The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1005: Crack abnormality

In the entire valley, only the crack in the mountain wall is a variable. Although Liang Yan doesn't know what's in it, that area can stand upright under the magical powers of Lienxinda Shi and the "non-bone", which is enough to explain It's extraordinary.

   Murong Hanqiu wanted to extract his own soul and soul, and Le Ling wanted to put himself to death even more.

   As for Mr. Linxin, Liang Yan can see it through. This person doesn't care about his life or death at all. If he can help him contain the other two, Mr. Linxin will sacrifice his "junior brother" without hesitation.

   is mixed in the middle of the three "Transforming Tribulation Realm" powerhouses, the only way Liang Yan can save himself is to muddy the water, otherwise with his Golden Core Realm strength, he can only be a cannon fodder in the confrontation between the two sides.

   And the only hope that can disrupt the situation now is the mysterious crack below!

   At this moment, the boundless fist of Lianxin Dashi and Le Ling's Crescent Blade are fighting fiercely in mid-air.

   Le Ling's violent corpse energy gradually began to invade the golden light world, even Liang Yan's location is no longer safe!

   Feeling the horrible corpse qi that is coming, he gritted his teeth, without hesitation in his heart, suddenly rose up all his strength, and punched the crack below with the "Three Thousand Phases of Sin" he had understood.

  Lianxin Dashi originally intended to use Liang Yan's body of the "living dead" to contain the opponent's "not bones", so when he made the move, he turned Liang Yan into a part of his own boxing power.

At this time Liang Yan was running "Criminalization of Three Thousand Phases", and the Buddhism in his body was of the same origin as that of Lianxin Da Shi. He actually took a part of the boxing power in the three thousand small world, and followed the direction of his punching. A crack in the mountain wall.

   At the same time, Le Ling's black crescent also broke through the blockade of Jinguang Quanjin, and countless corpses were overwhelmed, and he arrived at Liang Yan's location in an instant.

   "Living dead? Humph! Are you the old woman Murong Hanqiu who is going to use it against me? In that case, I will kill you first!"

   Le Ling snorted coldly, and flicked his fingers with both hands. Numerous black crescents burst out from her fingertips, flew in along the opening of the golden light and cut towards Liang Yan's position.

   However, Liang Yan didn't care about it at this time. He just mobilized his whole body's spiritual power and punched violently toward the crack below. The golden fist shadows mixed with the strength of the lotus heart, and they continued to blast downward.

   "Is this kid crazy? What is he doing?"

  Lianxinda Shi was taken aback for a moment, looked down, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

   In fact, the reason why he has spent so much time, even conspiring with Shen Sanchi to calculate Murong Hanqiu, the ultimate goal is to be in that crack.

   Others may not know anything about it, but he does have some understanding.

   "Can't let him go on such a fool!"

  Lianxinda Shi's heart moved, his fists rushed, no matter of sympathy, the "criminalization of three thousand phases" punched out, and the goal was actually Liang Yan!

   Liang Yan's heart was shocked. He did not expect that the two transforming robbery realm experts who had fought with each other would aim at him at the same time at this moment!

   But at this moment, he has no retreat at all. He can only use his energy and punch towards the crack below!


   Golden spiritual power poured into the crack, only a loud noise was exchanged, but no abnormality occurred.


   Liang Yan was disappointed in his heart, and several thoughts flashed in his mind, but before he could react, he was swallowed by the surging golden fist strength and black corpse energy.

   Two unspeakable forces, one with a majestic appearance and a dense corpse, rushed into his body almost at the same time, using his body as a battlefield, fighting each other endlessly.

   After being hit by two masters, Liang Yan, no matter how powerful his body is, no matter how mysterious the body of the "living dead" is, it is impossible to withstand it!

   He only felt that he was violently struck by a sky thunder, and his whole body was about to fall apart. Unbearable pain swept over him, causing him to snorted and instantly lost consciousness.

   Seeing that this Golden Core Realm's physical body was about to be ruthlessly wiped out, the Heavenly Mystery Bead in Liang Yan's body suddenly shook, and then a purple light emerged from the bead.

This purple light was silent, but the speed was extremely fast, and it only traveled in Liang Yan's eight channels of Qijing for a week, unexpectedly turning the Buddhism power in his body and the "non-bone" corpse energy in his body. All absorbed.

