The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1001: layout


   Murong Hanqiu raised his eyebrows, and seemed to be interested, and said with a smile: "This seat is also very curious, how can a big Buddha like you appear in this small forest secret realm?"

   "It's not weird, it's not weird!" The white-clothed monk laughed and said, "The poor monk is following you!"

   "Follow me?"

   Murong Hanqiu seemed to think of something, his eyes gradually darkened, and he slowly said, "What on earth do you want to say?"

   "Haha, don't you understand? Why do you think Shen Sanchi came all the way to give you a fortune? Just to help his apprentice fight for opportunities?"


   Murong Hanqiu's face changed drastically, and he cried out in disbelief, "Are you colluding with Shen Sanchi?!"

   "Also!" The white-clothed monk smiled slightly: "You will sneak into the Secret Realm of the Forest, so that you find this place, in fact, it is the game of the poor monk!"

"As early as ten years ago, Shen Sanchi made a divination for me, knowing that there is what I was looking for here. But if I want to get what I want, I can't do it alone. I have to borrow from your Murong family. Something. As everyone knows, your Murong family has never been difficult to speak, and in desperation, the poor monk can only make this move."

   When he said this, there was a trace of regret on his face. After Murong Hanqiu heard it, he coldly snorted: "The monk is sly and cunning. It seems that you have taken me down from the beginning?"

   "That's not true!"

   The white-clothed monk smiled and shook his head and said, "Originally, the monk I also prepared a few back-hands, intending to fight the benefactor here desperately, but I did not expect God to help me, so I found this kid at the entrance of the secret realm!"

   When he said this, he pointed his hand at Liang Yan, and his face smiled even more.

"The appearance of this kid is really an unexpected joy. He contains the two qi of life and death, and he is a'living dead' that is rare in a thousand years. Other monks may not be able to find out by spiritual knowledge, but the poor monk has a special practice with five senses and six. I was lucky enough to find out that I was different from ordinary people."

   "The moment I saw him, my heart was overjoyed, and the original series of plans changed..........."

   When the monk in white clothes said this, Liang Yan felt a sudden in his heart. No wonder he felt extremely dangerous when he entered the secret realm. It turned out that from that time on, he had been targeted by a monk who transformed the robbery realm!

   "Murong's family proves by refining the corpse. How can it be uneasy to see the'living dead'? When you withdraw his spirit with the secret method, it is the best time for the monk to attack me!"

   When the monk in white clothes said this, he smiled slightly: "But you were only on the top of the mountain for a while, and I am not sure if you noticed him, so the first thing after entering the secret is to let the two of you meet."

   "Oh? So, my encounter with this son is under your arrangement?" Murong Hanqiu frowned.


The monk in white nodded and said: "After entering the secret realm, the first thing I do is to search for the location of this kid. After finding him, in order to prevent him from meeting with the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, I used mystical magical powers to interfere with his guidance. Yellow bird."

   "At that time, your Murong family's route was exactly the same as this kid, but because of the gathering of five people, it was a little slower than him."

"In order for you to meet'coincidentally', I drove a Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf to stop this kid. When he was exhausted, your Murong's house happened to arrive. At that time, this kid had no magical powers. Without reservation, with your Murong Hanqiu's method of refining the corpse mind, you will be able to see the secret of his'living dead' body..."

When Liang Yan heard him say this, many doubts when he entered the secret realm were suddenly solved. No wonder the yellow birds of the other four members of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce are not unusual. Only his own has a problem. It turned out to be secretly interfered by this person. !

At that time, he wondered why the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce exhausted all kinds of tracking secrets and found a Thundery Nine Flame Wolf on the seventh day. According to Ge Dajin, the last time the Senluo Covenant was ranked first. The famous Wang family only hunted three heads, and his luck was so good that he met one head just after entering the secret realm the next day?

   It turns out that there is no luck at all, everything is arranged secretly by this person!

The monk in white sighed softly at this time: "Unfortunately, people are not as good as the sky. I didn't expect this kid to have a lot of cards, and he was carrying a monster that even I can't see. That Lei Yinjiu Yanlang couldn't stop him at all. There was also Ge ​​Dajin from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. This person was also thoughtful, and he actually left a back hand besides the yellow bird, and finally let this kid return to the team successfully."

