The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1052: Los Angeles Island

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He remembered that this was owned by Chu Xuanfeng, the boss of the Three Sages of Kunshan.

Liang Yan would naturally not let go of anything. At this moment, he raised his hand to open the black cloth bag, and poured out a hard thing from it, which was actually a token.

He reached out and picked up the token, and found that there were many complicated lines on it, with countless lines criss-crossing in the middle, as if a huge spider web was covering the surface of the token.

In the middle of the token, there are four big characters, exactly: "Luowang Chamber of Commerce"!


Liang Yan's brows wrinkled slightly. This is not the first time he has met the Chamber of Commerce composed of monks. The Qingyun Chamber of Commerce before has taught himself a lesson, and all of them are human beings.

As for this Luowang Chamber of Commerce, it must not be simple!

Song Ru was hunted down because of the "six-finger bones" bounty on the black market list of the Luowang Chamber of Commerce.

From this point of view, Lin Qinghui, who was doing tricks in the iron box, was probably also inseparable from the Luowang Chamber of Commerce.

"What is the origin of this Luowang Merchants Association, even the cultivators of Wushuang City dare to calculate! Or is the'Six Finger Remains' too tempting to make people take risks?"

Liang Yan muttered to himself, then looked down at the token in his hand, and suddenly remembered that Chu Xuanfeng had said that he would take the two brothers to the black market of the Luowang Chamber of Commerce to trade the "six-finger remains".

"Could this be the token to enter the black market?"

A look of interest appeared in Liang Yan's eyes. He did not resist this legendary black market, and even faintly looked forward to it.

If you want something in the future, you might be able to find what you want here.

Thinking of this, he checked the token again and found that although there are extremely complicated restrictions inside it, there is no breath left by others. Obviously this token is not exclusive to someone, it should be used by anyone. .

After understanding this, Liang Yan relaxed his mind and threw the token backhand into his storage ring.

The remaining things were nothing special. Liang Yan sorted out the "legacy" of these Tongxuan realm monks one by one, and finally sorted them into categories and collected them all.

After this trip to the Secret Realm of Senluo, my own harvest was not small, not only successfully rebuilt the broken pill, but also broke through the bottleneck of the middle period of the golden pill, and the mayfly sword pill was finally completed.

Now I can be regarded as having a certain degree of self-protection in the strong Antarctic Xianzhou.

It's just that this is not enough. Liang Yan knows that with his current strength, if he can go to the ordinary Profound Profound Realm for casual cultivation, he will naturally be as powerful as a bamboo. But if you face the middle-term cultivator in the Tongxuan realm in the seven mountains and twelve cities, you may not be able to beat the opponent.

"After all... or the realm is not enough..."

Liang Yan sighed slightly. Since arriving in Xianzhou, Antarctica, there have been storms and crises along the way. Although he was lucky enough to get a chance, he was also in danger many times at the same time.

He knows that this kind of luck can never be repeated. It is mixed into the battle of cultivators whose cultivation base is higher than his own. As long as he misses it once, there is no chance to come back.

So even though the "six-finger remains" matter was raging, he didn't want to pay attention to this thing anymore. He only planned to use the resources in the city to retreat and practice for a period of time after joining Wushuang City, and then make plans later.

After figuring this out, Liang Yan looked into his body again with his spiritual sense.

He has cultivated so far, and although he has learned a lot of things, his basic Taoism has always been the mysterious "Dao Sword Classic". As for the swordsmanship used in fighting with people, it is derived from the "Wuxiang Sword Classic".

The main part of the "Tao Sword Classic" and the outside of the "Wuxiang Sword Classic" are related to one's own cultivation realm, and the other is related to one's own swordsmanship and supernatural powers.

It's just that these two swords are somewhat special. "The Wuxiang Sword Classic" does not have a clear sword technique, but a combination of several different sword intents, which need to be understood through one's own training in kendo.

He is now able to command multiple flying swords, precisely by relying on the magical methods in "The Wuxiang Sword Classic".

As for the "Tao Sword Scripture", this technique is extensive and profound, and many of the cultivation methods are different ways. Another example is the "Capture the Sword Technique" and the "Hundred Refining Technique", which helped Liang Yan seize the sword cultivation base in the Evil Sword Immortal clone, and this was the only way to turn the sword into a pill in one fell swoop.

In addition to these cultivating secret techniques, there is another biggest difference between the "Dao Sword Classic" and ordinary exercises, that is, it has created a new set of meridians in the body of the human monks, Zhou Tian Juemai!

