The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1067: Taolin maze

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Liang Yan, Ji Lai, and Li Xiran stopped to escape at the same time and landed in the peach forest at the entrance of the canyon.

At this time, there were already more than ten monks waiting here, and seeing the three of them arrived, their faces were different.

Some people looked suspicious and looked back and forth at Liang Yan, Ji Lai, and Li Xiran, as if they couldn't believe it.

Some people showed disdain, just glanced at them casually, and no longer had any interest.

Liang Yan was not surprised by the various reactions of these people. After all, his team was the only team in the entire forest that was composed entirely of Jin Dan mid-term cultivators.

Except for Liang Yan and the three of them, the twelve monks here are divided into four teams, of which only two are in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and the rest are in the realm of the later stage of the Golden Core.

Moreover, the two Jindan mid-term cultivators were still divided into different teams.

Under the background of many candidates, Liang Yan's team composed entirely of Jin Dan mid-term cultivators naturally seemed very weak.

You must know that the candidates who came to participate in the assessment this time are all top disciples from several big sects in the territory of Wushuang City.

So under this circumstance, it is almost impossible to beat the opponent by a higher level.

After seeing Liang Yan and the others, the cultivators in Taolin didn’t pay much attention to it. Liang Yan didn’t care about this. , He was so happy that everyone didn't pay attention to himself, so that he could fish in troubled waters.

Ignoring the gazes of a few of them, Liang Yan randomly found an empty place in the peach forest and stood there. When he looked around, he saw three people standing in the southwest, all wearing gray robes, and their faces were a bit old. , And unsmiling, looks very old-fashioned.

"That's the monk from Shadowmoon Cave."

Ji Lai said at this time: "Shadow Moon Cave is located at the border of Wushuang City. It is usually very low-key and hardly involves any disputes. But this time, for some reason, three disciples were born at the same time to participate in Wushuang. Selection and assessment of the city."

After listening to Liang Yan, he nodded lightly, his eyes rolled in the peach forest, and finally fell on a bald man.

This person was wearing a very ordinary burlap, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. There was a half-finger ring scar on the smooth and translucent forehead, which looked quite abrupt.

And behind him stood two men in white robes, both of whom were slender, with cold faces.

"This monk seems unusual..."

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and secretly spoke to Ji Lai and Li Xiran.

"Brother Liang has good eyesight!" Ji Lai said with a smile: "This person is indeed practicing Buddhism, and it is one of the seven mountains and twelve cities, the authentic secret of Luo Tianshan!"


Liang Yan's face showed a trace of incomprehension, and he asked, "As far as I know, the twelve cities recruit city disciples. Although all major sect families can sign up, the monks who are also seven hills and twelve cities can sign up. Can't participate, why can this person make an exception?"

"Hey, Brother Liang doesn't know something." Ji Lai shook his head and said: "This person is one of the five major casual repairs I mentioned to you, the Golden Lantern Arhat Yu Feihong. It is said that he was just a wandering monk back then, with a cultivation base. Practicing the eighth level of Qi, because the age has passed, there is still no Zongmen willing to take him in."

"Later, he found a dilapidated ancient book under the oil lamp of a ruined temple on the top of the mountain, and the book recorded in it was actually the secret exercises lost by Luo Tianzong! To say that Yu Feihong was also a repairer. A genius of the Buddha, he actually comprehended the divine arts abruptly, and practiced all the way to the late stage of the golden core, despite the fact that the secret book was broken and missing, and there was no guidance."

"Oh? According to you, this person is a genius. It's just that he is listed as one of the top five casual cultivators, and his reputation is not small. The monk of Luo Tianzong didn't come to trouble him?" Liang Yan asked in a puzzled manner. .

"Naturally, Luo Tianzong would not sit back and watch. Back then, he sent a monk down the mountain to find Yu Feihong, but the monk saw that he was deeply rooted in Feihong, and he was deeply rooted in the wisdom of the Dharma. He took it back."

When Ji came to this point, he shrugged and said: "Unexpectedly, Yu Feihong shook his head and refused. No matter how he persuaded the monk, he was still unmoved. Later, the monk couldn't help it. He couldn't bear it. He ruined Yu Feihong’s foundation of Buddhism, and feared that the secret of the sect would be leaked, leaving a scar on his head. If he dared to teach the practice privately in the future, the scar would happen immediately, making him in an instant. Death died away."

"It turns out that there is still such a source..."

After listening to the narration, Liang Yan couldn't help but smile, and secretly said: "It seems that these five major casual cultivators each have their own adventures, and think about it, this is no more than the land of Nanchu, it can be said that there are many schools, and the strong are like clouds. Who can stand out from the crowd in this environment, who is not the one who is not lucky?"

