The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1035: Tianhe Slaughter Fairy Formation

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Although Jin Dan was perfect, Liang Yan did not stop at this time.

When he was in the Secret Realm of Sen Luo before, because of the chaos of the demon of the Tianjizhu, he used the opportunity of his breakthrough to absorb a large amount of heaven and earth aura, causing his cultivation to skyrocket to the peak of the early days of the golden core.

This was the power that the demon used to strengthen itself, break through the seal, and hope to oppose the guest, but because of the interference of the yellow-clothed old monk, his success was defeated.

Now that the demon is sealed and returned, this part of the cultivation base is naturally cheaper for Liang Yan.

Before he came to the pill room, he had reached the peak of the early golden pill, and later ate a pill that the yellow-clothed old monk took out from the wall, and the bottleneck in his cultivation that was originally suppressed was wiped out. Now it has arrived. The edge of the breakthrough!

Although Liang Yan didn't know that he was eating the famous "Qianyuan Zaohua Pill", he also understood that this pill was absolutely precious. Taking advantage of the medicinal properties at this moment, it is definitely the best time to break through the middle of the golden pill!

"Crazy! Crazy!"

Since embarking on the road of cultivation, Liang Yan has always upheld a cautious style, but now this scene makes him feel extremely crazy.

What is Tianhe City? That is the place where the cultivator of the tribulation realm sits, not to mention the mysterious city lord, it is said that he has reached the realm of manifestation!

An ant in the Golden Core Realm in his own district, actually wants to break through the bottleneck with the help of the surrounding spiritual energy in the core of Tianhe City's pill room. This kind of thing is really crazy!

But now that the arrow is on the string, he has to send it out. If he suppresses himself forcibly and does not break through, I am afraid that he will leave great injuries on his body, and it will be too late to regret.

In addition, the yellow-robed old monk has been watching himself with his eyes, and watching his posture is to stare at himself and make breakthroughs.

Although I don't know why this person has done so, Liang Yan is not a person who is afraid of the head.

Because of the medicinal power of the "Qianyuan Good Fortune Pill", the bottleneck in the middle stage of Liang Yan Jin Pill was almost zero at this time, so he had just concentrated on his concentration, and countless spiritual energy gathered around him, forming a huge spiritual vortex on top of his head.

Tianhe City was built on the Tongtian River. It was originally a blessed place with rich aura, but Liang Yan's current location is in the middle reaches of the Tongtian River.

This place is not open to foreign monks, it is a place specially provided for monks in the Tongxuan realm of Tianhe City to retreat and practice.

Therefore, the aura here can be imagined!

Liang Yan had just entered the state of breakthrough, and a large amount of spiritual energy gathered around him, and its richness was second only to the time Liang Yan rebuilt the broken pill in the Senluo Secret Realm.

These auras centered on Liang Yan, continuously pouring down from mid-air, rushing into his body frantically, causing his breath to skyrocket again and again, and soon reached the edge of a breakthrough.

At this moment, outside the Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda, four cultivators of the Transfiguration Realm were suspended in the air. They looked down at the same time, and their faces were full of weird expressions.

"Master.........senior brother.........I’m not mistaken, right? Inside this tower...but someone is going to break through?" Tong Kunshan was somewhat Asked suspiciously.

True person Lingao's face was gloomy and did not answer, but Zhu Mang next to him narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "From the perspective of the heaven and earth that was triggered, this is clearly a monk in the Golden Core Realm!"

"Golden Core Realm? You mean a Golden Core Realm cultivator blocked the four of us outside?" Tong Kunshan cried strangely.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, there must be an expert guarding the law in the tower!"

Mortal Lingao had already retracted his gaze at this time, but his face was still gloomy.

"Everyone, this is the end of the matter, what else can you hesitate about? This person regards me as the masters of Tianhe City like weeds, in order to break through the realm of one of his younger generations, they actually broke into the alchemy and steal the medicine. If I retreat all over, not only will Tianhe City be scandalized, but even I will have to be settled by the city lord Qiuhou!"

A cold voice came from the real person Lingao. After hearing this, the other three people all had their eyes condensed, and at the same time they replied, "It's all up to the brother!"


Spirit Ao nodded, and said solemnly: "I intend to open the'Tianhe Slaughter Immortal Formation' and kill this uninvited guest in the great city protection formation. I beg you to hold down the battle for me!"

"I would like to help my brother!"

Tong Kunshan, Yue Wankun, and Zhu Mang did not hesitate, and at this time they responded in unison.

After getting the affirmative reply from the three juniors, Ling Ao Zhenren's face was solemn, and he lightly stepped on Ling Ao's back with one foot, and the whole person rose into the sky.