Unlike the original twelve serious meridians and the eight channels of the strange meridians in the human race monks, this set of Zhoutian Jue Channels should not exist in the first place. It was cultivated in the human body by the secret technique of the "Dao Jian Jing". of.

Therefore, if it weren't for the magic of the Taoist Sword Scriptures, Liang Yan would not be able to cultivate Taoist spiritual power in his body, and it would be impossible for him to achieve Hunyuan Dao.

There are eight meridians in Zhoutian Juemai, namely Sanguandimai and Wujunxianmai.

Liang Yan’s first two chapters: "Raising the Sword" and "Fighting the Sword", which record the cultivation formulas of the Five Lords of the Immortal Veins, which are Nanhua Immortal Veins, Beiming Immortal Veins, Dongling Immortal Veins, and Xibao Xianmai and Zhongxuan Xianmai.

Among them, the first four meridians have been opened up by Liang Yan one by one in the past 100 years, and now there is only the last one, the Central Profound Immortal Vessel!

This meridian is very important. Once it is completed, the Nanhua Immortal Vein, Beiming Immortal Vein, Dongling Immortal Vein, and Xibao Immortal Vein that were originally isolated in the Quartet can be merged together. At that time, the strength of the magical power will be greatly improved.

It's just that to get through this meridian, in addition to hard cultivation, a lot of scarce resources are needed. Liang Yan has some of these resources, and the rest are planned to join Wushuang City and then go to the city's market to buy them.

As for the three meridians of Ziwei Tianmai, Qingxu Dimai, and Dongyin Water Meridian recorded in the "Tao Jian Jing", according to the general outline, they should be in the illusory first three chapters.

The Human Race Continent is vast, and the five tactics of the "Tao Jian Jing" are scattered everywhere. Liang Yan is lucky enough to get two of them. For the remaining three, although he is extremely eager for the remaining three, he does not know where to look for it. NS.

However, the technique of "Fighting Sword Chapter" can only be cultivated to the golden core stage, and it has not broken through the profound realm. Liang Yan has to change his basic Taoism if he wants to go further on his cultivation path.

He now has a Hunyuan, and the four spiritual powers can be converted at will.

Therefore, this is also the reason why he is anxious to join Wushuang City. The purpose is to see if there is a suitable exercise method to prepare for the future road of cultivation.

"These things have to wait until after joining Wushuang City. I hope that this selection and assessment will not go wrong..."

Liang Yan sorted out his thoughts in the room, and then stopped thinking about it. Backhand took out a jade slip from the storage ring, which was the "soul separation secret technique" given by Qian Yexue.

He cross-referenced this secret technique with his own "soul cultivation method", and then began to sit cross-legged in the attic, and went into concentration cultivation...........

Time flickered, and it was the early morning of the seventh day in a blink of an eye.

This day was sunny and beautiful, and the autumn was high and fresh, and the attic courtyard was quiet and peaceful, and occasionally a few birdsong echoed in the empty courtyard, adding a bit of life to the quaint attic.

But this silence was quickly broken by the sound of footsteps.

I saw a student in white taking a big step and hurried to the front of the attic.

"Brother Liang, Brother Liang! Time is approaching, did you go to retreat again and forget about the Hundred Flower Club?"

"how could be!"

There was a hearty laughter from the attic, and immediately after the door was opened from the inside, Liang Yan walked out of the room, wearing a gray gown.

Sitting on his shoulders is a small white beast with a big tail, and a pair of jet-black eyes are extremely slippery.


Ji Lai stared at the little white beast on his shoulder, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Brother Liang, when is this the spirit beast you surrendered? What kind of breed is it, why have I never seen it before?"

As soon as Jilai's voice fell, the little white beast immediately glared at him, grinning at him, and there was a deep roar in his throat, looking very upset.

Feeling the aura of this little white beast, Ji Lai unexpectedly took a step back involuntarily.

" it angry?"

"Haha, Brother Ji don't have to be afraid." Liang Yan slapped him, reached out and patted Li Xiaosong on the back of his head, and smiled: "Actually, I don't know what this guy is. Take it and bring it with you."

After Ji Lai heard what he said, a suspicious color flashed across his face, and he obviously didn't believe it very much.

In fact, he had seen Li Xiaosong in the tomb of the dead, but at that time the other party was still in the image of a little girl, and the voice he made was also Lao Jin's, so Ji Lai didn't recognize it at this moment.

