The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1068: The first round of assessment, start!

"It seems that everyone is almost gone..."

   Yu Feihong brushed the dust on his body at this time, his eyes swept around, and finally fell on Liang Yanhe Jilai.

   "The two Daoists are so insightful!" The bald man laughed loudly.

   "You are also good, everyone is with each other." Liang Yan responded indifferently.

   After listening to the conversation between the two people, Li Xiran was simply at a loss, but she trusted Liang Yan quite a bit. At this time, she stopped talking about entering the examination room, but stood still and watched the changes.

   At this time, Yu Feihong smiled lightly and said again: "The time is almost up, should we leave for the examination room?"


Liang Yan nodded slightly. As soon as his words fell, he suddenly raised his hand and punched, and saw a surging punch rushing into the air. The target was not someone else, it was the white beard sitting on the back of the bird. Old man!

   "Brother Liang!"

   Despite trusting Liang Yan, Li Xiran couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment.

   Even though she had a thousand speculations before, she would never have guessed that Liang Yan would do anything to the examiner!

   Not to mention the identity of the other party, the pressure of the Profound Realm alone is definitely not something that some of the Golden Core Realm cultivators can bear.

   and openly attacked the examiner, this is the rhythm of giving up the examination!

  In Li Xiran's heart, Liang Yan has always acted steadily. In the past, he fought with the red-faced ghost. Thanks to the other party to persuade him to endure to the end, otherwise it would be really unpredictable.

   But now he is uncharacteristically, unexpectedly doing such an absurd thing, Li Xiran was shocked in her heart, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

   Just when she was surprised, the old man with white beard on the bird's back changed his face greatly.

   Facing the provocation of a Golden Core cultivator, the Examiner of the Profound Realm was not as angry as expected, but looked a little panicked.

   He didn't intend to fight back at all, but raised his hand and patted the bird's back. The big bird immediately screamed and carried the person soaring into the sky.

   "Want to run? Can you run?"

   A sneer came from mid-air, but it was a monk from the back door slowly appearing on top of Big Bird's head.

   This person relied on the feudal wind, fluttering in white clothes, and when he pinched the tactics in his hand, a huge seal fell from the sky and moved toward the head of the "Master Bird" to suppress him.

   "Master Bird" had just escaped Liang Yan's punch, and was chased by the monk of Guiyi at this time, and the expression on his face became more panicked.

   Facing the imposing Daomen Fayin above his head, he didn't dare to accept it, and hurriedly squeezed the big bird down and flew towards the depths of the peach forest.

   "Why is'senior' in such a hurry?"

Ji Lai seems to have calculated his route, and has already been waiting here. At this moment, he laughed, raised his hand with a folding fan, and a violent wind swept out, unexpectedly blowing the "Master Bird" with people and birds down. Fly back.

   At the same time, "Golden Lantern Arhat" Yu Feihong had also jumped into the air. He held a dim butter lamp in his right hand, and a ray of divine light shining directly on the head of "Master Bird".


   "Master Bird" was illuminated by the light of the oil lamp, and immediately screamed again and again, waving his hands incessantly, trying to block the divine light from the oil lamp above his head.

However, no matter how hard he struggles, the divine light has always followed him. With just a few breaths, the body of "Master Bird" has begun to fall apart, and the pressure of the Profound Realm that had shocked everyone is already at this time. Disappeared without a trace...

   Li Xiran's eyes widened, her face full of incredible expressions.

   Looking at this high-ranking "examiner", he was actually beheaded by several cultivators of the Golden Core Realm. Even if he was as slow as her, he also reacted at this time.

   This "Master Bird" is not an examiner at all!

   In her surprised gaze, the white-bearded old man on the bird's back was already fragmented. Under the light of the oil lamp in Feihong's hand, it finally turned into a faint blue smoke.

And as the "Master Bird" shattered, the entire peach forest around everyone began to tremble strangely, and waves of spatial fluctuations swept from all directions, Li Xiran only felt a flower in front of him, and then the sky was spinning, and he was not affected by it. Floated in control.

   This strange feeling didn't last long. It took only a few breaths. The next moment, Li Xiran felt himself sinking suddenly, and the whole person began to fall irresistibly.

   When she stepped on her feet, Divine Soul returned to her position. It seemed that she had experienced a mysterious journey, and she felt a little illusory and unreal.

   Li Xiran hurriedly ran the exercises to stabilize the Taoist heart. After he calmed down, he looked around again.

   I saw Liang Yan, Ji Lai, Yu Feihong, and the two monks who were in the same family. They were all nearby at the moment, but the original lush and gorgeous peach blossom forest no longer existed.

At this moment, the place where everyone is located is a Hessian valley, surrounded by weird black vines that are intertwined, like a giant net covering everyone at the bottom of the valley, only a small amount of sunlight shines through the gaps in the black vines. , It looked like it was in a huge cage.

   "Daoyou Liang, Dao Ji, you...have you seen it a long time ago?"

   Li Xiran seemed a little embarrassed, her face was flushed.

