The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1051: Check harvest

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Liang Yan and Jilai chatted in the courtyard for a long time, and only then did they stand up and prepare to leave.

Ji Lai obviously knows his character, and at this time he warned with confidence: "You remember, this Hundred Flowers Meeting will be in seven days. Don't miss the time in retreat."

"Don't worry, Liang will definitely go with you by then."

Liang Yan smiled and nodded, then turned and walked towards the attic to the north.

Although the two of them lived in the same cave, there were two attics in the south and north in the courtyard. Jilai had already occupied the south one, so Liang Yan naturally only had the north one.

After he entered the attic, he found that a simple isolation circle had been arranged in the room, and he only needed to put in a few spiritual stones to activate it.

Liang Yan didn't hesitate, and immediately took out more than ten spirit stones from the storage ring, put them in the designated position, and the circle of the whole room immediately started to operate.

At the same time, he also set up some restrictions of his own on the basis of this magic circle, as long as someone tries to detect the room with his spiritual mind, he can immediately perceive it.

After doing all this, Liang Yan relaxed, found a clean place in the attic and sat down cross-legged, then raised his hand and patted the wooden house on the waist, and a white light rushed out immediately.

This white light fell on the ground and turned into a small white beast with a fluffy tail. It was so big that it was almost half of its body.

Its pupils are drawn with gold lines, and the pupils are bright red, as if two groups of flames are constantly beating, which looks very strange.

Looking at the snow-white body, there are five auspicious clouds patterns, which are also fiery red, forming a sharp contrast with the snow-white hair.

"Li Xiaosong."

Liang Yan looked at the little white beast that came out of the wooden house, and said strangely: "This is Wushuang City, why do you still maintain this form and return to a human form?"

After hearing this, the little white beast sat down on the ground, straightened his upper body like a human, and at the same time spread his two front paws forward, looking helpless.

"Don't mention it, I can't change back now!"

"What?" Liang Yan thought he had heard it wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Can't you change back into a human form?"

"Hmm..." Li Xiaosong nodded.

"Why is this?"

"I don't know! Ever since I swallowed the Thundery Nine Flame Wolf's demon pill in the Secret Realm of Sen Luo last time, I fell into a deep sleep. ..........." Li Xiaosong said frustratedly.

Liang Yan's mouth twitched when he heard it. What kind of tiger-wolf words were he talking about? Break through the golden core after sleeping? What kind of guy is this guy?

Thinking that I had worked so hard to gather the five elements, condense the golden core, and finally break the core and rebuild it, which can be said to have suffered a lot on the golden core road.

This girl is not good, but she has slept in her wooden house for three years. Now she wakes up, she is already a great demon in the Golden Core Realm?

"No! Why can't I feel her evil spirit?"

Liang Yan's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly released his spiritual knowledge, and carefully inspected Li Xiaosong's body, only to find that Li Xiaosong now has no trace of evil spirits at all.

If he hadn't known Li Xiaosong for a long time, he would have been deceived almost at the moment, thinking that this was a genuine spirit beast!

"Where is the evil spirit on you?" Liang Yan asked with some doubts.

This time Li Xiaosong was not confused, and quickly replied: "After I woke up, I found that I was able to restrain the demon qi in the demon pill, so that it would not reveal the slightest aura of the demon race."

"This is good news..." Liang Yan said with a sigh of relief after hearing this: "Even if you don't change back into a human form, you won't be recognized as a monster race, at best. Just a.........spirit beast."

"I am not a spirit beast!" Li Xiaosong said angrily.

"Okay." Liang Yan waved his hand and said with a smile: "After you advance to the Golden Core Realm, you don't know what magical powers and powers you have, so let me take a look."

"It's okay to use it, hum, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch it!"

As soon as Li Xiaosong's voice fell, she suddenly jumped into the air, and then opened her mouth and vomited, five groups of flames of different colors spewed from her mouth, divided into five colors of green, yellow, blue, red, and gold, and surrounded her. Burning beside him.

A divine light erupted from her two pupils, which appeared extraordinarily bright surrounded by five groups of flames, and the surrounding temperature also rose suddenly.

At this time, Li Xiaosong was no longer that furry cute little beast, but turned into a fierce beast!


