The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1050: Confucianism 3 veins

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"You don't know anything about that."

Ji Lai shook his head and said: "The twelve cities snare masters from all over the world, and the rules are not as strict as the sect of cultivating immortals. As long as you are not a cultivator of the same seven mountains and twelve cities, even if you have joined other sects, Or a direct descendant of a family of cultivation, they can also choose one of the cities to join."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Liang Yan nodded, and remembered the "Bihai Palace" that Song Ru had said before, which seemed to be a force in Wushuang City.

"Actually, when I came this time, I also got the order of my master, but up to now, apart from participating in the selection assessment, which can be confirmed, I don't know the remaining tasks..." Ji Lai Said with some annoyance.

"Don't even know you?" Liang Yan asked with a weird face, "Then why are you sending you here?"

"He gave me three tips and asked me to open them one by one at the agreed time. He also said that a ban was set and I would never let me peek in advance!"


Liang Yan was speechless for a while, this Shen Sanchi was even more weird than expected, and it was almost confusing.

After a long while, Liang Yan said slowly: "Since your teacher’s privacy is involved, it’s inconvenient for Liang to ask more. By the way, I remember you weren’t with Murong Xuewei? Why didn’t she? Come with you?"

"Don't mention it." Ji Lai sighed softly, "The ancestor of the Murong family seemed to have something wrong with his cultivation, and forced to open the secret forbidden area in the house. She went in and closed the door by herself, and took a few fancy to it by the way. The younger generation also brought in, and Murong Xuewei was one of them."

Liang Yan heard it clearly, but others didn't know it, but he knew it very well. Na Murong Hanqiu suffered from the loss of Master Lianxin, and now this so-called "disruption in cultivation", I am afraid that it is due to his own inability to melt bones.

"By the way, Brother Liang, you came just right, and in a few days it will be Wushuang City's "Hundred Flowers Meeting". Then you can go with me." Ji Laihu said.

"Hundred Flowers Club? What is that?"

"The Hundred Flowers Fair was founded by the'Sanhua Zhenjun' of Wushuang City. Regardless of the level of cultivation, it only talks about elegance. The venue is located in the'Guhai Peak'. There are various exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals on the summit. There is also the extremely rare Xian Guo Qiong Niang, which invites young talents who have been practicing for no more than 500 years."

Listening to Ji Lai slowly speaking, Liang Yan couldn't help frowning.

Since leaving Nanchui Island, his horizons have gradually broadened, knowing that the Terran Continent is vast and there are as many Terran monks as crucians crossing the river.

These people have their own personalities, and not all of them are devoted to cultivation. Some of them like literati elegance, which is not a strange thing.

Just because of Liang Yan's character, naturally he would not waste time to go to such a place.

"Sorry, Liang is not interested in this kind of occasion, I am afraid I will disappoint Brother Ji." Liang Yan shook his head and said.

Ji Lai seemed to have expected him to answer this way. He didn't show the slightest frustration at all. Instead, he laughed and said:

"Brother Liang, don't refuse so early. It seems that you really don't know anything about this selection test. In fact, the test has already begun before the day of selection."


Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, and he was instantly intrigued.

This was not the first time he heard this. Not long ago, the man in Chinese clothes who was in charge of registration also said similar things.

"What does Fellow Daoist mean by this?"

"Haha! Brother Liang, you don’t know something. Wushuang City’s selection for entry is held every five years, and each time there are four rounds of assessments. Although the content of these assessments is completely determined by the examiners themselves, in each previous assessment, There is a round that requires a team to pass."

"There is such a thing!" Liang Yan's face changed slightly, and he said strangely: "This is strange, don't all the monks of my generation rely on their own supernatural powers? Why do we need to set such rules?"

"Brother Liang's words are wrong."

Ji Lai shook his head and said: "Wu Shuang City is not like ordinary Xiuxian sects. It has absorbed many forces and divided into many factions. There are not only Buddha, demons, Taoism, Confucianism, but also side sects. It can be described as a hundred flowers blooming. Many tasks issued by Wushuang City need to be executed in small teams. Under such circumstances, communication and cooperation with each other becomes particularly important."

"I see!"

After listening to the plan, Liang Yan immediately woke up, such as Fang Liren and Buwenjushi, aren't they obvious examples?

