The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1009: Great crisis!

This manor looks like a large family in the world, an ordinary house built in the countryside.

   Green bamboo and sparse trees are planted around the courtyard. The environment is elegant and pleasant. The wind blows over the leaves and makes a slight noise, and the fine fragments smooth out the distracting thoughts in people's hearts.

   Liang Yan observed outside for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger in this place, he carefully walked through the bamboo forest and walked into the courtyard.

   I saw the lush flowers and trees in the courtyard, the beautiful rockery in the garden, and the surrounding bridges and flowing water combined with a piece of Tonglin bamboo branches, which looked really interesting.

   However, Liang Yan's eyes on this scene made him a little surprised.

   Only because of the layout of these rockery rocks and the planting methods of those flowers, plants and trees, they were exactly the same as the gardener's manuals he had seen in the hilltop palace before.

   "It's weird, is there really an expert living in seclusion here?"

   Thinking of this, Liang Yan probed his divine knowledge into the house, only to find that it was empty inside, without the breath of a monk at all.

   He boldly pushed open the door and found that there was only one futon and one altar inside. There is an incense burner on the table, the incense candle inside has been burned out long ago, and only some incense ashes remain.

   "It's weird, this place is too ordinary, it's hard to imagine a monk who can form a house here, there is not even a spiritual medicine garden."

   He didn't use sound transmission for this sentence, but he said it directly.

As soon as   's words fell, the Taixu gourd around his waist suddenly shook, and a white light flew out from the mouth of the gourd and rushed directly into the air.

   "What's the matter?" Liang Yan exclaimed.

   "I don't know! Profound Mist Flower is not under my control, so it flew out by itself!" The old tree spirit's voice sounded, with a hint of urgency.

   After listening to Liang Yan, he hurriedly looked at it and found that the thing wrapped in the white light was the mysterious mist flower he had obtained from the Liu family's old house!

This mysterious mist flower is now in full bloom, and it is not the tender seedling I encountered three years ago. The nine pure white petals slowly swirled around the bud, and after a while, a glow was shot out, and it passed the house where Liang Yan was located. , Shining directly on the mountain wall behind.


   only heard a loud noise, as if some restriction had been broken.

Liang Yan's face changed slightly, and when he turned his head, he saw a purple atmosphere on the mountain wall, and the surrounding scenery changed drastically. The originally barren land gradually disappeared, and a huge medicine garden slowly appeared in front of him. .

   There are all kinds of spiritual medicines that are not named. Liang Yan only vaguely identified the one planted at the very edge, called "Ziyang Xuanzhi". It is said that the "Ziyang Pill" refined from this object is a magical medicine for the monks in the Tongxuan realm to improve their cultivation.

   This is because he accidentally discovered it in an ancient book, so he can recognize it. As for the other elixir in the medicine garden, he doesn't know one at all.

   But there is one thing that does not need to be questioned, that is, all the medicinal materials here can be said to be invaluable, and they are many times more precious than the heavenly materials in the secret realm of Sen Luo!

   After seeing this scene, Liang Yan couldn't help feeling a little dumb.

   Just now, he said that the owner of this place is too poor and there is not even a medicine garden, but the next moment, he was severely beaten in the face!

   "Is that mysterious mist flower refined? Could it be that you understood what I said?"

   Liang Yan slandered himself secretly, and then cast his gaze on the mountain wall in the depths of the medicine garden, only to see that the purple qi that just appeared was still circulating, as if he was looking for something.

   Liang Yan pondered for a while, then suddenly pinched his hands with both hands, and injected part of his body's spiritual power into the mysterious mist flower.

   The mysterious mist flower was nourished by his spiritual power, and it immediately flourished. The bright white light and the purple qi mixed together, causing the mountain wall to vibrate.

   "It's really useful!"

   Liang Yan was overjoyed when he saw this. He also had the attitude of giving it a try just now, injecting spiritual power into the Profound Mist Flower, but he didn't expect it to trigger the organs here.

   I saw that the vibration of the mountain wall became more and more violent, and it lasted for a while, and suddenly I heard a "click", and a small crack was cracked on the mountain wall.

   An indescribable chaotic aura spread out from the crack, making Liang Yan agitated, and unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

   In the next moment, ecstasy appeared on his face.