   The next moment, this purple light rushed out of Liang Yan's body again, and ran into Lianxin's King Kong Quan Jin and Le Ling's black crescent.

   Three completely different forces collided together, and a loud noise erupted. With Liang Yan as the center, the surrounding space began to become chaotic, and countless space fragments filled the surrounding area, as if a dust storm burst on the ground.

   At the very center of this space storm, Liang Yan was lying flat in the air. He had already lost consciousness, but there was a cloud of purple magic energy around his body, which was tightly guarded inside.

   Not long after, the purple magic energy suddenly began to rotate, and the speed was getting faster and faster, just a few breaths, and a huge vortex centered on Liang Yan was formed.

The Buddhism spiritual power and the "non-bone" corpse energy that were running around randomly in the surrounding space seemed to be inspired by something, but they plunged into this purple vortex, just like a river returning to the sea, out of control. !

   At this moment, outside the chaotic space, Da Shi Lin Xin frowned, his eyes filled with surprise.

   After he hit that punch just now, he was shocked to realize that his Buddhism spiritual power was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and he didn't respond at all.

   He transported the magical powers of "Babu Yanyuan" again, and wanted to see what was happening in front of him, but the space was too chaotic, even he couldn't see the scene inside.

   "Could it be that the ‘Not Bone’ has any hole cards that actually suppressed all the power of my punch?"

Da Shi Lianxin was shocked. He couldn't see the internal scene of the space storm. He thought it was the "Non-Bone" Le Ling who was on the opposite side. He used another killer move. After thinking about it for a while, he urged his inner spirit. Power, the "Criminalization of Three Thousand Phases" once again used it, and another punch came to the opposite side.

   At the same time, Le Ling, who was on the other side of the space storm, also looked surprised.

   She got a drop of Murong Hanqiu's "Blood Dead Essence", and her strength has risen so much, but even so, the black crescent that had just condensed with her own corpse energy just sank into the sea, as if it had been cut on a piece of cotton, without any response at all.

   "What's the matter? Does that bald donkey have another hole card to dissolve all my supernatural powers? He is hiding in the chaotic space at this time, is it because he wants to sneak attack with me?"

   Le Ling's heart moved, and his eyes spontaneously ruthless. His hands were constantly waving in the air. The "non-bone" corpse energy condensed into black crescents, like an endless sea of ​​swords, and slashed towards the opposite space storm.

   The two have their own supernatural powers, Buddhism spiritual power and "non-bone" corpse energy, like the Yangtze River, constantly merging into the space storm. It's just that despite their ruthless moves, those supernatural powers are ultimately fallen to the ground, and there is no news.

   In the chaotic space, the purple vortex centered on Liang Yan has been coming in more and more, and the magical powers of Lienxinda Shi and Le Ling continuously flow into it, as if they are providing nourishment, allowing it to thrive.

"what happened?"

   Outside the chaotic space, Linxin Dashi frowned.

   By this time, he also felt something wrong. Even if this "non-bone" has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to receive so many punches silently.

   After thinking about it for a while, Master Lianxin wanted to regain his magical powers and stop attacking the space storm.

   However, at this time, he was surprised to find that the spiritual power in his body was not under his control.

"not good!"

  Lianxin Master was shocked. This strange thing has been encountered for the first time since he stepped into the Realm of Transmigration!

   He didn't care too much, and hurriedly stood up to escape, trying to retreat, but in the space storm, there seemed to be infinite suction, which even locked his whole person in the air, completely unmovable.

  At the same time, the Buddhism spiritual power in the lotus heart's body is still rushing out, like a long whale absorbing water, turning into a golden beam of light, and directly poured into the space storm.

On the other side, Le Ling, "No Bones", also encountered the same predicament. She had already stopped attacking, but the corpse Qi in her body was not controlled. She still swarmed out continuously, turning into a black beam of light in mid-air. , Also poured into the space storm.

Two beams of light, one gold and one black, connect Master Lotus, Le Ling and Space Storm. On the surface, they are two masters fighting in the air, but in fact, both of them are involuntary and can only He watched as the spiritual power and corpse energy in his body were pulled out.

