The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1003: No bones

Although the voice from the arch is soft, it carries a kind of high pressure, as if he is the master of everything.

  Lianxin Dashi was originally bound to get a punch, but was stopped by the bare hand extending from the arch. The corner of his eye couldn't help but a slight jump, and the whole person rushed backwards, instantly pulling away from the arch.

   Although it seemed ordinary at that moment, Mr. Linxin knew its power well. At this time, the situation was unknown, of course, he had to retreat first.

   After standing still for a while, he raised his eyes and looked forward. He saw a woman in yellow clothes walking out of the door, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with bright eyes and teeth, and Yu Liting Tingting.

  Although this woman is not tall and has a slightly thin body, she has an indescribable arrogance, and she doesn't seem to put the lotus heart in her eyes.

   After she walked out of the door, she just swept the lotus heart with her eyes, then ignored him, turned her head, stretched out a finger, and hooked Murong Hanqiu's chin.

   "What? Without this seat by your side, you still suffered a big loss after all?"

   Murong Hanqiu's face blushed slightly, as if a little annoyed, and he said: "If you don't help me deal with this stinky monk, if you linger, I will seal you back!"

The woman who came out of the door chuckled. She didn't seem to take Murong Hanqiu's threat seriously. Instead, she said lazily, "If you seal me back, no one will help you out. You can Have to think about it."

   This time, Murong Hanqiu didn't say anything, but turned his face to one side, his expression extremely gloomy.


   The woman seemed to get the answer she wanted. At this time, she laughed, turned around, and looked at the opposite Lianxin Da Shidao: "Great monk, dare to bully my family Hanqiu, let me come and meet you for a while!"

   As soon as she finished her voice, she shook her whole body lightly, and instantly disappeared in place.

  Lianxin, who was already alert, reacted almost immediately when he saw the woman's figure move.

   He didn't look around, he just raised his hands flat and spread them to the left and right, but when he heard the sound of the Brahma, a layer of golden light bloomed from his head.

   This layer of golden light is like rivers, lakes, and seas, rushing in all directions, covering the entire valley in just an instant.

   Liang Yan was in the middle of it, feeling a strong and vigorous Buddhism power shrouded in the side, unexpectedly gave birth to a sense of peace of mind for no reason, just feel that in this golden light, there is nothing to break, no evil to invade.

   "The dharma is empty!"

   It is clear to him that this is the fifth aspect in the "Ba Bu Yan Yuan", "the empty aspect of all laws".

   This aspect can break all the evil arts and filth. Liang Yan's cultivation is not enough, and he can only maintain the magical aspect and magical powers within the body, which is the way to be alone.

  Lianxin Dashi has a strong mana, and the "empty aspects of all dharmas" are in his hands, which can cover an area of ​​tens of kilometers. If he is compassionate and compassionate to the Buddha, he can use this magical power to protect one party's life.

   But judging from his previous behavior, I am afraid that he is not the compassionate monk with the world in his heart.

At this time, the lotus-hearted master looked solemn, and while operating his magical powers, he carefully observed the surroundings. Not long after his "Various Dharma Phases" were displayed, a void flashed somewhere behind him, and the figure of a woman seemed to be trapped by golden light. Actually revealed his whereabouts.

  Lianxin Dashi reacted almost instantaneously, hurriedly turned around, and punched the woman.

   Buddhism's magical powers were just strong enough, this fist could open up mountains and rivers, but when it hit the woman, it only made a muffled sound, like hitting a thick iron plate.

  Lianxin Dashi was also slightly taken aback. He glanced at the place where his fist fell. It was the woman's lower abdomen. However, the other party didn't seem to be hurt at all, and instead grinned at him.

"not good!"

  Lianxinda Shi seemed to have awakened something, and hurriedly stood up and wanted to leave her side.

   But the woman was reluctant, holding his arm tightly with both hands, and a billowing black air appeared behind her, transforming into eight strange tentacles in mid-air, stabbing her opponent from different angles.


  Lianxin Dashi coldly snorted, "Various Dharma Void Phases" moved to the extreme, and the eight tentacles that spread out were kept out of the golden light, and they were not allowed to come close at all.

   The two formed a weird posture at this time. They saw Da Shi Lin Xin Da Shi rushing into the fist, one hand hit the yellow-clothed woman, seeming to have hit the opponent, but they were tightly sucked by the opponent's lower abdomen, and couldn't get out at all.

