The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1000: Person 3

Murong Han Qiuming said the most chilling words, but his tone was indifferent and his expression was aloof. It didn't sound like a threat to Liang Yan, but instead he was giving him a gift.

   Liang Yan kept his face gloomy from beginning to end. When Murong Hanqiu said this, he suddenly smiled and said:

"To live forever? It sounds good, becoming a part of the corpse you practiced. From then on, you don't have to practice hard anymore. When you attain the great path, I can live forever with the heaven and the earth......... ..."

Murong Hanqiu's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she couldn't help but clap his hands and praised: "I didn't look away, you are really different from those ordinary people! Yes, as long as you are willing to obey orders, I won't let you suffer. Share your birthday with me!"

   Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Liang Yan who was opposite suddenly raised her hand, and then three sword lights stabled out, slashing at her own location.

   At the same time, Liang Yan himself turned into a gray light and flew away in the opposite direction.

   Liang Yan certainly would not be willing to be refined by this woman.

   The opponent is a real-world cultivator of the Transformation Tribulation Realm, and she can't be her opponent anyway, even if she sacrifices a sword pill, I am afraid that she will not be able to withstand a single move.

   The only way out now is the crack just exposed on the wall.

   This place is weird and inexplicable, and Liang Yan doesn't know what will happen next moment.

He can only gamble, bet that there will be a miracle in the crack in the wall, which can make Murong Hanqiu helpless. Although this possibility is less than one in ten thousand, this is already he can think of, the only one who escaped and ascended to heaven. Way out.

   In addition, a golden core monk, the possibility of escaping from the ancestors of the tribulation realm is almost zero!

The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, the Black Lotus Sword, and the Dingguang Sword came out together, stirring layers of sword intent in the air, just to distract Murong Hanqiu even for a moment, and Liang Yan himself, at the fastest speed in his life, Fly away through the crack in the wall.

   "Tsk tsk!"

   Murong Hanqiu gently shook his head, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

   "I thought you were different from others, but I didn't expect you to understand, becoming part of a corpse, just so scared of you?"

   While she was speaking, she gently waved the sleeve of her right hand, revealing her snow-white bare hand, and then flicked her fingers.

   I couldn't see what was happening at all, the three swords in midair stopped at the same time, as if the sword tip was suppressed by life.

   Immediately after Murong Hanqiu clicked on his eyebrows, he saw a black ray blasted out, the speed was so fast, the latter came first, and he caught up with Liang Yan in an instant.

   Liang Yan had already flown over the medicine garden at this time, and was being swept by the black light, and his movements were instantly slowed down.

   At the same time, an unspeakable evil thought came from all directions, and Liang Yan's mind was in a trance, and the world seemed to change in a blink of an eye.

   is no longer a spiritual medicine garden, but a black quagmire. There are countless dead bodies in the quagmire, and people are constantly calling for help.

   Liang Yan looked down and found that one of them seemed to have known each other, like a townsman in Huaiyuan Town. This person was wailing in pain and seemed to blame himself for why he didn't die with them in the first place.

   There was a trance in his mind, and he took a few steps back subconsciously, but stepped into the quagmire unconsciously.

   Someone stretched out his hand from the mire and grabbed his right leg. Liang Yan was horrified. Looking back, he saw a cheek covered with blood.

   "Master, the master is me!" The man who grabbed his right leg shouted desperately: "Master, don't leave me, okay! After you left, I had a miserable life in Nanchui!"

   "Xiong Yueer?"

   Liang Yan recognized this voice and hurriedly called: "What's wrong with you? What happened to you in Nanchui?"

The man didn't answer, just clinging to Liang Yan's leg and crying bitterly: "Master, Master, I'm so miserable.......... Come with me, Master... ....."

   "What's the matter with you? Talk!"

   Liang Yan's face was anxious, and he kept beating the quagmire, but those people under the quagmire were desperately dragging him down until he was completely sunk in the quagmire.............

   At the same time, in the real valley, Liang Yan himself is lying in mid-air with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

   Not far from him, there is a beautiful woman in a black silk dress, who is the ancestor of the Murong family, Murong Hanqiu!

   The woman looked at Liang Yan, first smiled lightly, and then her expression became serious again.

   She pinched her two-handed technique anxiously, and a black light suddenly appeared all over her body. This black light rolled Liang Yan's body directly, and stood almost face to face with herself.

