The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 997: Goodbye old friend

Liang Yan had no chance of winning with one enemy and five. He just counted them all by relying on the strategy of winning first and attacking the west.

   However, this method cannot be repeated. Now the five members of the Su family are prepared, and naturally they will not give him any more opportunities.

   Liang Yan at this time, on the contrary, slowed down. He raised his hand to play a magic trick. The black lotus sword light suddenly soared, and instantly broke free from the entanglement of the blue silk, and flew back backwards.

   He kept the three flying swords beside him, his eyes were not far away.

   There stood a man in a green robe, tall and thin, wearing a felt hat, and a wooden sword suspended in front of him. Although it looked unremarkable, Liang Yan knew that the power of this sword was extraordinary.

   The one who attacked him just now was the person in front of him.

   "If I remember correctly, your Excellency is obviously the worship of my Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, but why is he standing on the side of Su's family?" Liang Yan looked at this person and narrowed his eyes.

"Hehe, since ancient times, people have been walking to high places, and water flowing to low places. The Su family treats me several times better than the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Even though I am dull, I also know the truth about good birds choosing wood and living there." Qingpao man Smiled faintly.

   "Ma Fei, what are you going to do with him? This kid knows he is going to die, but he just used the words to delay for a while!" Old Snake snorted coldly.

   "That's right." The green-robed man nodded and said, "It's a pity, it's rare to meet a kendo monk. If it weren't for this confrontation, you could just sit back and talk."

   There was a trace of regret in the person's eyes, but his hand movement did not stop at all. With a single-handed sword technique, the sword light on the wooden sword was released, and he ran towards Liang Yan again.

   At the same time, the two elders of the snake and the crane also used their own methods. The "fishing net" and the highly venomous black python attacked again, almost completely blocking Liang Yan's retreat.

   Seeing the three attacking together, Liang Yan's face also showed a dignified look.

   The two elders, the snake and the crane, need to spend all their energy to deal with it. Now, with the mysterious Ma Fei, how can it be beaten?

   Together with the boy in the robe and Su Yan, who holds the secret treasure, as long as she reveals a slight flaw, she will be attacked by these two people in the next moment, and she will lose no doubt in the end.

   Liang Yan's thoughts are transferred, and it is difficult for a time to think of a way to get out. Just when he set up his sword light, wanted to resist the snake and the old and poisonous, and tried to break through from the southeast, there was a sudden change in the field.

   I saw the ground under the two old snakes and cranes suddenly split, and then two figures sprang out from the ground, with incredible speed, and they came behind them in an instant.

   The two old men, Snake and Crane, had originally put all their thoughts on Liang Yan, but now their feet have changed suddenly, and they can't help but be slightly surprised.

   But they are all human spirits who have been cultivating for many years, and their reaction is not slow at the moment.

   Old Crane flew in the air, pinched the middle of his hand again, summoned the "fishing net" and blocked it behind him, before he dared to look back.

   I saw the two figures flying in the air, not monks, but two zombies!

   The one on the left is a male corpse, nine feet tall and covered with golden hair, looking majestic and mighty. The one on the right is a female corpse, although the figure is slightly thin, but the speed is extremely fast.

   The two zombies, one on the left and the other on the right, attacked the old snake and the old crane respectively, forcing them to take back the magic weapon and spirit beast that had besieged Liang Yan.

   "It's'Golden Corpse'!"

   Snake and Crane looked at each other, and both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

   Refining the corpses together, gold, silver, copper, and iron. The golden corpse is already at the highest level known to the world. Now two golden corpses appear here at the same time. You don't need to think about the identity of the person who shot it.

   "The Murong family is here!"

   Old Snake snorted and looked at the woods not far away. He only heard the sound of "Sasa" in the gap between the forests.

   After a while, five figures appeared out of thin air on the branches of the trees closest to everyone.

   All five of them wore linen robes, with a coffin behind them, and uniform masks on their heads.

   It's just that the coffin board behind the two of them has been opened at this moment. It is obvious that the two golden corpses in mid-air came from the hands of both of them.

   "Murong Family, have you come to this muddy water too?"

   The two old Snake and Crane frowned slightly, raised their hands to collect their magic weapons and supernatural powers, and stood aside coldly with their hands.

