The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1028: Separate

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Tianhe City, on a remote street.

A golden brilliance flashed, and then a handsome monk in white was staggered out.

This person is naturally Liang Yan's senior, one of the nineteen star officials of Tiangong City, Master Lianxin!

He was a little embarrassed at the moment, not only was his whole body drenched, but there were also many scratches on his face. It seemed that he was injured by Tianhe's true Qi, and his breath was a little fluctuating.

"What a strong restriction...Tongtianhe really deserves its reputation!"

Master Lotus Heart murmured, then looked down at the Buddhist beads hanging on his neck, and saw that five of the eighteen fist-sized beads had obvious cracks.

There was a trace of flesh pain in his eyes, and he reached out his hand and gently touched the five Buddhist beads, his face was full of reluctance.

"Thanks a lot........"

Da Shi Lianxin sighed slightly, and his eyes became firm again.

He silently sensed for a while, and quickly realized the location of Liang Yan, without hesitation at the moment, he directly tracked the past.

Tianhe City has a special geographical location. It is different from other cities. It is built on the Tongtian River. The streets, squares, fairy mountains, cave houses, etc. are all along the river.

The buildings in the lower reaches of the Tongtian River are mostly commercial houses or restaurants, and there are not many rules here. Anyone who can enter Tianhe City through the Dragon Palace can walk around and trade freely in these places. As long as they don’t cause trouble, there will be no one. Will interfere with half a minute.

And the further up the Tongtian River, the stricter the guards and the more rules.

The middle section of the Tongtian River is the place where True Monarch Tongxuan of Tianhe City handles important tasks in the city and retreats to practice. There are monks from the Golden Core Realm who take turns on duty, as well as a large formation of the city, which can kill intruders at any time. .

Arriving at the uppermost reaches of the Tongtian River, where it was covered by layers of mist from the river, the spiritual consciousness of ordinary monks could not be peeped at all, and it could be said to be the most mysterious place.

It is said that the city lord of Tianhe City and a group of cultivators from the tribulation realm were practicing in retreat there. They often did not show up in the city for hundreds of years and did not easily receive foreign visitors.

It took about half an hour for Lotus Heart to catch up with the old monk in yellow clothes.

The other party didn't seem to be in a hurry. He put his right hand on Liang Yan's shoulder and ran forward with him, as if he had a long eye along the way, easily avoiding the many guards of Tianhe City.

Da Shi Lin Xin followed all the way behind, and his heart was also unsure.

"This senior is crazy, what does he want to break into Tianhe City? If he wants to make trouble here, should I help him or not?"

There are many hesitations in his heart, but it is related to the clues of the "psychic Buddha and monkey".

In this way, the three people were divided into two groups, one after the other, running through Tianhe City for several months, and finally not only left the lower reaches of Tongtian River, but also gradually reached the depths of the middle reaches of Tianhe City.

During this period, I naturally encountered many defensive restrictions and patrolling monks, but they were all easily resolved by the yellow-clothed old monks.

Moreover, the person's speed is getting faster and faster, although Da Shi Lin Xin has not been thrown away by him, but he has not been able to catch up.

He wanted to pinch the tactics to fly away, but when he arrived in this area, the cultivation level of the nearby cultivators was not low, and there might even be some restrictions that he couldn't see, so he didn't dare to take the risk, so he could only hang far behind. .

After another seven or eight days, the day was just getting bright, and the lotus-hearted Master was still behind desperately chasing after him, but the yellow-clothed old monk in front of him suddenly stopped.


Da Shi Lianxin was taken aback for a moment. This was the first time the opponent stopped after entering the city.

He involuntarily slowed down, and looked forward following the old monk's gaze, only to see a vermilion high wall in front of which was painted a huge gossip pattern.

Inside the wall, a faint blue smoke rose, and wisps of pill fragrant wafted out of it. Mr. Lianxin only smelled a little, and he felt refreshed and comfortable.

"This is........."

Da Shi Lianxin calmed down, and then looked towards an arch in the middle of the wall.

I saw a huge statue of a spirit beast standing at the door, resembling a big turtle, lying on the ground, with a dragon head and unicorn tail, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he was watching people from afar.

After seeing this stone statue, Dashi Linxin's face changed slightly, and he suddenly thought of himself in his heart.

"Lingao real person!"

It is said that there are nine cultivators in the tribulation realm in Tianhe City. Among them, the real person Lingao ranked first. This person has successfully survived the two major disasters and nine minor disasters. Only the last plague can be sacred by the tribulation. This is a veritable name. The first person under the seat of the city lord!