   This time I don’t need the tree spirit old man to speak, Liang Yan also knows that what he is looking for is in the depths of the crack!

   "Hahaha! After a lot of hard work, I finally found this place. Now it seems that the previous efforts were not in vain!"

   At this time and here, there is no Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, and no monks from the four major families. The "Hunyuan Xianyang" in this crack is already at hand. Liang Yan is in a good mood and finally laughed out loud.

   However, he didn't notice. The moment the crack appeared, there was a puff of black smoke slowly rising on the shirt behind his back.

   I don't know when the black smoke started, it has been attached to his back, and Liang Yan didn't even notice it from the beginning to the end.

   Until this moment, the black smoke took the initiative to break away from him, condensed into a black mist not far away, and then a faint voice came from the black mist:

   "It seems that Shen Sanchi's servant didn't lie to me, this trip to the Secret Realm of Sen Luo, really is where my chance lies!"

The voice of    appeared extremely harsh in the empty courtyard.

   Liang Yan, who was originally staring at the crack in the mountain wall, couldn't help but change his face after hearing this voice.

   "There are others here!"

   His heart suddenly jumped, and he suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of crisis. He had only experienced this feeling once, and that was when the people from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce entered the secret realm entrance on the top of Senluo Mountain.

   At that time, there was also such a momentary feeling, which made him shudder.

   Now that this feeling hits again, Liang Yan did not hesitate at all, with a light touch, the whole person turned into an afterimage and rushed forward.

   When he was still in the air, he raised his hand and patted Taixu Gourd on his waist, and sacrificed his three-handed sword at the same time.

   Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, Black Lotus Sword, and Light Sword surrounded him, and the three sword intents suddenly exploded, guarding him to death in the center.

   At this time, he turned his head and looked back.

   I saw a strange black mist floating behind where he was just now, and he couldn't snoop even the slightest wherever his divine sense came.

   "Who? Who is there?" Liang Yan asked in a deep voice.

   The black mist seemed to understand his question, and it writhed in the air, and then a voice laughed and said:

   "We just met, did you forget so soon?"

   With this sound, a figure slowly walked out of the black fog. This person was short, wearing a linen robe, a mask on his face, and a coffin behind him.

   "Huh? It's you!"

   Liang Yan gave a startled cry. Although he was behind the mask, he quickly recognized this person. It was Murong Tuo who died in the mountain road ban before!

   " are not......"

   Liang Yan really wanted to say "Aren't you dead?", but the other party was standing here so well that he couldn't say anything.

   Recalling the horror of the mountain road prohibition at that time, this person stood at the place closest to the "one-foot-wood" and was passed by thousands of green silks. He could actually save his life. It was really unbelievable.

   Liang Yan made a secret comparison. If you change to be yourself and trigger the restriction in such a close place, even with the help of the tree spirit elders, it is estimated that it will be more fortunate.

   But this person can be safe and sound!

   "Who are you anyway?" Liang Yan's eyes were full of alertness.

"Ha ha!"

Murong Tuo smiled softly and said, "Boy, I would like to thank you too much. If you hadn't led the way, I wouldn't know that there is such a place in the Secret Realm of Sen Luo. Not to mention, let you see the truth of this seat. Stop it."

As soon as   's words fell, this person raised his hand and waved, only to see a ray of black air rising from the soles of his feet, enveloping it all, and after lightly rotating a few times, it slowly dissipated.

   And when the black air is gone, revealing the figure inside, she is actually a beautiful woman!

   This woman looks nearly 30 years old. She is dressed in a black silk dress. She is tall and has a charming face. There is a fascinating lotus flower in the middle of her forehead.

   It’s just that although she is charming and moving, her temperament is cold and frosty, especially between her eyebrows. She seems to be a little uncomfortable, so she wants to kill!

   After this woman appeared in real form, Liang Yan involuntarily took a step back.

   Just now, he tried to probe this person with the "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" technique, only to find that he seemed to be peeping at a high mountain from the foot of the mountain.

   "This person's cultivation has reached an unbelievable realm, absolutely surpassing any monk I have encountered before!"

   Liang Yan's heart was shocked, he didn't understand, how could such a monk appear in this little covenant!

