The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1071: Mystery man

In the verdant jungle, a beautiful waterfall fell from the cliff, and the pool water underneath splashed with waves of up to ten feet high, and then flowed far away along the winding river.

   On the edge of the river, a weird spirit beast with black hair and seven feet long was lying on the bank.

   This spirit beast has three rat heads, and six rat eyes are piercing. At this moment, he is staring at a white flower in the center of the river, looking very cautious.

   At this moment, there was a spatial fluctuation in mid-air, and the three weird mice looked surprised and hurried back several tens of feet away.

   Not long after he left the shore, a space crack appeared there, and then a gray-clothed man fell out of it.

   This person's face was calm, and there was no panic after landing. Instead, he first played a magic trick and sacrificed five dark golden rings from the storage ring.

   After having the magic weapon to protect the body, the expression of the man in gray still did not change, he just scanned the surrounding circle.

   Soon, his eyes fell on the three weird mice.


This gray-clothed man is naturally Liang Yan. He has a lot of doubts at this time, because not long ago, he clearly was still in the middle of the large army. Although it is far away from the real Lord Lingjiu, at least there is still A clear direction.

   But a huge tide came suddenly, and the terrifying power contained in it not only separated him from the other candidates, but also created a weird space crack that swallowed himself directly.

   With Liang Yan's current strength, even if he is caught in the cracks of space, he is enough to protect himself. Therefore, he didn't have any panic. Instead, the Hunyuan Immortal Gold Core that was running inside his body resolved the tearing force in the space fissures one by one, and finally survived this sudden spatial teleportation and came to this place in front of him.

   "Where is this............ Am I still in the examination room of Wushuang City?"

   Liang Yan frowned, secretly let go of the divine sense.

   After a while, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, and he hunched his back and took a step forward.

   Not long after he left, the calm river water behind him suddenly shot a red glow from below, and the speed was incredible, hitting where he just stood in an instant.


   With a loud bang, Liang Yan turned around in mid-air and looked back at the white flower in the river.

   The white flowers are now in full bloom, beautiful and inconvenient.

   However, Liang Yan didn't mean to appreciate it at all. Instead, he raised his hand and pointed, and a golden ring shot out immediately, hitting the white flower.

   The white flower seemed to feel the danger. It twisted and deformed on the river surface, and turned into a huge snake head, and then half of the snake body emerged from under the river surface.

   This white snake is very big, with a pair of wings behind it, there are complicated runes on the snake's body, and a faint blue light glows in the snake's pupils.

The three weird mice before, after seeing the white flowers turn into white snakes, panic and fear appeared in the eyes of the six mice at the same time. At this time, they did not dare to stay at all, and they rushed in with a "swish!" In the jungle, she ran out of sight.

   Liang Yan naturally wouldn't care about the three-headed rat, his eyes were now on the white snake, and he kept looking up and down.

   "Strange, judging from the blow just now, the white snake's magical powers are not so powerful, but why can't I see its depth?"

   Liang Yan was extremely puzzled. Since he completed "The Eight Branches of the Origin", he has rarely been concealed by the monks of the same level, let alone a spirit beast that has not practiced the exercises.

   "Does it have any strange natal powers?"

   Liang Yan thought of this, and was about to try his opponent, but the white snake stood upright from the surface of the river, and the two wings on the back came to the front, actually arching his hands at him like a human.


   Liang Yan gave a soft voice, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

   And after saluting, the white snake crawled out of the river again and crawled in the direction opposite to Liang Yan.

   Its crawling speed is not fast, and it stops from time to time, looking back at Liang Yan, as if waiting for him.

   "You want me to follow you?" Liang Yan asked with a weird face.

   After hearing this, the white snake nodded immediately.

   "Hmph, you fierce beast, you just attacked me behind your back, now where do you want me to go with you?"

   Liang Yan sneered. It was impossible for him to agree to the white snake. At this time, he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the five dark golden rings hummed beside him, preparing to kill the white snake.

   But the next moment, an incredible scene appeared for him.

