The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1069: Keep up with the examiner!

After entering the Fanghu Fairy Valley, there is a strong air ban, and all the monks present are unable to fly in the air, and the true monarch of Lingjiu who presided over the first round of assessment does not seem to intend to use the technique of flying escape. .

  His pair of white wings are carried behind him like human hands. With a light span of his slender legs, he travels more than a hundred meters in the sand. The speed is beyond imagination.

   "What a fast speed!"

   Everyone at the scene also reacted at this time, knowing that it is not easy to keep up with the examiner.

   "Hey, if it is purer than this physical power, our Hao family is not afraid of anyone!"

   Among the three sons of the Hao family, Hao Lianyun's eyes flashed brightly, and then he exerted force on his feet and slammed on the sand. The person rushed forward like an arrow from the string.

   With this person at the beginning, the other monks were not to be outdone. At this time, they used various methods, some took out magic weapons to help them, some used weird techniques, and some just relied on their feet to chase on this vast sandy ground.

   "This first round of assessment is too weird, why is it like a physical test in a secular martial arts gym?" Ji Lai couldn't help but slapped his tongue as he watched the crowd leaving in a hurry.

   He was originally not good at physical strength, so when he saw this kind of assessment rules, he was naturally a little dissatisfied.

   "If I have this time to complain, I am afraid I will be completely left behind."

   Liang Yan reminded him briefly, and at the same time the exercises of the "Eight Parts of the Yuan Yuan" in his body started to run, the Buddhism spiritual power penetrated the whole body, and the next moment he took a big step and chased forward.

   "Brother Ji, Xiran is also a step ahead."

   Li Xiran glanced back at him, and started running the "Dragon and Tiger Fighting Heaven" in his body, closely following Liang Yan.

   "Eh! You two, don't know if you wait for me!"

   Ji Lai whispered in his mouth, as if reluctantly he took out two yellowed talismans from his sleeves and stuck them on his left and right legs respectively.

   The next moment, this elegant man who was originally in Yushu was in the wind, his legs ran like a whirlwind, and there was no more demeanor...

   In a blink of an eye, two hours have passed since the first round of assessment began.

   The gray-white sandy land is endless, and there are lifeless sands everywhere.

   In the vast and boundless sandy ground, a group of people are moving fast.

   The leader was the strangest, born with a human head and bird body, and his legs were strangely long. At this time, he ran in front of the crowd and opened a long distance from the rest of the monks.

The strangest thing is that his steps are obviously not fast, but as long as his legs take a step at will, the next moment he will be a hundred meters away. If someone looks down from a high altitude at this moment, he will find that this person is like a beating white spot. , Shimmering constantly in the vast sandy ground.

   Behind him, a total of seventy-seven monks of the Golden Core Realm followed closely. Except for a few of these people who were in the middle of the Golden Core, most of the remaining monks had reached the latter stage of the Golden Core.

   They each displayed their supernatural powers, trying to catch up with the weird person with the head and bird body in front of them, but they seemed to have more than enough energy and lack of energy.

   Now, in the eyes of the cultivators, the examiner's back is getting smaller and smaller, and in the vast sand, almost only a little afterimage can be seen.

   "What kind of monster is this person, how come the speed will not decrease but increase when he gets here?" Among the crowd, a female nun wearing a Confucian robe whispered.

   The woman's face was a little pale, and the big beads of sweat from the corner of her forehead looked like she was almost unable to hold her back.

   Actually, it's not just her, many monks here have already insisted to their limit at this moment.

   All the people present are all people who have cultivated into golden cores. It stands to reason that even if they run to the wasteland, they will not feel tired at all, but it is different here.

   In this sandy land, there is a kind of oppressive force from the avenue, and the more you go through the depths of the desert, the stronger this oppressive force.

   At the beginning, although everyone lags behind the real monarch Lingjiu, they run effortlessly, and no one feels that they will not be able to keep up.

   However, as the journey progressed, the road pressure in the desert became stronger and stronger. Almost all of these participating candidates used their demigods to resist this pressure. The speed slowed down unknowingly.

   At this moment, everyone seems to be carrying an invisible hill on their backs, and every step forward is like fighting against the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth!

