The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1036: Song Ru

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Downstream of Tianhe City, on an abandoned island.


There was a loud noise, but the magical power of the blue-clothed woman in Wushuang City fell from the sky, and a huge palm print hit Ji Fan's head directly.

Although Na Jifan is a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core, the blue-clothed woman surnamed Song has already reached the Tongxuan Realm. The strength gap between the two sides is like a chasm, and it is impossible to withstand this palm.

However, at this time, Ji Fan was still standing on the spot intact, but his right hand was raised above his head, and he was clutching a broken talisman.

"'Huntian Talisman'?"

The blue-clothed woman frowned slightly, and then sneered: "It seems that Tianhe City has given you a lot of benefits, but this talisman can protect you once, but it can't protect you twice. I'll give you one last chance, darling. Hand over the remains of Senior Six Fingers, and come back to Wushuang City with me to plead!"

At this moment, the lotus master who was hiding in the dark had a panoramic view of everything in the field, ecstatic in his heart, and secretly said:

"Although Shen Sanchi's servant is a little slick, he still speaks a bit credible. He said that the clue is in Le Feiyang. I followed her and I found the remains of six fingers!"

Thinking of this, he used his spiritual sense to probe for a while, only to find that Le Feiyang was still lurking in the dark, with no intention of showing up.

Master Lotus Heart, who was planning to do it, was taken aback at this moment, and then forcibly pressed down on the idea of ​​shooting, and secretly said in his heart: "Strange...This person is dying," What is she waiting for?"

Da Shi Lianxin’s character was originally a bit suspicious, he was used to make decisions and then move, just like Sen Luo Secret Realm and his party. His apparent strength was much higher than Murong Hanqiu, but he still used Liang Yan to make the game, and he attacked from the side. He secretly repaired the bones, and the secret realm group has been achieved by him.

Seeing Le Feiyang standing still at this time, Da Shi Lianxin did not move. Anyway, with his cultivation base, he was definitely the one who was in the deepest ambush, and no one could discover his existence.

At this moment, the traitor Ji Fan laughed and said: "I really don't have the'Huntian Talisman', but you don't have to be too proud, someone will clean up you for me!"

"Huh! You even have a hard mouth when you die, I don't think you can cry without seeing the coffin!"

Fang Liren had already been intolerable for a long time. At this moment, he suddenly slapped a palm, and saw a small phantom surrounded by purple air rising from behind him, turning lightly in the air, and pressing against Ji Fan's head in the next moment.

Just as the shadow of the small hill was about to fall on top of Ji Fan's head, there was a long roar from outside the island, and then a strong voice shouted:

"Keep people under the mountain!"

This long howl resounded hundreds of miles away, with a powerful force in it, it actually shook Fang Liren's hill for more than ten feet!

It was this distance of more than ten feet that caused Ji Fan, who was severely injured, to avoid the past dangerously and dangerously.


The phantom of the hill hit the ground, raising a large cloud of smoke, while Ji Fan rolled aside, panting heavily.

The blue-clothed woman, Fang Liren, and the unheard layman all frowned slightly while turning their heads to look.

I saw the high sky beyond the island, a few rays of escape light galloped in, the speed was surprisingly fast, at first it was still on the horizon, and the next moment it had already arrived on the island.

After the escape light dissipated, it was clear that there were four people who came. Among them, the first one was a middle-aged man, seven feet tall, wide robe and big sleeves, handsome appearance, and his cultivation had reached the middle stage of Tongxuan.

Behind him, there were two men and a woman, both of whom were in the late Jindan stage, and one of them had reached the peak of Jindan.

"Who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be Li Yuanji and Li Daoyou! You're not in Seven Star City, and what are you doing here?"

The blue-clothed woman seemed to have met the incoming person, and she called out the other's name as soon as she opened her mouth, but her tone was somewhat sarcasm, and her relationship with this person was obviously not friendly.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect that Fellow Song Daoist's demeanor would be even more so than before. It's like a beautiful face and a beautiful face!"

The middle-aged man called "Li Yuanji" turned his hands on his back, raised his head and slapped haha, "It's just that, this character remains the same, it still feels like being a thousand miles away!"


The blue-clothed woman sneered: "You haven't changed, you're still so slick. Why? Fifty years have passed, and the palm that I hit at the beginning doesn't hurt anymore?"