   I saw that white snake suddenly spit out a cloud of red, gradually evolving in the air, and finally turned into a dense blood pattern like a spider web!

   Liang Yan couldn't be more familiar with this bloodline pattern, because he had one on his chest!

"who are you?"

   Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and his face was extremely gloomy.

   However, the white snake ignored him at all. At this time, the snake opened its mouth and sucked the red cloud into its abdomen. Then the snake's head swung its head and quickly crawled toward the depths of the dense forest.

   The speed this time was dozens of times faster than before. The tall trees along the way were all broken by the white snake, and a passage was forced to open up.

   Liang Yan at this time, a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

   He was sucked into this place by an inexplicable spatial vortex, and he encountered a white snake that sneaked on him, and he could not follow him anyway.

   However, the red cloud that the white snake had just spewed out was exactly the same as the mark left by the yellow-robed old monk on his body, so he couldn't help but care about it.

   To know this thing is the biggest hidden danger in his heart right now!

   After weighing it over and over again, Liang Yan suddenly gritted his teeth and chose to follow.

   "Huh, just see what tricks your beast has!"

   He made up his mind that if he really encountered any ambush, he would not hesitate to expose Kenmaru and kill the enemy.


   Just like that, one person, one snake, began to walk quickly through the jungle.

   It is still impossible to fly in the air here, and the white snake crawls at an extremely fast speed. Even if Liang Yan runs the Buddhism phase of "Eight Steps of the Origin", it is difficult to shorten the distance between the two.

   After running like this, a small lake appeared in the dense forest ahead.

   When it reached the shore, the white snake suddenly stopped, making a "hiss!" sound in its mouth, as if talking with someone.

   After a while, Liang Yan also arrived here, he involuntarily slowed down and raised his eyes to move forward.

   In the center of the lake, there is a small island with a size of hundreds of meters. On the island, a row of green willows is blowing in the wind, and there is a young man sitting under the shade of the trees.

   This person has a dignified body and a magnificent appearance, especially a pair of eyes, which are like nine-day cold stars, which is unforgettable.

   It is strange to say that his clothes are very simple, just like a student in a secular private school, but when he wears it, he actually shows a sense of grace and luxury.

   "Your Excellency is looking for me?"

   Liang Yan stopped by the bank and asked.

   "Not bad!" The young man nodded and said.

   "It's not difficult for your Excellency to see me, but why did you order this white snake to attack Liang?"

   As soon as Liang Yan said this, the young man frowned and looked at the white snake on the shore.


   The weird white snake, at this moment, bowed his head and uttered a letter, with a very soft voice, as if he had been wronged.

   Seeing the white snake like this, the young man couldn't help but shook his head, then raised his hand with a wave, and put the white snake in his sleeve.

   "Sorry, my Xiaobai is playful. She waited for you in the river for a long time, and finally saw you coming, so she couldn't help but say hello."


   Liang Yan raised his brows and sneered: "The way your spirit beast'greets' is really different!"

"This matter is indeed my negligence. I will accompany her next to me." The young man smiled lightly, and then said: "You can take a long trip to the island and have a cup of tea and let me do it all. Do the friendship of the landlord?"

   "Drinking tea?" Liang Yan looked around the lake in secret, and then said: "No need, your Excellency took pains to lead me here, just tell me if you have anything to say?"

   "You are quite wary." The young man shook his head and said with a smile: "The reason why I found you here is to save your life!"

"help me?"

   Liang Yan frowned slightly. The reason why he came here with the white snake was because of the mark on his body. Now that the other party said this, does he really know what?

   "If you put your hand on the Tanzhong point and press it, will there be a tingling pain?" the young man said lightly.


   After listening to Liang Yan, he groaned for a while, and finally according to the young man's words, he stretched out his hand and clicked on the place of Tanzhong acupoint.


   A needle-like pain appeared deep in his soul.

   "It's really there!"

Liang Yan was astonished to the extreme. Knowing that he has now cultivated Hunyuan Immortal, even the magic weapons and supernatural powers of the cultivators in the early stage of the Tongxuan realm may not be able to hurt his body, but in the position that the young man said, only With just one tap, there is such a big reaction!

