The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1062: Return without success?

After listening to Ji's introduction, Mu Hanxue didn't answer the conversation immediately, but bowed her head and took a sip of tea.

This woman was so noncommittal that she couldn't talk more about it. She could only sip tea quietly at the table just like her.

After a while, Mu Hanxue sighed slightly, put down the tea cup in her hand, and said, "Master Ji, Master Liang, as far as I know, both of them arrived in Wushuang City not long ago, right?"

Ji Lai didn't understand why she had such a question, but she nodded and replied, "Yes, I haven't waited until Wushuang City for less than ten days."

Mu Hanxue smiled lightly and said: "It has only been ten days since the two Taoist friends came to Wushuang City, but the little girl arrived a hundred days ago. The so-called precautions, I stayed in Wushuang City for so long, and I also secretly stayed in Wushuang City for so long. After observing many candidates who came to sign up, I found that this selection assessment can be described as a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. There are more than 70 monks in the late Jindan period alone! Not to mention the few who have reached the peak of Jindan, and their magical powers are unfathomable. Great master."

As soon as she said this, her brows couldn't help but frowned, as if she realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment, Mu Hanxue could hear Mu Hanxue calmly say: "The little girl might as well say it straight, this time the strength of the monks participating in the selection assessment is extraordinary, and now there are many strong team members, such as the'Tiansha Grandma'. 'He Ling, formed a team with Xiao He, the big disciple of Wuwei Dao Sect, and Shen Luohua, who returned to the same door."

"These people have the cultivation bases of the late Jindan, and their supernatural powers are unfathomable. Although the talents of Ji Gongzi and Liang Gongzi are good, after all, the training time is too short. If you want to pass this selection and assessment, I am afraid that there is little hope... ........"

What she said was quite euphemistic. She only said that Liang Yanhe Ji came to practice for a short time. In fact, it means that their cultivation level is not enough. This time, the heroes of all parties who participated in the competition must have at least the cultivation level of the later Jindan. , Is qualified to compete for that few city apprentice places.

Although I didn't make a clear statement, as soon as this remark came out, it was tantamount to rejecting the invitation.

Ji Lai's face was a little embarrassing. You know that not long ago, he boasted Haikou in front of Liang Yan, saying that Mu Hanxue would definitely agree to form a team, but she didn't expect the opponent to refuse so simply.

"Fairy Mu, this friend of mine is not a normal golden core middle stage. With his supernatural power, he can definitely match the late golden core monks. If you don't believe it, you can fight him with two tricks." Ji Lai explained hurriedly.

After Mu Hanxue heard this, she smiled slightly, and she didn't even intend to try, she just shook her head and said:

"Master Ji doesn't have to say much. This time, in the selection and assessment, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, before entering Wushuang City, everyone feels that he has extraordinary powers and can challenge his opponents at a higher level. But you really have to meet those perverts to know how much this day. Gao, how superficial I was before."

She said this with a hint of apologetic expression on her face, and then continued: "Don't take it to your heart, the two sons. The little girl didn't mean to belittle this Daoist Liang, but it's just the fact that the little girl would wake up early. In order not to invest too much in this assessment, then the disappointment will be greater."

When Ji Lai heard this, he couldn't help but turned black and turned to look at Liang Yan, for fear that the other party would throw the table in anger.

However, to his surprise, Liang Yan's face was indifferent at this moment. He didn't seem to be angry at all. On the contrary, he nodded while sipping tea leisurely and said: "Fairy Mu is outspoken and heartfelt. Middleman. For this selection and assessment, Liang just tried his best, and he was not very sure. He really shouldn't be here to disturb Fairy Mu."


When Ji Lai heard Liang Yan saying so, he couldn't help but sighed softly, and thought to himself: "This Mu Hanxue hasn't tried our magical powers. It seems that he doesn't like us at all. Alas... .... He really got it right, this time it really turned out without success..."

Just as Ji Lai sighed in her heart, that Mu Hanxue smiled again, and then said:

"You don't have to be discouraged. If you really want to team up with a little girl, you don't have the slightest chance."

She smiled like a spring breeze and snow. Ji Lai had just lost her mind. Seeing this moving smile at this moment, she knew that things had changed, and she immediately regained her energy.

