The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1000: Nangong Long Song

After listening to Liang Yan's words, the old tree spirit also showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"No way.... The situation was critical at the time. I had no choice but to teleport you away with mystery, but the interference in the mountain was so great that even I couldn't decide where to stay... ........."

   "I understand." Liang Yan nodded and said: "No wonder you, I can only say that it is a mistake. Now I seem to be farther away from the top of the mountain..."

   Speaking of this, Liang Yan pinched a magic trick with one hand, and the Buddhism spiritual power in his body quickly moved, and the whole body was covered with golden light, and he wanted to try to climb up for a while.

   But just taking a step, it seems like a mountain is pressed on his body, a short distance of more than ten feet, he actually walked half of his incense!

   "It's too difficult! The more you go up, the greater the pressure you will receive. It hasn't been so obvious to climb up the mountain trail before, but now it's almost impossible to walk away from the mountain trail..."

   Liang Yan shook his head, his eyes showing a pensive look.

   At this moment, the tree spirit old man suddenly thought of something, stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, hehe laughed: "Although the old guy can't help you, the little guy can!"


   Liang Yan was taken aback for a while, and the next moment he saw the old tree spirit bend over, put his hand into the empty gourd, and then pulled back, and pulled out a young boy wearing a green belly.

   This boy looked only three or four years old, and his eyes were a little ignorant, but after seeing Liang Yan, he immediately grinned, revealing two dimples.

   He stretched out his hands, and the next moment he plunged into Liang Yan's arms.

   "Little nine?"

   Liang Yan looked at the immature boy in front of him, and couldn't help his heart move. The last time I saw him appear in real form, he was still in hell, and now so many years have passed, he hasn't even changed the slightest.

   "For so many years, I haven't seen you grow up..."

   Liang Yan had a strange feeling in his heart, and he reached out his hand and touched the top of the boy's head, as if he was his own child.

   "Can you help me climb to the top of the mountain?" Liang Yan was silent for a while before suddenly asked.

   Xiaojiu nodded immediately after listening, and said something.

   Liang Yan can vaguely understand some parts through the connection between the two minds. At this moment, he frowned and said: "You mean, the whole mountain is actually a magic weapon in the sky?"

   This time, Xiao Jiu nodded his head faster, still showing a hint of joy on his face.

   Liang Yan looked at him, suddenly thought of something, and asked with a weird expression: "You want to tell me you want to eat the whole mountain, right?"

   Xiao Jiu is the spirit of the cave sky, and he is born to swallow the magic weapon of the cave sky. Dumb told him this. In the past few times, Xiao Jiu also had the feat of devouring the magic weapon of the cave, so Liang Yan would have this guess.

  Who knows that his voice just fell off, but Xiao Jiu's face showed a trace of frustration, as if he had been wronged, and he babbled and said something.

"Um...this mountain is too can't eat him...but is there a way to take me up the mountain?" Liang Yan vaguely understood What he meant.

At this time, the tree spirit old man also said: "According to the observation of the old man, this mountain is a very special magic weapon in the cave. If you step into it, you will die if you are not careful. But Xiao Jiu, as the spirit of the cave, can not swallow this magic weapon, but he is not restricted by the rules of this world."

   Liang Yan heard him say the same, couldn't help but smile, and asked: "Xiao Jiu, do you really have a way to take me up the mountain?"

   Xiao Jiu saw his happy appearance, the previous depression immediately disappeared, and immediately patted his chest, making a "wrapped on me" appearance.

   Liang Yan was also amused by him, nodded and said: "Okay, then I beg you."

   As soon as his voice fell, Xiao Jiu opened his mouth, and a cloud of green mist swept out, engulfing Liang Yan and the tree spirit old man in Taixu gourd.

   Immediately after Xiao Jiu took a step forward, he merged with the Taixu gourd in mid-air, and the surface of the green gourd immediately had two soybean-sized eyeballs.

   These eyes turned around, as if they were discerning the direction. The next moment, Taixu Gourd turned into a blue light and went straight to the top of the mountain.

   This time, the speed was more than twice as fast as before on the mountain road. Liang Yan was in the too virtual gourd, and he couldn't feel the pressure from the mountain.

   "It's really useful!"

   Liang Yan was overjoyed in his heart, and silently calculated the time.

