The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1004: Criminalize 3000

Liang Yan was flying in the air at this time. Although he wanted to greet the eighteenth generation of the ancestor of Master Lienxin, he did not have this time at all.

   Most of the meridians in his body are still in a state of being sealed. At this moment, he can't help but flies in the direction of the "non-bone", but in the blink of an eye, he has already arrived in front of the opponent.

   At the same time, a golden light suddenly appeared behind him, only when Lianxin Dashi laughed loudly:

   "Teacher brother, look carefully, this method is called'Crimination of Three Thousands'!"

As soon as his voice fell, Liang Yan felt an extremely terrifying fist erupting from behind him. This fist was completely different from his previous moves. The Buddhism contained in it was like the raging sea and the Tianhe empowered. He had an illusion for a moment, as if he had become a part of this boundless power!

   "This is... ‘One Punch Phase’!"

   Liang Yan was shocked, and raised all his strength, trying to dodge to the side, but at this moment, the entire valley is full of the boundless force of the lotus heart, how can he hide?


   An unspeakable power of the King Kong poured into his body from behind, ran wildly among his limbs, and his internal organs were about to burst open.

Liang Yan was dizzy and dizzy, his body was burnt, and the whole person was horrified. I don't know how long it has been. It seems to be a hundred years of looking back, and it seems that it was a short time. Suddenly, he felt a sweet throat, and then he burst out with a "Wow!" A bite of blood.

   With this blood spit out, Liang Yan's spirit returned to his place, and the whole person's consciousness returned to normal.

   Not only that, but the meridians previously blocked by Murong Hanqiu have also been opened up, and the spiritual power in his body can flow normally!

   But at this moment, even if he recovers his supernatural powers, Liang Yan still can't control his body and can only fly forward involuntarily.

   Amidst the golden light, Liang Yan only felt that everything around him seemed to have slowed down, and his body was gone, and he could not feel the slightest pain, just like a light feather, undulating in the golden sea.

   He looked around, and saw that the sky was filled with golden light, and there were countless golden light spots, each of which was beautiful, like bubbles, flooding in all directions.

"it's wired!"

   Liang Yan whispered in his heart, and couldn't help thinking: "Am I already dead?"

   He didn't know what was going on, he couldn't help letting go of his consciousness and looked into one of the golden bubbles.


   Liang Yan's spiritual consciousness was stunned for a while, through the golden bubbles, he actually entered a small world, and observed the growth of this small world as a spectator.

People in this world were ignorant at first. Later, some people began to practice. As their strength became stronger, demons gradually grew. Some people sacrificed their lives to gain the Dao for themselves. Someone killed the innocent only for themselves. Temporary refreshment.

   At that time, the group of demons danced around, and finally attracted the Buddha's action. In the small world, the Buddha and the demons had a great battle. Eventually, the sky was stained with blood, and countless creatures were disgraced. Although the Buddha finally won the battle, his hands were stained with blood, bound to the boundless fire of karma, and suffered from the burning of eternal life.


   The golden bubble burst, and Liang Yan returned to his place. Although it was only a moment, it seemed that thousands of years had passed.

   He swept the divine consciousness one by one in the surrounding bubbles, and found that each golden bubble was a small world, and each small world contained a story about the Buddha.

   Some people sacrificed their lives to feed tigers, some were pitying sentient beings, some were angry, and there were even demon heads who transformed the Buddha, put on robes, mixed into the dojo, chanted Buddhist scriptures, and acted evil.

   In this section of the story, the worlds, like a revolving lantern, flashed in front of Liang Yan's eyes one by one. In the end, all the three thousand bubbles collapsed, turning into ten thousand golden lights and rushing to the sky, converging into an indestructible giant boxing shadow.

   Liang Yan suddenly woke up, only to find that he was still in the air. Not far from the opposite was a shocked "Non-Bone", staring at him with a pair of eyes, or the golden fist behind him!

   "That's how it is! That's how it is! This is the real "one punch"..."

   "The Buddha killed his life, the King Kong cast down the demons, and there were boundless sins. This sin turned three thousand and was tainted with boundless karma. If you don't have the heart to bear all the guilt, then this punch is just a mere form and no intention!"

   Liang Yan's heart is like a mirror at this time, the heart of "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" is constantly echoing in his brain, and the "criminalization of three thousand elements" is becoming clearer and clearer.

