The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1038: Siskin behind

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After the long knife was pulled out, Ji Fan also regained his freedom. Without any hesitation, this person reached out and took out an iron box from his storage ring and gave it to the opponent.

"The remains of six fingers?" Ma Qingde asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Not bad!" Ji Fan nodded quickly.

"Okay, well done! I have long thought that your kid is a great talent. Not only is he cruel, he can even do such things that deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestor! Hahaha!"

Ma Qingde laughed, suddenly raised his hand and patted Ji Fan's Tianling cover directly.



This change happened so suddenly, everyone only saw Ji Fan who was still smiling and flattering the moment before, and the next moment, his head was shot like a watermelon and was pulverized!

Pity this traitor from Wushuang City, he still kept a flattering smile before he died.

Everyone at the scene glanced at each other, and they all saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes, but Ma Qingde did not change his face, reached out his hand and touched his chin, hehe smiled:

"The most annoying thing in Ma's life is the generation of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors! Although this person is working for me in Tianhe City, he has violated Ma's taboo and said that he should not be killed and soon."

"Huh! Ma Qingde, do you think we are stupid? This is clearly killing people!" Song Ru snorted coldly.

"Hey, whatever you think, anyway, this person is not pleasing to my eyes, so I killed it!"

Ma Qingde shrugged with an indifferent expression.

"Ma Qingde, your Tianhe City and our Wushuang City have always kept the well water in the river. Why did you secretly instigate a rebellion this time and instruct Ji Fan to steal the remains of my Wushuang City seniors?"

"Song Daoyou's words are wrong!" Ma Qingde shook his head and said: "Six-fingered gods Feng Yulan is famous. It is said that he had a magic weapon called the heavenly machine in his lifetime, which can be regarded as heaven and earth, and it has attracted countless people's longing. But this magic weapon is there. Feng Yulan also disappeared after her death. Only recently did news of this object appear soon..."

When he said this, he looked at Song Ru on the opposite side again. Seeing that his brows were frowning, he couldn't help but laughed: "Ma is not talented. You must first gather Feng Yulan's six finger bones. I don't know if this is true or not?"

Song Ru's expression at this time was hard to see the extreme, and he said coldly after hearing the words: "Ma Qingde, regardless of whether this is true or false. If you want to be born, you should return to the original owner. Can you be an outsider who can watch?"

"No! No!"

Ma Qingde shook his head and said: "Heavenly materials and earth treasures are obtained by those who are destined. Although the celestial machine box is the magic weapon of Feng's life, but since his death, it has become a thing of no owner. Since it is a thing of no owner, I can take it. Of."

"Ma Qingde! You are also the dignified True Monarch Tongxuan of Tianhe City anyway, don't you even lose your face?" Song Ru was so angry that she couldn't help shouting.


Ma Qingde burst into laughter, suddenly scowled, and sternly shouted: "Song Ru! Don't shame your face, this is my site of Tianhe City, not your unparalleled city! Your Excellency fighting in this privately has already broken Tianhe City. According to the rules, you can catch it before you leave your hands. Let me go to the city torture hall to plead!"

"What? Are you still arresting me to the Xingtang?!"

Song Ru thought she had heard it wrong. As True Monarch Tongxuan of Wushuang City, although she was fighting in Tianhe City, she was only on an island in the river, and no one saw her.

Besides, this matter also involves the people of Seven Star City. Generally, in this situation, one eye is closed, and at most it is to pay some spirit stones as compensation.

But the person in front of him said that he would take them to the Xingtang. Where is the Xingtang? That was the place where the monk from Tianhe City had committed a serious crime and was taken to trial. How could he be a true monarch Tongxuan from Wushuang City, who would go with him?

"Ma Qingde, are you crazy? The Xingtang in Tianhe City, how qualified is it to try the monks in Wushuang City?" Song Ru asked in disbelief.

However, Ma Qingde's face was flat. At this time, he smiled, shook his head and said, "Daoyou Song is not quite right. Ma has always treated the same. You are not the only one being tried today, there are also the monks in Seven Star City over there!"

As soon as he said this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

After a while, Li Yuanji suddenly sneered and said, "Ma Qingde, you are so big! Not to mention whether you can keep us, even if we all go to the Xingtang with you, is it possible that Tianhe City will be the enemy of both of us at the same time? ?"

