The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1022: Broken Pill Rebuilt

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Liang Yan thought of this in his heart and did not hesitate anymore.

The reason why he struggled to find this "Hunyuan Immortal Huang" was to rebuild the broken pill and achieve the legendary "Nine-turn Hunyuan Immortal Golden Pill"!

In order to achieve this goal, Liang Yan has already made many preparations.

The first is the method of breaking pills, which he has learned from the secret method left by the evil sword immortal in the underworld.

Evil Sword Immortal Heavenly Wizard, in order to confuse others with Pill Breaking and rebuilding his own magical secret technique, he created this method of Pill Breaking. After Dan, keep the cultivation base.

Back then, Meng Qibai was bewitched by him, and the broken pill was rebuilt into the devil way, and eventually he was controlled by the evil sword immortal.

After Meng Qibai died, this technique was dedicated to Liang Yan by the sword spirit Liya at the time. Although he was unwilling to switch to the magic technique, he paid great attention to the secret technique of broken pills. When it comes to use.

Then there are the spiritual powers of the four majors.

According to the Bone Demon just now, there are only three kinds of people in order to successfully collect the "Hunyuan Xianxian".

The first is a person who has cultivated Taoist tactics to the realm of yin and yang.

The second type is a person who has nine holes in the heart and can understand the changes of the three talents of Confucianism, heaven, earth and man.

As for the third type, it is a person who possesses four major spiritual powers in his body at the same time.

Liang Yan's current cultivation base is not high, and his talent is not considered Taoist or Confucian. The kind of amazing talents naturally fails to meet the requirements of the first two.

However, due to chance, he possessed both Buddhism and Confucian spiritual power in the "Two Fish Twin Formation" in his body, and Taoist spiritual power in the "Zhou Tian Juemai" developed by himself.

Now there are three types of four major spiritual powers in the body, only the last one is missing:

Magic power!

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's face also showed a complex color.

Although there is no magic door spiritual power in his meridians, it does not mean that he does not have it in his body. Today's Heavenly Mystery Bead, just sealed a real demon!

Not long ago, when he was hit by Master Lienxin and Murong Xuewei, and when his body was about to collapse, he was almost turned away by this demon, breaking his soul.

Nowadays, if you want to collect this group of "Hunyuan Xianhuang" in front of Refining Huan, you must use the magical power of the demon head!

This is tantamount to taking chestnuts from the fire!

Liang Yan stared at the "Hunyuan Xianxian" in front of him, weighed it in his heart for a long time, and finally took a deep breath:

"At this point, there is nothing to retreat! If you successfully collect the'Hunyuan Xianxian' today, and achieve the'Nine-turn Hunyuan Indestructible Golden Pill', you will break through the nine calamities in the future and be among the great saints of the human race. , There should also be my Liang Yan's name!"

Liang Yan had decided in his heart, and without any hesitation, he pinched the two-handed tactics, and the spiritual power in his body began to circulate quickly.

The first step is broken pill!

Since knowing the existence of Xuanwu Flower, Liang Yan has studied repeatedly in these years, and has already mastered the Evil Sword Immortal’s secret technique of breaking alchemy. At this time, he operates the secret technique according to the formula of the exercise method. It is only half a cup of tea. The "Xuantian Five Qi Golden Pill" had already begun to rotate slowly.

This golden pill condensed the aura of Xuantian's five elements, and it was in harmony with Liang Yan's primordial spirit, and it was logically inseparable from him.

However, the evil sword fairy secret technique used by Liang Yan spawned a ray of black energy from his own essence and blood. This ray of black energy covered the "Xuantian Five Qi Golden Pill", and immediately began to eat away from the golden core and the golden core. Yuanshen connection.

Liang Yan was sitting on needles and felt at this time, and his whole body was bitten by ten thousand ants. This kind of pain originated from the depths of his soul.

This feeling of a thousand swords and swords lasted for half a day. When Liang Yan's face turned pale and his body was sweating profusely, the black qi completely covered the Xuantian Five-qi Golden Pill, and it was related to himself. The connection with God is completely stripped away.

Liang Yan licked his dry lips. Although he felt a little weak, he didn't stop at this moment. The technique of his hands changed. The black qi wrapped the Xuantian Five Qi Golden Core and began to spin quickly in his body. .

At the same time, fire roasting, flooding, soil burial, golden thorns, and wood poisoning all kinds of criminal laws came in. Liang Yan knew that the "Xuantian Five Qi" in the golden core had begun to separate gradually.

