The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1027: Tongtianhe!

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Darkness, darkness.

This was Liang Yan's first reaction after opening his eyes.

Then I felt a breath again, not far away from me.

He immediately stared at it and found that there was still one person on the other side of the dark space.

This person was dressed in a white monk robe with a string of Buddhist beads hanging from his neck. He was now leaning against the wall and panting heavily.

"It's you?!"

Liang Yan was slightly startled, and stepped back subconsciously.

But he immediately found out that it was wrong, and asked with some confusion: "Are you injured?"


The monk in the darkness laughed and said: "Little brother is really a nobleman who forgets things. The injury of brother is not thanks to you?"


Liang Yan frowned slightly, and then faintly said: "Your Excellency just laughed, how can I, a monk of the Golden Core Realm, hurt you? And what is this place, why are both of us locked up here?"

Da Shi Lianxin gave a bitter smile, shook his head and said: "It seems that you don't remember that you have been in a demon? You have to ask where this is. I can only tell you that this is a medicine tripod. We have been fighting in this place. Two times have passed. More than a year!"

"Yaoding? Enchanted?"

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, but he quickly remembered what happened before.

When he was rebuilding the broken pill, in order to refine the Hunyuan Immortal, he did not hesitate to let go of the restrictions on the "soul cultivation" and the heavenly bead, and took a trace of the true magical energy in the magic ball.

But this move gave the monster a chance. After he successfully forged the Rank Nine Golden Core, the monster was also madly ingesting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and finally invaded his own golden core with a wisp of magic energy.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly looked into the divine sense, and as expected, he saw that his Golden Core Pill was covered with countless purple threads.

"That's okay... My golden core is still infested by the demon. If this continues, even if he lives and coexists with me, he will be tied together forever... ......."

Liang Yan secretly said a bad word in his heart, but when he thought about it, he felt strange again.

Since this demon has already invaded his golden core, why can he still maintain a sober consciousness?

You must know that when you were injured in the past, this demon only released a ray of devilish energy, and he was able to turn away from the guest. This time, how can the other party let go of such an excellent opportunity?

Thinking of this, and reminiscent of the "medicine pot" mentioned by Mr. Lin Xin, Liang Yan had some faint suspicions, and couldn't help asking:

"Did you see the old monk in yellow clothes?"

In the darkness, Da Shi Lianxin sighed lightly, and was about to speak, but the surrounding space suddenly shook.


There was a muffled noise, and Liang Yan only felt that the back of his head was slammed, and he was a little dizzy.

But the next moment, the vibrations and strange noises in the surrounding space disappeared at the same time, and even the surrounding darkness gradually faded.

A ray of sunlight came in, followed by a clear sky.

Liang Yan looked up and saw that there was a green grass and blue sky around him, and the yellow-clothed old monk was standing in front of him, dragging an ancient clock the size of a palm in his hand, looking at him facelessly.

For two full years, the two struggled in the ancient clock for two full years, and now they have finally seen the light of day again.

Liang Yan has nothing to do. After all, he has spent the past two years in a muddle-headed manner. But Master Lilianxin has a sense of relief. Anyone who stays in one place as someone else's sparring team for two years will not feel good in his heart. .

The old monk in yellow was silent at this time, with one hand behind his back and the other hand dragging the ancient clock, his eyes were like a deep pool, quietly looking at Liang Yan.

Even if Liang Yan is dull, he can understand why he can regain consciousness after being enchanted, it must be because of this person's help.

With a solemn expression on his face, he bowed to the yellow-clothed old monk and said respectfully: "Thank you for your help, seniors. This kind of grace for helping me enlighten me, the younger generations will not dare to forget!"

After hearing this, the yellow-clothed old monk's expression was still dull, but he nodded slightly.

At this time, the lotus-hearted master who was next to Liang Yan suddenly took a step forward, and said, "Senior, in the next two years there will be no credit and hard work. Can you ask about it?"

After he said this, he took a peek at the old monk, but saw that the other party did not respond. After hesitating for a while, he went on to say:

"It's true that the junior has been tracking the'psychic Buddha monkey', but it is said that only the senior in the world knows the whereabouts of this monkey, so it is not far away to ask seniors for advice....... "

When he talked about the words "psychic Buddha and monkey", the old monk's gaze flashed like a lake, which seemed to touch some memory.

But just for an instant, this slight fluctuation disappeared, and it was replaced by indifference.