Seeing that he was very interested in Li Xiaosong, Liang Yan couldn't help but coughed, and actively changed the subject: "Is the Hundred Flowers Fair about to begin?"

"That's not it!"

Ji Lai came back and quickly said, "Don’t forget that we are here to find allied teammates. Among the monks participating in the Hundred Flower Fair, there are many who have the same purpose as us. The'South China Sea Swordsman' is famous. Maybe someone else will be poached when it's too late!"

Seeing his anxious appearance, Liang Yan couldn't help but smiled and said:

"Seeing you are anxious, since you are afraid that he will be poached by others, why not go directly to the house where he lives? Instead, you want to find him at the "Hundred Flowers Meeting" in Lao Shizi?"

"Oh, Brother Liang, you don't know something." Ji Lai sighed and said, "This Tinghaixuan where Cang Yueming lives, I have been to countless times, but every time I was told that he had gone out. Not only me, but other cultivators who participated in the selection also wanted to form a team with him. Every day there are several groups of people to listen to Haixuan, but no one has ever seen him."

"So mysterious?"

Liang Yanqi said: "Then how are you sure that he will come to the Hundred Flowers Fair?"

"The Baihuahui was founded by Zhenjun Sanhua from Wushuang City. Most of the people who participated in this meeting were from the Confucian school, and there were also many Confucian fairies with good looks and cultivation skills. Then Cang Yueming likes dancing, making ink, and good wine. Such a beautiful person, even if the sky falls, he will never miss it!"

"It seems that he is still a romantic scholar!" Liang Yan smiled and said: "No wonder you know him so well, it turns out that this guy is just like you!"

"Brother Liang praised!" Ji Lai didn't have the slightest embarrassment on his face, and then said: "It's getting late. The Hundred Flower Fair will be held on Luoying Island outside Wushuang City. Let's set off now?"

"Okay! Listen to you!"

Liang Yan didn't say anything more, and Ji Lai's respective pinch tactics drove a light, and instantly left the Tianxing Academy, and flew towards the outer space of Wushuang City.............

These two escape lights flew for about half an hour before they arrived in a valley outside Wushuang City.

Under the valley is a vast expanse of lake with a radius of thousands of miles, and you can't see the end at a glance.

There is a huge island floating above the lake. There are low hills on the top of the island, and the surrounding mountains are connected by bridges made of water.

"Is this the Hundred Flower Meeting?"

Liang Yanhe Jilai pressed down on one of the water bridges to escape, and then looked forward.

I saw the ups and downs of the mountains on Luoying Island, with flowers blooming, some soft, some sonorous, some Xiaojiabiyu, and some majestic. It is indeed a feast of flowers.

The petals of various colors are floating between the water bridge and the clouds, and it looks colorful. At this time, many monks have already landed on the island. These monks in twos and threes, or admire flowers, or view the scenery, or chant poems, or drink and talk, make the already beautiful island add a bit of excitement.

"Yes, this place is Luoying Island, and the annual Hundred Flowers Fair is here."

After Ji said, he pulled Liang Yan onto the water bridge. This flowing bridge ran across the two mountain peaks. When Liang Yan walked to the end of the water bridge, he saw two beautiful beauties line up on both sides, one of them went up. In the previous step, he gently politely said:

"The two seniors will wait a moment. This is the Lost Island of the "True Monarch of Sanhua". The Hundred Flowers Fair is being held today, and invitations are required to enter."

Ji Lai seemed to be prepared for this. Hehehe smiled, took out an emerald green invitation card from his sleeve and handed it over.

"The person next to me is my friend. I will bring him to join me." Ji Lai pointed to Liang Yan.

The sister nodded lightly, reached out her hand to take the invitation, looked at it carefully, and then saluted again: "It turns out to be an expert. The invitation is verified to be correct, please come in."

"Let’s go, Brother Liang, I will take you to see this Confucian society. You must know that the beauty inside is like a cloud, maybe you can find a fairy, and I will join you in double cultivation in the future?" Ji Lai turned back and smiled at Liang Yan road.

"Combined dual-study?"

Liang Yan remembered someone in his mind for a moment, vaguely remembering that she once said that after dealing with Nanchui's affairs, she would come to Antarctica Xianzhou to find herself, and she didn't know if she had left Nanchui now?

"Okay, don't worry about this kind of thing."

Liang Yan recovered, waved his hand towards Jilai, and set foot on Luoying Island first.


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