The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1040: End of the scene (end of this volume)

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In fact, Lianxin Dashi did not kill Ma Qingde at all!

Just now, under the siege of Li Yuanji, Song Ru, and Le Feiyang, the defeat was set, and Master Linxin suddenly shot, not to put him to death, but to save his life.

He first shook the crowd with a "Thunder Sound Strike" method, causing everyone to lose consciousness for a moment, and at the same time enveloped himself with the golden light of Buddhism, so that everyone's spiritual consciousness could not be detected, and then a sleeve robe. Shake, put "Ma Qingde" into his sleeve.

When the golden light dissipated and the figure reappeared, there was no "Ma Qingde" in the field, only Mr. Linxin.

Although Song Ru was a little skeptical about the whole process, when she heard that Master Lienxin was Le Feiyang's elder brother, and at the same time, she was the "herder of the angry monk", the suspicion in her heart gradually subsided.

When Master Lin Xin returned the remains of the six fingers to himself, Song Ru had completely trusted him.

In fact, what kind of magnanimous gentleman is Lianxin Dashi!

Not only did he not kill "Ma Qingde," he also secretly made a move just now, having already done tricks on the iron box.

With the mark on the iron box, no matter how far Song Ru and the others leave, even if they return to the territory of Wushuang City, they are sure to track them down.

So on the surface, he deliberately made a generous appearance and returned the iron box to the people in Wushuang City, but in fact, he had made up his mind in his heart. After the separation, he secretly followed the three people in Wushuang City.

When the time comes, he will change his appearance and **** the remains of the six fingers back without the use of eight parts of Yanyuan.

In this way, he not only saved the disciple of the **** of blood, but also got the remains of the six fingers, and also made friends with Wushuang City, paving the way for the other two phalanxes that would seek to seize Wushuang City in the future.

Simply kill three birds with one stone!

Master Lin Xin's abacus clinked, but Song Ru in front of him didn't know how cunning the monk was, and he was very grateful for him.

After checking the contents of the iron box, she confirmed that it was the remains of the "six-finger fortune-telling".

"Thank you senior for helping me this time, the junior must remember it in my heart!" Song Ru respectfully saluted to Master Lotus Heart, and said solemnly.

"Hey, easy to say, easy to say! Wushuang City is famous, and the poor monks have long meant to visit. I believe it will not be long before we will meet again."

Song Ru smiled slightly after hearing this, and was about to say something more, but suddenly heard a loud noise coming.


With this loud noise, the whole island began to shake violently!

"What's the matter? How do I feel that this island is going to collapse?"

The "Ghost Scholar" exclaimed, Song Ru and Li Yuanji were also shocked, thinking that they and the others were in an ambush. They hurriedly released their spiritual knowledge and looked around, but they did not find a half-person figure.

At this time, Master Lotus heart frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking of something, his gaze crossed the crowd and looked at a place extremely far away.

After a while, he suddenly muttered to himself: "It's not that our island is about to collapse...but the whole Tianhe City is about to change!"

As if to confirm his words, the next moment, the Tongtian River under everyone's feet suddenly churned up, countless currents soared into the sky, forming countless huge water columns thousands of feet high in the air.

At the same time, there are still many Tongtianhe rivers that have reversed their direction, and actually rushed from the lower reaches to the middle reaches, which looked extremely weird.

"What happened?"

Song Ru and the others were all surprised. After all, Tongtianhe was the foundation of Tianhe City, and such a large-scale mutation had never occurred in thousands of years.

"It's the great city moat formation'Tianhe Slaughter Immortal Formation' launched!" Da Shi Lianxin sighed lightly.

"The Great Moat!"

Both Song Ru and Li Yuanji were shocked, and were about to say something, but before they could speak, they heard another loud noise coming from a distance.


Accompanied by this loud noise, an indescribable power spread from the upper reaches of the Tongtian River, covering everyone in it in just an instant.

"The power of heaven!"

Song Ru exclaimed, this powerful sense of oppression is clearly the power of heaven contained in the legendary Tongtian River!

How do they know that in the middle reaches of the Tongtian River at this time, there is an old monk in yellow clothes who, with the supreme magical powers of the combination of the Buddha and the magic, is fighting the "Tianhe Slaughter Array" deployed by the four great tribulation monks in Tianhe City!

These escaping heavenly powers are just a little aftermath from their fierce confrontation.

But even with this aftermath, Song Ru and the others couldn't bear it at all. All the people present, except for Da Shi Lienxin, were pale and dizzy, and their souls were about to be shaken out of their bodies.

"God-given opportunity!"

At the moment when everyone was shocked and lost in a daze, Master Lotus Heart narrowed his eyes and pinched a magic trick with one hand.

He had secretly made some hands and feet on the phalanx in the iron box before, leaving his own mark. Now, taking advantage of the moment when everyone loses consciousness, he can easily steal this phalanx by secretly using means!

I saw a golden thread shot out from the fingertips of Lienxinda Shi, and instantly penetrated into the iron box in the hands of the unheard layman, and then the golden thread hooked back, actually hooking out a slender finger bone.

