The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1001: Gather on the top of the mountain

The five chains that flew out of the palm of Nangong Changge's palm, although seemingly unremarkable, they contained the devil energy he had cultivated for many years. As long as they were entangled with one, the devil energy would invade the body immediately. All meridians of the whole body are sealed.

   Wang Min had fought against Nangong Changge. He knew that this person was powerful, and seeing the five chains inevitable, there was also a hint of panic in his eyes.

   She pinched with her left hand, but she threw a magic weapon with her right hand.

  The magic weapon is called "The Eight Desolation Furnace". It was Wang Min's collection of the Eight Desolation Treasures and used the innate real fire in the Wang family's veins to refining.

   At this time, the Bahuang furnace was burning, and a monstrous flame rushed straight up, wrapping the five chains that were hitting on it inside, making a crackling sound!

   Facing Wang Min's proud magic weapon, Nangong Changge's eyes did not fluctuate at all, and even a sneerful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The spiritual power in his body surged crazily, and his hand was even more devilish. The five black chains were surrounded by the sea of ​​fire. Instead of slowing down, the speed increased greatly. In an instant, he broke through the sea of ​​flames and came to Wang Min. .

"how come!"

   Wang Min was shocked, his eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions. In a panic, he could only use his spiritual power. He wanted to increase his speed and tried to flee backwards.

   Brush Brush!

   With the sound of breaking through the air several times, before Wang Min escaped, he was tightly entangled with five chains.

"caught you!"

   Nangong Changge's eyes showed a cruel look, and smiled softly: "It seems that your royal family is nothing more than that. You will only put cold arrows behind your back. Once someone else preempts you, you can't even prevent it!"

   The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Liang Yan was hiding in the dark at this time. Hearing the words of the Nangong Long Song, he suddenly felt that the deaths of several members of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce were a little worthless.

   If the Wang family has a powerful magic weapon if they fight head-on, but with the strength of Ge Dajin, Ma Wei and others, they are not afraid of them at all.

It’s just that the five members of the Wang family seemed to have settled their positions a long time ago. They set up a large array in advance and lay in ambush. The timing happened to be right after the battle between Qingyun Chamber of Commerce and Leiyin Jiuyan Wolf. It was the time when Ge Dajin and others were most relaxed. Not poisonous!

   Thinking of the battle with the Wang family, Liang Yan suddenly narrowed his eyes and thought in his heart:


   Before, when the people of the Wang family ambush the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, they once sacrificed four ancient mirrors. The power of the four ancient mirrors was so powerful that they suppressed their joint efforts with Ge Dajin, Ma Wei and others. If not, they still have a glimmer of hope of escape.

   But now Wang Min has his life hanging by a thread, and she hasn't seen her sacrifice the ancient mirror, which is obviously unreasonable.

   Just as Liang Yan was thinking about it in his heart, the old woman Wang Min, who was bound by the chain, had her mouth slightly raised at this moment, and the previous panic was gone.

  Nangong Changge also noticed something wrong, and hurriedly ran the magic power, only to see countless magic qi overflowing from the chain, burrowing into Wang Min's body.

   However, Wang Min stood there blankly, did not make any resistance at all, and still had a strange smile on his face.

   The next moment, "Wang Min" who was bound by the chain suddenly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, he changed from a living person to a human skin!

   At the same time, a horrible green poisonous mist emerged from under the human skin, and it followed the five black chains and spread to the palm of Nangong Changge.


Nangong Changge's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly ran his magic tricks, trying to take back the five chains, but the green poisonous mist was like a tarsus maggot, always mixed in his chains, and in just a moment, it had spread to the palm of his hand. .

   At the same time, an old voice came from the void:

   "Hey, the old man caught you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Min's figure appeared behind Nangong Changge, and the "Wang Min" that was originally locked by the chain has now turned into a palm-sized doll, and his facial features are almost identical to him. .

   "The magic puppet?"

  Nangong Changge arrived at this moment, only then did I realize that I was following the way of others.

   It turned out that Wang Min had already seen that his body and physique was weird and somewhat unpredictable during the last match. Therefore, this time the flaws were deliberately exposed, and Nangong Changge was lured to attack, but the secret treasure of "Imaginary Sky Demon Puppet" was used as bait.

   This secret treasure can imitate the monk's breath. It is difficult to see through it if it is not carefully observed. When Nangong Changge meets with each other, there is no time to check it carefully. Only when Wang Min is careless for a while, revealing flaws, so he is the best to start.