   "I...I can't take it anymore..."

   Among the crowd, there was finally one candidate who couldn't hold on. The pace of rushing slowly slowed down, and he soon fell from the large group, and finally could only watch the crowd disappear from his sight.

   After having this first person to fall behind, soon there were monks falling from the crowd one after another.

   Some of these people are discouraged, some are downcast, and others are full of resentment, with obvious unwillingness.

   The monks who were able to sign up for the Wushuang City selection examination were top disciples of all sects. They had a lot of arrogance in their chests, but they were eliminated in the first round of tests. The uncomfortable and ashamed in my heart can be imagined.

   At this moment, Liang Yanzheng carried his hands on his back, took a big step, and calmly mixed in the running crowd.

  The other candidates in the competition, even the Hao family, who is known for their physical body, are panting and sweating, looking very embarrassed.

   But Liang Yan didn't feel the slightest.

   Although the great pressure in the desert is strong, he has cultivated the mental method of "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" for a long time, and his physical strength is far beyond the same level. Naturally, he will not feel uncomfortable.

   Especially at this moment, the Hunyuan Jindan in his body is still running silently, transforming all the other three spiritual powers in his body into Buddhism spiritual power, in order to resist the huge pressure in the desert.

   Although he didn't feel the slightest pressure, Liang Yan didn't want to be too prominent. At this time, he took the initiative to slow down and put himself at the end of the team.

   He raised his eyes and looked forward, and saw that among the more than seventy people still here, there were some monks who, like himself, were not affected by the pressure of this great road.

  Among these people, Cang Yueming, the "South Sea Swordsman", Yu Feihong, the "Golden Lantern Arhat", Situ Kuangsheng, and Huang Fuqi, a casual cultivator of unknown origin.

   "It seems that the candidates who came to participate in the assessment this time are indeed not simple..."

   Liang Yan was a little surprised, knowing that the coercion of the highways in the desert is not trivial, and I am not afraid because he has the Buddhist martial arts and the nine-turn Hunyuan Golden Pill.

   But these people were not affected either. It can only show that their true strength is even higher than the ordinary Golden Core peak. Even if these people can go beyond the ranks and the cultivators of the early stage of Tongxuan, he will not be surprised.

   Liang Yan looked at the backs of these people one by one from behind, then turned his head and looked at the other side of the team.

   I saw that although Li Xiran was sweating profusely, and her round cheeks were even pale, but her own breath was not messed up. Compared with other monks who lag behind, she was still much better.

   "The "Dragon and Tiger Fighting Heaven" is indeed a bit magical, this luck method alone is much better than others..."

   Liang Yan whispered in his heart, and then cast his gaze to the nearby Ji.

   There is nothing wrong with this person’s face, except that he sticks to Fulu’s legs, as if he is not his own, and is jumping very strangely at the moment...

   Such a funny scene, if it is put in normal times, I am afraid that it will cause onlookers to laugh, but at this time most monks are unable to protect themselves, and naturally they have no leisure to pay attention to others.

   Liang Yan had a panoramic view of the situation of the two of them. Knowing that they would not be left behind for the time being, he felt relieved, still maintaining an unpleasant speed, and following behind the large army.

   After another hour or so, the candidate who walked in the front finally saw the edge of the sand.

   Here, the pressure of the avenue that had previously suppressed everyone's heads finally dissipated. Many monks let out a sigh of relief in their hearts. Their skirts were already wet with sweat, as if they had just gone through a battle of life and death.

   After walking out of the desert, everyone found that there was a blue ocean ahead. At this time, the wind and waves were calm, and it looked very beautiful under the sunlight.

   True Monarch Lingjiu stood on the beach with his hands full and negative at this time. After hearing the footsteps of the crowd, he didn't look back, but with a single tap, the person had already set foot on the sea.

  He walked with his hand on top of the blue wave, as if walking on the ground, only a few breaths, he has drifted away, and finally turned into a small white spot in everyone's sight.

   "Catch up!"

   Among the crowd, some were impatient. Seeing that the examiner had already walked far away, for fear that he had come here and was left behind after all the hard work, he hurriedly followed onto the sea.