The current realm of Lord Yilianxin is definitely not the enemy of this person!

"It is said that the real person Lingao is very good at alchemy. This should be his alchemy room. What on earth does the old madman want to do? Does he want to break into the alchemy room and steal the pill inside?"

Reminiscent of the old monk's style of acting along the way, Lienxinda Shi's heart became more determined, after all, the other party is a real "habitual offender"!

"Crazy crazy! It's nothing more than to steal the pill of those sects along the way. After all, they are all small sects, and no one dares to say anything. But this time is different! There is the pill room of the real person of Lingao! "

Da Shi Lianxin kept cursing in his heart, intending to stop the old monk, but the other party didn't give him a chance to speak at all. He just watched silently on the spot for a while, then raised his right hand and tapped it lightly in the air.

I saw a piece of golden light spread out and turned into dense golden texts in the air. These texts kept beating, changing various directions, and finally formed a volume of Buddhist scriptures.

The yellow-robed old monk had a dull expression, then stretched out his left hand and patted his forehead upward.

I saw a cloud of black energy rising from behind his head and turning into weird magic patterns in the air. As soon as a fierce air was about to spread out, it was suppressed by the yellow-clothed old monk raising his hand.

He waved his big sleeve, and the golden Buddhist scriptures and the weird magic pattern moved closer to each other at the same time, constantly infiltrating each other, and finally merged together.

It was the first time that Lienxin saw this method. He fixed his eyes and saw a huge mantra appearing in the air. It looked like the beginning of a Buddhist scripture from a distance, but when he took a closer look, it felt like a magic pattern.

Before he could take a closer look, the yellow-robed old monk flicked his fingers, and the weird mantra immediately flew forward, and finally printed on the scarlet wall.

On that side wall, it seemed that something was wrong, and dozens of spiritual water aura rose from both sides, circulating repeatedly around the mantra.

It's just that these spirit water auras look like headless flies, and they don't seem to see the abnormal changes on the wall. After patrolling the vicinity for a few rounds, they slowly dispersed.

After the yellow-clothed old monk waited until the spirit water dissipated, he didn't hesitate anymore. He lifted Liang Yan with his left hand, stepped towards the wall printed by the mantra, and walked in so generously.

The whole process did not cause any commotion.

Lin Xin Da Shi saw all this in his eyes, and his heart was shocked to the extreme.

However, his reaction was not slow, almost at the same time that the yellow-robed old monk was leaving, he also rushed forward, closely behind the opponent.

After the yellow-robed old monk entered the wall, Master Lin Xin wanted to follow in, but he had just taken a step, the mantra on the wall had disappeared, and the power of restraint around him was instantly restored.

Da Shi Lianxin almost immediately felt that the spirit of water was surging from all directions, trying to imprison him in place.

"not good!"

Master Lotus heart exclaimed, and squeezed his two-handed tactics eagerly. A golden and red intersecting robes covered the surface of the body, blocking the spiritual water that desperately wanted to penetrate into the body.

At the same time, the golden light all over his body flashed again and again, and his palms were shot continuously in the void. With the force of a counter-shock, he finally flew back.

At this moment, the vermilion wall has been restored as before, but there is still a breath of spiritual water in the air. Although it is only a residual wisp, it feels like the Yangtze River, continuous and continuous.

"No phase divine water!"

Lienxin's pupils shrank, and there was a look of jealousy on his face.

Wuxiang Shenshui is one of the nine great waters of Taoism. It is said to be all-permeable and non-invasive. It is the most insidious kind of water besides Xuanming true water.

If it weren’t for the quick response of Lotus Heart, he used the "Buddha Clothes and Six Dusts" to deal with it in time, I am afraid that at this moment, he has been drilled into the body by the non-phase divine water, and his cultivation has been imprisoned. .

At this time, Lienxinda Shi's face was gloomy, his gaze crossed over the fence, as if he wanted to see what was going on inside.

But the prohibition of this pill room is not trivial, even with his cultivation level, he can't get a glimpse of the situation inside.


Da Shi Linxin cursed secretly in his heart.

He has always claimed that his calculations are good, and he will not lose to anyone when he talks about conspiracy and tricks.

But it happened that he was proud of those resourceful calculations, which had no effect at all on this yellow-robed old monk.

This is the reason why one force drops ten meetings.

The opponent's supernatural powers, no matter what calculations you have between your gestures, he will easily break it.

Moreover, this yellow-robed old monk was happy and angry, and was always a numb old face. Even though Lien Xin Da Shi was well versed in the mind of the Buddha, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Coupled with the fact that the other party behaves very strangely, as if no one can guess what he is going to do next.

