The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1039: Lianxin shot

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Song Ru reacted the most after hearing this, and almost immediately asked: "Friends of Taoism, this matter is not trivial. Is everything you said just now true?"

"Hehe, just imagine, if you all died in Tianhe City today, and only one monk of the Golden Core Realm escaped by'lucky', and then report the matter to the city's high-level officials after returning, then would the'black pot' in Tianhe City? Just betrayed?" Le Feiyang replied unhurriedly.

Song Ru and Li Yuanji looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

"Speaking of which, I also received the news very early, saying that the remains of Six Fingers will appear in Tianhe City, and that's why I came here early..."

Li Yuanji recalled how he had obtained the clue, and raised his brow lightly, seeming to have believed Le Feiyang's words by three points.

"Everyone, the real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real! This person was obviously going to kill you just now, so why don't we join forces to capture him, and when the true Lord Qingde comes back, we will know who is true and who is the fake!" Le Feiyang Smiled slightly.

This time, Song Ru and Li Yuanji did not hesitate, and at the same time nodded in response:


As soon as the two of them spoke, they spread out in opposite directions with great tacit understanding, and stood together with Le Feiyang, enclosing Ma Qingde in the middle.

At this time, Ma Qingde's seal was broken, and he was seriously injured. A set of fiery red phoenix robe was torn into a rag, the purple and gold crown on his head was also knocked off, and his long hair was scattered in the air, looking like Embarrassed.

"Hehe, everything counts, but I didn't expect to miss you the pavilion master of Chunjiang Pavilion!"

Ma Qingde smiled miserably, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"Can't pretend it?" A sneer smile appeared at the corner of Le Feiyang's mouth.

"Who are you? Why do you want to provoke the conflict between the three cities? What good will this do to you?" Song Ru glared, asking three questions in a row.


Ma Qingde nodded and said: "There are benefits naturally, and it doesn't hurt to tell you, in fact, I..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and when he reached the back, he was almost muttering softly. Song Ru frowned and was about to listen attentively, but Li Yuanji's loud shout suddenly came from a distance:


Hearing this voice, Song Ru was shocked, and saw that Ma Qingde had turned into a fiery red streamer, spanning hundreds of meters, and slapped towards his position.

In the palm of his hand, a huge seal flew out of it, exuding the breath of blood in the air!

Song Ru only felt irritable and hot, and the blood inside his body was tumbling, as if it was about to burst through the blood vessels in the next moment, spurting out!

With her face changed drastically, she hurriedly carried out her own practice, with blue aura flowing on her body, she stretched out a palm suddenly, and patted it with a palm toward the front.

"hold head high!"

But after hearing a whale call, a giant blue whale rushed out of its palm, collided with the Fayin, and erupted with a loud noise.

After the injury, Ma Qingde was still tyrannical. At this moment, the red seal exploded with a strong **** aura, suppressing the entire blue whale.

At this moment, the piano sound rang again, and I saw that there was an extra guqin in front of Le Feiyang.

The body of the guqin is made of a piece of withered yellow wood, with more than ten silver strings on it, gently flicked by a pair of jade hands, and the sound of the piano spreads like spring water.

Ma Qingde, who was singing and advancing, immediately broke out after hearing the sound of the piano, and his face instantly turned pale as paper.

The **** seal was greatly diminished at this moment. Song Ru looked at the opportunity, and the palm of his hand was connected with a wave. The blue giant whale in mid-air made a long cry and rushed towards his opponent.


There was another loud noise, and Ma Qingde was beaten backwards.

However, someone behind him was cutting his back. At this moment, Li Yuanji turned the "Sky Stone Divine Art" into action. Dozens of cyan boulders turned into brilliant streamers in mid-air and slammed behind him.


Ma Qingde was swept by a blue "sky stone" and spouted a big mouthful of blood in the air. His whole body was crumbling.

No matter how good his supernatural powers are, it is impossible for him to fight one against three, not to mention that the three people on the opposite side are still masters in the seven mountains and twelve cities.

After Le Feiyang joined the battlefield, it became a one-sided situation. Facing the monks from the three forces joined forces, Ma Qingde no longer had the power to fight back and was almost crushed on the head. The victory or defeat was only a matter of time.