"Please tell the fairy clearly!" Ji Lai arched his hands.

"In fact, the little girl already has a teammate. This person's magical power is extraordinary enough to compete with those talented monks. Now there is only one teammate like Brother Ji. You are'fake idiot'. 'Shen Sanchi's successor, there must be a place for you to play in this assessment." Mu Hanxue said slowly.

As soon as she said this, Ji Lai's face changed quickly, but Liang Yan still bowed his head to sip tea, as if it were not surprising.

"Xianzi mean, let me separate from Brother Liang, and then team up with you?" Ji Lai asked with a weird face.


Mu Hanxue nodded and said: "I have something to say. In fact, based on the cultivation base of the two of you, it is almost impossible to form a team to pass this assessment. Especially, although this brother Liang is very talented, he is just He has just advanced to the middle stage of the Golden Core, and his ability to discuss fighting skills is definitely no better than those of the evil spirits of the later stage of the Golden Core. I suggest that he practice for a few more years, and wait until the breakthrough to the second stage of the Golden Core, and then participate in the Wushuang City selection assessment."

"As for brother Ji, although you are both in the middle stage of the golden core, I have long heard of Shen Sanchi's method. Now I have strong support. If you add your secret technique assistance, we are likely to pass this It’s been tested again!"

She said this slowly, and she looked at the reaction while she said it, as if she wanted to know what the other person was thinking.

However, Ji Lai was quiet at this time.

If he was a little cautious just now, for fear that he would be abrupt with the beautiful lady, then he is now so calm that he can no longer be calm, as if the things he said before have nothing to do with him.

When Mu Hanxue finished speaking, the entire pavilion was silent for a while.

After a long time, I saw Ji Lai raised his head and smiled softly:

"Mu Xianzi joked, my little tricks of the teacher's school are not at all stage. I just thought about it and found that what Mu Xianzi said is true. Given the realm of our two golden cores, we really shouldn't come to climb high. Fairy Mu's, this time I am waiting for the abruptness, so let's just leave it alone and don't disturb Fairy Qingxiu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up from the stone table at the same time as Liang Yan, arched his hand towards Mu Hanxue slightly, and wanted to leave.

"and many more!"

Mu Hanxue's face changed slightly, she stood up from the stone table subconsciously, and stopped the two who had left the pavilion.

"Master Ji, do you really think about it? This time the opportunity you missed is gone. If you team up with this Jindan mid-stage cultivator, you have no hope of passing this assessment."

"Thank you, Fairy Mu for reminding!" Ji Lai laughed and said, "Brother Liang and I are old acquaintances, and we can never abandon him. Besides, Brother Liang is not as unbearable as you said, but this time it's you. Eyes!"

After he left this sentence, he walked out of the bamboo forest without looking back. As for Liang Yan, he just smiled and didn't say a word from beginning to end. He turned around and followed Ji and walked out... ......

After the two left, the entire bamboo forest became quiet again.

Looking at the direction they were leaving, Mu Hanxue's expressions changed uncertainly. After a long while, she sighed softly and sat down again.

A guqin was placed in front of him, but Mu Hanxue had no intention of playing it again.

I don’t know how long it took, a chuckle suddenly came from among the secluded bamboo forests, and then someone secretly said, "I heard that this plan is very romantic, but I didn’t expect that he could resist Fairy Mu. Temptation, it seems that this person is not easy..."

Not only did Mu Hanxue not be surprised by this sudden appearance, but instead revealed a hint of anger.

"It's not you yet. I have to ask me to win this plan. It's just a cultivator who has just entered the middle stage of the golden core. I don't know what point you like him?"

"Hey, don't you know, his master Shen Sanchi is not easy. This person is useful to me, if it is not, I would not be willing to let you come forward to draw in." The voice in the bamboo forest smiled softly, and then walked out a black man. Robe monk.

This person was tall and thin, with a sallow complexion and wearing a black robe. At this moment, he strode into the pavilion, without any scruples, he directly embraced Mu Hanxue in his arms.

Unexpectedly, Mu Hanxue, who was originally as cold as an iceberg, did not struggle at this time.

"My friend, do you know how much I sacrificed for you? You asked me to make good friends with you at the beginning, and then I also helped you get that thing. Now you let me go and win over this boy, you Is there still me in my heart?"