   Although he was fortunate enough to be taught the exercises by the old monk, he was short of time and only had one year. The old monk was to urge him to recite the mantras of the familiar method in addition to guiding his movements.

   Although he also pointed out a lot of kungfu techniques, most of them were basic exercises. After all, at the first level of Qi cultivation in Liang Yan, he could not comprehend all the mysteries.

   Later, the old monk encountered a major enemy and left him. Liang Yan basically practiced on his own. Over the years, there have been many doubts about the exercises, but no one can answer him.

Until today, Liang Yan has entered the Golden Core Realm, and his vision is much higher than before. He has only realized this when he sees "Lianxin Dashi" performing "Criminalization of Three Thousands" and is in the midst of boxing power. The essence of the move.

At this moment, Liang Yan's mental method of "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" is running. Instead of being hurt by the punch of "Crimination of Three Thousands", it turned into a part of the boundless punch and went straight to the opposite. "Without bones" left.


  Lianxinda Shi laughed loudly behind him: "Good boy! Say you have Huigen, this is true!"

   Liang Yan didn't even care about what he said, but at this time the arrow was on the string and he had to send it.

  Lianxin Dashi hit this shocking punch with the cultivation base of the Transforming Tribulation Realm. He is not a cultivator of the Little Golden Core Realm. If he dares to go retrograde, he will inevitably be shaken to pieces in an instant, and he will die with no scum left.

   The only way to survive is to run the "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" mental method, and also to hit the "one punch"!

   He shares the same spiritual power with Da Shi Lienxin, and at this time he has also turned into a part of the punching power. With the golden shadow of the fist in mid-air, he came to the top of the "non-bone" head in an instant.

   Murong Hanqiu, who was sitting cross-legged on the other side of the valley, couldn't help but change his face after seeing this scene.

   "Be careful! That kid in the Golden Core Realm is a living dead!"

   Murong Hanqiu's anxious voice resounded through the gorge. After hearing the "Not Bone" who was waiting in midair, his face suddenly changed, the calmness in his eyes disappeared instantly, and he was panic-stricken instead!

   "What...this kid...this kid turned out to be..."

   "Living dead" is neither life nor death. There is a cycle of life and death in the body. For ordinary zombies, if the spirit of the living dead can be transplanted into it with secret techniques, it is a great tonic.

   But for "no bones", it is a deadly poison.

The "non-bone" reborn golden corpse, the spiritual wisdom has been born, no ordinary walking corpse, if the life and death of the "living dead" invades the body, it will break up its spiritual consciousness again, become muddy and return to the ordinary Golden corpse.

   This can be regarded as a weakness of "no bones", but the "living dead" have been rare in a thousand years, and this weakness is equivalent to not having it.

   There are three disasters and nine disasters in the cultivating tribulation cultivator. Murong Hanqiu has already survived the first three disasters. She has a premonition in her unconsciousness. It seems that her next disaster should be on this "non-destructive bone".

   "No bones" is extremely powerful. Although Murong Hanqiu is the master, he can't control this zombie. The reason why she inquired all the time was to find something that could restrain the "no bones" so that she could survive the first disaster safely and steadily.

   Shen Sanchi spoke for her at this time, introducing Murong Hanqiu into the secret realm.

When she first entered the secret realm, she was still a little skeptical, but under the secret arrangement of Mr. Linxin, she saw Liang Yan’s identity as the “living dead”. So far, Murong Hanqiu was convinced of Shen Sanchi’s words. Into the trap of Lienxinda Shi.

   If there is no Master Linxin present at this moment, Murong Hanqiu will definitely take Liang Yan with joy and draw out his spirit and soul to use as a trump card when he breaks the calamity in the future.

   But now Da Shi Lianxin is eyeing, and Murong Hanqiu's magical powers are not the opponent of this person. If the "non-bone" is broken by the "living dead" by the other party, then she is really bad luck.

   At this moment, the huge golden shadow of the fist in mid-air has fallen on top of the "non-bone" head.

   This punch was silent, without any momentum. But if you look carefully, you can find that there are three thousand small worlds in the shadow of the boxing, each of which is as deep as the sea, exuding the boundless power of the Buddha, and it seems that you will never stop unless the filth of this world is exhausted!

   The most deadly thing is that at the forefront of Quan Ying, there is a young man in gray. He is sitting cross-legged in mid-air, surrounded by golden light, and a fist is smashed forward. Although there is not much momentum, it is integrated with the surrounding boxing power, and there is no sense of disharmony.