At this moment, the lotus-hearted Master, who was hiding in the dark, frowned.

"Blood Deity Seal?"

The red seal that defeated Song Ru and Li Yuanji just now may not be known to others, but he is very familiar with it.

"This kid is a disciple of God Transforming Blood?!"

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Master Lotus Heart. You must know that the magical power of "Transforming Blood God Seal" was originally created by someone and the only one in the world.

And the person who created this magical power was the **** of blood transformation, one of the twenty-nine star officials of Tiangong City!

The Blood-Transforming God Sovereign ranks low among the star officials of Heavenly Palace City, and is usually extremely mysterious. He rarely shows up outside, and only the high-level personnel of Heavenly Palace City know the existence of this person.

Da Shi Lianxin only knew a little about this person, knowing that his original "Blood-Transforming God Seal" was infinitely powerful, and once saw his disciple use this trick. At that time, he was quite moved.

"Unexpectedly, I can actually meet someone who will make the "Blood-Transforming God Seal" here!"

Da Shi Lianxin sighed with emotion, and he also had some doubts in his heart.

It is necessary to know that Tiangong City is very far away from Tianhe City. He himself did not hesitate to spend decades of effort to come here because he was looking for the whereabouts of the "psychic Buddha and Monkey".

But why did the cultivator in the middle stage of the Tongxuan realm come here?

"Is it a game of the old immortals in Tiangong City? Or is it the city owner secretly planning?"

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, when he reached the realm of the city lord, many things cannot be used by people with too high a cultivation level, and it is easy to be seen by others.

The so-called **** of a thousand miles was destroyed in an ant nest, and some of the things between juniors are often more intriguing.

"Will I be counted in this round?"

When Lianxin thought of this, he felt a flurry of hair in his heart. You must know that he was also drawn here. If Shen Sanchi hadn't told him, he would never find this place.

Reminiscing about the methods of the city lord, Mr. Lin Xin couldn't help feeling cold, and sighed secretly:

"Well, since I have seen it, then I can't say that I have to help a group, otherwise it will inevitably lose the population when I go back. The old guys don't have a good kind!"

Thinking of this, Da Shi Lianxin looked up again, and saw that "Ma Qingde" was being besieged by the three of them.

After seeing this scene, Da Shi Lin Xin didn't hesitate anymore, he suddenly gathered his momentum and shouted out of thin air:

"Bold thief, stop hurting my sister!"

This blast used the "thunder sound of the sky" in the eight parts of Yanyuan, like the thunder rolling in the sky, and the sound shook everywhere, and it was like a bell in the evening and the morning.

This method has been dubbed by Liang Yan as "swearing on the street" for quite a few years. It is actually used by Buddhist monks to wake up the world and break the false sound waves. It is different from the mysterious rhythm of Yuzhu Mountain. Relying on a single body of Dharma cultivation base to urge it, it is like a thundering sound, unstoppable!

Da Shi Lianxin uttered a loud shout with the "Thunder Sound Strike" method, and Le Feiyang's piano sound was immediately stunned, and Li Yuanji and Song Ru, who had been attacking continuously, were also dizzy and dizzy with magical powers. Suddenly they all missed it.

Before everyone had come to their senses, a figure in white jumped out of the palace below, at an incredible speed, and passed over the heads of Li Yuanji and Song Ru in an instant, and arrived at Ma Qingde. In front of.

The man didn't look back, just laughed, fisted with his left hand, and punched Ma Qingde's Tian Ling Gai.


With a loud noise, everyone only saw a circle of golden light erupting in front of them, blocking everyone's sight, and even the divine consciousness could not penetrate it.

But in the next moment, the golden light disappeared without a trace, and only a monk in white was floating in the air.

This person is tall and handsome, and he does not look like a monk, but like a suave rich man.

As for Ma Qingde, he has completely disappeared at this moment!

After Li Yuanji and Song Ru saw this person, they both showed surprises, and hurriedly controlled the escape light, backing hundreds of feet away.

Because the aura of this person's cultivation base is unfathomable, he has reached the level of the Tongxuan realm, that is, the transformation of the robbery realm!

Li Yuanji and Song Ru secretly communicated a few words, and the former asked, "Dare to ask the predecessor's title? Where is'Ma Qingde' now?"

