The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1070: All show their magical powers

The surface of the sea, which was originally level as a mirror, had already set off a monstrous wave at this time. In the vast ocean, the waves were higher than the waves, as if thousands of horses were swept in, hitting the rocks, making the roar of the sky and the earth cracking.

   Facing such fierce power, most of the monks present frowned and stopped moving.

   Among the waves, there is clearly an extremely violent water attribute spiritual power, which is enough to disperse the aura of the golden core monk's body protection, and under the sea, there is still a terrifying shadow lurking, always watching the people who step on the surface of Shanghai.

   crossing the sea rashly will only be eliminated from this assessment. The Wei Gonghuai just now is a living example.

   But if you hesitate, the figure of the true monarch Lingjiu in the distance has become smaller and smaller, and it will disappear from everyone's sight.

   Just when everyone was silent, someone suddenly laughed, and then they saw a yellow light rushing to the surface of the sea, turning into a huge banana fan in everyone's surprised eyes.

   At the same time, a barefooted big man wearing a yellow robe and bare **** slowly appeared from the void on the surface of the sea, and finally landed on the banana fan.

This man has a shaggy beard and a rough appearance. Just standing on the surface of the sea, he turned around and punched the monk on the shore. He laughed and said: "A few fellow daoists are not leaving yet. Are you planning to continue hiding? In that case, That old way will go one step ahead!"

   As soon as his voice fell, he raised his hand to play a magic trick, and the banana fan grew more than doubled under his single step, riding the wind and waves in the blue waves of the ocean, and the speed was incredible.

   The waves on the sea seem to have also noticed this uninvited guest. At this time, they all turned around and called towards him.

   However, the yellow-clothed man didn't change his face. He shook the banana fan lightly under his foot, and immediately rolled out a violent wind, pushing all the oncoming turbulent tides into the air.

At the same time, the handle of the banana fan exploded with a strong wave, carrying the yellow-clothed man riding the wind and waves, and rushing through the range of the whirlpool in an instant. Even the black tentacles under the sea surface were too late to arrive. He crossed over.

   "What a Pang Zhaochun!"

   Someone on the bank praised: "As expected of the head of Wuwei Dao Sect! This vision is indeed harsh!"

"I see!"

   The many monks present were all masters in the Golden Core Realm. At this time, seeing the yellow-clothed man's method of crossing the sea, he instantly understood.

   The spirit beast hidden in the whirlpool is extremely powerful, but its speed is not fast.

   It wants to stop the monk crossing the sea, it must rely on the spiritual power in the sea tide to slow down the opponent's speed, or even make it fall into the whirlpool, and then stretch out its tentacles to catch it.

   As long as he can resist the tidal spiritual power in the sea and don't let his speed be slowed down by it, he can cross the sea whirlpool before the monster reacts.

"This Wuwei Taoist school is also orthodox Taoism, but the door is too focused on purity and inaction. Apart from the fact that it cannot deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors and harm the same family, there are almost no rules. Most of the disciples in the door do not wear Taoism and are casual. And Wei, there is no constitution at all." Ji Lai said by the side at this time.

   After listening to Liang Yan, he smiled slightly and said: "This sect is quite interesting, so if I worship the mountain gate, wouldn't I be able to steal the secret exercises in the sect at will?"

"I'm afraid that even their head doesn't know what the secret technique of his sect is..." Ji Lai shrugged and said, "And they are very fate, even if you are talented, people may not be willing. receive!"

   "Haha, interesting and interesting!"

   Just as the two were talking, another person appeared on the shore. Liang Yan was no stranger to this person, and it was Mo Haoran who met the "world in wine" at the top of Luoying Mountain that day.

   "The sea is boundless and has an end. It is a pity that the water here is not wine, otherwise you will be bored by Mo certain even if you have a hundred feet of wine!"

   Mo Haoran laughed and pinched the magic trick in his hand, and the seven or eight wine gourds on his waist shook at the same time, actually sucking in all the oncoming waves and tides!

At the same time, his figure was as fast as lightning, taking advantage of the wine gourd to inhale all the first wave of tides, and before the second wave of tides continued, he had already crossed the huge sea vortex, chasing the distant ones. The real spirit eagle left.


   Before the audience could clap their hands and applaud, a cold snort came from the crowd.

   Only one middle-aged monk with a thin face and a gray-white robe appeared more and more. He did not resort to any magic weapon, but walked on the sea with his feet.