   Before he finally climbed halfway up the mountain, but because Murong Tuo triggered the mountain road restriction, he was in danger. In order to save him, the tree spirit old man could only use a secret technique to teleport him away.

   Now he is climbing this mountain again. Although the distance is a lot farther, with the help of Xiao Jiu, he still has the opportunity to reach the top of the mountain before the treasure appears.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan didn't worry, and handed over the hurry to Xiao Jiu. He meditated cross-legged in the space in the Taixu gourd, silently recovering the spiritual power that was previously lost.......... ..


   Among the huge immortal mountain that cannot be seen in its entirety, a cyan gourd shuttles quickly through the forest.

   Xiaojiu took Liang Yan up the mountain from Xiaojiu. Half a day has passed. During this time, he has recovered all the spiritual power he had lost before. At this time, he is letting go of his spiritual consciousness and looking around.

  The endless woods seem to be the boundary about a hundred meters ahead, and further ahead is a road paved with bluestone slabs.

  Because the spiritual sense cannot be too far away from the body in this mountain, Liang Yan can't see too many scenes beyond the woods, but there is a vague feeling in his heart that the top of the mountain should be ahead.


   With the sound of breaking through the sky, Taixu Gourd finally rushed out of the woods, and then a white light flashed at the mouth of the gourd, and Liang Yan's figure reappeared.

"Thanks a lot!"

   Liang Yan transmitted the sound, raised his hand and retracted Taixu Gourd from his waist.

   The moment he left the woods, he found that the oppressive force between the world and the earth had suddenly dissipated, and everything became normal again, without the help of Xiao Jiu.

   "It seems we have reached the top of the mountain..."

   Liang Yan murmured and looked around, only to see that this was a bluestone square, surrounded by white mist, and the line of sight could not be too far.

   However, there seems to be a huge palace in front of it. Although it is not clear, some corner bricks and tiles have come out of the white fog.

   "Could it be that this is the place where this treasure appeared?"

   Liang Yan squinted his eyes, and his body's Celestial Jewel and the "Fate Wood Path" spell were activated at the same time, and the whole body suddenly became thin and empty.

  The closer he gets to the goal, the more he needs to be cautious. Liang Yan didn't dare to be careless at this time. After disguising himself to be dripping, he cautiously approached the palace.

   It didn't take long for him to see the appearance of the palace. What surprised him was that there were ruined walls everywhere, and there was no aura around it. It didn't look like a place of treasure.

   "It's strange, it looks like an ordinary palace here. The chance that the four big families and the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce competed, will it appear here?"

   Liang Yan cautiously turned over the wall while letting go of his consciousness to explore the surroundings.

   There are many broken attics and corridors in the palace. Most of them are covered with moss and dust. It looks very old. Other than that, there is nothing special.

   He walked into an attic casually, and saw a lot of bamboo slips and books stacked in it. After years of baptism, these books have not yet rotted, but are covered with a thick layer of dust.

   Liang Yan was also quite curious in his heart, and couldn't help taking a book from the shelf. With a flick of his right sleeve, he wiped the dust off the cover of the book.

   He scanned it carefully, but was disappointed.

   This book introduces how to plant flowers and trees, and they are all ordinary trees in the world, which looks like a family's planting manual.

   At first, Liang Yan thought there was something mysterious in this book. After all, this place is a fairy mountain in the sea. Even if there is no fairy family inheritance, at least there should be some allusions.

   However, when he tried all kinds of methods and didn't find any secrets in the book, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

   He shook his head, put the book aside, and took another one from the shelf.

   This book is no longer teaching people to plant flowers and trees, but to teach people how to place artificial mountains and rocks in the courtyard, and how to arrange them to look elegant and beautiful.

   The book talks and talks about a lot of gardening knowledge, which makes Liang Yan a big head.

   "What are these!"

   Liang Yan threw the book aside and couldn't help but slander: "Could it be that the ancestors of the four major families have all gone, really this is just an ordinary palace?"

   As soon as this idea appeared, he shook his head and denied it: "Impossible, this fairy mountain is so weird, there must be a mystery here that I don't know."

   Just as he was thinking quietly in his heart, he was about to go elsewhere to find out, but there was a faint sound in the distance.