   Liang Yan closed his eyes tightly, as if he was asleep, but Murong Hanqiu was full of energy and looked slightly excited.

   Her vermilion lips opened slightly, and she sucked lightly on Liang Yan's cheek, and immediately an extremely thin phantom was peeled from Liang Yan.

   This phantom looks exactly like Liang Yan, except that the left half is cyan, the right half is black, one side is full of life, and the other side is withered and rotten.

   The two extremes that are so completely opposed, but exist in one person at the same time, it looks incredible.

   "Is this the living dead.........Sure enough, there is no magic!"

   Murong Hanqiu murmured, the expression in his eyes became more excited, the black air entangled and entangled the two, almost sticking to each other.

   And in Liang Yan's sea of ​​consciousness, it is now pitch black.

   After he was dragged down the endless quagmire, he lost the dominance over his body, and the surroundings became like the empty night, without a trace of light at all.

   "Is this the way to transform the robbery realm cultivator........."

   Liang Yan still retains a trace of clarity in his mind.

   He didn't want to give up yet, and he still tried his best to maximize the spiritual power of the Buddhist "Eight Branches". A faint golden light emerged from the sea of ​​self-knowledge, trying to fight against this endless darkness.

   It is this ray of Buddhism golden light that allows him to keep a trace of clarity, knowing that he has been recruited at this moment, and his spirit is slowly being pulled away.

   But he has lost control of his body, and this ray of Buddhism golden light is too weak. To fight against the boundless darkness around him, he simply hits the stone with a pebble, absolutely impossible!

   So when his heart was burning, a voice suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​knowledge:

   "'Bodhi Brightness and Purity Phase' is not used in this way..."

   "Who? Who is talking!"

   Liang Yan was shocked and hurriedly exclaimed.


   The voice sighed softly, but said nothing.

   At this moment, Murong Hanqiu's process of extracting souls and souls has reached the most critical juncture. Liang Yan's half-green half-black phantom has been stripped from his body for most.

   Murong Hanqiu's eyes were full of solemn colors, and he moved cautiously, obviously not wanting to ruin Liang Yan's spirit, but wanted to absorb it completely.

   However, just when she was doing her best, a void flashed somewhere behind her, and a figure suddenly appeared.

   This person came without any signs, and his whole body was shrouded in golden light. As soon as he appeared, there was an immeasurable Brahma sound, as if the Buddha came to the world, the precious appearance was solemn.

   His speed is extremely fast, and in an instant, he came behind Murong Hanqiu, and then Jin Guangsheng in his hand, punched her!

   Murong Hanqiu's attention was focused on Liang Yan just now, and he did not expect that there would be a third person in this small valley!

   She is a monk in the Transmigration Realm. She has already stepped into the Transmigration Realm with her supernatural powers. Even if she was attacked, she still has divine power to protect the body automatically.

   I saw the boundless black air emerging from the top of his head, turning into a vicious zombie behind him, with extremely long nails on both hands, like two life-threatening iron hooks, grabbing towards the figure in the golden light.


   only heard a muffled sound, the figure in the golden light punched the black-gas-condensed zombie, instantly destroying it, and smashing the whole zombie into powder.

   And the punch in the immeasurable golden light, the momentum is not old, still rushing forward, until it hits Murong Hanqiu's back heart.


   Murong Hanqiu raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood, and black light appeared all over his body, flashing again and again, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

   And the figure in the golden light was illuminated by the black light, and he snorted himself, and quickly retreated back several tens of meters, seeming to have suffered a lot of dark losses!

   Although Liang Yan was controlled by Murong Hanqiu with a secret method, his divine consciousness was plunged into a boundless quagmire, but from the moment he attacked and injured Murong Hanqiu, he was already sober, but his body was still unable to move.

   Like Murong Hanqiu, he was shocked, not because this person succeeded in the attack, but because someone mentioned the five words "Bodhisattva Brightness and Purity" in his mind just now!

   Liang Yan fell to the ground. Although he could not move his body, his eyes kept turning, desperately looking towards the location of the attacker.

   At this time, the golden light on the person's body has gradually dissipated, revealing the figure inside. He is short, with a long numb face, and a pair of inverted triangular eyes. It is the royal family who once attacked him to worship Lin Rui!

   "Why is it him!"