Wang Yanghai seemed to feel the provocation. At this time, seven huge waves containing violent violence were chasing, but the middle-aged monk didn't even look at it, but with a slight shake of his backhand, there was a sword light from the oblique stab. Out of it.


   was just a sword, seven huge waves were broken by him at the same time, and in the surging ocean vortex, there appeared a broad road leading directly to the opposite side.

   The black shadow under the whirlpool seemed to be frightened by this sword aura. When this person traversed the whirlpool, he did not stretch out his tentacles for the first time, but instead allowed him to cross the sea unhurriedly.

   "Situ is crazy!"

   Someone on the shore exclaimed, and then sighed again: "I'm not so far away!"

   "Situ Kuangsheng... It seems that the Situ family is really an incredible figure this time!" A woman whispered.

   "This person was too low-key before. In the past, I only knew that he was great, but I didn't expect that he was already so great! I only hope that I will not meet him in the following assessment!"


   Many monks on the shore were shocked by Situ's crazy sword, but there were also more candidates who were ready to move.

   With these three people beginning, the rest of the monks did not hesitate.

   I saw a female cultivator jumping up in the air, but it was Tong Jiao, a direct cultivator of the Tong family. She threw the flower basket in her hand to the sea and immediately turned into a gorgeous boat.

   When the woman landed on the boat, colorful glow was shot out around the hull, shielding her whole person inside, then traversed the whirlpool, and went east.

   Mu Hanxue's expression moved slightly, she glanced at the black-clothed man beside her, and when she saw the man nodded slightly, she jumped onto the sea.

She urged her "Xuanbing Celestial Silkworm Art", the surrounding sea water was frozen by her profound arts, and then the wind was generated under her step, and she rushed towards the periphery of the whirlpool, just a few breaths slower than Tong Jiao. That's it.

   "Cang has also come to show his ugliness!"

   Nanhai Swordsman Lang laughed, jumped on the surface, and lightly danced with Mo Xuan sword in his hand. Immediately, countless sword qi pierced the tide, causing him to rush forward without hindrance.

"hold head high!"

   Another dragon chant came, and everyone looked at it at the same time, only to see a yellow dragon breaking through the tide, and a man in brocade robe stood on the back of the dragon, smiling at this moment, looking relaxed and comfortable.


   Liang Yan squinted his eyes on the shore, saying that this person is not only supernatural, but also outspoken and open-minded. He should be a very worthy friend.

   But for some reason, Liang Yan always feels that this person is a little weird, but where the weirdness is, I can't say it for a while.

   While he was observing secretly, someone next to him interrupted his thoughts.

I saw Yu Feihong, the "Golden Lantern Arhat", with his hands folded at the moment, and he said with a smile: "Are the few benefactors still not crossing the sea? You must know that the real spirit eagle is extremely fast. If he doesn't leave, he will probably be thrown away too far. NS."

   Liang Yan frowned slightly. He didn't understand how the monk came to talk to him several times. Even candidates who came in from the same Peach Forest Fantasy Array would not be so familiar, right? What's more, as long as they passed the first round of assessment, they should be opponents.

   "Master himself is not in a hurry, why come to persuade us?" Liang Yan said haha.

   "Hehe, what the benefactor said is extremely true, don't do to others what you don't want, if that's the case, then the little monk will show his ugliness!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and saw a dim butter lamp flying out of his cuffs, growing bigger and bigger in the air, and finally floating on the sea like a boat.

   Yu Feihong didn't say much, and when he jumped on the shore, he jumped into the oil lamp.

   He was sitting cross-legged above the oil lamp, no matter what the surrounding ebb and flow, he would not move, and as long as the tide hits the oil lamp, he would immediately be burned dry by the lamp, and it would not affect the monk at all.

   The monks on the shore were very excited, and more and more people flocked to the city. Everyone used their own methods.

   In a short period of time, some people managed to pass through the vortex, but some others fell into the sea, and finally had to crush the tokens, completely losing the qualification for this assessment.

   Liang Yan looked at the shore and found that there were no monks worthy of his attention, so he spoke:

   "Let's go too."

"Right on my mind!"

   Ji Lai smiled slightly, pinched a magic trick with one hand, and a colorful jade Ruyi appeared on top of his head.

   This jade is radiant and radiant. After flying above the sea, it turned into a huge ship with inlaid jade and carved beams and buildings, which looked extremely luxurious.

