The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1061: Mu Hanxue

"Mu Hanxue? Is it the one we met on Luoying Island before?"

Liang Yan raised his eyebrows and said amusedly: "Come on, let's go around and come back, we still have to find her. Ji brother, you should chase her on the island that day, so you can save a lot of effort. "

After Ji came to listen, he rolled his eyes and said: "Brother Liang, you don't have a backache while standing and talking. I have spent so much time investigating the strengths of each examinee. Didn't I want to find a powerful helper for the two of us? Cang Yue It’s not as good as the sky for people over there, who told us to go a step late and be given the first step... But Mu Hanxue is different, she just happened to be looking for someone. Team?"

"Yes, she is indeed looking for someone to form a team." Liang Yan shook his head and said teasingly: "It's just that what she is looking for is not the mid-level Golden Core cultivator like you and me, but the kind that can be an enemy. Three masters, you begged to come to the door eagerly, but people may not pay attention to you."

"Brother Liang's words are bad!"

Ji Lai didn't seem to agree, and retorted, "Na Mu Hanxue was called'Bingshan Snow Lotus' because of her aloof, arrogant and cold personality. She was rejected by the Stuart in public just now, and her self-esteem must have been hit hard, presumably. She won't take the initiative to find someone to form a team again. If we come to invite each other at this time, does she have any reason to refuse?"

"Thinking too much!" Liang Yan shrugged and said: "I think this woman has a higher heart than the sky, and she won't be abducted into the team by your few words. It is estimated that this time she went back to nothing."

"Success or failure, always have to try again!" Ji Lai said with a serious face: "Now we are very close to the start of the assessment. If we don't finalize the third ally, we can wait for the assessment. It's a big loss! So this trip must go!"


Liang Yan shrugged, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Anyway, no matter who is pulled into the team, he can pass the level with his magical powers. The difference is that if the teammates themselves are strong, then they don't have to expose too much strength.

"This Mu Hanxue lives in the'Neighboring Mountain Residence', which is said to be a separate cave. It is too late today. It is not suitable to go to the house and chat again. Let's go again tomorrow morning."

Liang Yan naturally had no opinion on this, and after nodding, he turned and entered his attic.

He meditated in the attic for one night. Before going out the next day, he thought about it and put Li Xiaosong in the wooden house temporarily.

When Liang Yan opened the door and came to the courtyard, Ji Lai had already been waiting here.

"Brother Liang, watch me wink and act, and show off his supernatural powers when appropriate, so that Fairy Mu knows that you are powerful, so that we can get twice the result with half the effort."

"Okay, let's go!"

Liang Yan didn't want to say more, but just waved his hand, and the two of them turned into two escapes. After a short while, they left the Tianxing Academy and went straight to the "neighboring mountain house".

About half an hour later, these two escape lights came to a beautiful mountain peak.

After the light dissipated, the two fell halfway up the mountain, and saw a small house at the end of the mountain road. A plaque was hung on the outside door of the house, which was exactly the three characters "Near Mountain Residence".

"That's it."

The two came to the gate of the house and saw two monks in the appearance of maidservants standing outside the door. Both of them were in the early stage of Ju Yuan realm. At this time, they saw Liang Yan and Ji Lai coming side by side, and they took the initiative to greet them.

"Two seniors, this is the'Neighboring Mountain Residence'. I wonder what is the cause of the seniors' visit?"

"We are here to visit Fairy Mu, please tell me both of you." Ji Lai said very politely.

The two maidservants glanced at each other. One of the female cultivators wearing blue shirts nodded and said to Ji: "Please stay here for a while. The maidservant will go in and ask my master for instructions."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to turn around and enter, but who knew the plan came but suddenly shouted: "Hold on!"

The blue-clothed sister turned around when he heard the words, and asked with some doubts: "Does senior have anything else to order?"

Ji Lai smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to take out a sandalwood box from his sleeve, and handed it over.

"This is a little gift I prepared for Fairy Mu, please help me pass it on to her."

The blue female sister showed a strange look on her face, but the next moment she nodded her head and said, "Don't worry, senior, the slave and maid will go in and transfer it to my master."

After she said this, she took the sandalwood box with both hands, held it in her arms, and turned and walked into the house.