His "hunting soul chain" is not a magic weapon, but a magical magical power urged by his own spiritual power. The five black chains are all transformed by his own pure magical energy, but at this time they are contaminated by the green poisonous mist. I can't get rid of it at all.

   In just a few short breaths, the poisonous mist was mixed in his own devil qi and entered his body along the palm of his hand.

  Nangong Changge only felt chest tightness and uncomfortable for a while, and the spiritual power in his body went retrograde uncontrollably, and his face was flushed, as if he might vomit blood and die at any time.

   At this time, Wang Min smiled gloomily behind him: "Nangong Changge, aren't you so self-confident and supernatural? Why? Looking at your face from the old age, it seems a bit unpleasant."

   And Wang Long in front of him also touched his chin with a smug smile on his face.

  The situation reversed in the field, but this person was not surprised. Obviously, he had negotiated with Wang Min a long time ago, and his recklessness and anger were just acting.

   "Hahaha! The Nangong family's arrogant talent? I think it's just like that! Don't you just hide your traces? If you fight head-to-head, you won't be able to catch even one of our king's moves!"

  Nangong Changge used to ridicule the people of the Wang family only to hide in hiding, but now Wang Long ridicules his words with the original words, unable to express how happy he is in his heart.

   He pinched the Fa Jue in his hand, and a mottled ancient mirror flew out of his left and right sleeves. When he shook it gently in the air, two black rays of light shot out.

   At the same time, Wang Min also offered two other ancient mirrors behind Nangong Changge. The same two black lights shot out and went straight to the heart of Nangong Changge.

   Liang Yan saw this, and his heart was clear. It turned out that these four ancient mirrors were all taken by Wang Long and Wang Min, and they only waited to sacrifice them at a critical moment, giving their opponents a blow.

   Four ancient mirrors, four black lights, and Nangong Changge as the center, formed a certain slaying game.

   However, although Nangong Changge's face was a little angry, there was not much panic. He glanced at Wang Long, gritted his teeth suddenly, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

"Hmph, you two bugs, actually forced me to this point. Originally, this trick was to stay after the chance and frighten the three major families. Since you are rushing to die, let's send you on the road first! "

  Nangong Changge's voice did not fall, so he raised his hand and pinched a magic trick. Everyone only heard a weird and magical sound, and later saw a cloud of black air fly out from behind his head.

   This group of black energy only had a hairspring at first, but after leaving the body of the Nangong Changge, it began to expand rapidly, and soon it turned into a black sea of ​​clouds, blocking the surroundings of the Nangong Changge.

   The four divine lights emitted by the second elder of the Wang family with the ancient mirror of Huangquan, although they looked aggressive, but after rushing into the black cloud, they only stirred it up a few times, and then there was no movement.

"How can it be?"

Both Wang Long and Wang Min were shocked. You must know that this Huangquan Ancient Mirror was bestowed by the ancestors of their Wang Family's Transmigrating Tribulation Realm. It is impossible to be picked up so easily!

   At this time, the black energy around Nangong Changge is still expanding rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, it has turned into a dark cloud in the sky, pressing on everyone's head gloomily.

   Liang Yan hid in the dark, looked up to the sky, and saw that among the dark clouds, there were countless heads of people moving, all twisted and hideous, as if they were suffering from great pain, and his expression was terrible.

   Someone among them pushed their limbs out of the black cloud, as if to escape from it, but this obviously couldn't do so. The entire black cloud was their prison, and it seemed that they would not be freed for eternal life.

   "What an evil magic power, how many cultivators' souls have to be imprisoned?" Liang Yan was a little frightened when he saw it, and secretly smacked his tongue.

  He is just a little surprised here, but Wang Min is already full of horror!

   "Youquan Demon Qi! You.........eight hundred years ago, didn't your Nangong family listed this magical power as a forbidden technique?"

   "Forbidden surgery? Hahaha, a joke!"

Nangong Changge said coldly: "Eight hundred years ago, our Nangong family was weak. Although this magical power is powerful, you are jealous of you. It is you dog thieves who say that it hurts the heavens and forces us Nangong family to treat it. Repealed."

   Wang Long narrowed his eyes and said with a gloomy face: "Now that you practice this technique privately, you are not afraid of being known and causing terrible disaster to the Nangong family?"