   Liangyan cultivated the "Eight Branches of Yuan Yuan" for a long time, and his five senses and six senses far surpassed monks of the same level. Although the spiritual sense could not be released, and there was white mist covering the line of sight, he could hear any movement a few miles away.

"somebody is coming!"

   He only listened for a moment, and he had already distinguished the source of the sound, which was right north of him, and it seemed that it was the sound of someone fighting!

   "Go and see!"

   Liang Yan's heart moved, single-handedly pinched the tactics, and once again urged the heavenly bead in his body, the whole person almost turned into a plume of blue smoke, and walked away lightly.

   After he walked for about half a cup of tea, he heard the cries of fighting getting louder and louder, and in the middle of the air in front, he could already see the vision caused by the magical powers.

   Liang Yan got here, and he became more cautious. He didn't want to get too close. He only hid his figure behind a ruined wall before raising his eyes and looking forward.

  On the square in front of him, there were several figures fighting each other, and he had seen all of them. One of them was the Nangong family, while the other was the royal family who had attacked him.

   Liang Yan looked at it carefully for a moment, and found that although the fighting in the field was fierce, not everyone had shot it.

   Among them, only three of the Nangong clan participated in the fight, and the Nangong Changge at the peak of the Golden Core, at this time, was standing leisurely with his hands on his back.

   This person was full of arrogance, and he didn't look at everyone at all, as if the fighting method in the front battlefield had nothing to do with it.

  On the Wang family's side, only two young female sisters and the man with inverted triangle eyes participated in the fight.

   As for Wang Long and Jipi old woman, they are standing aside with their hands down at this time, staring at the Nangong Changge not far away with all their faces, and they seem to be very jealous of them.

After a while, I saw Wang Long step forward and said, "Nangong Xian Nephew, now that the opportunity has not yet appeared, you and my family will fight here and have no relationship. If this continues, does it mean that the Su family and the Murong family will be cheaper? As far as the old man is concerned, it’s better to let us stop making peace, and it’s not too late to make care after the treasure is born."

   After he finished speaking, he stared at the Nangong Changge in the distance. Who knew that the other party ignored him at all, and still stood with his hands behind him. After a long time, he said:

"Stop making peace? Humph! When you sneaked on us with the'Huangquan Ghost Prison Array' halfway down the road, did you ever want to stop making peace? Now, it seems that the members of the Wang family were originally a group of clowns. A sneak attack will be calculated, and once you encounter it head-on, it will not be done immediately!"


  Rao is Wang Long, no matter how good-tempered he is, he was so angry at these words, he couldn't help but yelled: "Do you dare to look down on our Wang family!"

   He wanted to say something more, but was grabbed by the chicken skin old woman behind him, who had a faint smile on his face, as if he didn't feel angry at all.

"Nangong Changge, your supernatural powers are very powerful. I understand this in my body and mind. But you and I are here to fight for chance. Now the Su Family and Murong Family have not yet appeared, you just broke down on the mountain road. One person, do you still want to die with us?" The old woman said! "

   After hearing her words, Nangong Changge suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard the most interesting things in the world.

   "The fish die and the net is broken? Wang Min, you too value yourself! In the eyes of my Nangong Changge, your three major families are all chickens, and you can't stand a blow!"

   Just as the word "strike" was uttered, Nangong Changge's figure flashed, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

   "Be careful, he is coming!"

   Wang Long's pupils shrank and he shouted.

   Although he has the hottest temper, he is extremely jealous of Nangong Changge. Just now, all his attention was placed on this person, so he had already keenly caught the other party's killing intent just after it was revealed.

   "I am here!"

   Wang Min suddenly yelled, and he hunched forward and hurried out.

   Behind her, the figure of Nangong Changge suddenly appeared, a cloud of black energy in his hand, turned into five black chains with the thickness of arms, rushing to the back of Wang Min.

   That Wang Min had apparently fought with Nangong Changge before, and he didn't know much about this person's appearance. He had already begun to dodge ahead of time before he appeared.

   But this is the case. The five black chains behind her are also as fast as lightning. At this moment, they came first, and they came behind her in an instant.

   "Hahaha, this time there is no help from the mist in the secret realm, let's see how you can escape from my Five Finger Mountain!" Nangong Changge's cold voice sounded from the rear.

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