As soon as she uttered these words, Li Yuanji's face could not help but changed slightly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

But in the next moment, his face was restored to the same level as before, and he laughed and said, "Song Ru, don't be proud of you. The so-called Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years! Back then, it was my carelessness that followed your way, but Today is not so lucky!"

Li Yuanji said this with full confidence. Fifty years ago, when he and the woman in blue were both in the early stage of Tong Xuan, there was once a fight. At that time, the other party relied on supernatural powers to outperform him and hit his back. Palm, I feel a little painful till now.

But now it's different. Just two years ago, Li Yuanji got a big chance and broke through to the middle stage of the Tongxuan realm in one fell swoop. Now his confidence has greatly increased, and Song Ru is no longer in his eyes.

"Hmph, it seems that I didn't hit hard enough with that palm!"

Song Ru narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and then said: "Li Yuanji, let's not talk about the previous things for now, why did you come to Tianhe City, a master of Seven Star City?"

"Yo? How can I say that I and Song Daoyou have a good heart?" Li Yuanji laughed and said, "You, a master of the Profound Realm of Unparalleled City, didn't you also sneak into Tianhe City?"


Song Ruxing's eyes widened, but she reacted quickly, and then said lightly: "It seems that you and my purpose are the same?"

"Yes! Not bad!" Li Yuanji nodded his head like a rattle, and smiled: "Fairy Song came here for the remains of the six fingers, and the same is true for Li. Everyone has the same purpose. It's really fate!"

Song Ru heard the willow brows erect, and immediately shouted: "Six Fingers is a monk in my Wushuang City. I am waiting as a younger generation to welcome the bones of the senior monk. Want to get a kick? If you don't make it clear about this matter, don't blame my master for going to Seven Star City to ask for an explanation!"

"Hehe, Song Fairy's words are wrong!"

Li Yuanji shook his head and said, "Senior Feng Yulan, a six-fingered god, used to practice in my Seven-Star City for a period of time when he was still in the Qi-refining period. There was a fate of incense, and Li wanted to get back a piece of his remains. Isn't this an excessive thing?"

His remarks were strong words, but his tone was indifferent, as if he was talking about a trivial matter that Song Ru couldn't refute.

"Furthermore, your beautiful master, if you can come with Fairy Song, even if it is Xingshi to inquire, Li will be very welcome!" Li Yuanji said here, with a smile on his face, as if the March flowers are blooming, and it is like a spring breeze. .

It's just that this smile fell in Song Ru's eyes, but it was not disgusting.

"It seems that you are in charge of this matter today?" Song Ru said coldly.

"Hey, why should Fairy Song be angry, Senior Feng's six finger bones, you already have three in Wushuang City. It's not a big deal to let us give it to Seven Star City, right?" Li Yuanji said nonchalantly.

"Hmph, it's not too speculative! If that's the case, let's divide it into a real chapter!"

Song Ru is obviously a violent temper. Seeing that the situation has reached this point, she doesn't intend to talk nonsense with the other party anymore. There is a flash of inspiration all over her body, and she suddenly slaps forward.

The palm of the hand swelled, and countless blue spiritual powers rushed out, and they gathered in mid-air into a blue long whale, and the four people rushing to the Seven Star City rushed straight over.

"'Battle Whale Cang Ming'!"

Li Yuanji's pupils shrank. In the fierce battle with Song Ru, he was finally defeated by this supernatural power. Now the wound is still aching, so the memory is especially deep.

However, he was only slightly surprised, and his composure was restored in the next moment.

"I'm afraid of what she will do! Now that I have entered the middle stage of Tongxuan, it is no longer what I used to be. No matter how powerful the palm of the woman is, it is impossible to be my opponent!"

As soon as Li Yuanji thought of this, he immediately stretched out his hand and pinched a magic trick. He saw the earth and rocks flying around, and huge bluestones appeared out of thin air, with strange runes painted on them, blocking the front of the people in Seven Star City.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a series of explosions. Song Ru’s palm directly shattered Li Yuanji’s more than ten bluestones, but the palm power came to an abrupt end here, and there were still seven or eight bluestones that stood in front of Li Yuanji. The slightest damage.

"Hahaha! Song Ru, fifty years ago, my'sky stone magical skill' was lost to your'tyrannical whale palm', fifty years later, we will meet again here, it's time to decide again! "

While Li Yuanji was speaking, his hands continued, and the blue boulder appeared out of nowhere. With a wave of his big sleeve, he immediately rushed to the three of Wushuang City on the opposite side.