Broken pills are actually very easy, just explode the golden pills directly!

The hard part is to save one's own life and the foundation of cultivation!

Liang Yan is not shattering the golden core, but using a secret method to separate the "Xuantian five qi" in the golden core, and restore it to the most primitive five profound sky qi. If the golden core disappears, he will not Suffered too much damage.

As time passed, Liang Yan endured all kinds of pain in the process of breaking the pills, sometimes blushing, sometimes cold, and sometimes like thousands of silver needles pierced into his body, in short, he suffered all kinds of torture.

But his face was very firm. He had decided to rebuild the path of Pill Breaking a long time ago. At this time, he was not at all lost. No matter how much suffering he suffered, he still clenched his teeth.

By the seventh day, five rays of glow appeared behind Liang Yan, which were divided into five colors: green, gold, red, yellow, and blue. It was the five rays of mysterious aura that he obtained after all his efforts in the underworld. !

With Liang Yan's continuous exercises, these five profound and heavenly auras have become more and more solid, wandering around behind him, appearing very agile.

According to this situation, it seems that it will not take long for these five spiritual auras to get rid of Liang Yan, abandon him, and finally return to the cycle of heaven.

But at this time Liang Yan didn't realize it, just closed his eyes and meditated.

Suddenly, he snorted and his face was extremely pale!

With a twitching all over his body, Liang Yan seemed to have a bottomless pit behind him, and the breath in his body was like a flood of water, and most of it dissipated instantly!

And with the disappearance of these breaths, Liang Yan's realm continued to fall from the initial stage of the Golden Core, and eventually fell below the Golden Core Realm, and came to the late stage of the Juyuan Realm!

What is even more frightening is that after arriving at the Juyuan Realm, the gap opened in Liang Yan's body does not seem to have been blocked, and the breath is still declining, and there is a faint tendency to break through the late Juyuan Realm!

At this time, Liang Yan suddenly opened his eyes!

He seems to be prepared for everything now. At this moment, when he pinches the Fa Jue, the five profound auras behind him rushing from the left to the right, wanting to abandon him, are like soldiers who have obtained the military order, and they have converged to Liang Yan. In front of him.

Liang Yan's face was solemn, his hands kept on tactics, and he suddenly opened his mouth and inhaled, actually inhaling a Xuantian golden energy directly into his abdomen!

As this mysterious heavenly golden aura entered the abdomen, the steadily decreasing cultivation base aura that had originally seemed to open the floodgates to drain water, at this moment slowed down a lot.

Liang Yan's expression remained unchanged, his body technique still working, and at the same time he opened his mouth and inhaled fiercely, inhaling the five profound sky energy into his abdomen one by one.

After the last breath of Profound Sky was swallowed by him, the originally crazily lowered cultivation base aura finally stopped at this moment.

And Liang Yan's cultivation realm finally remained in the late Juyuan realm!

"so close!"

Liang Yan murmured in his heart. He was already sweating and his face was as pale as paper.

"If I hadn't used the secret technique to preserve the five-path mysterious aura, and used it to feed me back at a critical moment, I am afraid that this will have broken through the Ju Yuan realm, and even hurt Dao Ji!"

Liang Yan was also afraid at this time. After all, the golden core is the condensed understanding of the cultivator's soul on the great road. It is already a matter of heaven to be able to form the golden core. How many monks stop here, hopeless.

But now he wants to do the opposite, destroying the golden core!

This is absolutely unimaginable in the eyes of other monks. If you know that the golden core is completed, it will be destroyed if you say it is destroyed. Forcibly shattering the golden core, even if you don't die on the spot, it will also smash the foundation of the road, so that a hundred years of hard work will be destroyed.

Liang Yan had obtained the secret method of the evil sword immortal, and he had spiritual power in his body that was several times better than that of the monks of the same rank, and he almost couldn't control the scene.

Fortunately, when he condensed the golden core, he gathered the Xuantian five qi.

These five spiritual auras, in addition to being the necessary materials for casting the Five Rank Golden Core, themselves are also an excellent nourishment for monks to practice.

Liang Yan received the help of the five profound heavens, and this stabilized the cultivation base that was about to collapse, and finally kept it in the late stage of the Ju Yuan Realm.


Liang Yan let out a long sigh, and then the spiritual power in his body ran, evaporating all the sweat on his forehead.

"The rest is to introduce the'Hunyuan Xianqi' into the body and recast the golden core!"