Looking at the girl's back, Ji Lai shook the folding fan in her hand and laughed softly:

"Brother Liang, during the days when you were in retreat, I made sufficient preparations. As far as I know, Mu Hanxue has been practising a skill with ice attributes recently, so I deliberately took a few thousand years. Hansui comes over, and she will refuse us later for no reason."

Seeing him full of confidence, Liang Yan didn't know what to say, so he nodded and stood there waiting.

Not long afterwards, I saw the blue-clothed sister returning home. She saw Ji Lai and Liang Yan, and immediately bent over to salute, and whispered: "My master has a request, and the two seniors please follow me. Let me do it."

Ji Lai smiled with joy, and winked at Liang Yan, as if saying: "You see, I'm right?"

You must know that both of them are candidates participating in the assessment. This visit is self-evident. In the assessment, everyone was either a teammate or an opponent. If Mu Hanxue had no intention of teaming up with them, they would not be allowed in at all.

Liang Yan was also a little shaken at this time, and he secretly asked, "Is it because I saw the wrong person this time? This iceberg fairy will really agree to team up with two golden core cultivators?"

When he was thinking about it, the blue-robed sister had already led the two into the yard. The "Neighboring Mountain House" was built halfway up the mountain, surrounded by cliffs, which indeed seemed to be "living next to a mountain".

This yard is not small, there are many corridors and pavilions inside, with nine bends and eighteen bends, some of which are submerged in the bamboo forest, as if the winding path is secluded, showing a sense of tranquility and tranquility.

Liang Yan and Ji Lai walked on the long corridor, enjoying the surrounding scenery, and felt comfortable.

"Fairy Mu is indeed an iceberg fairy, and even the place where she lives is so quiet and elegant, making people want to befriend him even more." Ji Lai gently shook the folding fan as he walked, looking like a gentleman from the family.

After hearing this, the lady in blue pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The master is elegant and doesn't like to be noisy, so she doesn't want to live with other candidates. This cave was rented by the master who spent a lot of spiritual stones. "

"So that's it..." Ji Lai nodded with an expression of approval.

When the two were talking, Liang Yan looked everywhere. He found that many places here have restrictions. Obviously, this Mu Hanxue is a cautious person, even if it’s just a temporary residence. Not sloppy either.

As he looked around, he suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the end of a long corridor in the distance, and three Ping Ting sisters turned out.

The three people's cultivation realm only has the foundation stage, and they look like slaves here. They are all in a hurry at this time. They seem to have received some orders and are about to rush to a certain place.

Liang Yan's gaze fell on one of the female cultivators, his pupils suddenly shrank and his face changed slightly.

"is her?!"

Although she hadn't seen her for many years, Liang Yan recognized the woman for the first time.

He really didn't expect that he would encounter an deceased Nan Chui in such a place, and he was shocked, but he also gave birth to many doubts.

"How could it be her? Why did she get here?"

"It shouldn't be.... With her talent, after so many years, she shouldn't stay in this state..."

Liang Yan's complexion changed only momentarily, and it returned to normal in the next moment. Ji Lai beside him chatted with the lady in blue correction one after another, and neither of them noticed the change in his expression.

At this time Liang Yan had already retracted his gaze, and thought to himself: "Could this woman deliberately hide her cultivation base? Does she have any powerful magical powers or magic weapons in her body? With the mind and method of my "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" Can't see through her fiction?"

This series of questions flashed in Liang Yan's heart, causing him to be curious, wanting to know the purpose of the other party sneaking here.

However, on this occasion, it is naturally impossible to directly go over and ask.

Liang Yan hesitated for a while, and suddenly picked up the "soul separation secret technique" taught by Qian Yexue, and attached a very subtle soul to a white bird in the courtyard, and then followed the lady in blue casually. Xiu, turned forward into a bamboo forest.

And shortly after they left, the seemingly dumb white bird in the courtyard suddenly rolled his eyes, then spread his wings and flew in the direction where the three female sisters had left... .....

After half a cup of tea, in the depths of the bamboo forest, the lady in blue stopped her footsteps, pointed to a pavilion with only one corner in the distance and said: "The front is the'dancing bamboo pavilion', and my host is waiting inside. Senior, please go by yourself."

"Thanks for leading the way."

Ji Lai nodded, shook the folding fan in his hand, and walked towards the pavilion with Liang Yan.