"Hehe, the peach blossom forest is not the real entrance to the canyon, but a deeply hidden illusion. And the so-called'examiner' is not a real monk, but an array spirit evolved from the illusion." Ji Lai explained.

"Yes, the'Master Bird' has its own appearance. The Profound Realm aura on his body is all evolved from the illusion. It can only act as a threat and has no ability to fight at all. To break the illusion, you only need to This'Master Bird' kills, the formation spirit collapses, and the big formation will also dissipate." Liang Yan slowly said.

After listening to the explanations of the two, Li Xiran understood completely. She looked at Yu Feihong and the two monks of Guiyimen who were not far away, and said hesitantly: "Then this time, I entered the canyon before. Those monks..."

   "The Daoists are right, they have all been eliminated. This is the entrance to the real "Square Pot Fairy Valley"."

   It was not Liang Yanhe Jilai who answered her, but Yu Feihong, the "Golden Lantern Arhat" not far away.

   There was a faint smile on his face, his hands clasped together, and he uttered a Buddha's name.

   "Amitabha Buddha, the three benefactors are not ordinary people. During this assessment trip, I still hope that I will not be embarrassed with the little monk. Everyone does not violate the river. What do you think?"

   "The master joked, as long as you enter the canyon, everyone is either a teammate or an opponent. How can you ensure that the well water does not interfere with the river water?" Liang Yan said calmly.

   "So that's the case." Yu Feihong nodded and chuckled softly: "The little monk can only ask for his own blessings and hope not to collide with a few donors."

   Just as these people were talking, there was a neigh in the air.

   Li Xiran was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw a big white bird, squeezed from the gap between the black vines, and then fell in front of everyone.

   This big white bird is exactly the end where "Master Bird" was riding.

   All the things in the peach forest just now have disappeared without a trace, only this big white bird remains. Obviously, it is not the evolution of the illusion, but the actual existence.

The big bird just settled in front of everyone, and then he uttered: "The illusion is broken, and everyone present is eligible for the exam. There is a ban on air, and you can’t control the escape light. Please sit on the bird’s back. , Let me take you into the examination room."

   While it was speaking, it also bent down and lowered its head, as if it was inviting everyone to sit on the bird's back.

   This time, Liang Yan, Ji Lai, Yu Feihong and others did not hesitate, and took a step directly and sat on the bird's back.

   As for Li Xiran, she was already a little dependent on Liang Yan. Seeing that he had no doubts at this time, she was relieved and also sat on the bird's back.

   After everyone got up, the big white bird spread its wings and flew high in the black vine forest, at a very fast speed, and after a few ups and downs, it had already rushed into the entrance of the canyon.

   Liang Yan sat on the bird’s back and looked around secretly, only to see the black vine wood intertwined here. Although it looks lifeless on the outside, it actually contains extremely violent and cruel spiritual power inside.

   If you get close, I'm afraid that these black vine trees will immediately violently hurt people. Some monks with low cultivation levels may be strangled by these black vine trees and eventually turn into the nourishment for this weird vine wood.

   "Fanghu Fairy Valley...It's not a paradise, it looks like a cruel Shura field..." Liang Yan secretly gave a comment in his heart.

   The speed of the big white bird at this time has been increased to the extreme. Under the full flight of this bird, its speed is actually comparable to the flight of the late Jindan monks.

   After a short half of incense, the white bird has already carried Liang Yan and Yu Feihong's two teams, through the lifeless black vine forest, and came to an open sand.

   This sandy land is gray and black, and it looks very barren. There are even a few spirit beast bones in the distance. In the middle of the sandy land, dozens of monks are already standing at this time.

   Liang Yan glanced roughly on the bird's back and saw several familiar faces in it.

   Cang Yueming, Mo Haoran, Huangfuqi, Mu Hanxue, as well as the third sons of the Tong family and the third son of the Hao family were among them, except Hao Dawei was missing.

   Liang Yan thought to himself, knowing in his heart that it must have been the time at the top of Luoying Mountain. Li Xiaosong's hand was too heavy. The colorful fire lotus damaged the foundation of this person and prevented him from participating in the assessment.

Sure enough, after seeing Liang Yan, Hao Lianyun and Hao Tiande glared at him. Both of them obviously had a grudge against him. If it weren't for the power of his "spirit beast", plus the presence of so many monks here, I'm afraid they would have embraced him long ago. He took revenge.

   The two of the Hao family have lost Hao Dawei, and now they are teaming up with Xiu Tongjiao, a girl from the Tong family.

   The woman's gaze swept across the bird's back. When she saw the plan came, she couldn't help her eyelids jumping, and a vague anger emerged.

   When the sunset on the top of the Yingshan Mountain, the planned cultivation **** was not as good as her, but she was always invincible with a powerful magic weapon, which made her lose face.

   Now that the enemy meets, Tong Jiao is naturally jealous, and secretly made up his mind. After the assessment begins, she will definitely find face on this person.

   Liang Yan didn't put these people in his eyes at all, his eyes swept across the crowd, and finally fell on a weird monk with a head and bird body.