   "Brother Liang, I'm going first!"

  As soon as the voice of the plan fell, the man had already left the coast, and after a few leaps, he fell into the boat.

  Different from the embarrassment of other monks, he planned to have this magic weapon to cross the sea without any effort at all. He even sat on the boat drinking and sitting, looking very leisurely.

   "I'm leaving too!" Li Xiran knew Liang Yan was worried about herself, and immediately smiled, raising her hand to take out a jade statue from the storage ring.

   That jade looks like a white-clothed man, his face is gentle and modest, but his eyes are very sharp. He is holding a whisk in his hand and a sword behind him. He looks like a handsome Taoist ancestor with abundance.

When facing a red-faced ghost, Liang Yan once saw the other party resort to this statue. At that time, Li Xiran was only a cultivation base during the training period and could not activate the magic weapon at all, but just threw the statue on top of the opponent's head. , The red-faced ghost softened his knees and almost knelt down.

   Now that the statue reappeared, a cloud of white cloud was born out of thin air on the sea. When the surrounding tidal waves encountered this cloud of white clouds, they actually retreated to the sides, and it didn't seem to be obstructive at all.

   Li Xiran didn't say much, and jumped directly onto the cloud of white clouds, gliding quickly on the blue waves, a few minutes faster than the estimated boat.

   Seeing that his two companions had the means to cross the sea, Liang Yan was relieved.

   He groaned for a moment, then pinched the middle of his hand, and five dark gold rings flew out of his sleeves and circled around him.

   This set of magic weapons is exactly the "Five Cloud Lock Heart Ring" given by Fang Liren.

   After Liang Yan sacrificed his magic weapon, he did not hesitate, and followed him onto the sea.

   The surrounding tides instantly noticed his arrival, and waves came surging one after another, trying to knock him into the sea and fall into the endless vortex.

However, when these tides fell, the five golden rings around Liang Yan's body exploded with great power at the same time, and five golden lights rushed straight up, forming a huge canopy on top of his head, unexpectedly turning those surging tides All the spiritual energy resisted, and he couldn't get close anymore.

   Liang Yan glanced around and knew that there was no threat anymore, so he took a big step and crossed towards the other side of the whirlpool.

   At this time, there were many monks struggling to support themselves in the tides and waves. They saw the magic weapons of Liang Yan, Ji Lai and others, and their eyes were full of envy.

   These people are all monks in the late Jindan period, asking themselves whether their supernatural powers are not weaker than Liang Yan's three middle Jindan monks, but they suffer from not having a magic weapon for imperial water, which makes it difficult for them to move on the sea.

   Seeing Liang Yan and the others walked through the whirlpool easily, there was a little bit of jealousy in these people's hearts.

   "Hmph, I don't know where these casual cultivators got these powerful magic weapons. If the examiner from Wushuang City were not present, I would have to **** it!"

   This is the idea in the minds of some cultivators, but in this situation, it must be impossible to realize...

   Liang Yan also didn't want to bother about other people at this After he passed through the whirlpool, he released his divine consciousness, and wanted to search for the location of the real Lord Lingjiu.

   However, at this time, the sea fog is vast, and he can only vaguely feel the person's breath disappearing in the east direction, but it is difficult to determine how far he has traveled.


   Liang Yan, Ji Lai, and Li Xiran glanced at each other, and the three of them had common ideas. At this time, each of them mobilized their spiritual power to increase their speed to the extreme and chased them towards the east.

   However, they had just chased out less than thirty miles, and the sea that had calmed down suddenly set off a huge wave again.

   This time the tidal waves are more violent than any one seen on the coast before, even Liang Yan has a tingling feeling of heart palpitations.


   Liang Yan reminded his two companions loudly. Before he could speak again, the fierce tide came from mid-air and separated all the monks on the sea.

Liang Yan was shocked and hurriedly circulated the Hunyuan Indestructible Golden Core in his body to dissolve this huge force. Turning his head and looking at it, he found that all the monks who crossed the sea were involved in this tide. .

Across the thick water wall, Liang Yan also saw that Ji Lai seemed to be talking loudly to himself, but that voice was blocked by the tide. He could only see the other party’s open mouth, but could not hear any sound. .

   Suddenly, a spatial vortex appeared beside him, and before Liang Yan could react, he swallowed his whole person............

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