True Monarch Tongxuan, the status of a city is already not low, if Ma Qingde really took Song Ru and Li Yuanji to the Xingtang, it would be tantamount to disgracing Wushuang City and Seven Star City.

Originally, the locations of these three cities bordered each other. Such a move will inevitably lead to conflicts. If they are not handled well, they may even trigger a war between monks.

So despite Ma Qingde's words, no one believes that he will set this precedent and really catch them all.

However, things in this world are sometimes unexpected.

Standing in place, Ma Qingde smiled, and suddenly raised his hand to play a magic trick. In the middle of the air, a huge red magic seal appeared out of thin air, and it actually pressed everyone present at the same time.

The seal contains extremely powerful power, as if a giant peak descending from the sky, trying to suppress all of them underneath.

This trick can be said to have not left any hands. Everyone in the field, except Song Ru and Li Yuanji, the rest of the Golden Core cultivators felt a huge sense of oppression from above. The spiritual power in the body was like being imprisoned, and the bones all over the body were smashed. Creaking.

"Ma Qingde, you are really playing!"

Li Yuanji yelled angrily. The sneak attack just now could also be said to stabilize the situation, but this move was clearly meant to kill them!

Ma Qingde did not speak this time, but only urged the spiritual power in his body to the extreme. The whole person flew up. The fiery red robe was hunting and hunting in the violent wind, and the huge red seal also stirred layers of ripples under his feet, carrying A force that destroys the sky and the earth pressed against everyone's heads.

"Fight with him!"

Song Ru was originally a violent temper. Although she was seriously injured by Ma Qingde's sneak attack, she didn't think about how to escape for her life at this moment.

"hold head high!"

With a long sound, a huge blue whale burst out from its palm and slammed its head towards the Fayin in the air.

At the same time, the surrounding earth and rocks cracked and hundreds of cyan boulders soared into the sky, forming a huge "Stone Killing Array" in mid-air, trapping Ma Qingde together with the seal of his feet.

Seeing Li Yuanji's two-handed tactics continued, he silently chanted the word "return" in his mouth, and the cyan boulders immediately shrank inward, and at the same time slammed into the center of Ma Qingde.

The blue giant whale and the cyan "Sky Stone" called at the same time, and Ma Qingde's expression remained unchanged in the face of the combined blow of the two True Monarchs, but instead he laughed:

"Is this the "Big Whale Cang Ming Palm" and the "Sky Stone Magical Art"? Ma Mou is fortunate enough to see the two magical powers today, so happy and happy!"

While he was speaking, his feet exerted strength, and the red light on the Dharma seal suddenly soared, and then fell sharply.


There was a loud noise, but the red seal was directly pressed on the top of the giant whale's head, and then a mournful cry was heard. The majestic blue giant whale was actually suppressed by this seal. !

In just a moment of effort, the blue giant whale that had charged straight to the sky had already planted downwards involuntarily. Even though it desperately wanted to resist, it still couldn't beat the suppression of the red seal.

As for the hundreds of cyan "sky stones" blasted from all around, they were also bounced off by the aura of Ma Qingde's seal. Many of them even exploded in place, turning into a plume of blue smoke and dissipating in the air.

"not good!"

Song Ru only felt that her body was turned upside down, her chest suddenly hurt, and she opened her mouth to spout a mouthful of blood.

She was already injured, but now she was suppressed by Ma Qingde's magical powers, and she could no longer restrain her injuries.

"This person is only in the middle stage of the Tongxuan Realm, so why does it have such means?"

Song Ru was so surprised that he subconsciously glanced at Li Yuanji's side, only to see that his old adversary was also spraying blood and just turned his head to look.

Both of them saw shock and incomprehension in each other's eyes, but at this moment, there was no time for them to communicate too much. The red seal in mid-air was vast and mighty, and it had already reached everyone's heads.

Ma Qingde stepped on the seal of the Fayin, with overwhelming aura, and laughed in his mouth: "You guys are fighting in my Tianhe City, and you don't take the rules set by the city master Han seriously. Today, Ma will tell you to die without a place to be buried!"

Just like this, the Golden Core cultivators of the Seven-Star City, such as "Ghost Scholar" and Lin Caiyi, were already overwhelmed by the power in the Seal. They spurted blood while falling to the ground, I was afraid that there would be another moment. , Is about to explode and die.