Before the two of them got close, they could hear the sound of the piano, which sounded simple and elegant, reflecting the surrounding scenery.

After walking a little further, I saw a pavilion hidden in the depths of the bamboo forest. There are light gauze around the pavilion, and you can't see the scenery inside. Only a slender figure is faintly visible. At this moment, sitting in front of the stone table, a pair of bare hands plays gently, and that moving melody is heard from this.

Ji glanced at the slim figure in the pavilion, his face couldn't help showing a hint of appreciation, and he praised:

"Chaoyue the pavilion is flying with green colors, and the flowers are ashamed to roll the bead curtain, to see the beautiful woman laughing in the pavilion, the spring breeze is hard to stop!"

After a poem was sung, the piano in the pavilion gradually ceased, and then a cold woman's voice sounded: "The son of Ji is absurdly praised, and the concubine's body is not ordinary in appearance, so how can he deserve the reputation in the poem."


Ji Lai waved his hand and said, "Fairy Mu is graceful, like an ice lotus in the snow, and his piano skills are impeccable. How to be humble..."

When he said this, he was stunned for a moment, as if he had reacted to something, and said in surprise, "Wait! Fairy Mu actually recognizes it?"

"Of course!"

The voice in the pavilion smiled softly: "Senior Shen Sanchi is famous, and his direct disciple must be a dragon and phoenix among the people. The concubine is fortunate to be able to see Master Ji today, and it is not worthy of this unparalleled city."

"Huh? When did that old man become famous?"

Ji Lai murmured, but still very happy in his heart, he immediately arched his hands and said, "Ji is lucky to see Fairy Mu. He came here today, hoping to not disturb Fairy's purity."

As if being affected by the quiet surroundings, Ji spoke cautiously, for fear of abruptly the beautiful woman.

"It's okay."

The figure in the pavilion faintly responded, and then lifted his sleeves and flicked, and the light gauze bead curtain covering the surroundings of the pavilion slowly opened to the sides.

With an elegant fragrance hitting, Liang Yan and the others also saw the figure in the pavilion. They saw the woman in white clothes surpassing the snow, with a curly skin, graceful body, exquisite and elegant, just what they saw on Luoying Island that day. Sword dance woman.

"The two Taoist friends are guests from afar. Now that you are here, you might as well enter the pavilion for a cup of tea." Mu Hanxue said calmly.

"Haha, then thank you Fairy for the hospitality!" Ji Lai laughed, took Liang Yan and walked into the pavilion.

After the two sat down next to the stone table, Na Mu Hanxue raised his hand and lightly clicked, and two white jade tea cups appeared in front of Liang Yan and Ji Lai respectively. At the same time, a jade teapot on the stone table also flew in the air. He started to make a cup of fragrant tea in front of them.

"Good tea!"

Ji Lai sniffed with his nose, and smiled: "This tea is as elegant as a chrysanthemum, yet it is still alive in the fragrance. It is just like a fairy, which makes people yearn for."

"Master Ji can talk."

Mu Hanxue pursed her mouth and smiled. She was originally the cold temperament of a thousand-year-old iceberg. This smile was like a spring breeze melting into snow, with a faint blush on her cheeks, beautiful but not glamorous, gorgeous and not vulgar. She has always been proud of her charm. shocked.


Liang Yan couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only cough heavily.

He really can’t help To say that Mu Hanxue hasn’t practiced any charm, but she is such an iceberg beauty. She has a charming charm with every smile. Although Ji Lai is a veteran of Hua Cong , But still didn't hold it in front of this Mu Hanxue, a little too gaffey.

After hearing Liang Yan's cough, Ji Lai woke up instantly and smiled awkwardly.

But Na Mu Hanxue didn't seem to notice his gaffe. At this time, she lowered her head and took a sip of tea, and asked softly: "Why did Master Ji come to visit this time?"

It seemed that Ji Lai had only remembered the business at this time, and immediately looked down, and said very seriously: "Ji came here to form a team with Fairy Mu to participate in this selection assessment."

"I see."

Mu Hanxue showed an expression that she had expected, then turned her gaze, and then looked at Liang Yan next to her.

"Then this fellow Taoist?"

"His name is Liang Yan, and he has formed an alliance with Ji. If Fairy Mu joins in again, we will be a complete team." Ji Lai laughed.

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