He pinched a magic trick in mid-air, and at the same time murmured a word in his mouth, everyone could only see a circle of colorful brilliance emerge from behind him, and after a while, a flag flew out unexpectedly.

This flag is purple-blue, and it depicts a long river that stretches across the sky, winding around among several towering mountains, and underneath the peaks are white clouds fluttering. It looks like a fairyland instead of a human world.

"It's the'Bahuang Tianhe Banner' of the city lord!"

Zhu Mang exclaimed and said to himself: "Those who see this banner are like the Lord of the City, no wonder Senior Brother Lingao dared to open the great defense formation. Brother!"

When the others saw this, there was also a hint of joy on their faces.

You must know that the "Tianhe Slaughter Immortal Formation" is the great moat formation of Tianhe City. If it is not for extremely special circumstances, it cannot be activated without the city lord's verbal instructions.

Although they agreed to kill the masters in the tower with this formation, they were still a little nervous in their hearts. If the city lord leaves the customs to investigate the matter, they will inevitably be punished.

But at this moment, Lingao Real Person had the "Bahuang Tianhe Banner" in his hand, so he really had no scruples.

And this magic weapon is very special, it can impinge millions of miles to pass through the Tianhe River, and it is itself an introduction to launching the "Tianhe Slaughter Array".

Without this treasure in hand, with the power of the four of them, even if they could activate the great formation of the city, they could only mobilize the water of the lower reaches of the Tongtian River, and could not exert the power of three-tenths of the great formation.

Now that the real person Lingao holds the "Bahuang Tianhe Flag", the water in the middle reaches of the Tongtian River can also be controlled by him. In this way, the power of the large formation is enough to match the power of the manifestation of the holy realm!

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Lingao Zhenren waved the flag in his hand, and the water of Tongtianhe underneath suddenly soared, turning into countless currents and rising into the sky, actually building a great wall in mid-air!

These city walls are composed of the water of the Tongtian River, which contains weird and unpredictable power. As the Great Wall in mid-air gradually takes shape, everyone only feels that the power of heaven is pouring from above, making their souls One trembled.

"Senior brothers, quickly return to your position and hold your feet down for me!"

The voice of the real Lingao came from the endless city wall, awakening the three of Yue Wankun, Zhu Mang, and Tong Kunshan at the same time.

The three of them glanced at each other, all nodded slightly, the next moment they each pinched their tactics, sacrificed their own magic weapons, and at the same time turned into a light, rushed into the great wall hanging high in the air in an instant. .

The Tongtian River stretches for millions of miles, and there are many rumors about where the source is, but there has never been a reliable statement. The entire Antarctic Xianzhou is estimated to be known only by the previous city owners of Tianhe City.

But one thing is clear is that the water of the Tongtian River contains the power of the avenue, and the closer it is to the upper reaches, the stronger the power of the avenue. It has been passed down to the source of the upper reaches, and it is almost close to the way of heaven!

The original city lord of Tianhe City created the "Tianhe Slaughter Array" based on the water of the Tongtian River. It can be said that with the help of the power of heaven, the Great Wall that traverses mid-air has cut off the vitality of everyone in the array.

However, all monks below the manifested holy realm, under the pressure of this long town composed of Tongtian River, can hardly even use magical magical powers. Even if they are barely used, their power effects will be greatly reduced.

This is the suppression from the power of heaven!

At this moment, Tong Kunshan, Yue Wankun, and Zhu Mang stood at the corner of the big formation, each holding the law enforcement treasure, and continuously injecting their spiritual power into it, so that the real person Lingao could control the big formation smoothly.

And the real person Lingao was in the center of the big formation. At this time, his beard was flying, his blue shirt was hunting, holding the "Bahuang Tianhe Flag" in both hands, and he suddenly waved downward.


The Great Wall of water in mid-air moved slowly, suppressing it downward with the infinite power of heaven, and the surrounding space began to twist and burst, as if it could no longer stand it.

As the city wall moved, a thousand rays of glow suddenly appeared again. The glow contained golden bows, silver halberds, magic pestles, treasure files, golden bottles, flying swords... etc. , Ju is transformed from the Tongtian River.

A stern air filled the surroundings, and Tong Kunshan, Yue Wankun and others all shrank their pupils. In their opinion, the horror of the coercive force of this "Tianhe Slaughter Immortal Formation" was only under the Tianhe City Lord Han Qianshan.

Suppressed by this power of heaven, even if the four of them work together, they will be unable to move, let alone fight against these fairy artifacts in the Xiaguang.