   Seeing that the Su family stopped their hands, the two golden corpses did not continue to entangle, but shrank back, and quickly returned to the Murong family's coffin board.

   At this time, a person wearing a mask stepped forward and said, "This person has some ties with our Murong family. Can fellow daoists sell their face and hand them over to the disposal?"


   Before the two elders of Snake and Crane spoke, Su Yan took a step forward and said coldly: "This kid has a big feud with me, and no one can take him away today!"

   "Don't be rude!"

   He Lao scolded softly, and then his eyes flickered slightly, as if he was communicating with Su Yan.

   Su Yan's eyes showed obvious unwillingness, but as time passed, this unwillingness changed into hesitation, and finally under the persuasion of Old He, the woman nodded slowly.

   After comforting Su Yan, Old He smiled slightly and looked at the masked man in Murong's house.

   "Excuse me for asking, this son is from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, why do you Murong's family protect him?"

   "Hehe, I said, this person has some connections with our Murong family. If the Su family is willing to give face, then we will be in peace, if we don't want to give face, then we can only see the truth under our hands."

   The masked man’s voice came out slowly, as if hidden in a ceramic pot, low and hoarse, obviously not his original voice.

   Old Crane's eyes narrowed, staring at this person for a long time, and finally he smiled and said, "Murong's family has become more and more nosy lately. That's all, I'll sell you a face today, let's go!"

   After he said, he waved his big hand and Su Lang, Ma Fei, Elder Elder and others immediately stepped forward, and the four guarded Su Yan in the middle, and stepped back unhurriedly.

   Several people looked cautious, but Su Yan gave Liang Yan a reluctant look. If her eyes could kill people, then Liang Yan was probably beaten by a thousand swords at this time.

   Except that, she didn't have any special behavior. After leaving the Murong family for more than ten miles, the Su family's talents turned into five ways to escape and galloped away.

   Seeing the five members of the Su family retreat, Liang Yan did not relax in his heart. The three sword gangs above his head were still floating in the air. At this time, he turned around and spoke lightly:

   "Thank you to the fellow Taoists of Murong's family for getting out of the siege, it's just that we don't know each other, so I don't know why we need to save it?"

   When he said this, the masked man laughed.

   "Never know each other? Haha, Brother Liang, Brother Liang, let's see who I am?"

   The man stretched out his hand as he spoke, and slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing a pure and beautiful face.

   "It's you!" Liang Yan exclaimed.

   The handsome young boy in front of him is the scholar he met when he was in Nanchui, Jilai!

   Speaking of it, if it hadn't been for this person to make a divination for himself, Liang Yan would not have been helped by the crane woman, and he would not be able to kill Yun Xuzi so easily in the future, so he has always had a good impression of this person.

   It's just that when they met, they were both introductory cultivators in the Qi refining period. Now that more than a hundred years have passed, Liang Yan has gone through many hardships and gained a lot of chances against the sky. Only in this way can the golden core be achieved.

   But the Jilai opposite him has actually reached the early stage of the Golden Core!

   "Why did you appear in Xianzhou, Antarctica? Why did you mix with the Murong family?" Liang Yan couldn't help but ask.

   "This is what I want to ask, why did you get to the Antarctic Xianzhou and still mix with the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce?" Ji Lai asked rhetorically.

   The two glared at each other, and both smiled at each other.

"The remote place in the south is not the place where I attained the great road. I want to break through the bottleneck, so naturally I have to come to this Antarctic Xianzhou. As for joining the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, it is hard to say... In short, I have a few opponents, and I have to take shelter in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce." Liang Yan said slowly.

"I see!"

Ji Lai nodded and said, "Actually, my teacher was originally in Xianzhou, Antarctica, but this line is a bit special. From ancient times to the present, only one apprentice has been accepted, so only me and the alcoholic master are in the door. He was back then. In order to save worry, I threw me to Nanchui, saying that it was for me to have some experience..."

   When it came to this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, obviously not believing in this so-called "experience".

   "Hehe, in that case, Brother Ji is a real disciple of the big school. Liang had no eyes and didn't know how to cheat."