This phalanx is not the thick and white bones of ordinary people, but the whole body is in the color of jasper, it looks crystal clear, like a piece of beautiful jade.

Da Shi Lianxin smiled and said secretly, "God helps me too!", immediately after the finger hook, the golden silk thread pulled the phalanx and came to him in an instant.

At this time, Song Ru, Li Yuanji and others were still dizzy by the power of the heavens that spread from the middle reaches of the Tongtian River. They did not realize what was happening. The remains" were stolen.


The tremors of the Tongtian River became more and more violent, and the millions of miles of river water was like a raging sea, one wave after another, and a wall of water rose to the sky, as if to throw everyone in the river.

More and more fierce power of the heavens swept over, and even the lotus heart became a little tight and short of breath, but his heart was secretly happy. He did not expect that the yellow-clothed old monk was upset in the middle reaches of the Tongtian River, and he could take the opportunity. Reap the benefits.

It's just that while he was proud of his heart, he didn't notice that a faint golden light suddenly appeared in the air, and the position was unbiased, just rushing into the iron box in Fang Liren's hand.

Although all this is a long story, it only takes a few breaths!

After a few breaths, Song Ru, Fang Liren, and Buwenjushi and others have already mobilized the spiritual power in the meridians, and the dizziness has completely disappeared with the operation of their own exercises.

When everyone returned to their place, their eyes were full of horror.

"Tianhe City.........sure enough, something big is about to happen!" Song Ru murmured.

"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time!"

Li Yuanji gave a low yell, leading the "Ghost Scholar" and other monks in the Seven-Star City to turn around, leaving a faint voice at the same time: "Fairy Song, today that thing will be given to you. , We always have a day to meet again!"

Before he finished his words, his figure flew farther and farther, but in a blink of an eye, he disappeared into the horizon.

"Let's talk about it when you can beat me!"

Song Ru looked at the direction he was leaving, snorted softly, turned around and bowed to Master Lienxin: "The juniors still have important responsibilities, so let's leave this time. If seniors have free time in the future, Come to my Wushuang City'Bihai Palace' as a guest."

"Hehe, sure! Certainly!"

Da Shi Linxin's goal has been achieved, and there is no need to follow Song Ru and his party, which has saved a lot of effort, and he is secretly happy.

With a smile on his face and a good mood, he even said, "Teem City is about to be in chaos. If there is nothing else, it is better for the nephew to leave this place of right and wrong. From this place, not far to the west of the island, There is a'Shuijing Pavilion', and there is a teleportation circle in the pavilion that can lead to the border of Wushuang City. With your identity as the True Monarch of Wushuang City, it is estimated that you only need to turn in a little spiritual stone to use the teleportation. Magic circle."

Song Ru's expression was awe-inspiring, and he nodded in response, "Thank you, senior, for your advice."

In fact, she was secretly happy. After all, she spent more than ten years tracking down the traitor Ji Fan. It was not until this Tianhe City that she had taken the stolen "six-finger bones" back. Now, as long as she returns to the city and lives, it is counted. Great achievement.

Thinking that his hard work was not in vain, Song Ru was also quite proud at this moment.

But she didn't know that the things in the iron box had already been dropped!

The remains of the six fingers were already in the sleeve of Master Lotus Heart at this moment. At the same time, there was an inexplicable golden light that slipped into the iron box while the world was shaking.

In other words, what is in the iron box is not the remains of six fingers long ago, but a mysterious object of unknown origin!

Song Ru didn't know anything about it, and only wanted to return to Wushuang City to return to life. He immediately bid farewell to Master Lienxin, turned around and left the island with the unheard layman and Fang Liren.

After everyone had left, Da Shi Lin Xin flicked his sleeves again, only to see a white light flashing, and the dead "Ma Qingde" reappeared in front of him.

At this time, Ma Qingde was already seriously injured, but after seeing Master Lienxin, he took a deep breath and bowed and said, "Thank you, senior, for your help!"

Da Shi Lianxin waved his hand, indicating that he needn't say more, and then with a brush of his sleeves, a golden light swept the person and disappeared in place with him...........

After Song Ru left the island, he didn't stop for half a minute, and led Fang Liren and the unheard layman to the direction of "Shuijing Pavilion".

At this time, Tianhe City was already in a bit of chaos. Many monks didn't know what had happened, but they were a little frightened when they saw the rare riot in the Tongtian River.

Some courageous cultivators of the Chamber of Commerce have even given up the goal of this transaction and walked towards the exit of the lower reaches of Tianhe City.

But there are also some brave monks who want to find out the source of this mutation, not only did not leave Tianhe City, but went upstream along the Tongtian River.

There were people coming and going on the streets of Tianhe City, and Song Ru went through them, but didn't have the mind to take care of any nostalgia.

She received the warning from Lienxinda Shi, knowing that something major is about to happen in Tianhe City, she should not stay for long, plus the "six-finger bones" that have been tracking for many years have been obtained, it is really an arrow to return.

The three of them walked along the streets of Tianhe City for more than half a day, and they saw an island appear in front of them.