   This person is very tall, with very long legs, and obviously has the head of an ordinary person, but the body is a bird!

   He has no hands, only a pair of wings. At this moment, he has his back leisurely, looking like ordinary hands.

   "The middle stage of Tongxuan!"

   Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly. Just now he probed the person's roots and feet with a gangster, only to find that the other party was unfathomable. It seemed to be a bit more powerful than the true monarch Sanhua he met on the top of Luoying Mountain that day.

   While he was spying on this person secretly, the big white bird carrying them had already landed on the ground, and with the soft sound of "Bang!", the big bird turned into a white feather in full view.

   The white feather floated gently in the air for a while, and then it flew towards the monk with a human head and bird body, and finally directly inserted into him.

   "It seems that this is the real examiner." Yu Feihong smiled.

   "Yes, the coercion of the Profound Ensemble Realm exuded by the former formation spirit probably originated from a feather on this person's body." Liang Yan nodded and said.

   Seeing the real examiner at this time, the two teams didn't dare to be big. After each saluted this person, they walked into the crowd of candidates and waited quietly.

   The monk with human head and bird body waited for half of the incense in the same place. Seeing Fujiki Lin was quiet, there was no more movement, obviously no one would appear again.

   "It seems that these are the candidates who got the exam qualifications this year..."

   The monk with human head and bird body muttered to himself, then turned his head and looked at everyone present.

   "Sixty-six people! Yes, this time, more than half of the candidates got the qualifications for the exam. It really is much more than in previous years..."

The monk with human head and bird body was expressionless, his eyes swept across the crowd one by one, and then slowly said: "I am the examiner of your first round of assessment, the'Lingjiu True Monarch' of Yunjin Palace in Wushuang City, this time the assessment The rule is..."

   Halfway through his words, he suddenly shut his mouth, then frowned slightly, then turned and looked in the direction of Fujiki Lin.

   I saw that the black fujiki there seemed to be mad, suddenly exuding an extremely ferocious and violent aura, and countless fujiki twists and lengthened, like the tentacles of evil spirits, dancing wildly in mid-air.

"what happened?"

   Many cultivators present had doubts in their hearts, but before they could take a closer look, they heard the sound of clambering swords in the forest, and then a sword spirit came out through the forest, unexpectedly cutting off all the black vine trees blocking the way!

The gloomy black vine forest was cut through a huge gap by this sword energy, and then a middle-aged monk with a thin face and a gray-white robe rushed out of it, leaping up and down several times on the sand, the next moment It was in front of everyone.

   "Situ is crazy!"

Many monks in the    field recognized this person's identity, even Liang Yan was no stranger to him. He had a relationship with this person when he was on Luoying Island that day.

  Lingjiu Zhenjun looked at him, frowned slightly, and suddenly asked, "Situ Kuangsheng, why are you alone and your two teammates?"

   "Returning to seniors, there has never been a teammate in the next, my teammate is the sword in hand!" Situ Kuangsheng said with his hands on his back.

   When he said this, the monks present were all in an uproar.

   You must know that the people who came here today are the top disciples of the various sects in the territory of Wushuang City.

   This Situ madman, although his appearance looks ugly, but what he said is extremely arrogant. He actually saw the many masters present as nothing, and had to pass the test with one person!

"Huh, Situ Kuangsheng, you didn't call that name for nothing." True Monarch Lingjiu snorted, still expressionless, and then asked: "Why are you here so late? Where's my guide feather," Why didn't you see me back?"

"You said the mount of the'Master Bird'?" Situ Kuangsheng recalled, and said lightly: "The old man was disrespectful to me. He had already been cut with a sword by me with a man and a bird. I didn't get any Guide so it took a little longer to find here."


   True Monarch Lingjiu's face changed slightly when he heard it, he picked the feathers from him, and there was one in every Taolin fantasy formation.

   These feathers are the spirits of the illusion. One is to inspect the candidates who come to participate in the assessment for him, and the other is to help the candidates who have passed the assessment lead the way and bring them to the real examination room.

   Now all the feathers have been recovered, only the one that Situ was born madly, was actually cut with a sword by him!

True Monarch Lingjiu's face changed uncertainly. After staring at Situ Kuangsheng for a long time, he nodded and said: "You kid is not ordinary, nothing else! I don't care about you for the time being, but if you dare to tell the examiner again Any disrespectful behavior, I will expel you from the examination room immediately!"

   "Understood." Situ Kuangsheng replied blankly.


  Lingjiu Zhenjun coldly snorted, then stopped looking at him, turned to the other examinees present and said: "There is only one rule for this assessment, and that is to follow me and arrive at the examination room for the second round of assessment!"


As soon as the real Lord Lingjiu said this, most of the monks present were at a loss. Many people even thought they had heard it wrong. They had previously imagined the possibilities of this first round of assessment, but they never thought that the assessment rules were actually like this. Simple, just "keep up with the examiner!"

   But True Monarch Lingjiu didn’t give them much time to think about it. At this moment, he turned around, his slender legs just took a step forward, and the person was already a hundred meters away...

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