At this time, Da Shi Lin Xin finally showed a trace of despair on his face.

"Lunatic, utter lunatic!"

He secretly cursed in his heart: "What a place Tianhe City is! Even if you have supernatural powers and boundless mana, you can't do whatever you want here."

"If you do something extraordinary in the lower reaches of the Tongtian River, no one will stop you. But this is the pill room of the real person of Lingao. If he finds out, then the masters of Tianhe City will be out, plus the city lord Han Qianshan, you Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you can never escape!"

When Lienxin thought of this, he couldn't help but stomped his feet in place, and finally couldn't help but screamed out: "Old madman, you are too much trouble with this matter, I can't help you......... .. Don't accompany me!"

As soon as the voice fell, he raised his hand and pinched a magic trick. The golden light all over his body gradually extinguished, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, and returned downstream along the Tongtian River.

The three of them parted ways, and the pill room wall, which was a little turbulent, gradually returned to calm at this time...

In a blink of an eye, a hundred days passed in a flash.

On a certain street in the lower reaches of Tianhe City, monks from all sects shuttled among them. Some came here to buy magic weapons, some came here to look for pill and spiritual materials, and some came here purely to swim in groups. Pleasure-seeking.

Speaking of pleasure-seeking, I have to mention the "Chunjiang Pavilion" on this street.

Chunjiang Pavilion is an industry under the name of "Qingde Zhenjun" in Tianhe City, and it is said to have three stunning properties.

One is the superb wine. The name of the wine is: "Chunjiang Night Rain". It is brewed from the cold marrow of the bottom of the Tongtianhe River. The entrance is slightly cool and the wine is mellow.

It is said that "Jiu Xian" Ren Feiyang once came to Teemall to taste this wine. At that time, he drank with his friends for seven days and seven nights and wrote a poem on the roof of the building. So far, he left a good talk. The name "Chunjiang Night Rain" is not popular. And go.

The second is the rhythm of the last seconds. The Chunjiang Pavilion sings songs every night, and the music of silk and bamboo is endless. Even those monks who study the Avenue of Music often praise this place, and even some people travel far away just to come here to listen. One song.

As for the last thing, it is a beautiful female. It is said that the pavilion of Chunjiang Pavilion is beautiful and elegant, and many monks want to see the beauty. Unfortunately, this place is Tianhe City. If she doesn't want it, no one will Don't dare to fool around.

It is such a gentle town that combines fine wine, beauty and beauty, but today there is a guest who is incompatible with these.

Lai Ren Yuebai had a bald robe with a bald head and a string of Buddhist beads hanging on his neck. He was clearly a Buddhist man.

The Buddhism in Xianzhou, Antarctica is not prosperous, there are hundreds of large and small, and the only one who can be on the table is Luo Tianzong in the north.

However, Luo Tianzong's strict disciplines, the monks in the mountains are almost all of asceticism, almost not close to wine, let alone come to such a beautiful place.

Therefore, as soon as the young monk appeared in the attic, he attracted a lot of curious eyes.

Some people secretly transmitted voices, some were whispering, and some relied on their advanced cultivation level, or the background was not low, and they started talking directly and loudly.

The white-clothed monk turned a blind eye to this With a faint smile on his face, his eyes swept around, and finally he chose a wooden table and sat down at random.

At this time, two female cultivators from Chunjiang Pavilion came forward to wait on them, and the white-clothed monk did not shy away from it. The "Chunjiang Night Rain" alone ordered more than a dozen altars, and there were still some delicacies and spiritual medicines. The whole table is covered.

Speaking of the monk in white clothes, he was naturally the lotus-hearted priest who was left outside the Lingao real man's pill room.

This time he traveled a long way to the secret realm of Tianhe City Senluo, but in the end he stole the chicken and failed to eclipse the rice, and his heart was really annoyed to the extreme.

"Psychic Buddha Monkey" was something he had to find no matter what, but the yellow-clothed old monk didn't put him in his eyes at all. No matter how he asked, he always ignored it.

In the end, he left him outside, and led Liang Yan into the pill room of Reality Lingao alone.

That place was too dangerous, even if Lin Xin Da Shi was able to stay for long, he could only run out desperately in the end.

It's just that he was still unwilling and didn't leave Tianhe City immediately, but inquired about this place, wanting to see if the Huangyi old monk and Liang Yan had something wrong.

But beyond his expectation, now for more than three months, there is still no movement in Tianhe City...........

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