As for Fang Liren and the unheard layman, the situation was a little better, relying on Fang Liren's purple mountain phantom to block his head, barely supporting the strong power in the red seal.

But this is only temporary. The purple mountain phantom has been crushed and deformed. Numerous rubbles fell from the mountain, and Fang Liren's face was pale and soaked. Obviously, it won't be long before the two people will be completely sealed by the law. Suppress!

At this critical moment, I suddenly heard a faint piano sound from below everyone.

The sound of the piano is like a deep mountain stream, ethereal and clear, and like a canyon waterfall, comfortable and melodious. The tune also rises and falls. Although it sounds soothing and brisk, there are many changes hidden under the seemingly ordinary tune, which is difficult to detect.

Although the people who were fighting have reached the limit of life and death, after hearing the sound of the piano, a strange look appeared on their faces.

Before they could explore it carefully, they heard the sound of the piano suddenly become high-pitched, killing the sound of the piano like a sharp sword rushing into the sky!

This sword is invisible and intangible. It is a sword of rhythm. When the sword is cut out, the other sounds on the island are dimmed at the same time. Everyone can only hear the sound of this sword.

Ma Qingde, who was suppressing the crowd with the red seal, suddenly changed his face. He pinched his two-handed tactics anxiously. He wanted to change the trajectory of the seal, but he took a bit slower and was pierced into the seal by this invisible sound sword.

The original powerful red seal was stabbed by the sound sword, and instantly began to shake from the inside. Everyone felt that when the top of their heads loosened, the mountain-like aura began to gradually dissipate.

"good chance!"

Song Ru was overjoyed, and the spiritual power in his body was madly urged, and the blue giant whale in mid-air roared and suddenly pushed upwards.

At the same time, Li Yuanji also pinched the tactics with both hands, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood into the "Sky Stone Killing Array". With the help of those remaining "Sky Stones", he immediately exploded with a hundred-zhang-high azure glow and moved towards together. Ma Qingde hit it.

In a short time, the situation on the court reversed.

Ma Qingde, who had stabilized the crowd, was actually broken by a strange piano sound! At this time, Song Ru, Li Yuanji, and the person hiding in the dark joined forces to attack, and for a while it was impossible to parry.


Hearing a loud noise, the red seal in mid-air crashed to pieces, and Ma Qingde fell down, his clothes shattered and his hair was shaved, making him look embarrassed.

At the same time, the figure of a woman flew out from the broken palace below, and soon came to everyone's eyes.

This woman has a graceful figure and smart eyes. The pale yellow Bixia Luo looks elegant and refined with a snow-white dress.

"'Miaoyu Xuanyin'! You are from Yuzhushan!"

Ma Qingde's eyes widened. There was no demeanor at this moment. One finger pointed at the woman who had just appeared, and he shouted angrily: "How dare you monks from Yuzhu Mountain be presumptuous in my Tianhe City?"

"Hehe, you don't even know me, so you dare to call yourself'Ma Qingde'?"

The yellow-clothed woman who had just appeared sneered, and then turned around and gave a salute to Song Ru and Li Yuanji and whispered in her mouth: "Little girl Le Feiyang, I have seen fellow Taoists in Wushuang City and Seven Star City."

"Le Feiyang?"

Li Yuanji raised his brows and said in surprise: "Aren't you the patron of the Chunjiang Pavilion? It is said that you and Ma Qingde are old friends. Although the Chunjiang Pavilion is Ma Qingde's property, you are actually taking care of it."


Le Feiyang nodded and said, "Here is the pavilion master of Chunjiang Pavilion, and he has also made good friends with the old "Qingde Zhenjun"."

"then you.........."

Song Ru's eyes widened, and he obviously wanted to say, "Then you still help us deal with Ma Qingde", but the rest of the story couldn't be said.

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, the person in front of you is not Ma Qingde at all!"

Le Feiyang smiled slightly, and then said: "'True Monarch Qingde' was led out of the city a few days ago. This person is unpredictable. The establishment of the bureau will lead you to this place and pretend to be Ma Qingde. They attacked from time to time. These are all for the purpose of planting misfortunes, so as to provoke the contradictions between Qixing, Tianhe, and Wushuang!"

Although the tone of her remarks was plain, the content inside was appalling. Song Ru, Li Yuanji and others couldn't help taking a breath after listening.

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