy's hand.

   I saw seven shining stars moving at the same time in that small compass, and they actually merged into a line, pointing straight to the right of everyone.

   A trace of excitement appeared in the eyes of the Taopao boy, and he couldn't help crying: "I found him, in that direction!"

   As soon as this remark came out, Su Yan was taken aback for a moment, then her face was overjoyed.

   "Good! Good! Su Lang, if you still have some usefulness, let's go!"

   The woman gave an order, and the few people present did not dare to disobey. They turned around and flew away in the direction indicated by the compass...

   Two hours later, everyone was flying at full speed, and many traces of fighting could be seen along the way, among them were the barren land burned by fire, and there were also traces of murderous swords left behind.

   The color of excitement in Su Yan's eyes became stronger and stronger, and she couldn't help urging everyone to speed up her escape.

   It didn't take long before I heard the sound of a wolf howling in front of me. At the same time, sword light could be seen in the air, and the body of a demon wolf seemed to be being swallowed by something.


   Su Yan called out, and drove the escape light first.

   When the other people saw this, they looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes.

   "Let's go, she is the person valued by the ancestors. If there is a mistake in the secret realm, we will not be able to eat it!" Old He left this sentence and chased after him without looking back.

   Snake Lao, Su Lang, and the man in the green robe would naturally not be left behind, and at the same time, they drove the escape light and followed Su Yan.

   A few people flew at full speed, and in a short while they passed over the heavy forest and arrived at the fighting site.

I saw a young man in a gray robe floating in the air. On his shoulders there was a small snow-white beast that looked like a civet cat. Although it looked a little cute, his mouth was full of blood at the moment, adding a bit of blood. .

   As for the Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf in mid-air, it has disappeared at this moment, only a few pieces of broken meat fell on the ground, as if it had been swallowed alive.

   "Liang Yan!"

   After Su Yan saw this person, the expression on her face was already distorted with excitement.

   She was valued by her ancestors since she was a child, grew up under the care of her family, and developed a tyrannical and brutal character.

   The Su family itself is powerful, and it is also arrogant and domineering, so this more indulges this woman, but anyone who provokes her will end up miserably.

   But there is such a person who not only took away his own opportunity in front of her, but even escaped from the hands of the elders at home. This person has almost become a thorn in her heart.

   Now, it's time to pull out this thorn completely!

  Su Yan looked at the gray-clothed man on the opposite side, and sneered, "Liang Yan, Liang Yan, I didn’t expect you to have today! What about the people from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce? Why are you alone here?"

   The man in gray who was floating in midair at this time was naturally Liang Yan.

   Although he was calm and calm on the surface, he secretly cried out of suffering in his heart.

   In the past twenty days, he has been hunting Leiyin nine flame wolves with Li Xiaosong.

   The two have a clear division of labor. All Liang Yan has to do is to force Lei Yin Nine Flame Wolf to spit out the Demon Pill. And once the beast spit out the demon pill, Liang Yan would avoid the battle, and instead Li Xiaosong rushed into the demon pill to start a devouring battle.

   Every time Li Komatsu swallows a Thundery Nine Flame Wolf, the next time he enters this Beast Demon Pill to fight with him, his strength will be even higher.

   As the two cooperated with each other, the battle with the demon wolf became easier and easier, and Li Xiaosong was able to track the position of the demon wolf, and he could find a Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf almost every one or two days.

   Just now, they had just killed the ninth Thunderyin Nine Flame Wolf since entering the secret realm. When they were about to leave, they were found by the Su family.

   In fact, Liang Yan was very cautious in his journey. Even if he found Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf, he would have to crouch around for half a day and make sure that there were no monks from the four major families nearby before he was willing to do anything.

   But how did he know that there was a monk who was good at tracking in the Su family, who had been searching for himself since entering the secret realm.

   Moreover, the five members of the Su family came by too coincidentally. It happened that when Li Xiaosong was fighting fiercely in the Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf's demon pill, it was impossible for him to leave her to escape alone.

   is that moment of hesitation, Liang Yan has been surrounded by the five Su family.

   Su Yan saw that he was silent, the smug color on her face became stronger, and she laughed loudly at this time:

   "Haha, it seems that you are really alone. This is regarded as God helping me? Didn't you think that with the protection of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, you would be safe? Why don't you speak now?"

   Facing the series of sarcasm from Su Yan, Liang Yan did not speak, but looked around calmly.

   At this moment, his back retreat has been cut off by the two old Snake and Crane. On the left is a boy in Taoist robe, and on the right is a young monk wearing a green robe and a felt hat.

  He is no stranger to this person. In the battle of Fengtian City that day, he killed Li Chongba with a single sword. Now it seems that this person is indeed the work of the Su family. In order to prevent Li Chongba from revealing the truth after being captured, he killed himself at the last moment.

   Among these five people, the two old snakes and cranes have the highest cultivation level. If you have three swords together, you should be able to slightly suppress them.

   But the problem is, there are three other golden core monks here!

Especially the young man in the green robe, although on the surface he was only in the mid-Jindan realm, he had killed Li Chongba silently with a wooden sword before. The only trick he showed was already Let Liang Yan feel jealous.

   "In this battle, there is no chance of winning with one enemy and five. The only way to get this now is to capture Su Yan first and get others to cast a rat, before they have a chance to escape from here!"

   Liang Yan observed the surroundings secretly, and almost instantly made a decision in his heart.

The expression on his face was dignified, pretending to be nervous about the enemy, but the spiritual power in his body was surging crazily. Suddenly he slapped the waist with a single hand, and three swords appeared at the same time, turning into three purple, silver, and black. Changhe, went straight to the Daopao boy ahead!

   The few people present were all slightly surprised. This person was besieged by five cultivators in the Golden Core Realm. He didn't want to escape, but he dared to take the initiative!