   After the Su family retreated, Liang Yan's mood also relaxed a lot. At this time, he couldn't help but start a joke.

After Ji Lai listened, he said with a bitter face: "Brother Liang, don't make fun of me. My drunkard master is just a hand shaker! Except for occasionally coming over and letting me run errands, he hasn't helped me much at all. "

   Liang Yan smiled slightly. The two of them hadn't seen each other for nearly a hundred years, but at this time they met again, not only did not feel strange, but also had a kind of kindness of "meeting in another country".

"By the way, there is one more thing unclear. You are obviously not a member of the Murong family. Why do you put on a mask and mix with them?" Liang Yan looked at the four Murong family who were still standing still, full of heart. Asked suspiciously.

   "This is a bargain between my alcoholic master and the Murong family ancestor." Ji Lai said calmly.


   "Yes! My drunkard master made an exception to Murong ancestor, and in exchange, the Murong family sent four gold core masters to follow me into the secret realm and help me seize the opportunity here!"

   "This happened!"

   Liang Yan was slightly surprised. Although the tone that was calculated just now was plain, the news revealed in it was very shocking.

   "You mean... in this secret realm, there is still a chance?"

"Of course, how could I lie to you!" Ji Lai said with a smile: "Not only we know this, but the other three families and Qingyun Chamber of Commerce also know it well. Sitting in town, it is not difficult to figure out that the secret realm will have an opportunity to come to this world."

   "If this is the case, why don't they fight for themselves and send some Jindan cultivators to come?"

Ji Lai smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "Opportunities are also divided into big and small. The treasures in this world have little effect on the ancestors of the Transfiguration Realm, but for me and other monks in the Golden Core Realm, it is a great fortune. Sen Luo The agreement was set by the forces of the five parties. The ancestors of the tribulation realm naturally couldn't hide their faces to break the rules, but it is extremely possible to give some magical pills to secretly help their juniors."

   "No wonder!"

   Liang Yan suddenly realized that he had doubts before. Since this syllabary agreement is a battle between the five forces, it is naturally the one who can live.

   That Su Yan has just advanced to the Golden Core, and her realm is still unstable. Why is she also sent to participate in this competition?

   Now it seems that the Su Family didn't care about Bidou's ranking at all, but wanted to infuse Su Yan with this opportunity in the secret realm. As for the other four people, they all escorted her.

"In this way, it makes sense that the five members of the Wang family set up an ambush to kill the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce... They are not in harmony with the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, and now they are competing for opportunities in the same place, so naturally they must first Do it better!"

   Liang Yan whispered in his heart, he had a plan to solve the puzzles, and finally had an understanding of the secret realm, but at the same time he also gave birth to a strange feeling.

   I set foot here in a daze, the few people in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce did not know whether they knew beforehand, and they did not confide in them.

   Now he is forced to be involved in the competition between the four big It can be said that he is stuck in a quagmire, and will be buried here if he is careless. The situation is not optimistic at all.

   Ji came and glanced at Liang Yan, as if he could see through his mind, he couldn't help but smiled slightly:

"I know Brother Liang has always been cautious, but don't worry too much at this time. I have seen your magical powers just now, and it is very powerful. If you join hands with me, plus the four members of the Murong family, the secret is The opportunity is not at your fingertips? At that time, no matter what the opportunity is, I will divide it into equal parts!"

   Liang Yan couldn't help his heart move after hearing what he said.

  His gaze crossed the other side, swept across the four masked people in the woods, and suddenly asked, "Are these four people reliable? They are members of the Murong family. How can they be willing to serve as a foil for you?"

Ji Lai laughed and said: "Absolutely reliable! Although the drunkard master of my family is extremely unreliable, but this time he has lost his blood. The hexagram he used for Murong's ancestor can help him get a big deal. Good, and in exchange, Murong's family will also do their best to help me seize this opportunity in the secret realm."


   Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, and the interface said: "With just one sentence, you can exchange for the four Golden Core cultivators of Murong's family to be driven by you. Liang is a little curious. What is this?"

   "No, no!"

   The plan came and shook his head and said: "This is not an ordinary hexagram. It has to compromise a lot of my master's cultivation, and this hexagram is only known by the two of them, and even I don't know what the content is."

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