"That fake'Ma Qingde'?" The white-clothed monk smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "I killed it!"

"What? You killed it!"

Both Li Yuanji and Song Ru were taken aback. The monk’s roar was so powerful that everyone was lost for a while, but they did see that the monk clenched a fist in one hand and hit the "Ma Qingde" Tianling Gai. go.

After that, golden light filled the sky, and when he appeared, the "Ma Qingde" had disappeared.

"Since Senior said that he had already beheaded this person, why didn't he see his corpse? Also, how sacred is Senior and why did he come here?" Song Ru's face was full of suspicion.

This time, before the white-clothed monk could answer, he heard someone behind him sigh, and then a soft voice said quietly:

"This person is one of the twenty-nine star officials of Tiangong City, the descendant of the angry monk, and his dharma name is "Lianxin"."

"It turns out to be the descendant of the angry monk!"

Li Yuanji and Song Ru's expressions were solemn at the same time, and they arched their hands and said: "I have been disrespectful, please forgive me, senior!"

"It's okay!"

Da Shi Lianxin waved his hand with an indifferent expression on his face.

Song Ru hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Senior, please forgive the younger generation to ask too much, why are you here as the star official of Tiangong City?"

"Hehe, Le Feiyang is her sister-in-law, and the poor monk has not yet cut her fate. This trip is to take a look at her sister." Da Shi Lianxin said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Song Ru looked surprised and looked back together with Li Yuanji, only to see Le Feiyang snorting coldly, turning her pretty face away, as if she didn't want to pay attention to this person.

Although she did not reply directly, not speaking at this time was tantamount to acquiescence. Song Ru and Li Yuanji were also secretly surprised, thinking that this great monk still has such a beautiful sister!

"The reason why the poor monk followed here was just to protect the safety of her sister, but I did not expect to run into such a shameless person who wanted to provoke the conflict between the three cities! Hehe, this kind of person and certain family would naturally not let it go, just now. A punch has completely disappeared from this world!"

"I see.........."

Song Ru nodded, and secretly said: "They all say that angry monks are jealous of evil, and presumably his descendants are also the same. It is said that the "Eight Branches of the Yuan" is the most powerful and strong, but it is the Buddha's method of vajra. With a terrifying aura, it is really possible to wipe out'Ma Qingde'..."

Thinking of this, the suspicion in her heart eased a lot, but Le Feiyang behind her didn't appreciate it at all. Instead, she coldly snorted, "Who wants you to protect? I've said it a long time ago. I don't need to do anything. You control!"

"Flying..." Mr. Lotus sighed and whispered softly: "How can you recognize me?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

After Le Feiyang left this sentence, he didn't say much, turned around and left. It was just a blink of an eye that he disappeared into the horizon.


Master Lotus heart yelled, and was about to chase after him, but he heard Song Ru beside him suddenly speak:

"Senior wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Although Da Shi Linxin stopped, his face showed a hint of unpleasantness.

"Senior just punched and killed the fake'Ma Qingde'. He should have got an iron box from This is the relic of my ancestors in Wushuangcheng. Please return it to me, so it won’t hurt. It’s the harmony between you and me."

Although her realm is far lower than that of Lianxin Dashi, she said that she was neither humble nor overbearing. After hearing this, she turned her eyes slightly and suddenly smiled and said, "Well, I'll give you this thing back!"

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his sleeve, and an iron box flew out of his sleeve and went straight to Song Ru.

At this time, Lai Shi and Fang Liren had already treated their injuries and barely flew to Song Ru's side. The three of them looked at each other and opened the iron box at the same time.

"Sure enough, it is the remains of Senior Six Fingers!"

Song Ru saw the contents of the box and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After ten years, he finally fulfilled his mission and successfully chased the six-finger magic calculation back.

"The predecessors understand the righteousness, and the juniors are grateful!" Song Ru said sincerely.

"Hehe, Nephew Song Xian don't need to thank you! The famous poor monk who respects the teacher has also been admired for a long time, maybe he will visit the house someday!"

"Senior, if you come to Wushuang City, your teacher will definitely welcome you!"

"Ha ha!"

Da Shi Lianxin smiled openly, but he was smug in his heart, and thought: "Sure enough, I am an ignorant junior, hehe! Is it so easy to give away what I got?"

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