The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1023: Hunyuan is immortal

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The first step in the formation of alchemy is to awaken the soul.

He had already done this when he condensed the Xuantian Five Qi Golden Core, and now he can skip this step directly.

And what he has to do now is to thoroughly refine the "Hunyuan Xianqi" and integrate it with the original spirit.

"Hunyuan Xianqi" has no beginning and disorder, it is a ray of chaos at the beginning of the birth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and its nature is unwilling to be constrained by anyone.

How dangerous is the way of heaven? Everyone wants to go against the sky and master great supernatural powers, but the way of heaven is thinking of erasing the cultivators and returning to the cycle of heaven.

Therefore, the process of refining the "Hunyuan Xianxian" is extremely dangerous. As long as there is a slight difference, you will be backlashed by this cloud of gray energy, so that your cultivation base will be scattered, and you will be assimilated into a muddy wisp. The air of chaos finally returned to the circle of heaven and earth.

Liang Yan was extremely cautious at this time. He deeply knew that his four major spiritual powers were the key to refining the "Hunyuan Xianqi"!

The three exercises of "Ba Bu Yan Yuan", "Tao Jian Jing" and "Heart Wu Decided Method" worked in his body at the same time. The three attributes are different, and the spiritual power to restrain each other is also increasing sharply.

And the devilish energy of his Heavenly Secret Jewel is constantly replenished into the Qi Sea.

With the addition of the three methods and the magic energy of the heavenly bead, the four-color vortex rotates faster and faster, and every time it rotates, the chaotic and disorderly gray energy will shrink by one point and change at the same time. It needs to be more condensed.....

"The pearl falls into the yellow court, embraces Yuan Shouyi, the body is a tripod, the **** does not leave the Qi, and the Qi does not leave the God..."

Liang Yan sat cross-legged in the attic, engrossed in the movement of his mind.

Days passed, and he was unaware of the passage of time, and even the changes in the world around him were completely unaware.

At noon on the tenth day, the four-color vortex in Liang Yan's body had become only half the size of the original. The spiritual power of the four great tracts was extremely condensed, and the chaotic energy began to merge with his own soul. .

This was the second time he had merged the soul with heaven and earth spiritual things, and the feeling was completely different from the first time he had formed a pill.

When he first formed a pill, his soul merged with the spirit of the Five Paths and Profound Sky. During that process, he was closer to the essence of the five elements than ever before, and he also had a deeper understanding of the rotation of the five elements.

In this second formation of pill formation, his primordial spirit merged with the "Hunyuan Xianxian". The whole process touched the original mystery of the universe. This time the primordial spirit fusion process, naturally Not comparable to the past.

In the dark, Liang Yan felt that he had become lighter and lighter. He didn't know when he had actually left his body, like a feather, flying lightly into the air.

His eyes were full of blankness, and he couldn't remember where he came from or where he was going. He could only drift around at will, and drifted higher and higher until the surroundings became dark.

Liang Yan suddenly returned to his senses, only to realize that he was already deep in the endless void, the surroundings were as dark as ink, and there were stars in the distance............

"It depends on Mingming, and it is silent. In the darkness, you can see Xiaoyan alone; in the silence, you can hear He Yan alone."

A voice that sounded vast and boundless without any emotion rang out in the void.


Liang Yan's heart trembled suddenly, and he looked around subconsciously, but only saw the endless void and the stars in the distance. Where is there a half-person figure?


In the midst of it, Liang Yan seemed to have realized something, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that nothing was gained. Just as he was upset and depressed, the voice continued:

"Therefore, it is deep and deep and capable of things, and God is also divine and capable of exquisiteness. Therefore, it is connected to all things, and when there is no supply, it is necessary for its place.......... "

The voice is getting lighter and lighter, and finally it is inaudible.

"What did you say?"

Liang Yan became more frightened as he listened. Some of the bottlenecks that had troubled him for many years had faint signs of loosening after hearing this voice. Looking at the magnificent void, it was full of various profound and mysterious feelings.

Under this emptiness, Liang Yan felt like a newborn baby, and everything around him was the original secret that he would spend his entire life exploring.

Suddenly, there was an infinite thirst in his heart. While drifting toward the depths of the darkness, he looked around greedily, as if he wanted to touch more unknown things.

