The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 999: Mountain road prohibition

"One foot of wood? Half a stone?"

   After seeing the objects in the bushes clearly, the Murong family members showed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

   Murong Tuo turned around, looked at Ji Lai not far away, and asked, "Have you heard of these things?"


   Ji came and shook his head, with a puzzled look on his face.

   "Hmph, don't you often boast that you are knowledgeable? Now it seems like that." Murong Tuo seized the opportunity to humiliate him.

   Ji came but smiled slightly, as if he didn't take his words seriously. At this moment, he was just staring at the stubborn stone by the roadside, not knowing what he was thinking.

   "I don't see anything surprising, maybe the other three families are one step ahead of us, and deliberately left these things along the way to pretend to be a ghost, the purpose is to delay our time!" A monk from the Murong family sneered.

   Liang Yan pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Be careful in everything. It's better to let the golden corpses of a few fellow Taoists climb up instead for us. If there is no danger, we won't be too late."

   As soon as he said this, Murong Tuo immediately sneered:

"Hehe, I think you have something. But a stone, a piece of rotten wood, will scare you out! You Dao is the kind of people who gather together, people are divided into groups, and friends of the son are indeed this kind of stuff. !"

  This is extremely ugly, even Liang Yan can't bear it anymore. At this time, he said coldly: "I don't care about your personal grievances, but this place is weird and unpredictable. I also hope that fellow daoists should not be arrogant."


   Murong Tuo snorted coldly, then ignored Liang Yan, turned around and stepped onto the next stone steps without hesitation.

   After taking this step, everyone was holding their breath and staring at the surroundings closely. Even Murong Tuo himself narrowed his eyes slightly, looking like he was waiting.

   However, everyone waited for a long while, but there was still no vision around. The entire mountain road was silent and silent.


   Murong Tuo laughed three times, then turned around and looked at Liang Yan and Ji Lai, his faces were extremely triumphant.

"Do you see it, despite all the difficulties and dangers, what fear does Murong Tuo have? You two cringing rats want to fight for opportunities, but you are afraid of wolves and tigers. If you keep on going like this, you still have to fight with the three big families. What are you fighting over? It's better to go home as soon as possible!"

   His words were so arrogant and dry, as if they were raising their eyebrows.

   Liang Yan looked at his look, and guessed something in his heart. This person and Jilai were originally rivals in love, and neither side would accept each other. But this time, the ancestor Murong ordered them to do their best to help them fight for the opportunity. This trip can be regarded as a foil.

   This kind of thing is uncomfortable in anyone's heart. Although this person does not dare to disobey the ancestor's order, he spreads this resentment on the plan, and will humiliate him if he catches the opportunity.

   Liang Yan didn't want to pay attention to this kind of thing, but Murong Tuo was too reckless.

   He pondered for a moment, and was about to open his mouth to say something to this person, but when the corner of his eyes swept away, he found the quiet and silent dead wood on the roadside, and suddenly moved.


   Liang Yan raised his eyebrows and couldn't help turning his head to look around, but the dead wood was still quiet now, as if it was his own illusion just now.

"what happened?"

   Liang Yan was puzzled. He glanced at a few people around him, and he didn't seem to notice the abnormality just now.

   "Am I really wrong?"

   Just when he was secretly puzzled, the dead wood moved again. Liang Yan saw it clearly this time. There were a pair of small eyes on the dead wood, and he was looking at Murong Tuo coldly at this time.


   Liang Yan only had time to yell, and suddenly a gust of wind blew around, among countless flying sands and rocks, a cloud of green light shot out from the dead wood.

   This light ball rotates gently in the air, and the next moment it shoots out thousands of blue silks, just like a heavy blue rain in the air, radiantly raining, covering everyone in it.

   Liang Yan had discovered something wrong a long time ago, and was the first person to react at this time. Although he couldn't fly, his movements were extremely fast, his feet were only a little on the ground, and the whole person flew towards the rear.

brush! brush! brush!

   Countless blue silks fell down, most of which fell on top of Murong Tuo's head.

   This person was still showing off himself a moment ago, and didn't want to suffer a big change in the next moment, he hurriedly pinched the magic trick, and wanted to release the golden corpse in the coffin behind him.