His eyes looked towards the volatile grey air in the air, and there was a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Boy, although I have always agreed with you to recast the Rank Nine Golden Core, in fact, there are also my own desires in it...At this time, the old man has to remind you that this matter is fierce. Duojiao, the demon in your body is not a good stubble, you have to think about it seriously..." The old tree spirit's voice was very low, with a touch of complicated emotions in it.

But at this time, Liang Yan didn't have any tangled expressions in his eyes. Hearing that, he just smiled softly:

"Don't worry, seniors, I Liang Yan wants to recast the golden core, just for myself, even without you. If you die today, it's my fate, you don't need to feel guilty."

"Oh..." The old tree spirit sighed softly, and then no longer had any words.

And Liang Yan did not hesitate, raised his hand to play a magic trick, and then sucked the group of "Hunyuan Xianxian" over.

In this grey air, although there is no beginning and no end, no order, but there is still vitality, as if everything is a new beginning.

It is not so much a ray of chaos at the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, it is better to say that it is a newborn baby, eager to grow.

Liang Yan stretched his hand into the gray air, feeling a resistance, but at the same time a sense of intimacy.

"Is it because of the relationship between the three major spiritual powers in my body?"

Liang Yan murmured a strange look in his eyes.

He carefully circulated the secret method taught by the witch, letting go of the "soul magic" that had suppressed the demon head little by little, and at the same time circulated the heavenly bead, slowly releasing the black ball with the word "devil" written on it. come out.

This is the first time he has actively released the opponent since he was invaded by the demon in Yixing Pavilion!

With the unraveling of the "Soul Soul Dafa" and the loosening of the "Magic" Ball of the Heavenly Secret Orb, a ray of purple magic energy slowly floated out of the Heavenly Secret Orb.

This ray of demon energy is extremely pure, except for the demon giants with profound cultivation, only the real demons can have it!

Although Liang Yan looks very calm on the surface, all his energy is used to look inside himself at this time.

While running the "two fish twin formation", he pushed the spiritual power of Buddhism and Confucianism to the sea of ​​qi, and at the same time urged the power of the Daoist in Zhou Tianjue's veins to flow down into the sea of ​​qi.

Finally, the true demonic energy escaping from the heavenly chrysanthemum orb was mixed with the spiritual power of the three religions.

The spiritual powers of the four attributes fight each other and attack each other. Under Liang Yan's control, almost no one can take advantage. In the end, a stalemate is formed.

I saw these four spiritual powers slowly revolving around the sea of ​​qi, and actually formed a four-color vortex, and in the middle of the vortex was an endless black hole, seeming to be waiting for something.

"It's just you!"

Liang Yan was staring at the "Hunyuan Xianxian" in front of him at this time. He could feel that after the formation of the four-color vortex in his body, the "Hunyuan Xianxian" in front of him began to become restless. stand up.

Even if Liang Yan couldn't absorb it, the other party started to drill on him.

"bring it on!"

Liang Yan thought secretly in his heart, and the vortex formed by the four spiritual forces in his body suddenly revolved frantically, and a powerful tearing force spread throughout his body. At the same time, a whirlwind hung up in the entire attic.

The group of "Hunyuan Xianxian" swayed in the same place, and in the end there was no resistance, and it plunged into Liang Yan's dantian, and came directly in front of the four-color vortex.


The originally dilapidated "Nine-curved Yellow River Tower" shook violently at this time, countless horns whirlwind appeared all around, and even cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

This small world seems to be about to collapse because of Liang Yan's collection of "Hunyuan Xianxian"!

The old monk in yellow clothes who had been sitting cross-legged before, closed his eyes and kept his eyes closed. He suddenly opened his eyes. He didn't look at Liang Yan. He just raised his hand and waved his sleeve, and immediately a golden light rushed to the sky.

This golden light is like a stone pillar between the heaven and the It first resists the sky that is about to collapse, and then the earth that is about to split, even the crumbling "Nine Curved Yellow River Tower" is also Stabilized under the support of this golden light.

The world around him went from stability to collapse, and then from collapse to stability, but Liang Yan didn't react at all at this time, or he didn't notice the changes around him at all.

All his energy has now been put on the "Hunyuan Xianqi".

This group of gray energy has now been collected into the four-color vortex by his secret technique, filling the original black void.

The four spiritual powers cycle back and forth, and are constantly refining this group of "Hunyuan Xianxian".

Liang Yan's expression was extremely calm and focused. Although he had already condensed his pill once, he had condensed the Ninth Rank Golden Pill this time, and the process was more dangerous than his previous promotion... .....

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