At this moment, in the endless void, a star suddenly fell, bringing a brilliant brilliance in the darkness, and finally fell on Liang Yan's head.

Liang Yan was also attracted by this star and couldn't help raising his hand and reaching into this brilliance.


There was a crisp sound, like the sound of a bubble bursting.

The star suddenly shattered and turned into countless starlights, spreading in the mid-air, and finally all flew into Liang Yan's body.

This change was unexpected!

Liang Yan only felt that his body seemed to be thrown into the grinding wheel, a kind of inexplicable power of the Great Dao, was cruelly crushing himself.

He was shocked, and suddenly bowed his head, trying to see himself, but found that he couldn't see his body clearly!

That great power is still grinding himself, Liang Yan feels that he is getting lighter and lighter, and the pain in the depths of his soul is getting more and more intense. He has a strong premonition. If this continues, I am afraid that he will eventually melt. Be a dust and become a part of this endless void!

"Boy, you have stepped across the boundary! Come back soon!"

An anxious voice suddenly sounded in my heart.

Liang Yan was taken aback and vaguely remembered the owner of this voice.

"...Senior Tree Spirit? I am...Liang Yan?!"

A lot of memories flooded into his mind like a tide, Liang Yan finally remembered his name, and at the same time he felt his body heavier and heavier, and gradually he couldn't fly anymore.

Not only is he unable to fly, he is still sinking!

The stars around, like a solitary lamp, are getting farther and farther away from him, and the endless void gradually disappears.

The whole sinking process was very long, as if experiencing endless space and time. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still sitting in the "Nine-curved Yellow River Tower".

His clothes had been soaked in sweat, and his whole person was extremely weak, but the old monk in yellow, who was sitting cross-legged in the distance and indifferent to everything, actually opened his eyes and looked towards him. .

However, this old monk seemed to be naturally unable to speak. Although he swept his gaze at this moment, he still made no sound, and even his eyes did not fluctuate.

"what happened?"

Liang Yan recalled the endless void just now, and his heart was still shocked. Naturally, he would not ask the old monk in yellow clothes, this sentence was to say to the old tree spirit in his own virtual gourd.

"What's the matter? I still want to ask you!"

The tree spirit old man's voice slowly sounded, and some said angrily: "You, a little Golden Core cultivator, dare to wander around too much? If I hadn't forcibly awakened you and mine at the cost of a part of my spirituality. Contact, I'm afraid you will be completely lost."

"Fantasy? What is that?" Liang Yan's face was full of incomprehension.

"It's too early for you to ask this. You only need to know that this is something that the cultivator of Transmigration Realm has to worry about!" The tree spirit old man said here, suddenly he whispered, and then said: "Yes, you However, the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm has only just been completed, so how can it be able to wander too far? Could it be the credit of this group of "Hunyuan Xianxian".........."

"Hunyuan Xianxian?" Liang Yan nodded after thinking about it, "That's right! Just now when I merged Hunyuan Xianxian with my soul, the soul suddenly broke into an unknown void... ....."

"Then did you get anything from the void?" The tree spirit old man suddenly interrupted.

"receive anything.........."

Liang Yan thought for a while, and he seemed to hear a voice, which brought his perception of Dao a step closer, but this was a bit weird to say, and in the end he just replied: "A star!"

"A star?"

"Yes, in the endless void, a very distant star fell into my body." Liang Yan said with certainty.

As if to confirm what he said, Liang Yan's voice had just fallen, and there was a burst of stars bursting out of the dantian, endless starlight bursting out, and converging with the "Hunyuan Xianxian" in the four-color vortex.

Liang Yan only felt the whole body tremble suddenly, and then the spiritual power in his body poured down uncontrollably, and finally fell into the sea of ​​qi, and merged with the four-color vortex.

The vortex of this refining "Hunyuan Xianqi" turned faster and faster, gradually out of Liang Yan's control, and the spiritual power in his body seemed to flow into a bottomless pit, constantly rushing towards the center of the vortex.

Gradually, the group of "Hunyuan Xianxian" under the cover of the four great psychic powers and starlight, finally merged with Liang Yan's soul, and it became smaller and smaller, and finally became a group of baby fists. Grey gas.

"Golden Core Prototype!"