These two people are inseparable every time they go out on a mission. One of them is good at killing magical powers, and the other is proficient in defensive spells. Together, the two are capable of fighting against enemies several times their own.

After all, Wushuang City is also a huge cultivator organization. The cultivators in the city exchange for the resources they need by performing tasks. The higher the efficiency, the better.

If you think about it this way, the rules that require team formation to pass the assessment seem to be understandable.

"Hey, I just said that before the selection day comes, the assessment has already begun. You need to find the most suitable teammates within this month, and then convince each other to form an alliance!"

"Are you to form an alliance..."

Liang Yan reached out and knocked on the stone table in front of him at random, and suddenly asked: "If the ally you are looking for fails the previous assessment, then when it comes to team formation, isn't it because there are no teammates?"

"So, looking for teammates to form an alliance, the stronger the better!" Ji Lai said leisurely while tasting the wine.

Hearing this, Liang Yan suddenly felt like he was on the thief ship. He glanced at it with a weird expression and then said: "You have talked so much with me, do you think I am your ally this time? ?"

"That's not it!"

Ji Lai haha ​​laughed and said, "Brother Liang’s abilities may not be clear to others, but Ji still knows a little bit. This time you sent it to the door yourself. Naturally, the two of us will form an alliance!"

Liang Yan smiled softly after listening.

He is now Hunyuan, with a sword pill in his hand. Even if he meets the mid-Tongxuan monks of the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities, he is not without the capital of a war, but he is like a chicken in the ordinary casual cultivation in the early stage of Tongxuan. Canine.

These so-called Golden Core Realm masters are no longer a threat to him, and in order to have friendship with himself, it is all right to lead him through the team.

Liang Yan didn't speak, it was tantamount to tacitly acquiescing to the alliance between the two of them. With a smile on his face, he drank all the wine in the glass, and then said: "But only the two of us won't work, and we need to find a helper. "

"How many more people are needed?"

"Being more refined but not too much. According to the past assessment content, the team assessment is usually a group of three, so we only need one more!"

"Oh? It seems that you already have a goal?" Liang Yan asked with interest.

"That's natural!"

Ji Lai smiled and said: "According to my investigation, there are 113 monks who came to participate in the selection assessment this time, including you and me. These people are all top masters in the Golden Core Realm. In the late Jindan period. Among them, the most famous and strongest are the three major families and the five major casual cultivators."

"The monks of the three major families, we don't need to think about them. These people are the direct descendants of the family. They have all eyes above the top, and they don't want to pay attention to our casual cultivation."

Hearing this, Liang Yan couldn't help but smiled slightly: "It seems that you are hitting those casual cultivators with your idea."

"Not bad!" Ji Lai nodded and said, "I like Cang Yueming, the'South Sea Swordsman', ranked first among the top five casual cultivators. This person's realm has reached the peak of the Golden Core, and his cultivation is a Confucianist. Sword Art, a sword-cultivation supernatural power can be described as unfathomable, if we can get this person to form an alliance, then the chance of passing the assessment will be greatly increased!"

"Confucian chivalry? Sword Art?"

Liang Yan suddenly became interested when he heard this. He has since practiced Taoism and has encountered very few sword repairs. Now he actually encountered a sword repair at the peak of the golden core, and he wanted to see the other side's style in his heart.

Moreover, in the place where the Guisi was sealed, he had heard Fang Liren mention that the city lord of Wushuang City was cultivated by a Confucian domineering line, and now he heard about a Confucian chivalrous Dao, which really made him a little curious.

"This Cang Yueming is also a swordsman? What is the Confucianism?" Liang Yan couldn't help asking.

"Cang Yueming is naturally a sword repairer."

Ji Lai shook the folding fan in his hand, and slowly said, "Nowadays, Confucianism is divided into three, and there are three different systems, namely, legal Confucianism, Tyrant Confucianism, and Chivalry Confucianism."

"The line of Confucianism and Confucianism has the oldest origin. The techniques they learned were created by the most sacred ancestors of Confucianism in the ancient times. Back then, in the prehistoric era, foreigners invaded, human races infighted, and wars continued on the mainland. The Holy Master believes that if you want to resist foreign races, you must first control the internal strife. Therefore, he advocates the rule of the human race. The rules can be described as strict and orderly. After the Most Holy Master ascends, the later generations of legal scholars not only strictly restrict their followers. The disciple even wanted to push the law into the world, but it was eventually resisted by other sects."