When she said this, her entire face was buried in the other's arms, and she seemed to be very attached to this person.

"Stupid girl, you are my heart! Didn't we say that before? When I finish my business, we will join the registration and double repair. You can help me a few times, and then we can go far and fly!"

The purple-robed man's voice was extremely gentle, and he patted Mu Hanxue's heart as he spoke, as if he was coaxing a child.

"What you said, don't regret it then!" Mu Hanxue blinked, her face was full of happiness, and she seemed to be greatly satisfied.

If there are other monks present at this time, they will definitely be shocked to speak.

To know that Mu Hanxue was listed as a stunning beauty in the "Hundred Springs", and has always been known for her high coldness, but now she threw herself in the arms of a man like a kitten, and showed the look of a little woman, which is simply unbelievable.

However, Liang Yanhe Jilai could not see this scene.

At this moment, under the leadership of the sister in blue, they walked out of the house of the "neighboring mountain dwelling" and returned to the mountain road.

"Brother Ji, I can't tell. With your personality, you would actually refuse Mu Hanxue's team invitation!" Liang Yan was silent in the pavilion for a long time, but at this time he smiled.


Ji Lai rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Brother Liang, in your eyes, Ji X is not an ungrateful person, right?"

"Huh? Isn't it?" Liang Yanqi said.

Ji Lai knew that he was teasing himself, and was too lazy to argue, but said with a puzzled expression: "This Mu Hanxue is a bit strange, she seems to have known that I will come....... "

"Oh? What do you say?"

"The spices in the pavilion, the music scores used for playing, and the spiritual tea brewed for us are all of Ji's favorite type. I didn't notice it when I was in it just now. I just felt that everything around me was very comfortable. I almost followed this woman's way in a daze. Looking back now, this matter is definitely not easy!"

"So many coincidences put together are obviously carefully arranged... It seems that this Fairy Mu has a soft spot for you. You will not let others down if you leave. Goodwill?" Liang Yan smiled.

Ji Lai shook his head and sighed softly, "Brother Liang, don't make fun of me. I'm afraid it's not good intentions, but another plot, right?"

Hearing this, Liang Yan also put away his joking color, and his gaze crossed the wall of the "neighboring mountain house", and seemed to look to the deepest part of the bamboo forest. After a long while, he nodded and said solemnly:

"Indeed, this Mu Hanxue is not simple, and the ally she was looking for is not the one who waits for a while..."

Ji Lai saw him squinting his eyes and looked at "Near Shan Ju", thinking that he was unwilling, so he could only comfort him: "Brother Liang, don't be disappointed. This woman doesn't know your magical powers. We can find someone else to form a team. Um. ..... The fourth-ranked "Golden Lantern Arhat" in the five major casual cultivators is pretty good. Although this person has a weird personality, he is not completely hopeless... .."

As he said, he raised his hand to pinch the Jue, and was about to drive the escape light to leave this place, but he was held back by Liang Yan behind him.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Lai turned his head in some doubt.

"Don't go away, maybe there is a good show to watch."

A mysterious smile appeared on Liang Yan's face, and then, with a pinch of the technique in his hand, a gray light swept the two of them, and they disappeared on the mountain road at the same time in an instant...

After the two disappeared there was no movement on the empty mountain road, time passed bit by bit, and it was late at night in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the moon set in the atrium, and the bright moonlight sprinkled like running water, falling in the courtyard of the "neighboring mountain residence", adding a sense of mystery to the original quiet environment.

On a cliff not far from the "Nearby Mountain Residence", two people were sitting cross-legged at this time.

One of them, dressed in a white robe, dressed as a scholar, shook a folding fan in his hand, and suddenly asked, "Brother Liang, what do you mean by the good show? Why hasn't there been any movement until now."

The man next to him, wearing a gray gown, sitting cross-legged like him, smiled slightly at this time:

"Brother Ji don't have to be impatient. If you want to watch a good show, how can you do it without patience..."

Before this person had finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion from the "Lingshanju" below, and the sound of dragons and tigers could be heard vaguely. Then a white rainbow rose into the sky without stopping, and went straight to the mountain. Fly away.

"The show has begun!" The man in gray chuckled softly.

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