The tree spirit old man exclaimed and couldn't help but yelled: "Little Liang, you really have you! Now that the golden core is in its embryonic form, you are only one step away from the 9th rank golden core!"

There was genuine joy in his voice, but Liang Yan had a weird face, and did not respond to the congratulations of the tree spirit old man. He sat on the spot, like a stone.


The old tree spirit obviously also found something wrong, and quickly asked: "Liang Xiaozi, what's the matter with you?"

Liang Yan's face was flushed with blue smoke on top of his head. After a long while, he gritted his teeth and responded: "I...I seem to be unable to control the spiritual power in my body... ......"

"What?" The old tree spirit's voice became a little anxious: "Boy, you are about to be done, don't fall short at this time!"

"I...I really can't move anymore, senior...I...what should I do?"

"How do I know! Damn it! The Hunyuan Indestructible Golden Core is the highest Golden Core of your Human Race and Confucianism. I haven't practiced before, so how do I know what to do at this time!"

The tree spirit elder is obviously also impatient. At this time, he shouted: "Smelly boy, keep your mind attentive, embrace the origin and unite! In any case, you can't let the newly formed golden core form collapse, otherwise you will not only fail to form the core. He will also be assimilated by the out-of-control'Hunyuan Xianqi', and will eventually become a dust in the world!"

Liang Yan listened to his words and immediately exhausted his whole body strength to try to stabilize the spiritual power of the riot in his body. However, the four-color vortex in the sea of ​​qi was still spinning rapidly, as if he would never stop without draining the spiritual power in his body.

Just as the spiritual power in his body was about to be drawn out of a drop, the group of "Hunyuan Xianqi" finally condensed and formed, from a fist-sized air mass at the beginning to a gray pill.

This small pill, with nine starlight clouds on it, seems to have gathered the power of the chaos and void, and it has just been born in his body, and the aura in the entire small world is surging.

These huge auras form a huge vortex above the "Jiuqu Yellow River Tower", and the center of the vortex is where Liang Yan is.

Before he could react, these auras flowed back into his dantian like a hundred rivers to the sea.


Liang Yan felt as if he was sitting under a ten-foot-high waterfall, and his body was constantly being washed away by a majestic hanging river. Those spiritual energy rushed into the body. After the exercises were run, they turned into Buddha, Tao, and Confucianism. The three spiritual powers belong to the "two fish twins formation" and Zhou Tian Juemai.

The originally dry meridians were again flooded with spiritual power, and the spiritual power of the three attributes was lost and regained, and it was several times more than before!

Liang Yan only felt that his whole body was incomparably relaxed, and couldn't help but scream loudly.

As the whistling sound penetrated the attic, the breath of his body was soaring wildly. It only took a while to return to the initial stage of the Golden Core, and it is still rising!

"You kid.........this time, you are too imaginary, what on earth did you bring back..." The tree spirit old man looked at Liang Yan bathed in endless aura , Slapped his lips, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Liang Yan's breath is still skyrocketing, and it has only been a short half-day's work that he has reached the peak of the early stage of the Golden Core. If it were not for the bottleneck barrier, I am afraid that it will immediately break through to the middle stage of the Golden Core!

And above his sea of ​​qi, a small gray pill was floating at this time, with nine starlight clouds on it. With Liang Yan's breath and breath, these nine starlight clouds also suddenly disappeared. , Looks mysterious and unpredictable.

"Hunyuan is immortal golden pill, it's done!"

Liang Yannei regarded himself and his heart was extremely excited.

Since discovering Xuanwu Flower, he has been preparing for today's affairs for three full years, even taking the risk of destroying the Xuantian Five-qi Golden Pill, with the goal of recasting the Hunyuan Immortal Golden Pill in front of him.

Although the cause of the whole thing was controlled by the magical mind clone of the old monk in yellow clothes, and was disrupted by his own "senior brother" in the middle, fortunately, there were still surprises in the end.

Seeing this Dao Sect Supreme Gold Pill in his body, Liang Yan let out a sigh of relief.

But he soon discovered that it was wrong!

At this time the golden core has been cast, and he has returned to the early days of the golden core, so it is reasonable to say that the spiritual energy infusion should stop.

However, the spiritual vortex above the "Nine-curved Yellow River Tower" did not dissipate, and a large amount of spiritual power still poured into the body...

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