One of the fastest is a man wearing a blue gown. This man runs the exercises and steps on the blue waves. He also wants to learn the appearance of the real lord of the eagle and do a dashing long journey on the sea. guest.

   However, after he stepped on the surface of Shanghai, he hadn't walked far, and the calm sea suddenly became choppy!

   The wind is whistling, the waves are surging, and waves of waves rise from the surface of the sea, as if to drive out the uninvited guest.

   At the same time, the sea under the man's feet was also spinning rapidly, but within just a few breaths, a huge vortex with a radius of one hundred feet appeared.

   "Look, what is that?"

   Among the many monks watching by the shore, someone exclaimed.

   Liang Yan looked in the direction the person was pointing, and saw some huge black shadows vaguely visible in the whirlpool beneath the blue shirt man's feet.

   Although the divine consciousness is obscured, the terrifying aura of these shadows can still be sensed.

   "Under the sea, something seems to be feeding..." Someone uttered his guess.

   "Yes, these things are not simple, I don't know if Wei Gonghuai can hold it?"

   "It should be okay......Wei Gonghuai is the chief disciple of the Canglangmen. "The Royal Water Technique" has long been practiced and has become superb, and can't cope with the few waves in this area?"

   Several people on the shore have different opinions, but the sea is rough.

   Facing the high tides, Wei Gonghuai's face was solemn, and his two-handed techniques hurriedly pinched.

   I saw a blue water drop above his head, projecting a faint blue light downwards, protecting Wei Gong's whole body inside.


   He had just finished casting the spell, and there was a wave hitting his head, directly bombarding his body protection aura.

   Wei Gonghuai only felt that a powerful force came from all directions, constantly tearing himself, as if being held in the palm of his hand by an invisible giant, he didn't even have the strength to resist!

   Under the horror in his heart, he hurriedly urged the spiritual power in his body to the extreme, wanting to rush out of the waves.

   However, the power in that wave was too violent. It was only in the blink of an eye that the aura of Wei Gong's body guard was completely shattered, and then this power rushed to his body.

   Wei Gonghuai only felt that his throat was sweet, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole person fell into the whirlpool like a broken kite.


   As if feeling the smell of blood, the moment Wei Gong's arms fell to the sea whirlpool, the black shadow in the whirlpool suddenly stretched out dozens of huge tentacles, and soon wrapped around the wounded Wei Gong's arms.

   After these tentacles trapped the target, a foul-smelling black gas radiated from the top of the tentacles and gathered into a black cloud in mid-air, toward the hood of the opponent.

"not good!"

   Feeling the terrifying power in the black cloud, Wei Gonghuai's face changed drastically. Without any hesitation, he flipped the palm of his right hand and a square token appeared in the palm of his hand.

In the middle of the token, there are three big characters "Wei Gonghuai" written, and there is a number below the name, which is "Jiu Shi This thing is not unfamiliar to Liang Yan, he also has a piece of it. It is the candidate token who participated in the assessment this time.

   There was a hint of hesitation in Wei Gong's eyes, but when he saw the weird black cloud getting closer, he gritted his teeth and crushed the token.


  As the token shattered, a white light flew out from it, instantly wrapping Wei Gonghuai inside, and everyone on the shore felt a strong spatial fluctuation coming from the sea.

   The white light gradually dissipated in the next moment, and Wei Gonghuai's figure had disappeared without a trace.

   The black tentacles in the whirlpool danced wildly in mid-air like headless flies. After a while, as if they knew that the prey in their mouth had escaped, they could only retract back with bitterness and return to the water again.

   At this moment, everyone has only come to their senses. Many people have their eyelids twitched, and they obviously have lingering fears about the scene just now.

   Wei Gonghuai, the chief disciple of the Canglangmen, originally practiced the water system technique "Water Repellent Jue", but he couldn't stop such a seemingly ordinary wave!

   And the black shadow under the vortex contains a heart-palpiting power, which is definitely not something to deal with.

   Although Wei Gonghuai managed to escape in the end, everyone present knew that since he had broken the candidate token, it was tantamount to giving up the assessment this time.

   The monks who were chasing Wei Gong’s arms on the surface of the sea, all the corners of their mouths twitched at this moment.

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