When Ji came to this point, he sighed softly: "Now the human race is calm, the world is peaceful, and the Confucianism has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, but the old-fashioned style has not changed. They claim that the Confucianism is orthodox and the most holy The exercises and books handed down by the ancestors are regarded as the bible, but they dismissed the supernatural powers created by the later generations of talents, and all they practiced and learned were the ancient Confucian exercises."

"I see."

When Liang Yan heard this, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "It seems that this line of Confucianism is the one with the longest inheritance. They attach so much importance to the techniques of ancient saints. They probably won't spread it easily, but they don't know the rest. What about tyrants and chivalrous scholars?"

Ji Lai lowered his head and drank a sip of fairy brew, then laughed and said:

"The tyrants pay attention to the self-respect of the heaven and the earth. They despise the etiquette and seek the true self. They do not have the red tapes and rules of the Confucianism, and act only on their own preferences. Therefore, the tyrants have many radical generations. Some people ask for orders for the common people. Rage Slaughter City! It can be said that right and wrong are right and wrong, doing good or evil is between their thoughts!"

"The hegemonic line was the rise of Confucianism. Most of them couldn't stand the strict laws of Confucianism, and finally rebelled against the sect and established themselves. Therefore, what they have learned and cultivated is the merit of the outstanding people of later generations. Fa, and the line of the Most Sacred Master is very different. Tyrannical Confucianism and Legal Confucianism are like water and fire, and Confucianism looks down on the techniques created by each other, and Tyrant Confucian is unwilling to learn the magical powers of the Most Sacred Master's line."

When Liang Yan heard this, there was a thoughtful look in his eyes. Although he has been cultivating for nearly a hundred years, he had spent most of the time in the small island of Nanchui and the closed hell.

Now after listening to Jilai's introduction, I suddenly felt that what I knew and learned was very limited, and there were still many things I didn't know about the vast continent of Human Race.

"What about Xiaru?" Liang Yan asked again.

"The chivalrous scholars are more modest. They are not only willing to learn the ancient Confucian techniques, but also willing to accept the magical powers created by the outstanding people of later generations.

"These monks tend to be free and unruly, and they like to travel around the world, behave like a chivalrous man, and they are mostly from the same line. A master leads several apprentices and never establishes a sect."

"Oh, I get it!" Liang Yan showed a suddenly realized expression, and smiled: "Your master Shen Sanchi should be a chivalrous person, right? He is already a cultivator of the Transmigration Realm, but he did not establish a sect. I brought you such a little apprentice, isn't this the same as what you just said?"

"My master..." Ji Lai smiled awkwardly: "Our line is a fortune teller, my master is like this, so is me, so I shouldn't be included in the three ways of Confucianism. ."

Liang Yan shook his head, revealing an expression of "I believe you all have ghosts!" Shen Sanchi was scheming and calculating, with a variety of methods. This old and young, no one looks like it. Simple role.

"So, the last teammate we are looking for this time is this chivalrous Cang Yueming?" Liang Yan said leisurely after taking a sip of the drink.

"Yes, that's why I want you to go to the Hundred Flowers Fair!"

Ji Lai unfolded the folding fan in his hand and smiled slightly: "According to the information I've inquired, Cang Yueming likes drinking and composing poetry. He will never miss a grand event like Baihuahui. In fact, he is not the only one who comes to Wushuang City to participate in the selection assessment. Most of the cultivators will go there. After all, there are still many people who have not found allies. This time the Hundred Blossoms will be an excellent opportunity. You can observe other competitors and choose the most suitable partner from them."

"It turned out to be like this..." Liang Yan nodded when he saw Ji Lai with a smile on his face, "It seems that you have already thought of a countermeasure in your heart. "South China Sea Swordsman"?"

"Hey, although I dare not say ‘must’, but the success rate is very high!"

As Ji said, he stretched out his hand and took out two more bottles of "Taiqing Red Cloud Pulp" from the storage ring!

"These two bottles are the only treasures left by my master. I stole them all. That Cang Yueming is a good wine, I call it a favor!"

Liang Yan looked at the two bottles of immortal brew on the table, the corner of his eyes suddenly jumped, and he almost subconsciously covered his storage ring.

"This Shen Sanchi...Did he commit any sins in his previous life?"

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