Song Ru also had a solemn expression at the moment. Although she was arrogant that she learned from the deep and had supernatural powers, after all, the other party had entered the middle stage of Tongxuan.

Without any hesitation, the woman raised her hand to "Swipe!" She split a few palms, her palms were powerful and powerful, and she directly shattered the cyan boulders that Li Yuanji was flying in front of her.

"Leave this to me! Go and stop the three golden core monks in Seven Star City, and remember to watch Ji Fan, don't let him run away!" Song Ru said in a low voice.


Fang Liren and Buwenjushi nodded in response at the same time. Among them, Buwenjushi turned around, raised his hand and pulled out one of the three long swords on his waist.

This knife is white and has no traces, and the blade is thin, like a cicada's wings.


Ignoring the wave of the layman's sleeve, this snow-white long knife turned into a stream of light and galloped forward.


But after hearing a screaming scream, it was the severely injured Ji Fan who was directly nailed to the ground by this long knife, his expression on his face was distorted to the extreme, and he was obviously very painful.

Ignore the layman and did not kill him, the long sword deliberately avoided the opponent's vitals, and at this time he coldly shouted: "Ji Fan, stay here, if you dare to leave the long sword for half a step, you will be overwhelmed by the sword. And die!"


Ji Fan couldn't bear it, and began to yell at the two of them, but Fang Liren and the unheard layman ignored him, and at the same time turned around and looked at the people in the opposite Seven Star City.

"Hmph, I have heard of the two big names a long time ago. It is said that you once went to Nanchui to keep your luck on a remote island?"

Among the three of Seven Star City, the man in Confucian robes headed him with a smile.

"I want to say that you Wushuang City really love to take care of nosy, that kind of remote place, let it live and die." The next female sister also sneered.

"Different ways are not conspiring!" Fang Liren snapped his sleeves, and said faintly: "If you want to seize the remains of my predecessors in Wushuang City, then you have to pass the level of our two brothers first!"

"Okay!" The Confucian robe man laughed and said, "I'll see what the two of you are capable of!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and threw a long gray wood into the air. Hundreds of black vines protruded from the cracks in the wood. Suddenly they grew up in the wind, turning into hundreds of black whips towards Fang Liren. And the unheard layman drew it away.

This person's name is "Ghost Scholar", and his life magic weapon is a piece of "Ghost Willow Tree". Once he is motivated by his own spiritual power, he can give birth to infinite resentment power. These resentment powers take root in the "Ghost Willow Tree" and finally become the essence. These are the hundreds of "ghost vines" in mid-air.

These "ghost vines" are extremely poisonous. Once they are swept away by them, the monks in the early Golden Core Realm will immediately die on the spot. Even the monks in the late Golden Core Realm will be invaded by toxins, which will greatly reduce their strength.

Seeing "Ghost Willow Tree" galloping with hundreds of ghost vines, Fang Liren's expression remained unchanged. With a single-handed pinch, the purple hill phantom immediately appeared in the air, blocking himself and the unheard layman's head~www of ghost vines on the "Ghost Willow Tree" kept hitting the purple hills, but they couldn't shake them.

Seeing that his destiny was so easily stopped by others, the "Ghost Scholar" couldn't help but blush, and said angrily: "Anyone with the surname Fang, are you capable of this? You will only hide under a mountain. Could it be that the people in Wushuang City are all It’s a tortoise with a shrunken head!"


A man and a woman behind him laughed at the same time, but before they had waited long, they saw behind the purple hill, a knife light suddenly lit up, and then there was a black dragon more than ten feet long from behind the mountain. Rush out!

This black dragon is entirely composed of sword qi, and its speed is surprisingly fast. It only took a moment of effort to reach the three Golden Core cultivators in Seven Star City.

"No! Go back!"

The ghost scholar reacted the fastest. At this time, he shouted and the whole person flew back.

The man and the woman were left. The woman drilled on the spot and disappeared instantly, but the man’s reaction was half a beat slow. When he had just sacrificed the magic weapon and wanted to resist, the black dragon was already there. Arrived in front of him.


Hearing a scream, one of the man’s arms had already risen into the sky, and blood was splashed all over the ground...

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