Li Xiaosong let out a low drink, and the five flames next to him overlapped in mid-air, forming a colorful flame lotus. The surrounding space was burnt and twisted, and a white heat wave instantly spread.

Liang Yan's face changed, and the power in the flame lotus made him feel a hint of palpitations.

Although Li Xiaosong was already trying his best to suppress and did not let the power in it burst out, but the escaping flame power was about to burn through the restrictions and formations he had placed in the room.

Liang Yan didn't hesitate. The four spiritual powers in his body were running at the same time, all of which were submerged in his own golden pill. After the golden pill turned a few times, the nine pill patterns on it lighted up at the same time, and the next moment it exploded. An overwhelming momentum.

At this time, Liang Yanshen was majestic, and lifted up with one hand, a gray vortex appeared in the air, absorbing all the heat waves emitted from the colorful fire lotus.

Immediately afterwards, he turned over his palm again and pressed downwards at will. The vortex immediately turned into a circle of gray ripples and spread, as if the mountains and the sea fell sharply downward, suppressing the group of colorful fire lotus.

"I go!"

Li Xiaosong took a step back in fright, looking at Liang Yan with a strange look, and muttered, "What are you now? A human or a devil?"

Liang Yan smiled slightly when he heard the words, the whole body's momentum suddenly disappeared, all the gray ripples in the air disappeared, and the group of colorful fire lotus regained their freedom, wailed in the air, and was swallowed back in the abdomen by Li Xiaosong.

"How could it be a demon?"

Liang Yan's expression was indifferent, and he laughed: "Now that demon has been subdued by me and is completely used by me, it will be difficult for me to pose a threat in the future!"

He has now achieved the Golden Pill of Indestructible Hunyuan, and there is no barrier between the four major spiritual powers in his body, and he can transform these four spiritual powers at will by running a small week.

If the spiritual power of a monk of the same rank is small rivers and streams, then he is a vast ocean, which is not comparable at all.

It's just that he has just advanced after all, his realm is not yet solid, and he is not proficient in the use of this Hunyuan Jindan.

The reason why Li Xiaosong was a little skeptical just now was because Liang Yan had used part of the true demon energy in his body, and this part of the true demon energy had not been completely transformed by the Hunyuan Golden Core, and this was only noticed by Li Xiaosong.

"All right.........."

Li Xiaosong looked like he was hit hard, the look in his pupils gradually disappeared, and he fell back to the ground again.

This little white beast lay down on the ground, spread out his limbs, and said listlessly: "I have already used my strongest moves, and I can't force you to use the flying sword, so what can I do? Just lie down like this. It's all right."

"Don't make trouble!"

Liang Yan said with a serious face, and said seriously: "This time in the Wushuang City selection assessment, I don't want to expose too much hole cards. I can only borrow your power to help me at that time."


Li Xiaosong's eyes lit up, and his interest reappeared in an instant. He hurriedly stood up from the ground and shouted, "This is such a fun thing, are you finally willing to take me with you?"

Liang Yan nodded and said, "It's okay to bring you. It's just that everything needs to be directed by me at that time, and you must not act without authorization."

"Don't worry!" Li Xiaosong replied, "I don't have any evil spirits on my body now. I don't need to hide in the wooden house, just come out to breathe!"

Liang Yan had nothing to do with this, and patiently confessed a few words to Li Xiaosong, then ignored her and let her go and practice by herself..........

A few days passed in the blink of an hour. On this day, the stars were shining, and it was midnight in the middle of the moon.

The entire Tianxing Academy looked extremely quiet under the shining of the stars, and in one of the attic of the Academy, Liang Yan's eyes were slightly closed and he was sitting cross-legged, as if he was meditating on Yun Gong.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a suffocating breath from his mouth.

"Finally the realm after the breakthrough has been completely stabilized..."

Liang Yan sighed lightly, recalling what happened in the recent period. It can be said that one wave has not settled, one after another, and many of the benefits he has gained before he can see it, he is forced to get involved in the next dispute. .

Now that I finally have time to calm down, I can finally check my gains.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan stretched out his hand to take out a jade slip from the storage ring. This jade slip was left by the original Feihua Sect master Qian Yexue. The secret technique of the Feihua Sect's secret soul division was recorded in it.