There is a huge palace on the island. There is a huge stone standing at the entrance of the palace. There are three characters written on the stone, which is exactly what Lianxin Dashi called "Shuijing Pavilion"!

At the gate of "Shuijing Pavilion" at this time, many monks came from all directions under the control of the escape light. Obviously, after the city has changed, many people plan to leave here through the teleportation circle.

Song Ru walked into the hall with Fang Liren and the unheard layman, only to see that there were three corridors inside, leading to different places.

Just when she wanted to find someone to ask, a clear voice suddenly rang out from the side:

"Sister Song!"

Song Ru heard this familiar voice and quickly turned his head to look, only to see a young girl wearing a white palace dress with a cyan ribbon on her head, walking towards him.

"Lin Qinghui?"

Song Ru was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "I didn't expect to meet you here! Did you also visit Tianhe City?"

The girl in the palace costume pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Sister Song, my little sister, I joined Tianhe City three years ago, and now I am responsible for guarding the'Shuijing Pavilion'."

Song Ru smiled upon hearing this. She and the girl in palace costume met in a secret realm. The two sides used to help each other and fight against each other. Since then, they have formed a friendship.

I didn't expect to meet this woman at this critical moment today.

"Are you the guardian of this place? That's a coincidence. I was about to use the teleportation circle to go to the territory of Wushuang City. I wonder if Fellow Lin Dao can help me?"

"You want to go back to Wushuang City?"

Lin Qinghui blinked his eyes and said, "There are three teleportation formations in this hall, which lead to Wushuang City, Seven Star City, and Baiyu City. However, there is a little accident in the city now, and there are many people who want to use the teleportation formation. ........In this way, you come with me and I will take you a shortcut."

Song Ru nodded, leading Fang Liren and the unheard layman behind her, and then asked again:

"What happened? Why did the water of Tongtian River roll up?"

"Someone broke into Tianhe City, and now four seniors have taken action and activated the "Tianhe Slaughter Array" of the city's moat!"

"What? Someone dared to break into Tianhe City alone?!" Song Ru was surprised.

"It is said that the person here is a strong man in the Holy Realm..." Lin Qinghui lowered his voice.

Song Ru was even more surprised now. The strong man in the Holy Realm, looking at the entire Antarctic Xianzhou, in the vast continent, there are no more than 30 people, but now there is one who has hit Tianhe City. This is really no small matter.

"Then you are so calm!" Song Ru said in surprise.

"What are you afraid of? Even if the sky falls, there will be nine seniors who will stand up to it. Besides, this matter has already been earth-shattering, and I am afraid that the city lord will be forced to leave the customs. I can't ask for it!"

The implied meaning of this woman was very admiration for Han Qianshan. Although Song Ru didn't take it seriously, she nodded.

"By the way, Sister Song, I have been a little curious since just now, what is the big iron box behind this person?" Lin Qinghui pointed to the iron box behind Fang Liren's back and asked.

Song Ru's face changed slightly. Although the contents of the iron box had already been dropped, Song Ru didn't know it. He thought it was the "six-finger bones". So when Lin Qinghui asked about it, the expression on his face was somewhat different. It's not natural.

"Nothing, just some medicinal materials and spiritual objects that my master asked me to purchase." Song Ru replied pretendingly and relaxedly.

"Oh!" Lin Qinghui blinked and nodded, not sure if he really believed it.

When several people were talking, they had already walked through a path to the door of another hall.

"This is the teleportation formation leading to the border of Wushuang City!" Lin Qinghui laughed and said, "Sister, I have other things, so I will send you here, Sister Song takes care all the way!"

"Friend Lin Dao takes care too!"

Song Ru gave the woman a fist, turned around and walked into the hall with Fang Liren and the unheard layman.

There is a huge teleportation circle here, and seventeen monks have stood on the circle. There is also a young monk wearing a Confucian robe outside the law formation. His cultivation is also in the early stage of the Tongxuan Seeing them come in, this person immediately speaks:

"It just happens to be three people short of it. You can pay the spirit stone, and you can start the magic circle now."

Song Ru couldn't ask for it after hearing this, and immediately paid enough spiritual stones, and then took Fang Liren and the unheard layman to the teleportation circle.

After the twenty people gathered together, the Confucian robe monk did not drag him, raised his hand to play a magic formula, and the teleportation circle immediately began to operate.

I saw a dazzling white light covering everyone in the array. As a strong spatial fluctuation emerged, the next moment, everyone in the array disappeared.........

PS: "Hunyuan Avenue" is over here. To be honest, many of the contents of this volume have been conceived and digging holes since the third volume of the Imperial Mausoleum in Beijing. When I arrived here, I finally wrote what I was thinking about. It came out, and at the same time filled in some of the previous pits.

Thank you for your company all the way. It is said that this month’s monthly ticket is approaching 500. Bamboo has said before that every 500 monthly ticket will add one more chapter. This is what it says, as long as the monthly ticket passes 500, I will add another chapter, and It's a 4,000-word chapter.

That's all the gossip, let's see you in the next volume, "Unpredictable"!

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