"Then who are the two on the team with him?" Li Xiran next to him suddenly asked.

"They..." Ji Lai squinted his eyes for a while, and said lightly: "According to the information I inquired, it seems to be a rising star of Guiyimen. Before, I rarely showed my supernatural powers in front of outsiders. I know their details too well."

Just when Liang Yan, Ji Lai and Li Xiran were communicating secretly, a young monk wearing a brown robe came over in the crowd, greeted them actively, and laughed:

"I am a disciple of Baiyun Xianque when I dismount my horse and walk in the fields. I don't know how a few fellow daoists call it?"

This life has to look good, with a smile on his face and easy-going attitude, which makes people feel a little close.

Li Xiran is a straight child, and didn't think much about it at this time, she directly held a fist at the other party, and replied: "Now, Li Xiran, is the elder of the Scenting Chamber of Commerce!"

"It turns out to be a master of the Scent Scent Chamber of Commerce! Disrespect and disrespect!"

Ma Zoutian showed an expression of taking a high look, with a smile on his face, then turned his head and said to Liang Yan and Ji: "Shu Ma is clumsy, these two fellow daoists are also under the family of that family. ?"

"It's nothing more than an unnamed self-cultivation, or not to mention it!" Liang Yan's tone was indifferent, with no change in his expression.

"Indeed, both of us are casual cultivators, and we don't have a big name outside, unlike Ma Daoyou who is a high foot in Baiyun Xianque." Ji Lai also said with a smile.

Ma Zuotian’s expression stiffened slightly, and an imperceptible anger flashed in his eyes, but disappeared without a trace in the next moment. He still said with a smile on his face: "Although the two Taoists are casual cultivators, since they dare to sign up for this The second Wushuang City assessment must be exceptional. Ma intends to make a friend, and when he enters the examination room, he hopes that our two teams can form an alliance.

"You Daoyou Ma is too polite. This trip of the three of us is just to join in the excitement. The Taoists have a profound cultivation base. It is easy to pass this assessment. Why should we form an alliance with a few unknown people in our sect?" Liang Yan said haha. . .

In fact, his Liang Yan's insight, how can he not guess what the opponent thinks, know that the strength of his team is only in the middle of the golden core, and there are many teams in the late phase of the golden core in the field. This horse is not looking for other people to form an alliance. Instead, he comes to their weak team. It is nothing more than thinking that they are easy to handle. When the life and death is about to come, they will definitely be allowed to come forward as cannon fodder.

When Liang Yan said this, it was tantamount to rejecting the other party. Before Ma Zuotian had time to speak, someone not far away laughed and said, "Ma Zuotian! You have cultivated in the belly of a dog all these years, right? Actually want to win over a few casual cultivators who do not know the heights of the sky? Hahaha! I think Baiyun Xianque is now a second-rate sect, and even this kind of stuff is eye-catching!"

Liang Yan and the others turned their heads and looked at the same time. They saw that the speaker was a man in black. There was a man and a woman standing beside him. Pleasant.

As soon as the black-clothed man's voice fell, the handsome woman next to him covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Brother, don't humiliate people so much. Don't think that those few casual cultivators are not enough, but they are very spineless! No! Did you see the horses and fields all slumped in front of them?"

"Hahaha! Junior sister is extremely right! The contemporary master of Baiyun Xianque, condescended to ask for a few mid-Jindan mid-term casual repair alliances, but was rejected by others. If this matter is spread out, it must be fun!"

This pair of men and women were arrogant and sang and made peace. They ridiculed Ma Zuotian, Liang Yan and others. Liang Yan frowned slightly, and secretly asked, "Who are these two people?"

"Looking at their clothes, they should be from the'Xuanyu Villa'." Ji Lai Chuan said: "Xuanyu Villa and Baiyun Xianque are both large sects within the territory of Wushuang City, but the two have never been in harmony. , There is a struggle with each other."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded slightly, knowing that the men and women were running across the fields, and the three of them might not be in their eyes at all.

At this time, Ma Zuotian's face was gloomy. He had just been humiliated by the two of Xuanyu Villa, but he couldn't repay it, so he could only spread this resentment on Liang Yan and the others.

"Huh, I don't know how to praise!"

Ma Zuotian glared at them bitterly, then turned around and left, seeing the meaning in his eyes, it was obvious: "I want you to look good when you enter the examination room!"

Liang Yan didn't even think about the hatred of this person, and the ridicule of the man and woman in Xuanyu Villa.

He looked up at this time, only to hear a crisp bird chirping over Taolin, and then there was a gust of wind blowing.