   Liang Yan was astonished to the extreme. In his impression, this person was only a promise. It seemed that he did not dare to do anything against the second elder of the Wang family. He did not expect that he would hide so deeply!

   That Lin Rui's left hand was behind him at this time, and his right hand was slightly raised. There was no flesh and blood in the raised hand, only the bones, which looked strange and terrifying.

   However, Lin Rui couldn't see the slightest color on his face, he just snorted coldly:

   "Human corpse divine light? Humph!"

   Following his cold snort, a golden light suddenly appeared on his right hand, and the immeasurable Brahma sound sounded, and it was actually reborn in flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   In a blink of an eye, an intact arm has reappeared.

   At the same time, Murong Hanqiu's figure reappeared on the other side of the medicine garden.

   She took Lin Rui's punch, but she didn't see any injuries at the moment, but her face was slightly pale, which added a bit of iceberg temperament.

   "Okay, the praying mantis is catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind. I didn't expect that Murong Hanqiu would have missed my eyes! Which big Buddha is yours, can you report it?"


Lin Rui laughed at this moment, and the brilliance of the whole body turned, the figure of the whole person gradually rose up, and his appearance also changed by itself, just a few short breaths, the most obscene man with inverted triangle eyes had disappeared without a trace. .

   The figure who reappeared in Guanghua is a monk!

   This monk is nine feet tall and handsome in abundance. He is dressed in a moon-white monk robe. His eyes are as bright as nine-day stars, and as clear as a cold valley spring. People just look at him and he unconsciously sinks into it.

   There is still a string of rosary beads hanging on his neck. Each rosary is the size of a baby's fist and is full of eighteen. They are strung together with a gold thread. They look completely different from ordinary Buddhist beads.


   The monk made a low voice of the Buddha's name, folded his hands together, and slowly said: "Underneath is just a fallen leaf in the turbulent world, a dust in the endless sea, and the name of the Buddha, not to mention it!"

   "Huh! Hidden head and exposed tail, if you have the courage to attack this seat, why dare not to give your name!"

Murong Hanqiu snorted coldly: "If you don't tell me, I can guess. There are only a dozen Buddhist monks who can enter the Transmigration Realm in Xianzhou, Antarctica, and most of them are in Luo Tianzong. And you just used it. Supernatural power is definitely not Luo Tianzong’s path, nor the few people I know, could it be..."

   Murong Hanqiu said this, and suddenly he kept silent, as if he had thought of something, showing a pensive expression.

   "Haha, why should the donor be so persistent? Since you have to know the name of the poor monk, you might as well call me ‘rootless’!"

   "No roots?" Murong Hanqiu raised his brows slightly, and said with a smile: "Did you say that you are a bereaved dog?"

   "Also, yes! The poor monk has been wandering for half a lifetime, and he is indeed a ‘lost dog’, as the donor said it is!" The white-clothed monk clapped his hands and laughed.


   Murong Hanqiu was originally not good at arguing and the white monk was so slippery that she couldn't figure out the details of the other party for a while.

   At this time, there was another heartbreaking pain in his heart, which made Murong Hanqiu's face even paler. Although she suppressed the injuries in the body with her extremely powerful skill, the punch just now by the monk should not be underestimated.

  Until now, in the meridians of her body, there is still Buddhism Quan Jin running around, turning into countless streams, turning rivers and seas in her body, constantly making chaos.

   If she is in normal times, she only needs to sit cross-legged and work on the spot for half a cup of tea to force these punches out of the body, but at this time it is absolutely impossible.

   Although the monk in white looks very casual on the surface, he even stands there talking and laughing, but in fact all of his auras are locked by this person. As long as she moves slightly, she will immediately give the other party a chance!

   But one thing to be thankful for is that even though he was punched in the body, he also counterattacked at the critical moment with the "dead light of the corpse".

   "Zombie Divine Light" is very sinister and poisonous. Don't look at the white-clothed monk who had just broken his limbs and was reborn, but that is just the surface. The real "Zombie Divine Light" has sneaked into the meridians, constantly eating away the person's anger.

   The monk had obviously discovered this too. The reason why he didn't do it right away, and still stood in place to talk to her, was because he wanted to use his power to suppress the injuries in his body.

   The two maintained a delicate balance for a while, and no one was willing to take the initiative. At this time, the white-clothed monk laughed and said:

   "Does the donor know when he was counted?"

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