At this time, the yellow-clothed old monk had already passed Liang Yan and Lianxin Da Shi, and looked behind them.

Liang Yan was also a little puzzled. When he just came out of the ancient clock, he heard the sound of gurgling water coming from behind, but all the attention at the time was attracted by the old monk, and he didn't pay attention to the people behind him. thing.

At this moment, he followed the old monk's gaze and turned around, and was immediately stunned.

Not far behind, I saw a hundred-foot-high stone stele with three large characters written on it, with vigorous brushwork and silver hooks drawn on iron.

Exactly: Tongtianhe!

And behind the stele, there is a long and winding river, eight hundred miles wide, and there is no end to the right and left. Only the river is rushing and surging, unexpectedly coming from the sky!

"What is this place?"

Liang Yan took a deep breath. He has been cultivating the Taoism for nearly a hundred years, and this is the first time he has seen such a magnificent scene.

This long river is full of white mist and rushing water. There is no end in the upstream, but it falls from the clouds on the horizon; the white mist downstream is flowing to everyone's feet.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of miles in the middle, it is really a long river that connects the sky and the earth!

And above the river, there are streets, pavilions, pavilions, winding corridors, and even Xianshan Cave Mansion along the way.

Liang Yan raised his eyes and saw that most of the streets and downtowns were suspended above the river, but some cave houses were submerged under the river water, leaving only some eaves and roof corners exposed outside, which seemed to be looming.

In that street, there were people coming and going, and countless monks shuttled among them. On both sides of the street, there are not only businesses selling magic weapons, but also medicine shops that provide medicinal herbs, as well as some places for silk and bamboo wind music and drinking and fun.

Since Liang Yan stepped into the realm of comprehension, a hundred years have passed, and he has seen many wonders in the meantime, but this is the first time he has set foot in such a magnificent place.

"Tianhe City!"

Suddenly there was a light sigh behind him, but it was Master Lotus Heart who spoke slowly:

"Unexpectedly, seniors actually brought us here........"

Liang Yan was shocked when he heard it. Although he had long heard of the names of the Seven Mountains and Twenty Cities, he had been running around since landing on Xianzhou, Antarctica, and he had no chance to enter any of them.

Unexpectedly, when I saw it today, it was so magnificent and magnificent. I'm afraid that the entire 36 countries of Nanchuan can't be compared with this city alone!

"Is this Tianhe City..."

Liang Yan murmured, standing still slightly stunned.

Just as his heart was moving away, he suddenly stretched out a palm behind him and gently pressed it on his shoulder.

Liang Yan suddenly returned to his senses, turned his head to look, and saw that it was an old monk in yellow clothes, pressing his slender palm on his shoulder, his eyes also looking towards Tianhe City.


Liang Yan was about to speak, but a dark cloud suddenly blew up around him, suffocating the rest of his words.

The yellow-robed old monk stepped on the black clouds and walked in the sky, reaching the edge of Tianhe City in an instant.

There is no towering city wall in Tianhe City, and there are torrential rivers around it. After he approached, those rivers began to swell and surging, as if they were about to rush out from the bottom of the river.

However, the yellow-robed old monk just slapped it in the air, and the tumbling waves instantly calmed down, as if the naughty spirit beast had been comforted by the owner and stopped making trouble.

Black clouds wrapped the old monk and Liang Yan, and directly broke into the sky above Tongtian River. There was a ripple in the surrounding space, and immediately swallowed the two of them.

In the next moment, the figures of Liang Yan and the old monk appeared in the Tianhe City, which was winding for thousands of miles.

The whole process is as if the two have stepped into a picture and become the person in the picture.

Da Shi Lianxin was dumbfounded at the back. Although the scene of the two entering Tianhe City just now was calm, he knew how outrageous it was.

We must know that Tianhe City is ranked among the seven mountains and twelve cities, and it is one of the nineteen strongest powers of cultivation in Xianzhou, Antarctica. How can such a place be so easy to break into?

Ordinary monks as long as they approach Tianhe City a little bit, they will be flooded with water in the Tongtian River, and they will be washed away to pieces. I am afraid that they will not even be able to find the corpse.

There is no entrance to Tianhe City, and the only way to enter it is to visit the Dragon Palace at the bottom of the Tongtian River.

These aquariums at the bottom of the river have long been surrendered by the city lord of Tianhe City, and now they are the gatekeepers of Tianhe City. Only after the scrutiny of these aquariums can they enter Tianhe City through the Dragon Palace's teleportation circle.