One of them was covered with golden light, and the other was surrounded by black energy. Outside the golden light, there were eight tentacles with fierce flames, trying to break into the golden mask, but they were firmly resisted by Lienxin, and neither of them could move. .

   "No bones! So you are not human!"

  Lianxin Dashi stared at the woman opposite, and said with a look of surprise.

   "Hahaha! It seems that you are not stupid, don't you Buddhism bald donkeys have self-confidence? Why, don't you dare to fight frontally with this seat?" The yellow-clothed woman looked arrogant.

   "No bones? What is that?"

   Liang Yan sat cross-legged in the distance, with a face full of doubts, and secretly asked.

   Of course he couldn't ask anyone on the court, but asked the old tree spirit in Taixu gourd.

   "No bones...also a kind of zombie..." The old man's voice came slowly.

   "What? She is also a zombie? Why can't I notice the slightest corpse gas?" Liang Yanqi said.

   You must know that zombies are not living people, but a kind of anomaly between heaven and earth. Liang Yanxiu has seen some monks who control corpses and refine corpses. All the zombies they cultivate have extremely strong corpse aura.

And the higher the level of the zombie, the stronger the corpse aura. As soon as the "Ten Thousand Poison Zombie" appeared, there was a corpse aura. As long as the low-level cultivators approached, the corpse aura would invade the body and eventually become one. Unconscious walking dead.

   However, the girl in front of her didn't have a trace of corpse energy at all, and she didn't look like a zombie regardless of her appearance, her words or deeds.

"Huh, it's rare and weird! You know that the corpse refining is divided into gold, silver, copper and iron. After the gold corpse is cultivated, there are one to ninth grades. When the ninth grade gold corpse is completed, the corpse can be removed and the legendary "Nuhua" can be achieved. bone'!"

The tree spirit old man's voice said faintly: "Zombies have cultivated to the level of'non-bone', they have their own spiritual wisdom, the corpse is all restrained, and their actions are no different from ordinary people, and the flesh is extremely difficult to damage, ordinary magical spells. It has no effect at all!"

   "There are such zombies!"

   Liang Yan's eyes widened, and he was an eye-opener today. He was fortunate to see two cultivators fighting each other, subverting many of his previous cognitions.

"Murong Hanqiu has cultivated'Non-Bone Bone' with the body of Three Tribulations, and he is already considered to be a genius of the sky, but this technique also has certain troubles. After'Non Bone Bone' gives birth to spiritual wisdom, it will have backlash to his master. , Constantly absorbing the master’s anger, over time, Murong Hanqiu will be assimilated by this'non-destructive bone' and become inhuman and ghostless."

When the tree spirit said this, he paused for a while, and then continued: "This person covets your'living dead' body. I am afraid not only to strengthen the zombie, but also to use your special physique to restrict this one. Turn your bones' so you can buy yourself more time."

"I see!"

   Liang Yan nodded suddenly, this ‘not melting bone’ can be called a double-edged sword, hurting others as well as self. No wonder Murong Hanqiu kept sealing her up, if it weren't for being forced to desperate by Master Lotus Heart, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to use it easily.

   "Does the'no bones' stand at the highest point of the corpse refining?" Liang Yan asked curiously.

   This time, the tree spirit old man was quiet for a while before he answered:

   "No, it is said that there is another kind of zombie, which is above the ‘no bone’, but I’ve never seen it with my own eyes."

   "Oh? There are stronger zombies on top of ‘No Bones’? What’s their name?" Liang Yanqi said.

   "A Thousand Year Tour."

The voice of the tree spirit elder came slowly: "It is said that after practicing to the extreme of'Not Bone', you can get a chance to rebirth, you must give up all your own memories and magical powers, and experience as an ordinary mortal in the dead. A thousand years of reincarnation."

"After experiencing the joys and sorrows of the human world, as well as all kinds of lusts and sufferings, you can be reborn without turning your bones. If you are lucky enough to survive, you will be able to cultivate the fruit after a thousand years and return from calamity. It is the legendary "Millennium Tour"... .... This kind of zombie has jumped out of the six reincarnations. It can be said to be immortal and live the same life as the world. It is the great sage of the human race, and that's it."

   After listening to Liang Yan, his face was slightly surprised. I didn't expect that the corpse refinement can be repaired to the extreme, and it can also go up to the heavenly path. The cultivation methods of the hundreds of human races are really mysterious and infinite.