   However, the speed of the blue silk is too fast, and he is the closest to the dead wood, bear the brunt at this moment, there is no time to react, these blue silks have already fallen on him.

   Thousands of green silks passed by, Murong Tuo made no sound, and no blood flowed out. He just maintained the posture of looking up at the sky, and there was even a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

   However, the aura in his body dissipated in an instant, and everyone could not sense the vitality of this person anymore.

   A master of the Gold Core series just fell between his fingers, and everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

   Ji Lai and the other three Murong's monks were reminded by Liang Yan that they were already far away from the dead wood at this moment, but there were still scattered green silks spilling down on their heads.

   Although I can't feel the power in these blue silks, Murong Tuo's tragic situation is still in sight. Wherever the people present dare to be careless, they have sacrificed their own magical powers.

   Liang Yan slapped the empty gourd on the waist with one hand, and the Zi Lei Tianyin Sword whistled out and lay horizontally above his head. But the three monks of Murong's family moved their hearts. Three golden corpses with different shapes flew out of their coffins and blocked their masters.

   As for the plan, it was a one-handed pinch, and a picture fan flew out of the sleeve. This painting fan slowly unfolded in mid-air, and in an instant a large amount of blue light spilled out, firmly guarding it in the center.

   Those sporadic blue silks fell down and landed on the several golden corpses of Murong's house, and immediately made a "sizzling" sound. The original indestructible golden corpse was actually pierced!

   Liang Yan saw this scene in his eyes, how could he dare to use the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword to harden it, hurriedly mobilize the whole body's spiritual power, and urge the purple thunder sword aura to resist the blue silk falling in midair.

   He was the first person to notice the change of dead wood, and the first person to retreat when he saw the bad situation. At this time, he was behind everyone, and the blue silk he had to deal with was the least, but there was not much danger.

   However, when everyone was fighting against the inexplicable blue aura in the midair, the "half stone" on the left of the road moved slightly, and a spit of gas suddenly appeared after a while.

   This stale air spread down the mountain road, and reached everyone's feet in an instant. An indescribable force spread from the stale air, and everyone felt that their feet were as heavy as lead.

   In a trance, Liang Yan actually had hallucinations, it seemed that his feet had become an abyss, an inexplicable aura of chaos pulling him, trying to drag him into the abyss.

"not good!"

   Liang Yan was shocked. At this time, where did he dare to have the slightest reservation, he hurriedly slapped the Taixu gourd on his waist, and wanted to sacrifice the black lotus sword and the fixed light sword to make a way out with the combination of three swords.

   However, just as he raised his arm, he realized that the spiritual power in his body was actually locked by this turbid qi, and he couldn't work at all at this moment!

   At the same time, after the cyan light group in mid-air killed Murong Tuo, it seemed to have changed the target to Liang Yan and others. At this time, it suddenly expanded and contracted in mid-air, obviously brewing the next round of attacks.

   was surrounded by a turbid air at his feet, and there was that strange and inexplicable murderous cloud above his head. The situation was unprecedentedly critical. Liang Yan's face was gloomy, and his heart was also anxious for a way to get out.

   At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in his heart:

   "I will help you!"

As soon as the voice of    fell, a cyan halo appeared in the Taixu gourd, and countless densely packed ancient words flew out from the position of the gourd mouth, beating gently in the air.

   Although these cipher texts Liang Yan didn't know a word, but in them, I felt that I was very light and agile.

   Looking down at this time, he found that strands of muddy air were burrowing out of his pores, and then they were forced into the ground by these ciphertexts until they disappeared completely.

   With the turbid qi being forced out, Liang Yan's spiritual power can work again, he was overjoyed, and he was about to open his mouth to thank, but a phantom of an ancient tree appeared behind his head.

   The phantom shadow of this ancient tree was flourishing, and Liang Yan was enveloped in the next moment, and then gently turned in the air, and completely disappeared.............


   didn't know how long it took, Liang Yan woke up leisurely in a dense forest.

   He shook his head, awake a little, and then recalled his previous experience.

  Because Murong Tuo triggered the prohibition on the mountain road, everyone was caught in a catastrophe, and they were trapped in the middle by the clear and turbid qi. Finally, the tree spirit old man in the empty gourd appeared to save himself.