   At this moment, inside the space storm, the whirlpool formed by the purple magic cloud is already the size of a small mountain peak.

   The magical powers of the two Transfiguration Realm cultivators continued to pour into it, and the purple whirlpool was still expanding, and at the center of the whirlpool, Liang Yan's eyes were closed tightly, lying flat in the air, and it seemed that he had no consciousness at all.

   The next moment, a strange scene happened.

   I saw Liang Yan's Dantian Zhongguanghua flashing, and then a ray of purple magical energy flew out of it, and gradually condensed and formed above him, and finally turned into a figure.

   Although this figure can't see the facial features, his body is exactly the same as Liang Yan. After coming out of his body, he sits cross-legged in the center of the vortex, with his hands flat on his knees, as if he is cultivating.

   The magic vortex around him, after seeing this figure appear, as if seeing the master, swarming into his body.

   With the continuous influx of demonic energy, this person's aura is also constantly rising, a huge and extremely demon aura can no longer be hidden, and escapes from that spatial storm.

   "This is... the spirit of true demons!"

  Lianxin Master cultivated the magical powers of the angry monk, and was extremely sensitive to the true demon aura of the demon clan. At this time, he only felt a little bit, and he had discovered the clues.

   "How is it possible, how can people of the demon race appear in such a place?!"

   Murong Hanqiu, who was silently recovering from his injury in the corner of the valley, also turned pale, and looked up at the space storm in the sky, his eyes full of surprise.

   "Smelly bald donkey, let go quickly, otherwise everyone won't have a good fruit!"

   Le Ling's voice sounded from the other end of the chaotic space.

   "Do you think I don't want to?"

  Lianxinda Shi snorted coldly. At this moment, he was riding a tiger with difficulty. Even though he wanted to take back his magical powers, he was locked by the strange power in the space storm and couldn't get out.

   "Well, if this goes on, not only the whole body will be exhausted, but even the cultivation base will be drawn out..."

   The two thoughts at the same time, the expressions on their faces were extremely anxious, but they were helpless, they could only watch themselves being drained bit by bit.

   At the same time, the true demonic energy that escaped from the space storm turned into inexhaustible strands in mid-air, one of which fell on the top of the crack in the mountain wall, and quickly slipped into it along the crack.

   The crack that Liang Yan used to bombard the crack without any response countless times with Diamond Fist, after this ray of true demon energy entered, suddenly there was a slight change.

   I only heard the sound of a golden horse and iron horse coming from the crack. It seemed that someone touched the mechanism, and the boundless murderous aura spread from the crack, causing everyone present to fight a cold war.

   Murong Hanqiu and "Not Bone" Le Ling both had slight changes in their faces, looking towards the depths of the crack, with a trace of deep jealousy in their eyes.

   But Da Shi Linxin frowned slightly It seemed to think of something, and his eyes flickered slightly.

   "Smelly monk, do you know something?"

Murong Hanqiu saw that there was something wrong with him at a glance, and immediately shouted in a low voice: "You did everything possible to calculate me, lead me to this place, and take away my corpse blood, is it related to the things below? ?"


  Lianxin Dashi snorted coldly, as if he didn't want to answer her question.

   However, the abnormal movement in the crack is getting bigger and bigger. After a while, I suddenly heard a strange sound of Sanskrit singing, and then the crack suddenly became bigger, and a golden light burst into the sky!

"what is that?!"

   Murong Hanqiu and Le Ling's faces changed at the same time, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

The golden light that suddenly rushed out of the crack clearly contained extremely deep Buddhism power, but it was completely different from Master Lienxin’s "Ba Bu Yan Yuan", not only did not have the slightest meaning of King Kong descending from the devil, on the contrary, it had a hint of weirdness. Inexplicable evil.

   "Be careful, this thing is wickedly tight!"

   Murong Hanqiu reminded him, and flew towards her own "non-bone", but just halfway through her flight, the golden light suddenly exploded and turned into countless golden grimaces, laughing crazily in the air.

   Such a weird scene surprised Murong Hanqiu!

   Although she has cultivated for thousands of years, she has never seen such a sight. It is obviously the majestic Buddhism power of the treasure, but at this moment, she has turned into the appearance of thousands of evil spirits in the air.........

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