   As he secretly communicated with the tree spirit old man, the stalemate between Lin Xin Da Shi and the woman reached its peak.

   There was only a loud bang, and two pillars of light burst into the sky where they were, one of them was gold and the other was black. The power of Buddhism and the "non-bone" corpse were entangled, and they went straight up into the sky.

   The breath that the two of them exploded from fighting with all their strength was too terrifying. Liang Yan was hundreds of meters away. Although he did not encounter the aftermath of the spell, he was affected by the breath and felt dizzy and almost lost consciousness.

   He was shocked, and hurriedly ran the "Babu Yanyuan" mental method, recalling the various details of the previous Lotus Heart Master, while unfolding the "Various Dharma", the feeling of dizziness really disappeared a lot.

   At this time, he looked up again and saw two figures as fast as lightning in the golden light and black air in the sky. I don't see what magical powers they use, they only fight with fists and physical bodies, but each move is powerful.

   The entire valley trembled under the blast of their moves, as if it might collapse at any time, and in Liang Yan's current realm, it was impossible to see their movements at all, only a trace of afterimages could only be captured occasionally.

   "What a powerful supernatural power, is this the true power of'Non-Bone' and'Babu Yanyuan'?"

   Liang Yan looked up at the sky, trying to figure out a bit of experience from the two men's luck and moves, but their movements were so fast that he was dazzled and couldn't see clearly.

   At the same time, on the other side of the valley, Murong Hanqiu sat cross-legged, seemingly not caring about the fight above, but silently operated his own exercises, apparently recovering his internal injuries.

  Lianxin Dashi naturally saw this scene in his eyes. The more he struggled, the more irritable he became. He originally thought that this plan was seamless, but he didn't expect Muronghan to be gifted in autumn, and he had already developed a "not boneless".

The Murong family was originally the lowest-key among the four major families. The monks in the southwest of Tianhe City once made a ranking. Among the four major families, the first Nangong ancestor Nangong Baihe was ranked second and third respectively by the Wang family. The ancestor Wang Dingtian and the ancestor of the Su family Su Muyun, as for Murong Hanqiu, have always been ranked at the bottom of the four major families.

   Now it seems that this ranking is obviously not true. If everyone knows that Murong Hanqiu has already made "no bones", I'm afraid the Murong family will be the first of the four big families.

   "It's really not as good as the sky. I didn't expect this Murong Hanqiu's strength to far exceed my expectation. If she waits for her to repair her internal injuries, and then joins forces with this'non-bone', then I am afraid I can't please this time!"

   Lianxin Dashi frowned, and while fighting against the opponent's "non-bone", he also secretly thought in his heart.

   At this moment, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the location of Liang Yan, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and his frowning brows also stretched out.

   "Hahaha! My dear brothers, "Buddha's clothes and six dusts", "Bodhi mirror", "All dharmas are empty", how much do you understand the three methods that the brothers performed just now?"

   The voice of Master Lotus Heart came from mid-air, and Liang Yan really didn't expect that he still had time to ask himself when he was fighting.

   This person first designed to frame himself and then saved his life, teaching the mystery of the "Eight Branches Evolving Yuan". Whether it was a gratitude or a hatred, it was a bit difficult to determine for a while.

Faced with this elusive "brother", Liang Yan was silent for a long time before faintly replied: "The Babu Yanyuan was taught by the master. Liang has poor qualifications and poor academic skills. Outsiders, knowing the true power of this technique really embarrassed the master."

   He had a cold tone and answered the wrong question. Although he indirectly admitted that he had learned a lot from the other's moves, he did not call him a senior, nor did he admit that he was an angry monk.

However, Da Shi Lianxin did not seem to be angry at all. Instead, he laughed and said: "The younger brother really has a relationship with the Buddha. How about teach you a trick?"

   Liang Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and couldn't help but look up, and saw that Da Shi Lianxin in mid-air was fighting with his opponent while shaking his sleeves, and Bai Yu's left hand, like Bai Yu, bluffed with five fingers in his direction.

   Before he could react, there was an irresistible suction from the palm of the opponent, and he actually sucked his whole person.

   The Liangyan meridians were sealed and could not be resisted at all. It was just a short time before he left the ground and came to the side of Master Lienxin.

   At this time, Master Lotus Heart didn't even look at him, only pushed his left hand, Liang Yan involuntarily rushed to the "non-bone" and flew away.

   "Look at the little brother, I will show you another method, "Criminalize Three Thousands"!"

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