   "Huh, do it yourself!"

   Old Snake sneered, and squeezed his two-handed technique anxiously. Suddenly, black smoke burst out from behind, and then a black python tens of feet long sprang out from it.

   This black giant python exudes a stench all over its body, and there are many spots on the snake's body, which are obviously highly poisonous.

   As soon as it appeared, it swung its tail in place and opened its mouth, like an arrow from the string, rushing towards Liang Yan.

   At the same time, Old Crane also smiled. With a wave of his left sleeve, a white chain flew out of his sleeve and turned into a giant net in mid-air, covering Liang Yan's head.

   This net is his long-famous "fishing **** net", which is refined with the demon pill of the strange fish "Yin God". At this time, under the giant net, the land around Liang Yan is frozen!

   Faced with the two cultivators of the late Golden Core, Liang Yan did not have the slightest reservation.

  His three swords are combined into one. With the secret method in "The Wuxiang Sword Classic", the whole person is like a feather, floating in the ice and snow, leaving no trace at all.


   Old Crane gave a light sigh, and a white light shot out from his eyes, like a blazing sun, shining through the entire battlefield.

   After being swept by this white light, Liang Yan's figure also appeared, but his current position was less than a hundred feet away from the Daopao Boy, and the three swords galloped in front, and the sword intent skyrocketed to the apex.


   The boy in the robes yelled. Although he had long known from Su Yan that this person was not easy, he did not expect the opponent to be so powerful!

   Liang Yan made the three swords into one as soon as he shot, without any reservation, the momentum at this moment has already shocked the Dao-robed boy in the middle of Jin Dan.

   "He uses all three flying swords to attack, regardless of what's behind him. He can't get away with his eyes. He wants to fight for his life and pull his back before he died?"

   Daozao boy thought about the matter for the first time, and cried secretly: "No, I can't be this unjust ghost!"

   He had made up his mind, and hurriedly pinched a magic trick with one hand. Suddenly a tortoise shell appeared behind him, and it turned into a house the size of a house, covering his whole person.

   "Hmph, my'Ten Thousand Years Black Tortoise Shell' is invulnerable to swords, water and fire, no matter how sharp your flying sword is, you will never want to pierce my carapace!"

   Su Lang hid in the tortoise shell, secretly proud: "Wait for you to be defeated by a sword, and then be broken by the two elders of the snake and crane from behind, then I can ask the lady for credit!"

   He thinks everything is beautiful, but it is not the case.

Liang Yanyu made three sword gangs galloping forward. He didn't even look at Su Lang. He just stepped lightly on his turtle shell with one foot, and took advantage of the momentum to increase the speed by a few points, and then turned into a long rainbow. Go straight behind Su Lang.

   "Not good! His goal is Miss!"

   Everyone present reacted almost at the same time, and Su Yan's face was even more pale.

   Just a moment ago, she watched with interest the Su family besieging Liang Yan. Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn for the worse at this time, and this gray-robed man was actually coming at her!

   "Damn it!"

   Su Yan cursed secretly, and hurriedly pinched the tactics with one hand, trying to sacrifice the self-defense magic weapon bestowed by the ancestors.

   However, before she could finish her spellcasting, Liang Yan's momentum suddenly skyrocketed, and a fierce coercion poured in, causing Su Yan to shiver.

   "Close your eyes, don't look at him!"

   The two old snakes and cranes not far away reminded them at the same time, but it was too late at this moment.

   Su Yan looked at Liang Yan's gaze a little sluggish, her heart was full of fear, just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, standing still unable to move.

   This trick is the "Shen Shen" in Liang Yan's "Heartless Method". It is the Confucian secret technique that suppresses people and disturbs the mind.

   This technique was created by Rotten Wood in the past, which was directed at the Golden Core Realm. Liang Yan used it against the enemy in the land of Nanchu, which can be said to be unsatisfactory.

   But after arriving in Xianzhou, Antarctica, I found that the monks here are so strong that they are far beyond my imagination. The "Shenzhen Method" is useless for monks like snakes and cranes.

   But for Su Yan, a cultivator who had just been promoted to the Golden Core Realm, who had just been promoted to the Golden Core Realm forcibly promoted by the elixir, she was able to catch her.

   Liang Yan's "Sheng Shen Fa" was so powerful that Su Yan couldn't move her hands or open her mouth, and she felt a momentary fear in her, leaving her spiritual consciousness completely blank.

   Only this moment is enough.

   Liang Yan's three sword gangs fell from the sky and came to Su Yan in an instant. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, he would put the three flying swords on the woman's neck and take them as hostages.

   However, at this critical juncture when he was about to succeed, a sword light burst out of the diagonal stabbing. The speed was so fast that he reached his side in an instant.

   Liang Yan was shocked, this sword light was silent, with his five senses and six senses, he hadn't noticed it just now.

   The opponent's flying sword reached such a close distance, Liang Yan did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly withdrew the three sword lights back to two, and fought against this flying sword.


   There was a sound of swords. Liang Yan's purple thunder and Dingguang swords trembled slightly in the air, while the opponent's flying sword flew backwards and flew back several tens of feet.

   Obviously, Liang Yan has the absolute upper hand in this strategy.

   However, because of this momentary distraction, Su Yan has escaped from the power of his "Sheng Shen Fa".

Regardless of other things, the woman hurriedly pinched the tactics with one hand, only to see an old green tree flying out from above her head, turning lightly in the air, there were countless green silks flying out, entwining Liang Yan’s black lotus sword. , I can't cut it anymore...

   In this fight, although only between the electric light and flint, Liang Yan did not retain the slightest. Not only did he use all his magical powers, but also tried his best to calculate everyone. I didn't expect that it would fall short in the end!

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