   "Living dead!"

   "No bones" has a horrified face, and the whole person retreats sharply. However, all around are suppressed by punches. If you don't receive this punch from Lotus Heart, you will not be able to escape at all.

   Murong Hanqiu saw this scene from a distance, his face was full of anxiety. At this time, she still has the leisure time to engage in "fighting in the nest", and she only wants to save the "not bones" that she has cultivated so hard!

Seeing Liang Yan getting closer and closer, her eyes suddenly became fierce. She raised her hand and pinched a magic trick. She saw blood transpiring on the top of her head. After a while, a drop of blood emerged from the back of her head, exuding an extremely cold breath in the air. .

   "Fu corpse essence and blood!"

   Mr. Lianxin recognized the origin of this drop of blood at a glance, and Bubo Furui's face showed a strange color.

   Murong Hanqiu didn't hesitate at all, raised his hand a little forward, and the drop of "Fuck Corpse Essence" sank into the body of "Indestructible Bone".


   The "Not Boneless" screamed in pain, as if being struck by five thunders and shaking.

   However, it only took a moment for the zombie to stop twitching, and there was a refreshing expression on his face. He closed his eyes and was intoxicated in the same place, as if he was bathing in the aura of heaven and earth.

"Murong old woman, finally...Finally, you are willing to give me the blood of the corpse! Haha... .........Hahaha!"

   This "no boneless" laughter was still low and depressed at first, but later the laughter became louder and louder, and gradually became unscrupulous.

  While she was talking, she waved her right arm at random, and a black crescent appeared in the air, like a sickle, cutting towards the golden fist shadow where Liang Yan was.


When the lotus-hearted master collided with the magical power of "not melting bones", a golden and black halo burst out. The entire valley collapsed and cracked under the collision of the two spells, and countless golden and black whirlwinds rose from the bottom of the valley, as if Ushered in the end of this small world.

   "That's awful! This mad woman actually gave her own corpse blood to the zombie!"

  Lianxin's eyes were full of shock. He never expected that this woman would make such a choice!

   You must know that Murong Hanqiu has cultivated for thousands of years, and has refined countless zombies, only to get two drops of "female blood" from it.

The relationship between her and "Non-Bone" is inherently very delicate. The two are mutually beneficial and coexist at the same time. At the same time, they restrain each other. "Fu Zhe Essence and Blood" was originally Murong Hanqiu's strongest means of ordering "Non-Bone", but she is now Give one of them to the other party, and when one goes up and down, I am afraid that this zombie can no longer be suppressed.

   "Le Ling, I have given you all my ‘Fuck Dead Essence’, if I dare to bear me, I will die with you!" Murong Hanqiu’s eyes flickered with cold.

   "Le Ling" is obviously the name she gave to this "Non-Bone" I only heard the other side laughing and saying:

   "Don't worry, old woman! No one can bully you except this one!"

   While she was speaking, the corpse qi in her body skyrocketed, and countless black stars and moons emitted from her fingertips, constantly cutting the shadow of Master Lotus Heart.

   As for Murong Hanqiu, his injury was not healed. At this time, he gave out a drop of his own "corpse blood", and the whole person's breath instantly wilted, falling down like a leaf lightly.


   There was a constant explosion in the air, and Da Shi Lin Xin and Le Ling did their best. This man, a corpse, had beaten the entire canyon into riddles.

   "Crimination of Three Thousand Phases" is punched out, and there is no room for maneuver without removing all the evil things in the sky and the ground. And after Le Ling got the "Fu Shi Essence Blood", a circle of true light was also produced, not afraid of Liang Yan's identity as the "living dead", but blocked him out of the aperture.

   Poor Liang Yan, a cultivator of the Golden Core Realm, was involved in the battle between two cultivators of the Tribulation Realm for no apparent reason. If he hadn't been in the three thousand worlds transformed by golden light, I'm afraid he would be killed instantly on the spot!

   "There is no way to go on like this, it will be over sooner or later!"

   Liang Yan whispered in his heart, his eyes flickered slightly, and he looked down.

   The entire valley below has been riddled with holes and devastated, but there is only one place that still maintains the same appearance as before, and has not been affected by the magical powers of the two.

   That place is where the medicine garden and the crack in the mountain wall are!

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