He put the jade slip on his eyebrows and carefully sensed the contents of the jade slip. After a while, his face showed a strange color.

"Strange............ Is this the Secret Technique of Soul Dividing?"

Liang Yan seemed to be a little puzzled. He scanned the contents of the jade slip again. This time his brows became deeper, and he muttered to himself: "How can this be... The second half of the Soul Secret Technique is actually the same as the Soul Dafa passed to me by Wuxin?"

He compared the two tactics together and found that the soul-sharing technique and the secret technique of soul-distribution are both secret techniques that control other creatures through the use of divine souls.

The difference is that the cultivation of the soul is based on its own demonic thoughts, leaving a soul seed in someone else’s body. With the improvement of the other’s cultivation level, this seed will gradually develop and grow, and finally achieve the complete control of the other party. Purpose.

And the secret of soul separation is to directly separate one's soul into a strand, and forcibly occupy the flesh of other creatures to achieve the purpose of controlling the other party.

The former is gradual and gradually developed, while the latter is more direct and domineering, but at the same time it is more likely to be backlashed.

Although there are some differences between the two methods, there are many similarities in the way of luck, especially the details in them, which actually gives Liang Yan a feeling of reaching the same goal by different routes.

"It's weird, the soul cultivation technique is the secret technique of the demon clan, but this soul division secret technique is the secret of my human clan sect. How can the two be so similar?"

Liang Yan pondered for a while, and suddenly remembered that Qian Yexue once said that this soul secret technique was obtained from the founding ancestor of Feihua Sect from a sinister place, although it was said that it was only a part of it. Ben, but the ancestor was so talented, he integrated the content inside, and finally realized this set of soul-dividing secrets.

"Remnant.... Mystery, could it be that the magical powers in it really have something to do with the demons?"

Liang Yan said to himself, then shook his head again.

I don't know how many years have passed before and after this incident, and it is no longer possible to verify it. If you meet Wuxin next time, you can show her this soul secret technique, maybe she will know something.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan temporarily put the jade slip aside and took out the five storage rings.

These were from the Kunshan Three Sages and the Boy of Bliss. After beheading these four, he took them together with the storage ring of Xuan Ye Lao Dao.

Originally, the poisonous lady's one would also fall into Liang Yan's hands, but Song Ru and others arrived in time and "save" him from the poisonous lady's claws, which also made Liang Yan embarrassed to take it again. .

Now that he is free, Liang Yan naturally wants to check his trophy.

He put the spiritual stones in the storage ring together and counted them, and found that there were more than two million. If some of the precious materials were put up for auction, there would be a full three million spiritual stones.

"The wealth of the monks in the Tongxuan realm is indeed not cheap! Although these five people are all casual cultivators, they kill people and plunder and do everything. Therefore, the spiritual stones in this storage bag are more expensive than those of the monks of the big gate. It won’t be too much."

With these spiritual stones, Liang Yan's net worth has doubled several times, and his heart is naturally very happy.

Next, he found a lot of magic weapons and elixirs from the storage rings of several people.

Kunshan Three Sages, Bliss Boys, and Xuan Ye Lao Dao are monks in the Profound Realm ~ ~ their natural magic weapons are naturally not bad.

It's just that Xuan Ye Lao Dao's "Hehuan Treasure Mirror" had been damaged in the battle with the Three Sages of Kunshan, and Du Meng's Demon Shuanghuan and Nine Dragons Golden Shield were also smashed by Liang Yan with the sword pill.

What remains is Chu Xuanfeng’s mourning stick, Wei Jun’s son-mother blade, and the magic flag of the boy of Bliss. Although these magic weapons are of high quality, they cannot replace their flying swords, and they may even kill themselves. Human affairs are exposed.

Therefore, these magic weapons must not be used in front of people, they can only be auctioned or exchanged in the black market.

As for the elixir, Liang Yan left behind the ones that replenish spiritual power and heal injuries. The rest of the elixir that increases the cultivation base may be precious and extraordinary in the eyes of the Kunshan Three Sages and others, but in Liang Yan's eyes, there is nothing. value.

After finishing all these trophies, Liang Yan's gaze turned and suddenly landed on one of the small black cloth bags.

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