Everyone in the forest also reacted at this moment, and they all looked up, only to see the violent wind scattered, and a big white bird fell from the sky.

Sitting on the bird's back was an old man. Although he was short, his beard and hair were white, his clothes were fluttering, and he looked like a fairy.

His gaze swept around, and he faintly said: "I am the first-round examiner'Master Bird', are you the candidates for this assessment?"

At the same time this person was speaking, a coercion from the Profound Realm swept across, making most of the people in the forest look serious and awe in their hearts.

The monks present took out their own candidate tokens to verify their identity. After reading them one by one, the white-haired old man nodded gently and said: "It's true, you little guys came very early. It's just that there is still half an hour before the assessment begins...Forget it, since you have arrived early, let's wait for you to enter the exam room to familiarize yourself with the environment."

As soon as he said this, the monks of Baiyun Immortal Que, Xuanyu Villa, and Shadow Moon Cave all looked overjoyed. You must know that "Fang Hu Xian Gu" has always been known for its weirdness. If you can adapt to the environment one step earlier, that's right The assessment is definitely helpful.

"Thank you seniors for your help. If Ma can pass the assessment successfully this time, he will definitely worship seniors!"

Among the crowd, Ma Zuotian was the first to come forward and salute, behaving extremely well.


The old man on the bird's back twisted his beard and smiled, seeming to be extremely satisfied with his performance. Then he flicked his sleeves, and saw a white light from his fingertips, hitting the entrance of the canyon deep in the peach forest.


With a loud noise, water wave-like patterns appeared at the entrance of the canyon, and these patterns slowly spread towards the surroundings, and finally, with a "bang!", it seemed that something broke apart.

"This seat has already opened the restriction on the entrance to the canyon, so let your kid's team be the first to go in!" The old man on the bird's back smiled slightly, pointed his finger at Ma Zutian and said.

"Thank you senior!"

Ma Zuotian looked overjoyed. Although he didn't know the specific content of the assessment, he could seize the opportunity as soon as he stepped forward. The so-called "step by step, step by step!" This is in a contest where the strength of cultivation is similar. , It is particularly important.

With the permission of the "Master Bird", Ma Zoutian hurriedly winked at his companions, and the two monks knew immediately, and they drove the escape light almost at the same time as him, and rushed into the entrance of the canyon in an instant.

When the group of monks in Ma Zoutian disappeared deep in the canyon, "Master Bird" turned around and spoke lightly to the remaining few people:

"Well, you can also go in."

The two men and one woman in Baiyun Xianque had already waited a little bit impatiently. At this moment, they heard the "Master Bird" opening, without any hesitation, they immediately pinched the middle technique and turned them into three ways to escape through the air. .

As for the three middle-aged Taoist priests in Shadow Moon Cave, they were not to be outdone at this time. They also drove Escape, and the three of Baiyun Xianque rushed into the entrance of the canyon.

In just a few breaths, Taolin, which was still quite lively, had already left most of the monks, and now only the three of Liang Yan and the team of Yu Feihong remained in place.

At this time, the "Golden Lantern Arhat" was sitting cross-legged on a cyan boulder, watching his nose, his nose caring, as if an old monk had entered concentration, without any intention of getting up.

And the two men in white clothes beside him still looked cold, standing under a peach tree with their hands holding hands, and didn't mean to leave.

"You guys, aren't you leaving?"

The old man on the bird's back frowned, and said strangely: "Know that the assessment is about to begin, and there is not much time left for you to familiarize yourself with the Li Xiran's face was solemn. He pinched the Fa Jue eagerly in his hand, and in the next moment he would turn himself into a light and fly towards the entrance of the canyon.

However, as soon as her escape light came on, she was pressed down by Liang Yan next to her.

"Brother Liang, why are you still standing here and not moving? Didn't you hear what the predecessors said? If you don't hurry in, the assessment will begin! We are not the strongest, and we can't rely on everything. Of course, we have to plan ahead. !"

Li Xiran said this a bit hurriedly, but after Liang Yan listened to it, he still looked relaxed and relaxed.

"Brother Ji, don't leave either!"

Seeing that Liang Yan couldn't speak, Li Xiran turned his head to look at Jilai.

Who knew that this scholar in white robe also stood still, instead of planning to leave, he smiled and said:

"Friend Li Daoist should not be impulsive, in fact, the assessment has already begun."


Li Xiran was confused when she heard Liang Yan and Ji Lai looked at each other, and they were both very confident.

"what happened?"

Li Xiran murmured to herself, but before she could ask any more, she saw the "Golden Lantern Arhat" Yu Feihong, who had been sitting still before, opened his eyes and stood up from the cyan boulder...

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