   Thinking of this, he patted Taixu Hu on his waist, and said in a deep voice, "Senior, thank you for your help!"

   "Hehe, you don't need to thank me, we are also in a mutually beneficial relationship."

   An old voice came out, and then a puff of blue smoke floated from the mouth of the gourd, and gradually condensed into a gray-haired old man in the air.

After    the old man of the tree spirit appeared, he first glanced at Liang Yan up and down, and then exclaimed:

   "Boy, your chance is here!"

   Liang Yan was stunned at first, and then he thought of something. He couldn't help feeling a move in his heart and blurted out and asked: "But Xuan..."


   Before he finished speaking, he saw the old tree spirit quickly made a silent motion, and then lowered his voice: "Boy, this is a secret secret, only you know that I know, no third person can know it!"

   Liang Yan woke up, couldn't help but nodded, and secretly asked, "But Xuanwuhua?"


The voice of the tree spirit old man sounded in his heart: "Through my nearly three years of hard work, this Profound Mist Flower has been cultivated and matured, and after you enter the Secret Realm, Profound Mist Flower has a reaction. This reaction will come after you approach this place. It is particularly strong. As I expected it is not bad... the strand of'Hunyuan Xianxian' you want is in this mountain!"

   "It's true!"

   After getting a certain reply from the tree spirit old man, Liang Yan was also happy, but he immediately thought of something, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

   "How could it happen that the four big families came to this fairy mountain to compete for the opportunity, and the strand of'Hunyuan Xianyang' I wanted was also here. Could this'Hunyuan Xianyang' be their chance to compete?"

   Thinking of this, Liang Yan couldn't help frowning slightly, and told the fairy tree Shuling of his thoughts.

After hearing this, the old tree spirit also remained silent for a moment, and then said through a voice transmission: "The old man is not sure about this matter. Although the human monks are good at deduction, they can't count everything as dead. The Big Four The ancestors of the family have all reached the level of the Jiefang Realm. If it is really counted as the birth of the'Hunyuan Xianxian', it is impossible to send a group of juniors from the Golden Core Realm to compete."

   "You mean...There is another chance here. The'Hunyuan Xianyang' we want is not necessarily what they are fighting for?" Liang Yan touched his chin and said.

   "This is just an old speculation, no matter what, since you have already come here, would you be willing to give up?" The old tree spirit asked with squinting eyes.

   Liang Yan glanced at him, then smiled suddenly:

"You have figured out my temper... Hey, although there are many monks in the four major families, they are not all in the same camp, and they fight each other. If I manage well, There may not be no chance to fish in troubled waters!"

   The tree spirit old man smiled and stroked his beard.

   "If you hadn't this kind of personality, the old man would not live in your Taixu gourd. After all, he still counts on your success in cultivation and will help me find that person in the future..."

  He said suddenly he kept silent, his eyes flickered slightly, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

   Liang Yan and him once had three chapters about the law. Unless this person took the initiative to speak, he could not inquire about all of his past. Therefore, although he was a little curious at this time, he did not open any questions.

   "Speaking of which, that kid doesn't know what to do..."

   Liang Yan suddenly remembered that this person had cooperated with him many times. Although they were in a mutually beneficial relationship, they could be regarded as a friendship.

   The clear and turbid qi from the "Yi Chi Mu" and "Haan Dao Shi" just now is really unpredictable. If I were not for the help of the old man in the woods, I am afraid it would be difficult to get out, but I don't know what happened at this time.

   "You don't have to worry about him..." The tree spirit elder shook his head and said: "The origin of this kid is by no means simple, and the prohibition on the mountain road may not trap him."

  The words of the old man in the woods reminded Liang Yan that at the last moment when he left the mountain road, he seemed to catch a glimpse of Ji Lai's body surrounded by colorful glow, and there should be some magic weapon about to emerge from his body.

   "It seems that although this person has a sloppy personality, he has no shortage of supernatural powers..."

   Liang Yan groaned for a moment, then put the plan aside for the time being, and then looked up at the top of the mountain.

   "After I left the mountain road, the pressure from my surroundings became even greater. If this continues, when I climb to the top of the mountain, I am afraid that the opportunity would have been taken away long ago..."

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