The yellow-robed old monk really has a profound cultivation base and vast mana. He actually tore open the prohibition of Tianhe City with his bare hands, and broke in silently!

It's just that when he left, he still didn't answer Lien Xin Da Shi's question after all.

"Senior! Wait for me!"

Lianxin looked at the direction the old monk was leaving, with a hint of anxiety on his face.

He had spent hundreds of years trying to trace the clues of the "psychic Buddha and monkey", and later he had the help of Shen Sanchi divination to find out where the old monk was trapped.

Master Lienxin overcame many difficulties, collected a lot of materials to help the old monk get out of trouble, and then travelled all the way to here, plotting Murong Hanqiu, trying to seize her "female blood".

All of this is to help the old monk break the seal, so that he owes himself a favor, so that he can ask the whereabouts of the "psychic Buddha and monkey".

Who would have imagined that Murong Hanqiu's practice did not make bones, and he actually drew a tie with himself, and killed another "junior brother" halfway through, and unexpectedly rescued the old monk for himself by mistake.

What happened later can be said to be completely out of the calculations of Lien Xin Da Shi.

Now the yellow-robed old monk didn't even look at himself, and even entered Tianhe City with Liang Yan. If he is lost, I am afraid that in the future, he will never find this person.

Da Shi Lianxin thought secretly for a while, and immediately made a decision.

He didn't want to go to the Underwater Dragon Palace to pay a post. The first reason was of course that it was too cumbersome. After he was allowed to enter Tianhe City, the old monk in yellow would not know where he had gone.

The second reason is that Tiangong City does not have much contact with Tianhe City, and there is not much friendship in the first place, and he is one of the nineteen star officials of Tiangong City. Sudden visit at this time will definitely cause unnecessary speculation and trouble.

Therefore, Lotus Heart also chose to fight hard!

He twisted his heart and drove the light up into the air, pinched with his left hand, and suddenly pulled with his right hand, breaking the golden thread with the Buddhist beads hanging on his neck!

Eighteen fist-sized rosary beads flew up in the air, wisps of golden light shot out. As the lotus-hearted master's technique continued, these golden lights were woven into a golden boat under his feet, and carried him forward slowly.

As soon as he entered the area of ​​the Tongtian River, the lotus-hearted Dashi went on a boat, and the water from the bottom of the river soared into the sky, like a wall of ten thousand feet high, blocking him outside.

There are countless Tianhe Zhenqi in the river, vast and endless, one wave is strong, one wave, it seems that if you don't overturn the lotus heart and the boat, you will never stop.

However, the boat on which Rinpoche Lin was riding released a thousand golden rays of light, protecting him to death!

The Tianhe River is overwhelming and bulging in the air; the Tianhe is so powerful that it is hard to handle. At this time, Lotus Heart was like a golden leaf, floating in the endless river, looking extremely dangerous.

It's just that the golden light of his whole body is condensed, and the eighteen rosary beads are also rotating endlessly. The Tianlong River can't help him. Instead, he is approaching Tianhe City little by little.

Da Shi Lianxin had a clear goal, as soon as he came up he rushed to the place where the old monk in yellow had just disappeared.

Ripples and ripples continue to appear in that space. Obviously, the old monk's casual shot was too strong just now, which has caused this space to be unstable until now.

This is tantamount to opening a gap for himself. If Lienxin Dashi wants to break into Tianhe City, it will of course be twice the result with half the effort to enter from here.

Sure enough, after he got close to the ripples of space, he felt a fierce spatial fluctuation coming from the front.

The surrounding rivers seemed to find that this intruder was about to succeed, rushing more ferociously, and Tianhe's true Qi became more and more fierce, almost condensed into substance, turning into hundreds of Tianhe long swords and falling from the sky.

Da Shi Linxin knew that it had reached a critical His face was flushed and his spiritual power was full. The speed of the rotation of the eighteen prayer beads suddenly increased, almost forming a golden light circle around him.

The mighty Tianhe long sword was chopped down from mid-air and fell on the top of the head of the lotus heart, and was firmly resisted by the golden light all over him.

Click! Click! Click!

Three faint noises came, and Master Lin Xin looked down and found that three of his 18 Buddhist beads had cracks.

There was a pain in his heart, but his face did not hesitate at all, but instead urged the golden light to the extreme.

Click! Click!

Two more crackles came.

In the next moment, a golden light flashed across the body of Master Lotus Heart, and the whole person disappeared in the ripples of that space..............

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