   "Huh, so you can't achieve one plan, but you have another plan?" Murong Hanqiu said coldly.

   "That's natural, people always think of ways."

   The white-clothed monk chuckled and said, "I can't leave too obvious marks. I can only let you meet ‘accidentally’. After all, the donor’s mana is vast and his supernatural powers are unpredictable. If you are asked to see the flaws, everything will be lost."

   At this point, the white-clothed monk folded his hands together, whispered the Buddha's horn, and then continued:

"This kid can't hide in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. He needs to be allowed to act alone to get things done. So I instigated everyone from the Wang family to ambush the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. I only used mystery to investigate for a while, and I already figured out what the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce passed by. Place, and the Wang family believes in me, the "good at tracking" guest Qing, and naturally they all agree to attack the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce."

   "No wonder!"

   Liang Yan screamed in his heart, he was a little puzzled at the time, why the Wang family could calculate the route of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce in advance, and set an ambush in that place, it turned out that this monk did a good job!

   "Hey, the juniors of the Wang family set up an ambush with the "Huangquan Ghost Prison" and wanted to suppress the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce into the ground. I deliberately opened the net, but let Liang Yan go."

"Later, I learned that his little demon beast could swallow Leiyin’s nine flame wolves’ demon pill, so I drove away Leiyin’s nine flame wolves all the way to guide him, let him change course, and eventually meet with your Murong monks. Encounter!"

   Liang Yan heard this and suddenly felt a sense of despair in his heart. During this trip to the Secret Realm of Sen Luo, everything about him was actually calculated by others.

   When he escaped from the "Huangquan Ghost Prison", he also wondered why Lin Rui, the man with inverted triangle eyes, showed his flaws?

   There is also the back and Li Xiaosong hunting the Leiyin nine flame wolves, why did they go so smoothly along the way, and actually beheaded so many nine heads?

   When I finally started with the Wang family, why was it so coincidental that the Murong family just arrived?

   It turns out that everything in this trip was set by this monk. When you know that you are just a **** on someone else’s chessboard, no one feels good!

   "Damn, I was just participating in a battle in the Golden Core Realm. Why did I meet two ancestors from the Transfiguration Realm, and one of them was used as a chess piece!"

   Liang Yan cursed secretly in his heart, but at this time the meridians were blocked, and he couldn't think of any means of escape.

   At this time, Murong Hanqiu took a deep breath, and actually praised:

"What a great monk, he is really thoughtful and has a far-reaching layout! The entire Senluo Secret Realm is one after another, and you are always hidden behind the scenes. Even this seat hasn’t seen it. There is still Hidden the second cultivator of the Tribulation Realm!"

   "Hehe, the donor is overwhelmed!"

The white-clothed monk folded his hands together, his face suddenly solemn, and he lowered his head and said: "The poor monk wants to borrow a drop of Murong's donor's'Fu Zhe Essence' and return it immediately after using it up. "


   Hearing the words "Fu Zhe Essence and Blood", even if Murong Hanqiu's qi training is good, he couldn't help but curse: "Smelly monk, do you know what you are talking about?"

   There is a reason why Murong Hanqiu is so angry.

   We must know that although a hundred schools of Human Race have flourished, most of the sects achieve the purpose of proving the Dao for longevity by cultivating themselves and strengthening themselves.

   The line of corpse refining is slanted. The cultivator spends most of his life in the cultivation of his own zombies. When the zombies grow stronger, he will go back and feed the cultivator itself.

And the "fetal blood of the dead corpse" mentioned by the monk in white is the ultimate means for zombies to feed back the cultivator. Only when you have cultivated to the realm of Murong Hanqiu, can you get a few drops of the most precious "fetal blood of the dead corpse" from your own zombies. ".

The "Fu Zhan Essence and Blood" is thousands of times more precious than the essence and blood in the body of ordinary monks. Even a monk like Murong Hanqiu, who has a total of only two drops in his body, is precious and can be called a lot. Aspire to the foundation of the avenue!

   The monk looked extremely polite, but what he asked for was "Fu corpse essence and blood", which was almost the same as killing her. Why didn't Murong Hanqiu feel angry?

However, the monk in white has a calm face, and he even said with a smile: "The donor should not be angry. I have no grievances with you. Naturally, I will not harm you for no reason. I just borrowed the blood of the corpse. Come and use it and return it as soon as it is used up. You will never break your promise!"