   "You seem surprised?"

   The black-clothed woman looked at Liang Yan and smiled softly: "Just now you asked who I am, it doesn't hurt to tell you, I am Murong Hanqiu!"

   "Murong Hanqiu?"

   Liang Yan frowned slightly. He had heard the name telling himself before. Looking back at this time, he couldn't help but be surprised:

   "You are the ancestor of Murong!"

   "Hahaha, yes, you guys still have some knowledge!"

Murong Hanqiu nodded and smiled: "It's not easy for you. The clone of the old thief Su Muyun appeared before, and I thought I had to do it myself to get it right. I didn't expect you guys, soldiers, crabs, and generals to actually kill the old thief Su Muyun. The clone was cleaned up, now thinking about his expression at the time, it was really funny, hahaha!"

   She had a frosty temperament, but when she laughed out loud, she had a breathtaking beauty.

   "Cultivator of the Tribulation Realm.........."

   Liang Yan was stunned. He never dreamed that he would meet a real ancestor of the Tribulation in this secret realm!

   When the avatar of Su Muyun appeared before, he was already astonished, but it was just a avatar in the end, not the ancestor.

   And now standing in front of him is a real-world cultivator of the tribulation realm!

   "Senior, I have never met you. Why did Senior choose to follow you when I was on the mountain road?" Liang Yan asked cautiously.

   "No acquaintance?"

   Murong Hanqiu blinked his eyes and said, "It's not that I don't know each other, I have already noticed you!"

   She didn't seem to be in a hurry, at this time she slowly said:

"I didn’t care about trivial things like the Sum Luo’s appointment. It’s just that before that, I had asked Shen San to make a silly divination. He said that there should be no chance in this secret realm. It’s about my next time. I didn’t believe in the success or failure of the robbery at first, until I saw you in the secret realm..."

   Liang Yan listened to her, and for some reason, his heart was cold, and he chuckled: "Senior is joking, you have great magical powers, boundless powers, and troubles. How can you still need help from juniors?"

   "You can help a lot!"

   Murong Hanqiu's eyes flashed with excitement, and he slowly said, "After all, you are a ‘living dead’ who has never met in a thousand years!"

   Hearing the words "living dead", Liang Yan suddenly felt cold.

   He has hidden this secret for many years and has never been discovered. At the beginning, the instrument spirit also said that with the body of a living dead, no one can figure out everything about him, so he has always felt that no one can understand this secret.

   I didn't expect to be seen in person by someone today!

   "Senior...Even if I am the living dead, what does it have to do with you?"

"what is the relationship?"

   Murong Hanqiu laughed and said, "This is a good question. My ancestors used to practice corpses to prove the truth, and there is a cycle of life and death in your body. What do you think does this have to do with me?"

   Hearing her Liang Yan couldn't help but his face was gloomy. After a long time, he slowly said, "Senior wants to train me?"

   "Haha, you can see through it at one point. This seat really wants to extract your spirit and put it in the zombies I have cultivated. Then you can go further, and you will be more confident in the future!"

"Originally, when I was in the Secret Realm of Senluo, I could start. But as soon as the kid was present, due to Shen Sanchi's face, I couldn't kill you in front of his apprentice; I want to see how many secrets you kid have. I didn't expect that you really didn't disappoint me, and you took me to such a place!"

   Liang Yan was secretly crying, and the Shen Sanchi in Murong Hanqiu's mouth must be the master of Jilai. He really didn't expect that he would be fooled by this person.

   At the beginning, he was still wondering what kind of divination Master Jilai had given to Murong ancestor, and he actually made the other party willing to send the Murong Jindan monk to help Jilai fight for the opportunity.

   Now it seems that it is that trigram, and he is about to take his own life!

   "Senior, is there no room for discussion on this matter?" Liang Yan asked in a deep voice.

   "Naturally not! Why do you explain so much to you as this seat? Isn't it for your merits, want you to be a ghost?"

When Murong Hanqiu said this, he smiled slightly and said: "In fact, you should not be too sad. Being able to be refined by this seat is also a kind of blessing for you. When this seat attains the great path in the future, the corpse can be refined. It will last forever, and by that time, you will be able to live forever in another way."

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