Nangong Changge laughed wildly: "Now and then, how do you know that the ancestor has a deep blessing, and has survived another calamity on the basis of the original second calamity. Now his strength has greatly increased! In addition, my Nangong leader The song was born, and today’s trip to the Secret Realm is the beginning of my Nangong family's rebirth!"

   When he said this, he sneered again suddenly: "However, you reminded me that as long as you kill all of you, no one will know that I practice forbidden art?"

   As soon as the voice fell, the black clouds in mid-air suddenly spread, covering all the members of the Wang family, and then countless demon qi spewed out, like a corpse sea demon mountain, pressing against everyone's heads.

"not good!"

  Wang Long yelled, and Wang Min left and right, each urging Huangquan ancient mirrors on all sides, and instantly a light yellow light circle appeared above their heads, and the five members of the Wang family were buckled inside.

   The magic cloud of the Nangong Changge collided with the divine light in the ancient mirror of Huangquan, and immediately made a harsh and unpleasant sound. Even though Liang Yan was far away, he felt a burst of chest tightness and uncomfortable, almost a little breathless.

   "The power of this magic way is really good, just to practice this technique, I don't know how many people will be killed!"

   Liang Yan thought of this, his eyes condensed slightly, and then looked forward.

I saw that the magical energy of Nangong Changge's quiet spring is like a sea of ​​anger and surging waves, and although the Huangquan ancient mirrors of the Wang family are powerful, after all, the magical powers of Wang Long and Wang Min are not as far away as Nangong Changge. At this time The divine light from Bao Jing gradually faded, and the Youquan Demon Qi had already been pressed down by about ten feet.

The faces of Wang Long and Wang Min were flushed, and they were desperately casting spells to maintain the shaky magic light, while the two female sisters of the Wang family and the man with inverted triangle eyes were panicked, casting spells to confront each other. The devil in midair looked around, seeming to find a way to escape.

   Liang Yan shook his head secretly when he saw it. Under this situation, it only takes half a cup of tea to be buried!

   He also hesitated, do you want to make a move? After all, Nangong Changge's strength is too strong. Without offering a sword pill, he is not his opponent by relying on three sword gangs!

   If the Wang family is destroyed, when the chance is born, he will be single-handedly, and it will never be possible to grab the treasure in front of the four of the Nangong family.

   But if you make a move now, it is tantamount to saving the lives of everyone in the Wang family. They have attacked themselves and calculated it as a feud, and the rescue committee is really unwilling to take action.

   While hesitating in Liang Yan's heart, there was a sound of breaking the sky outside the palace, and dozens of yellow rays shot out, hitting the back of Nangong Changge.

   Although the Nangong Changge was fighting against the five members of the Wang family, it was not unconscious. After all, the Su family and Murong family had not yet appeared, so he was always alert.

   Although this sneak attack was fast, Nangong Changge did not Both hands were still casting spells to control the devil energy of Youquan, but his head turned around and he opened his mouth to the back.

   saw a bead the size of a goose egg flying out of his mouth, bursting suddenly in the air, and turned into a three-headed six-armed demon, holding various weapons such as knives, swords, axes, and whips.

This demon **** slashed in mid-air, blocking all the dozens of lasing yellow lights back. He only heard the sound of ping-pong, the yellow lights flew back upside down, revealing what was inside. Copper coins!

   Liang Yan was surprised and counted roughly, and found that the number of copper coins was not too much or not, exactly 36, which faintly matched the number of Tiangang!

   At the same time, a figure fell in the palace courtyard. With a wave of the big sleeve of his left hand, he put all the 36 coins that had flown back into his sleeve.

   This person has a white gown and a folding fan in his hand swayed lightly, making him look romantic and handsome. There were three people behind him, all wearing masks and sackcloth.

   Liang Yan's eyes brightened after seeing it, and he secretly said in his heart: "This kid, really is not dead!"

  The person who came is not someone else, it was only half a day ago that he separated from himself! And the three people behind him are naturally the three monks of Murong's family.

   "It seems that these people are all here prepared, either with the magic weapon bestowed by the ancestors in the family, or they have practiced supernatural magical powers. Obviously, the prohibition on the mountain path can't help them!"

   Thinking of this, Liang Yan observed the surroundings secretly, and couldn't help but become suspicious.

   "Why haven't the people of the Su family come yet? This is not like Su Yan's temperament!"

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