Everyone turned their eyes to the Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda below, wanting to see how the people inside would respond.

When everyone was holding their breath, a group of magic clouds flew out of the tower, tumbling in midair, and after a while, a strange magic book flew out from the depths of the magic cloud.

At the same time, the "Osume Salvation Sutra" floating above the tower was also moving at the same time, and saw two rays of gold and one black light approaching instantly. Before everyone could react, the "Osume Salvation Sutra" It has been combined with the unknown strange magic book.

Two completely different scriptures, even the attributes of mutual restraint, actually slowly merged at this time, turning into a strange light of gold and black intersecting.

At first, this group of light was not as good as the fire of the glow-in-the-dark candle, but in the next moment it was glorious and shone thousands of miles away!

Countless mantras written in magic patterns fly into the air, each as large as a roof, connected to each other by golden light or magic patterns, forming a huge canopy, and the celestial objects shot from the "Tianhe Slaughter Array" one by one Bouncing!

Not only that, even the Tianhe Great Wall, which was continuously suppressed downwards, was dragged down by this canopy. Numerous halos blasted in the air, crushing everything around to smash, but it never crossed this canopy!

When Tong Kunshan, Yue Wankun and others who were hiding in the "Tianhe Slaughter Immortal Formation" saw this, their expressions changed drastically, and a thought came into their minds at the same time:

"Where is this person sacred? Combining the power of the four people like me, plus the'Tianhe Slaughter Immortal Formation', can't help him?!"


Just when the four people were shocked beyond the reach, the Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda at this moment was a different scene.

I saw Liang Yan still sitting cross-legged on the top of the pill furnace, surrounded by spiritual power swarming, continuously flowing into his body, and the whole person's aura has risen to a peak.

He can enter the middle stage of the Golden Core with just one shot!

On the other side of the alchemy room, the old monk in yellow did not help him fan the fire anymore. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground, making prints with his left hand, and pinching his right hand. Surrounded by black air, it looks extremely weird.


A loud noise came from outside the tower, and it was obvious that the four of Tianhe City once again urged a large formation to press down the long town composed of Tongtianhe River.

With the help of the power of the heavens contained in the water of the Tongtian River, Yue Wankun and the four others set up this Tianhe slaying celestial array, which is powerful enough to rival the monks in the Holy Realm! It was a miracle that the yellow-robed old monk was able to protect the tower for such a long time.

It's just that at this time, even he started to feel a little weak.

It's not that he was afraid of the opponent's battle, but that he wanted to keep the Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda and let Liang Yan break through safely. Obviously, it was impossible.

The yellow-clothed old monk's Mu Ran's expression did not change at all, but his eyes flashed slightly like a deep pool.

He suddenly stopped the Jie Yin on his left hand, and moved forward slightly, a golden light burst out from his fingertips, and it fell into Liang Yan's chest in an instant.

Liang Yan, who was concentrating on breaking through, suddenly felt a pain in his chest, couldn't help groaning, and then opened his eyes.


There was another sound of shaking mountains, and cracks began to appear around the Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda.

Liang Yan woke up from entering concentration. At this time, he was shocked to discover that there were four extremely powerful auras above the tower, and there was also an inexplicable force of heaven on the top of his head, which almost made him breathless.

He reacted almost instantly, muttering in his mouth: "Is this discovered by the master of Tianhe City?"

However, at this moment, compared to being besieged by a master of Tianhe City, Liang Yan is more concerned about what the Huangyi old monk has penetrated into his body just now?

He subconsciously looked to his left chest, only to see a thin red line like a spider web which looked like a demon flower in full bloom.

"what is this?"

Liang Yan frowned and looked at the yellow-clothed old monk on the opposite side, but saw that the other party didn't mean to explain at all. At this time, he had already freed his left hand and was quickly pinching the tactics.

Before he could react, the yellow-robed old monk had finished casting the spell, and lightly tapped his left hand towards him. There were countless rubbles around him, sealing Liang Yan's whole person and the aura caused by the breakthrough in his surroundings. in.


Liang Yan only had time to say a word, and he was sealed in a huge rock, and the following words could not be heard again.

The yellow-clothed old monk was expressionless, and lightly patted the stone with one hand, only to see a flash of golden light, and the whole stone suddenly spun in place.

Every time the stone rotates, it becomes illusory. After a few breaths, the stone has completely disappeared, replaced by a golden light, and then lightly patted by the yellow-clothed old monk, that light. He rushed out of the tower and disappeared in an instant............


The moment Jinxia rushed out, the entire Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda was finally overwhelmed and completely collapsed..........

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