   Murong Hanqiu's expression on his face became more gloomy after hearing this. She was cold and frosty, and now she is even more like an iceberg.

   The white-clothed monk saw her expression, knowing that the woman would not agree at all, and suddenly sighed slightly:

"The donor, the poor monk is also for your own good. The world, all kinds of living beings, have destiny, but the practice is going against the sky, which only adds to the endless troubles. It is better to let the poor monk take off your worries for you and be at ease. , Great relief........."


   Murong Hanqiu couldn't bear it anymore, with a look of "I believe you all have ghosts" on his face.

   This monk in white clearly looks like a Buddhist monk who is full of light and has a dignified temperament. He seems to be a virtuous monk who is born with wisdom and roots. However, he does not care about the Buddhism, but likes to mess around and gag, and he is the two extremes of Luo Tianzong's monks!

   "Wait, what a mess?"

   Murong Hanqiu's heart jumped, and he suddenly woke up and looked at the position of the monk in white.

   I saw that although this person was talking and laughing on the surface, but his hands were always behind his back, and when he looked at the ground under his feet, there were more black spots the size of a fingernail.

   "It's not good, my corpse divine light!"

   Murong Hanqiu's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but yelled out.

   The two of them are both cultivators of the Transfiguration Realm. In the brief confrontation just now, one of them was hit by the other's Buddhism power, and the other was hit by the other's corpse-changing light.

  The reason why the two sides can stay together for so long is to secretly dissolve the other's magical powers remaining in their own bodies.

   Originally, Murong Hanqiu relied on the "female blood" in his body, and thought that he would be able to eliminate the monk's boxing power first, and then he would be able to take the initiative.

  Whoever thinks that he has not resolved much, the other party unknowingly forced most of her corpse divine light!


   The monk in white clothes no longer covered his head at this time. He raised his head and let out a long laugh. The golden light appeared all over his body, and a Buddhism robes appeared in the back of his head.

   This robes of gold and red intersect, and the treasure is solemn, with fine runes beating on it, and when it comes in contact with the monk in white, it will automatically merge into one.

   At the same time, the monk's body in white clothes suddenly bulged three large bags, then his skin broke open, and three black lights shot out, falling on the ground in front of him, turning into the three biggest black spots.

   "The donor's corpse-changing divine light is really mysterious! It took so long for the poor monks to force them all out!"

   In the white-clothed monk Shang Lang's laugh, he no longer had the amiable expression just now, the spiritual energy surged in his body, which was obviously a sign that he was about to do it.

   At the same time, Liang Yan, who has been imprisoned in place, was full of shock in his eyes.

   The method by which the white-clothed monk quietly expelled the corpse-changing light from his body just now, he was familiar with it. It was one of the eight methods that the old monk passed on to him: "Rolling phase"!

   At that time, he had only cultivated for a, and he fought a fierce battle with Tang Yan, Chen Chong and others in Cuishan, relying on the first four methods taught by the old monk.

At that time, he was hit by Tang Yan's scent and Xu Kun's bitterness, and he had no choice but to resort to the "rolling phase". Although his posture was not very good-looking, he also discharged all the poison in his body into the ground. Three people.

Although the white-clothed monk did not move his feet and did not make the posture of "rolling" in the past, Liang Yan has practiced the old monk's exercises for nearly a hundred years. The exercises are of the same ancestry as one's own, which is clearly the "Ba Bu Yan Yuan"!

   "It turns out that the'rolling phase' can still be used to such a degree, even the'dead corpse light' can be forced out of the body..."

   Liang Yan was shocked to the extreme. Before he left, the old monk also said that before he left, the eight methods should be practiced to be born from the heart, and the magical effects of the method can be exerted without exerting momentum. This is the real entry.

   Suddenly a hundred years later, Liang Yan has indeed cultivated to the state of "born from the heart", and only needs a movement of his mind to play the magical effect of the law.

   But it was limited to this. Not only was the following three disciplines still incomprehensible, but even the first five disciplines stayed in place, and as the kendo practice became more and more refined, this Buddhist supernatural power was temporarily put on hold.

   Now it seems that although I have practiced for a hundred years, I have never really understood this magical power......

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