   "How do you know?" Liang Yan asked subconsciously.

   However, the young man laughed without answering, and then he said: "Did you find that the area covered by blood lines on your chest has shrunk a little in the past few months?"

   Liang Yan was shocked to hear this, because this person said everything, in the past two months, the blood pattern on his chest has indeed shrunk a bit.

   "Who are you on earth, why do you know my secret?" Liang Yan asked warily.

   After listening, the young man chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you will die soon!"

   "What does this mean?"

   "Can I go to the island now?" The young man stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture.

   Liang Yan stood there thinking for a moment, then nodded, and lightly tapped on one foot, like a wild goose volleying, gently landing on the small island in the lake.

There is a stone table in the middle of    Island, and two cups of spiritual tea are placed on the table. At this time, it is exuding a strong fragrance, but Liang Yan is not in any mood.

   He arched his hands at the young man and said, "I was in a hurry just now. Haven't I asked your surname?"

   "Me? You call me Noki White." The young man shrugged.

   "Nogi White?"

Liang Yan frowned. It was the first time he heard someone whose surname was "Ye", but he didn't get too entangled in this matter. Instead, he asked: "Your Excellency just said that my life will not be long. Speaking?"

"Does this still need to be said? What you have in your body is the Demon Sect's'Withered Bone Shuluo Seal'! At the beginning, you won't feel anything, but as time goes by, this Dharma Seal will gradually blend into your blood and soul. Every six months is a cycle, and this seal will gradually shrink. When it disappears completely, it is when you are completely controlled by this magic seal!"

   "'Dried Bone Shuluo Seal"?" Liang Yan's face was gloomy, and he tried to recall his past experience, but he had never heard of such a seal.

   But this is also normal. The Human Continent is boundless, and a hundred schools of thought contend, and there are more than thousands of exercises?

He hasn’t been in Xianzhou, Antarctica for a long time. He doesn’t know much about some famous exercises as well as Li Xiran, but he can’t behave as ignorant at this time, so he has to act suspiciously. Said:

   "Your Excellency said that I was the'Withered Bone Shuluo Seal', but what evidence is there?"

"Evidence? Evidence is the seal on your chest. It shrinks every six months. It will also be accompanied by changes in your body. For example, this is the first time your Tanzhong acupoint has orifice failure, followed by Qi Hai, Tiantu, Shenque, Juque, Guanyuan, Dovetail, Qugu, Baihui, after nine times, the seal will be fully integrated into your body, and then you will completely lose yourself and become a practitioner. A puppet!"

   Ye Mubai said these words but Liang Yan heard it in a cold sweat.

  Because what the other party said doesn't sound like falsehood, and the person knows his situation well, now he does have symptoms of orifice failure at Tanzhong point.

   Although this kind of orifice decay is not very serious, it is tantamount to the appearance of a shadow on his Hunyuan Immortal Body. When the masters compete, the victory or defeat is often on the front line. If this door is known by an opponent of the same strength, it is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous thing.

Ye Mubai looked at him, and then he laughed again: "If you still don't believe it, you can wait another half a year to see if the Qihai Point will have a decline next time? It's just that the longer the time delays, the more it will be to you. Disadvantage, after all, there is not much time left for you to save yourself."

   Liang Yan heard this, the expression on his face changed uncertainly, and finally took a deep breath and slowly said:

   "What do you want from me?"

   He didn't want to know that the other party had said so much to himself, and he would definitely not send any kind of "kindness", he would definitely get back something equivalent from him, or use him to achieve what purpose.

   This is not the first time Liang Yan has encountered this kind of thing, so he went straight to the subject as soon as he opened his mouth.

   "Hey, you're a sensible person, if that's the case, then I'll just say it straight."

Ye Mubai smiled lightly and said: "First you have to pass this assessment, and then visit the Bihai Palace in Wushuang City. As for the tasks that follow, I will tell you at the right time, and you must strictly implement them, and you must never let Wushuang The people in the city know!"

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